Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 759: Acting according to circumstances and gaining knowledge through investigation

Do you choose people's positions based on their hearts?

Upon hearing these eight characters, the Confucian scholars were stunned for a moment, and their doubts did not disappear. However, they still understood the meaning of this sentence.

This statement actually means good governance, conforming to people's hearts, and selecting the right people for the corresponding official positions.

"But what does this have to do with dividing and conquering the Central Plains and grasslands?"

Most people still couldn't figure it out and were waiting for Qiu Yan's next words.

Qiu Yan did not let them wait for long, and said: "The grassland is different from the Central Plains. Even if they are under the same command, there will be friction. Therefore, it is inevitable to comply with people's hearts. Therefore, we must divide and rule, which means that the wrong people will not be allowed to occupy positions and make choices. Between them and the atmosphere, who is chosen and who is discarded is not related to a position, but to the atmosphere of the entire range.”

Zhang Shunze said: "Sir, are you saying that if the Central Plains and grasslands are mixed together without being separated from each other, it will disrupt the atmosphere of the entire team?"

"This is just one of them. You must know that when the atmosphere is chaotic, it will often collapse without a fight, and it is more likely to cause internal strife and chaos. It is undoubtedly unwise." Qiu Yan looked back at him.

"So, is the unification and determination that the sages sought wrong?" At this time, Zhang Shun's brows frowned more and more tightly, and his thoughts on the top of his head were a little bent, which was a sign that his thoughts were slightly confused.

"Of course it's not wrong. Those principles are also valuable experiences summed up by sages after experiencing the strife among nations. However, these words are about the benefits of a unified person so that future generations can take this as their goal. It is not the time. We must use a unified approach to deal with problems at all times." Faced with the rhetorical question, Qiu Yan said calmly, "The ultimate goal is to achieve 'unity', but the results cannot be used to deal with the process."

Having said this, he smiled slightly, pointed at everyone present and asked: "Everyone knows that the great Confucians have profound knowledge, and they all strive to become great Confucians, but if there are people who are not knowledgeable enough, you should treat yourself as a great Confucian and teach others with the attitude of a great Confucian." Do you think it’s normal?”

"Of course it's wrong. If you are not a great Confucian, but you treat others with the attitude of a great Confucian, no one will be convinced at all." Even Hua She understood this truth at a glance.

Qiu Yan nodded and said: "The goal is good, but how can it be achieved overnight? It must be practiced step by step. This is an accumulation process. It is impossible to skip the process and get the results directly. You have seen the scenery and majesty of the great scholar. , you should not blame yourself for not being able to act like a great scholar, but should set goals and work towards them bit by bit.”

So much for that. All kinds of memories flashed through Qiu Yan's heart, slowly gathering into the fire in his heart, and glowing brightly. These memories include the memories of believers and people possessed by inner demons, as well as the experiences of this life, as well as the memories of past lives.

Many truths are never easy.

"So. The ultimate goal of divide and conquer is to unify Hunyuan. This process is actually enlightenment." Qiu Yan brought the topic back to the grassland. "Education is not indoctrination. You cannot instill what you think is right into everyone." Instead, we should take advantage of the situation and let them slowly understand it in their ordinary lives, and it is best to understand it on their own.”

After saying this, his heart suddenly moved, and he felt an invisible force coming from all directions!

"So that's it. Water control means cutting off deep rivers without dikes blocking them. So that's the truth. Water control is like educating people. The fundamental method is to dig out the blocked river channels and dig deep into the river bed, rather than building embankments and blocking the flow..."

On the other side, among the crowd, a Confucian scholar suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment. It was obvious that he had figured out the problem that had been bothering him for a long time, and the Wensi Qi column above his head suddenly increased sharply.

Onlookers looked at her with envy, and some of them seemed to be dancing, but they quickly restrained themselves and became more respectful.

On the steps, Qiu Yan ignored the invisible pressure on him and continued: "Let the people on the grassland realize the benefits of order and then guide them. It will naturally happen naturally. However, this process cannot be rushed or short. It cannot be rushed." In order to be self-defeating and short-term, there are hidden dangers. Qiu dare not say that he has achieved it in just two months. At most, he has planted a seed that will be watered in the future. "

"I have seen these sentences mentioned by Mr. in books before, but they have never been so transparent. Articles in books can only be understood by looking at the words, which will inevitably appear a bit rigid." Hu Ye said in a timely manner. Flattery out loud.

Qiu Yan glanced at him and said: "Reading books to learn can lead to knowledge. If you practice it, you can understand the way. If you know but don't do it, it is still unknown. Sacred learning is just a skill. Knowing and doing cannot be divided into two things. See before you do. The right way, through practice and summarizing the principles, can also lead to knowledge. "

Speaking of this, he pointed at Zhang Shun and said: "Just like Zhang Shun, I told you to think for yourself in the morning, not because I am afraid that you will ask questions. Even if you come up with something, you can still ask and do it. Besides, , How could I have said this without Zhang Shun asking? How could you know?"

Such words immediately enlightened many people and gave them a new understanding of the "knowledge and action" advocated by Qiu Yan.

This lecture was a unique one. Qiu Yan first talked about his own knowledge, extended the meaning of the scriptures, and then answered other people's questions and cited scriptures. It was like chatting with others, analyzing an incident, summarizing some truth, directly taking it to the present, and applying it to the Confucian scholars present. Everything he did was so perfect that even Hua She felt enlightened and excited.

"So it's like this, knowledge and practice, it turns out this is the truth!" He recorded all the insights he had gained with excitement on his face, for fear of forgetting when he went back, but then he heard Qiu Yan say again -

"I have said so much. I think many people are still wondering about one thing, which is how to get the truth and rules from the trivial things in daily life."

As soon as he said this, Hua She's hand that was holding the pen suddenly froze. This was exactly the problem that was troubling him. He had been thinking about it all noon, but to no avail. How could he not care about it? He immediately pricked up his ears and waited. below.

"Actually, the key lies in the heart and eyes. Think with your heart and see with your eyes. Zhang Shun also asked, if he didn't think through his heart, how could he have doubts? Qiu looked with his eyes on the grassland. Only then can we sum up something. On the contrary, just the matter he asked contains practical principles, and there are also many principles in my division of the Central Plains and Grassland factions on the grassland..."

"Heart and eyes?" Hua She looked at the brush in his hand with a thoughtful expression.

"As long as you always look with your eyes, think with your heart, and practice it, there will be questions everywhere. The more questions you ask, the more subtle it will be. As the ancient sages said..."

"Study things to gain knowledge!"


"Studying things to gain knowledge..."

On the way back, Hua She was still thinking about this word again and again.

Any Confucian scholar with some knowledge will not be unfamiliar with this word, because many schools of thought have mentioned it, and it comes from the "Great Learning", but each has its own annotation. Today, the theory of "Liang Chen" is the most popular, which can be called "Practice the matter thoroughly".

In this regard, what Qiu Yan said today is very close to the Liang-Chen theory.

Therefore, when Qiu Yan uttered this word, the Confucian scholars in the courtyard at that time all thought of the teachings of Liang Chen, but they soon discovered a little difference and concentrated on memorizing it.

"No wonder it is said that Qiu Xiu compiled the masterpieces of Liang Chen and Ma Xiang. Listening to his lectures, you can pick up the deeds of ancient people at your fingertips. In just a few words, you can get to the core. This must be the foundation of the historian. And this statement of studying things to gain knowledge, see It seems to be based on the teachings of Mr. Chen and Xiao, but it is different from what I have seen before..."

Recalling the scene during the lecture, Hua She thought silently.

He worked as a boy in the Meng Mansion during the day, and went to help in the Meng family's engraving library at night. In addition to wanting to make money to supplement the family's income, he also wanted to take advantage of the favorable location to have access to more books and read more books.

For engraving and engraving, you must first have someone to copy. Hua She is good at handwriting. In addition to being a helper, he sometimes also helps with copying. Naturally, he has seen many books and articles every time he comes here. The two Chen's theoretical articles are also I was exposed to it at that time, so I could only express my feelings after listening to Qiu Yan’s story.

However, after the lecture came to an end, he could not ask Qiu Yan questions like other Confucian scholars. Instead, he simply ate a little and hurried back to the engraving library.

During the day, with the help of Meng Wei and others, he could take leave, but the work in the library at that moment was something he had to ask for with great difficulty and could not be missed easily.

After returning to the workshop, Hua She immediately became busy and did not dare to slack off.

When the moon was in the sky, he finally had some time to breathe. His face was full of fatigue, but he refused to go back. Instead, he greedily looked at the many books in the room, counting them one by one, thinking about Qiu Yan. things said.

"The truth can be seen in the subtleties. There are articles everywhere in the world. I study things to gain knowledge and understand the truth. I wonder what kind of truth is hidden in the things and things around me?"

As he talked, he walked around the room, his nose filled with the fragrance of ink, but he was still thinking, trying to find some truth around him to confirm what he had learned today.

At the end of today's lecture, Qiu Yan suggested that the Confucian scholars attending the meeting should try to find some clues from the little things around them and give it a try.

Now, Hua She has already regarded what Qiu Yan said as a guideline, so how could he not try it?

However, he looked up and down like this, but he was confused. Finally, he thought of Qiu Yan's words, "You might as well start with the most familiar things." He had an idea in his mind, so he turned around and walked through the library and returned to the printing press. I walked around the lobby, sometimes picking up the paper, sometimes smelling the ink, but still couldn't find a clue.

"Alas! My qualifications are too poor and my brain is too stupid. Even if I get the secret, I still can't start." But he regarded what Qiu Yan said as some kind of secret and felt that it was difficult for him to understand.

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became. Hua She walked to the table with his head lowered. His eyes dropped and fell on a few printing plates on the table. He was in a daze, and suddenly his heart moved.

PS: Thanks for the reward from "Playing with Drop-Down"!

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