Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 65: Gathering of the strong

Geng Jin Jianqi, extremely sharp, roared above Jiu Xiao, and came and went, killing coldly.

A figure came slowly under the envelop of sword. His first-born golden unicorn was sturdy in shape. His eyes were full of indifference. Vaguely two sharp sword ghosts appeared on his pupils. Will shoot and take lives.

Wherever it goes, the space tremor fluctuates, and a faint trace of black cracks can be seen.

Just by exploding in your own mind, you can have this power, which shows how powerful this golden unicorn monk is.

The comer is the golden horn of the unicorn. The man came from the void and suddenly frowned at this moment, slowly raising, just to see the sky in the distance, a cloud of shadows emerged above the void. This imaginary image is composed of numerous tumbling smoke clouds. The invisible and traceless shape is more indefinite, but when the eyes fall, they can be transformed into different images according to the different moods of each person.

Thousands of people view it, there are thousands of changes, and ten thousand people view it, there are 10,000 kinds of mysteries.

His complexion is pale, his body is thin, he is wearing a light black robe, his eyes are dazzling, and his eyes are falling. The whole mind seems to be forcibly sucked into it.

Such a mysterious and persuasive Yuanshen fantasy realm comes from the magical hands of the Nightmare tribe.

The man appeared, his eyes fell on the golden horn, but he frowned slightly without saying a word, stopped and stood on top of the void.

The sky was suddenly dark, and a strong wind came from Jiuxiao, cold and cold, such as piercing the steel needles of bones, such as cutting long flesh swords, containing powerful power, if there is a person who is trained as a weak person to enter, fear of breathing Between them will be strangled clean, and the gods are destroyed.

It was in this howling gale that a monk stepped forward, and the figure knew that the gale retreated, respectfully like a servant.

The power of manipulating the heavens is for our own use, and the coming person is the Wuling of the Tianling tribe.

There was a loud noise coming from the ground. At first, it shuddered, and then it trembled. Eventually, it was ups and downs like a wave of water. Between layers of rolling, cracks appeared on the ground, like a wound.

From each of these ground fissures, the strength of the earth's power that bursts to the extreme bursts out. It is thick and thick, and when it gathers, it turns into a wave. When it trembles, there is a force that destroys the heavens and the earth. Out.

It seems that Jiuxiao Shenshan fell like a violent collapse of Wanzhang Xiongfeng, which was mixed with monstrous power, which was enough to easily crush anything in front of it into lotus powder.


Accompanied by a loud, loud noise, a high earth and stone pillar rose from the ground. On this stone pillar, a thin earthy monk standing with pale skin and wrinkled skin was standing on it, wearing earthy robes, a pair There was a bitterness and viciousness in his narrow eyes.

The top singles such as the Golden Horn of the Unicorns, the magic charm of the Nightmare, and the spiritual monks of the Earthlings appeared, as if the chain reaction had been turned on. In a short time, 45 strong ethnic groups arrived, compared to the original Cangyue's voice is still much louder. For example, the giant with a height of one hundred feet, rough and dry skin outside, a few giant bark earth giants, or the extremely fast, but less than three feet in height, such as the spirit world Ethnic monks appeared all the time.


The mighty and magical spirit rises up, and the arrogant and mighty momentum comes forward, and it is like an invisible male peak that is generally dropped. It can not help but feel a dull chest and then look white. The thick and dark magic energy burst from its body, rolling and rolling endlessly, sticking like ink, turning into an endless magic cloud.

It is in this demon cloud that more than a dozen burly monk figures appear. For that, it is the ancient demon shooting alone!

In the battle of Cang Yuezhang, the ancient demon was defeated by the human monk Xiao Chen and became famous, but his true cultivation is after all a human being who is comparable to heaven and human beings. No matter how he thinks, at least there is no one on the surface. Dare to show slight contempt.

However, when the magic cloud was prominent, a dark green demon brilliance came from the sky in the distance. It was a mighty river, like a rushing river. It seemed to be rushing from the mountains to the sea. It seemed to obliterate all obstacles in the road ahead.

The figure of more than a dozen big demon loomed in the dark green demon power. He was wearing a green robe, pale and handsome, his eyes were flickering from time to time with a slight smile on the corners of his mouth.

Weird and handsome, a little cold.

This person is naturally the demon ancestor Ivy.

The ancient magic lone shooting, the demon race ivy, regardless of their origin and strength, are the peaks in the trial of the ethnic group. The emergence of the two immediately attracted the attention of countless monks, and their own sense of awe pervaded them.

The strong aliens gathered to deal with the black robes of the human race. The news spread into stormy waves and shocked the entire ethnic group to try countless monks.

A large number of strong alien races have come together, and the monks are not unwilling to fall behind, let alone the black robes are the only pillar of the entire human race at present, and of course they have attracted their attention.

Now that the strongest aliens have shot, I wonder if the black robes can take it?

The human monk came in silence. Although it was rumored that the black robes were unmatched in combat effectiveness, they were not sure about whether he could deal with the strangulation of the strong by all parties. Once defeated, I am afraid that the momentum of the entire human race has just been slightly improved will be destroyed again.

In the sights of countless alien monks in the surrounding area, millions of monks marched in silence.

call out!

In the sound of breaking air, there was a mighty righteous explosion.

Jun Wubui was wearing a white robe and holding a folding fan. His face was calm and calm, but the gentle smile at the corner of his mouth was not much different from before, but his breath was thicker and more obscure than before. .

Obviously, that day's defeat, instead of becoming a hindrance in his heart, he turned into a force of help, allowing him to make another breakthrough.

He stepped in the void, followed by Su Su, Enron, Qi Yun, and Jade.

Countless sights gathered, and the monks of the tribe were slightly more complicated. As for the aliens, they were ridiculous.

Jun has no blame, his eyes are as quiet as water, and he doesn't show the slightest difference because of the surrounding sight. He stands on the human race like this, carrying his hands and letting the wind blow to make his clothes hunt.

At the time of his defeat, he had already made great progress in his state of mind, and he would not reveal his emotions.

"Today's interracial monks hang and hang with you, but it is the best opportunity for me to rise again!"

"As long as I can turn the tide and defeat all the alien powerhouses today, the impact of the previous defeat will be reduced to the lowest level."

"So he must be defeated, he must be!"

Jun Wuru snarled in his heart, and his thoughts were extremely simple. As long as the black robe guest was defeated by a strong alien today, he could take the opportunity to regain his reputation by damaging himself.

Xiu was a breakthrough, and he stepped into the realm of humanity in half a step. Jun Wubu had enough confidence in his heart. Even if he faced the ancient demons, he had more than 50% confidence to defeat them.

So today he arrived, patiently waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the black robes to lose, it was a time of his blockbuster!

"Ha ha ha ha! Jun Wu blame you really did show up, not seen for a few months, your cultivation seems to have a breakthrough, if there is a chance in the future, this demon will definitely have to fight you again." Gu She laughed, the sound billowed, and stirred up the magic cloud.

Jun glanced blamelessly and said lightly: "Lone shooters rest assured that the previous defeat was remembered in the next moment, and they will naturally find an opportunity to recover it."

"I don't think it will be too long."

Yu Feng was cold, but there was a hint of confidence in it.

Gu She heard the words with a chilly smile, and said coldly, "The demon is waiting for you." Yan Ba ​​did not do much entanglement on this matter, turned around, his eyes flickered, and he said lightly: "Today we are here in this so-called I do n’t need to say anything about it, everyone in Taoism knows everything. ”

"Human black robes spread the word to the world, and they are competing against the peak monks of all races, but they are very powerful and overbearing. Now I can be considered as an appointment, and I have done a match with him to see what means he has, dare to boast Such is Haikou. "

The demon Ivy nodded, the green flickering in his eyes, and a weird smile on his handsome face. "This demon's heart is also very curious. What magical power is this black robe guest?"

"The demon Yao still sent a powerful Yuan Shen as a demon spirit. I don't know if this person can help the demon to solve this problem."

He chuckled softly, but the content was cold and cold.

"Countless people killed my tribe, this tribe black robe guest must die today!" The unicorn golden horn Lengheng began to speak with anger.

Tian Jun clan Wu Jun's eyes flashed fiercely, and Shen said, "You must be prepared to eat the bitter fruits of the war. Even if this person seeks his own way of death, I don't have to be kind-hearted and let him cook it."

The ancient demon shot with his palm and smiled, "The black robes of the human race have been killing continuously for many days. I am afraid that many monks in your and my group have died in their hands. I am afraid that all Taoists want to get rid of it quickly."

"Ben Mo has a proposal, and now among the twelve men in Langcang, there are 12 male peaks standing in the sky. I will wait here and wait for the black robe guest to come here."

"This person threatened to spread the world, but Ben Mo had to see if he had any means to pass through it!"

Ivy ’s eyes were slightly bright, and he said, “The lone shot Taoist friend proposed very well. The tribe ’s black robes were invited to fight the world. It ’s not good for me to kill them, or else they will be defeated even if they win. People laugh. "

"If not, just take these 12 male peaks as the starting point. I'll wait for exactly 48 people, 4 people on each peak to guard, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and see what step this tribe black robe can take!"

"If his real power is overwhelming, and he has the confidence to win the world, naturally there will be no timidity, otherwise, he will be killed today!"

"It is important to know that it takes a price to collect the lives of my monks."

The 48 strongest ethnic groups viewed each other and nodded slightly to agree.

The grouping was soon completed. The 48 alien peak monks were naturally clear about their own strengths. Those with similar strengths were grouped together, with the strong ones coming behind and the weak ones coming first.

The ancient demon shot alone, the demon clan rattan, the shadow killing clan honed, and the earth giant clan sat on the 12th peak of the town. The first three do not need to say much, the identity background has already been explained clearly, this earth giant tribe is one of the powerful ethnic groups in the spiritual world. The monks in the tribe are born with strong physical body and excellent training qualifications. Even ordinary earth giant monks naturally grow up. When he was an adult, he possessed a combat power that was not weaker than that of a monk who was fit.

Such a strong ethnic talent has determined the difficulty of the earth giant's family to reproduce. The size of the ethnic group is extremely small. Even after tens of thousands of years of accumulation, the number of monks in the entire ethnic group has been suppressed to less than 100 million.

The number seems to be quite a lot, but compared with other ethnic groups in the spirit world, the gap cannot be calculated. Take the human race as a comparison. The population base is more than one hundred million times that of the Earth Giant. Even if the natural qualifications are low, the number of strong people born is far more than the Earth Giant. Therefore, the human race can become a behemoth of the majestic spirit world, with an immeasurably vast territory, and vast and boundless, but the earth giant can only have extremely limited areas, and even have to surrender to many powerful ethnic groups to ensure their own living space. But even so, the giant earth tribe is very powerful, and the masters come out in great numbers. This cry is the best among them. The height is 15o. In every move, there is a huge force to breed it. Raising your hands and feet can break the earth and destroy the sky. . This person's cultivation is also at the peak level in the late period of the robbery, but with the strong physical body and extreme ethnic mysterious magic skills, the peak combat power that can be burst out is comparable to the realm of heaven and human beings. 12 peaks.

"Let's go, I'm willing to kill the ethnic black robes with my own hands, but I didn't expect to be placed on the 12th peak. I'm afraid I have no chance to shoot again."

Crying and shaking his head, although it is a normal opening, but the sound burst out, still rumbling and deep like a thunderous thunder, exuding a strong breath of oppression.

The grinded face was expressionless. He was here for fun, but he didn't take it seriously when he was able to make a shot. Anyway, the black robe guest had the courage to dare not provoke him.

As for the Gu Mo Gu She, the demon clan Ivy, the two looked at each other, but flashed a little different colors together. If you have no confidence, the confidence of the black robes of the human race is so arrogant and overbearing. Anyone who threatens to admit it can challenge it.

Although it is very likely that there is no chance of taking the shot, there is no loss. Their original intention was to kill the black robes. It didn't matter how they died and who died in their hands. But in case this person really has great magical powers and arrogant strength, they can be a bit more prepared to sit on the 12th peak of the town, and they will not be too busy to deal with it.

All in all, they are quite satisfied with the current distribution.

call out!

call out!

The sound of breaking air screamed, and the 48 alien peak strongmen each performed their teleportation supernatural powers and went straight to their respective selected Xiongfeng.

Twelve miles of Langcang, hundreds of thousands of miles, the nearest hills are more than 30,000 miles away from each other. The mountains are steep and the dense forests are everywhere, all of which are rare and inaccessible places. I do n’t know how many powerful wild animals live here For the sake of prestige, want to come to the monks forbidden zone. But today, these mountain kings have all been seeded.

Forty-eight strong people at the peak of the ethnic group, the weakest were also close to the level of heaven and humanity. They broke in violently and were suddenly attacked by powerful brute beasts. Although these wild beasts are powerful, the enemies they face at this moment are comparable to the realm of heaven and human beings. They often growl and will be killed directly.

For a while, the roar of the beast roared tens of thousands of miles.

Moreover, the monks of all ethnic groups came from all over the world, and they traveled like locusts, and any powerful beasts of natural treasures would be directly cleaned.

The chaos continued for almost half a day before reluctantly regaining its calmness. There were no other beasts in Langcang's twelve magpies. There was a strong ethnic group peak sitting at the foot of the mountain peak, half of the mountainside, mountainside and peak. Sen Han, cold and cold kill.

Countless monks are scattered among the mountains and forests, and from time to time, that monk and other people who are familiar with each other are talking and talking.

The black robes of the human race massacred monks from all ethnic groups, and now they have attracted anger to kill them here. Forty-eight monks at the top of the community are here, even if he has a mighty power, he will eventually escape.

With such a huge injury here, this black robe guest must be able to get the news. Now, do you dare to come?

Come, ten dead have no life.

Flee, fame.

This choice is undoubtedly extremely difficult.

"Everyone can see the situation clearly. Many alien powerhouses have joined forces to keep the human race black robes here. Even if he really cultivates to be tyrannical, is it possible that he could not even kill 48 people. Once defeated, they will There is only a dead end. "

"The words of Dao You are very reasonable. Now that the news of Langcang's twelve concubines has spread, the black robe customer must have heard about it, and maybe it is now possible to escape in secret.

"Hey, if that's the case, it will inevitably make the entire human face shameless. Even if the black robes do not die, they will never want to get the attention of the ethnic group in the future."

"Patience. It won't be long before things come to an end."

With the passage of time, the noises and noises grew louder and louder. Most of the alien monks believed that the black robes were afraid to come, but now they have turned away and ran away. Turning their thoughts, they looked a little bit more ridiculous towards the people.

Faced with the unabashed sight of many alien powerhouses, the monks of all races were gloomy, but their eyes were full of bitterness.

Jun Wugui was expressionless, but his heart rejoiced.

If the black robes do not dare to show up, the Terran monk will inevitably fall into a trough and have a low mood. If he can stand up at a critical moment and defend the Terran prestige, he will certainly regain his prestige and restore the negative effects of the previous defeat.

"It's really a godsend, black robes. The situation you painstakingly created is for me. In this case, you're welcome."

With no blame on his mind, Jun flickered a little outside his body, stepped forward, and the figure instantly appeared above the void, attracting countless monks in surprise.

Rediscovered the feeling of being noticed and made him feel very good. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "My monk is by no means a cowardly person. The black robes are afraid to come to fight. I will break through! "

The words fell, and the majestic power burst out from its body instantly, and the mighty righteousness rose into the sky. The whole world's spiritual power swelled endlessly and turned into a tide of energy. He came to this place in Najun. Blameless tossing outside the body.

33 million Zhang Confucianism and Taoism!

With a crown on his head, wearing a green Confucian shirt, holding an ancient bamboo roll, the long and narrow eyes flashed warmly, and the opening and closing were shining.

This body of war is not relying on the mighty power of 36 manuscripts, but is condensed by its own supernatural power. The power is completely under its control. Compared with the previous body, mighty power is still more powerful.

However, it can be seen from this point that after the defeat of the First World War that day, this person must have the opportunity to make a great progress, otherwise he will definitely not have the current power.

The mighty breath broke out of the body and filled the whole space. The strength of the power made countless alien monks pale, and then they pressed down a little bit of contempt in their hearts. Even if he loses, Jun Wu is blameless after all. The power he possesses is far more common than monks. With one hand condensing the battle body, raising one's hand and casting one's foot will be enough to easily kill the numerous monks here.

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[I have a cold, and the situation seems to be a little bit serious. I went to bed drowsily in the morning, thinking about eating at noon, and ordering code updates. I do n’t want to get worse. My mother was angry, and the consequences were very serious. I was forced to go to the sanitation room to hang water. This chapter was coded with one hand in the hang water. I wrote it to my friend to help me pass it on. Alas, the character of Baozi has always been excellent. It was completely destroyed during the Chinese New Year period, and we strive to restore stability as soon as possible. As for tomorrow's update, the minimum will not be less than 5k, but the time is not guaranteed. I hope everyone will be more considerate. . Bowed and stepped down, everyone reading. 】

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