Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 73: Wind down

Xiao Chen sneered secretly, facing this person, without any fear in his heart. The next step came forward, the Qing Feng raised, and the shadow of a million Zhang swords moved with it. Bayi Chinese Network (W & gt; W) W. 〉 8? 1> ZW. If COM had been crying against the giants of the earth before, although Xiao Chen was not weak, he still could not escape the defeat, but the situation was different at this moment. After ten years of hard work in the dojo, he himself has made great progress, but the more important thing is in the shop. Refined the Lingyuan Lingzhu, the original essence of the shop's loss has been restored, the power has soared a lot, and now once again manifest the phantom of the million swords, although the loss is not small, but it is by no means a cry , Can only shoot up to three swords.

Refining the mixed Yuan Lingzhu, the shop got rid of the embarrassing situation of the previous Xeon blow, and then languished and can only cultivate. He knew this, Xiao Chen knew it, but he didn't know it, so he was full of confidence, but he didn't know he was doomed to tragedy.



On top of the vast sky, there are two major fighting bodies furiously fighting, the momentum is surging and surging, and the endless destruction is revealed during the tumbling, turning the entire space into a dead space.

Countless strong aliens backed off one after another until they stopped unexpectedly within 5o miles, still looking pale and hard to hide their fear.

Xiao Chen, the earth giant, cried out for the power of the war, and they have completely deterred them.

But this time, countless monks have changed their faces, and their eyes are fierce.

Gu Mo's brow frowned tightly, his pupils contracted, his eyes fell on the battle body of Xiao Chenjian, showing incredible meaning.

"This Xiao Chen relies on the power of treasures, it must be extremely depleted, but now he can fight with this cry, but it has not fallen at all!"

"How is this possible!"

This devil roared, but no matter how he did n’t believe, what he saw with his own eyes could n’t be questioned. Xiao Chen not only kept fighting with crying, but also had the absolute upper hand, suppressing it. No matter how roaring or roaring, he could n’t turn over a bit. .

A few months ago, I urged strong men from other races to join forces to siege Xiao Chen. If he does not die today, he will certainly not let him go! Gu She's face was cloudy and cloudy for a while, and her eyes flashed, apparently her thoughts were twitching.

After a few breaths, the demon lifted, and his eyes suddenly flashed a bit.

The smile on Ivy's strangely beautiful face disappeared completely, gloomy like water, and the breath was extremely cold. But if you look closely, you can see a little deep awe and fear in the depths of her narrow eyes.

The demon peak strong, irreversible gave birth to fear.

He was afraid of Xiao Chen.

Although unwilling to admit it, when this fear appeared in his heart, although Aoto was angry, he could not completely wipe it out.

"Killing the human race, Xiao Chen, must kill it, otherwise I will be completely covered by this person's glory and become a stepping stone under his feet."

"The last time he joined forces to kill him, this time Xiao Chen ’s strong return will not let me go!"

"Today, you must kill it!"

Where the human race is located, Jun has no guilty complexion and looks at the warring team above the void. Although it ’s 50o miles away, the turbulent spiritual power is still clear and sensible, making him unable to bear the endless stormy waves.

"why why!"

"At the time of the defeat, I had no blame and confessed that he was favored by the heavens and the earth. He had great opportunities, swallowed alchemy, rose for strength, and was unrivaled in combat power. With the qualifications to test hundreds of people, he stepped into the top of the Xeon peak . "

"But I met the clan of the earth giants, and they lost a lot! Today Xiao Chen appeared, with no doubt that his combat power would be defeated, and he would even lose his life, but why would he soar in strength and even be able to suppress it? Cry! "

"I don't agree! I don't agree! Why can Xiao Chen still get the chance, why can he always hold me high and suppress me!"

"I don't agree! I don't want to!"

Jun Wuru snarled madly, his breath was disordered, his face paled, and blood was flowing out of the corners of his mouth. He was actually aggravated by the gas injury, his internal organs were damaged, and his body was still shaking. He could barely stand under his eyes. A pair of eyes Looking at Xiao Chen, the meaning of resentment was almost condensed into substance.

Su Sumei's eyes brightened, her eyes closely followed Xiao Chen's figure, she arrogantly displayed her powers, and she screamed the earth giants into the wind. She felt a sense of pride and excitement in her heart.

It seems that Xiao Chen has won, but she has prevailed.

"This wicked man didn't disappoint Miss Ben, and beat him fiercely so that they would know how terrible my people are."

"Grandpa said before that Su Su is alone. If he is looking for a husband in the future, he must find a world hero for me, love me, protect me, and pity me. I wo n’t be harmed in my life. I do n’t know. Meet the requirements of Grandpa, "

"The hardships in the cultivation world are far beyond my imagination. Su Su can't always rely on grandpa, but also needs to find a support for himself in the future. Although this wicked person often annoys me, he finally passes. It can be seen by Miss Su Su, presumably In the future, there will be a lot of female nuns pursuing him. I will take some time to prevent him from slipping away from me. "

Su Sumei's eyes flowed, her face crimson, although she was infinitely shameless, she still looked at Xiao Chen boldly and hotly.

Women in the spirit world are much more generous than women in the world. When you meet someone you like, you can trust them for life and you wo n’t let go easily.

Right now, Su Su obviously has fancy Xiao Chen.

As for Enron, Qi Yun, and Jade, at this moment, they are completely serious and in a war situation. They have no blame for the surrounding monarchs, and the changes in Su Su's look are not noticed.

Today, in the entire space, monks of all ethnic groups have gathered, and the number still reaches tens of millions, and their eyes are all in the field.

Interracial monks are in awe and fear, while human monks are rejoicing.

Maybe today is the period when the human race raises their eyebrows and exhales, overwhelming the heroes!

At this moment countless monks are in a state of excitement and shock, but the person who is most furious is the clan of the giant earth! This man fought with Xiao Chen. He thought that he could kill him alive within a short time, and then established his supreme prestige. However, as the battle progressed, he felt that the occupation gradually came out of his control.

As for this moment, he and the human race Xiao Chen have fought hard for more than ten times, all of which have been knocked down. The injuries in the body are already superimposed, but the opponent is not weak at all. Instead, the battle is getting fiercer and fierce. Ascension, even more powerful.

"Relying on the power of treasures, forcing far away from your own combat power is a self-destructive method of hurting yourself first and then the enemy. This Xiao Chen and I fought for a while, why did not show a slight tendency to be wounded, but still calm and full of mana . "

"If the situation continues in the present, the wear and tear will be worse, and the injury will be severe. I am afraid that if I cannot persist for too long, I will be completely defeated! If I don't take the initiative to lose, today I will not say that I will kill someone to win the treasure, or I may lose my own life."

"How the situation develops like this should definitely not be the case. Is there any secret technique that this person has performed to forcibly suppress the internal injuries in order to force me to take the initiative to step back and evade, maybe his internal loss is already at this moment. It turned into a serious injury. Yes, it must be like this, I do n’t believe that this human race, Xiao Chen, can soar in just a few months' time, and his combat power is comparable to mine. He must not last!

"Then I will fight with you hard and see how long you can hold on!"

Crying with self-consolation, I felt that I had figured out what was happening in my heart, and I felt a little uneasy in my heart. Her eyes were once again showing a ruthless color, her body's mana flowed, her brutal force was suppressed, and her power was exploded to the peak.

This time, he wanted to go all out and expose the appearance of this pretending human race, Chen Chen, to injury.

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