Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 85: Finger 2000

[The January update was undoubtedly very unsuccessful. There are many reasons for it. They are the objective factors of Baozi. I can't blame others, so I have nothing to say in the face of the dissatisfaction of all Taoist friends. I can only bow deeply and ask forgiveness. [<{?

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The outside world is changing, and the rain is coming, but it can't affect Xiao Chen at half a minute, so he crosses his knees in the formation, devouring spiritual power, refining the magic spirit, and fully improving his cultivation.

The monk has always believed in hardships. There may be some chances for luck, but it is impossible to start with the luck and get up in one step. The coercion of the world before the people, all the secrets of hard work, can not be done at all false.

If you are talented, you have a lot of opportunities. If you can't stand the endless loneliness and hard work, it will not be a great tool in the future.

The monk, three-point opportunity, seven-point hard work. Opportunity is fixed, unpredictable, and human intervention is required, but it is extremely important and indispensable. The matter of penance is determined by the monk's heart. Only when he is working hard during the day can he fly into the sky when the opportunity arrives, otherwise he can only watch it slip away from his hand. Regardless of the ancient power or the peak power of today, it must be the one who is determined and devoted to hard work.

In the end, the path is to endure loneliness and endure the torment of others, to be able to move forward steadily step by step, and continue to climb the road, finally standing at the pinnacle of the world, smiling and proud.

Xiao Chen practiced, suffered, suffered, experienced life and death, wandered between the yin and yang several times, sharpened a calm mind, an extraordinary monk is comparable, so for others, the boring practice can be treated calmly, heart Like Gujing, can't afford the waves.

He has no foundation in the spiritual realm, no backing, and a long and misty future, and everything can only depend on himself. He has already experienced too many killing calculations during the course of the monastic journey. He wants to save his own life, and he can only improve his practice. So now that he is in solitary cultivation, he also feels lonely, but he will forcibly suppress this emotion, so that it will not affect his own thoughts. He is still very firm, works supernatural powers, devours spiritual power, and promotes self-cultivation.

Outside, the ascending spirit array takes in the spiritual power of the stone, and inside there is a panacea that transforms mana cultivation. The two superimposed, which immediately made Xiao Chenxiu into a crazy ascension with an extremely amazing degree.

In the secret room of practice, the 1o ten thousand-square-liter ascension array is now full of spiritual power that is almost condensed into substance. From the outside to the inside, the steps increase, the deeper the color, the blur is invisible, and only the core sits cross-legged. The figure loomed. A large number of spiritual powers came together and were devoured by this figure crazy.

Majestic, majestic, and deep breath exudes from this figure. Although it is low and inconspicuous, it is solid and thick. It shrinks and trembles, like Lin Xiongfeng, unattainable, as near an abyss, deep Unpredictable.

The spiritual power turned and flowed in the formation. The sound was loud and terrifying.

But at this moment, the flowing wave of mana in that array suddenly trembled, and then the breath quickly weakened, and the rich spiritual power that came together quickly decreased with the naked eye's visibility and gradually became transparent.




The dense, continuous sound of crunching sounds is like breaking a certain kind of chain reaction. It comes from crackling. Although each sound is very subtle, but the number is superimposed, it is still powerful and quite amazing.

In the Shenglingjiyuan array, the trillion spirit stone has now exhausted its own spiritual power, and its color has changed from warm and smooth as jade to pale color, like a rock blown by the wind for many years. At this moment, it is directly broken apart and turned into Scattered powder on the ground.

call out!

call out!

call out!

The only remaining spiritual power in the array was not supplemented by the successor. Now, under the crazy devour, a roaring and screaming sound is heard, and a short period of time is consumed by the shadows in that array.

It was at the instant when all the spiritual powers disappeared. The figure suddenly opened his eyes, and the dark eyes burst into endless light. He turned black and fluttered. He was hunting and hunting in a green robe. There was a majestic breath bursting out of the body. Get into the sky and get angry!

"Retreat in retreat, don't listen to the outside world, immerse yourself in ascension, and unknowingly, it has already passed 2ooo years." Low Yin came with a little emotion.

Xiao Chen rose to his feet, suppressed his thoughts in his heart, and smiled slightly at the corners of his mouth. The painful harvest of 2ooo years was not enough for outsiders.

Slightly groaned, Xiao Chen did not continue to practice, his eyes flickered, and then he took a step forward. At the beginning, he was bland, but when he fell, he had crossed over tens of thousands of feet away, and appeared directly outside the door of the secret room. A swipe of the sleeve broke the restraint.

It's time to let Ganoderma shoot.

Stepping forward, Xiao Chen's figure appeared directly in the courtyard, his eyes swept away, and he was empty. This was within his expectation. After all, according to previous predictions, the ascension array formed by trillion spirit stones is only enough for 1,000 years of practice, and it is not expected that it took 2ooo years to devour spiritual power. Presumably Shubo, Ganoderma, etc. were afraid to delay his cultivation but did not dare to disturb him, and took the initiative to retreat.

Zuomei Dojo has four seasons like spring, mild climate, and the light is provided by the array method. The whole sky is not different from the outside except that there is no sun. It is not just a magic weapon of space, it is more like an independent and complete space. .

In the courtyard, green bamboo and green flowers bloom, there is a breeze blowing, rustling.

Xiao Chen watched his spirit for a while, his mouth slightly tilted and smiled. He walked to the stone table and sat down. He took out the jug and drank it with his backhand, only feeling peaceful and relaxed.

Cultivation can be done with less effort.

Such a simple truth Xiao Chen knew in his heart, so he didn't directly call the Ganoderma, but just sat quietly, drank two wines, enjoyed a few flowers, listened to the wind, and felt comfortable.

Bamboo leaves were rustling, swaying in the wind, and after a while, there were footsteps from far to near.


The courtyard door opened, and Lingzhi walked in briskly. Although she could not see Brother Xiao Chen, she knew that he was in the courtyard and in the secret room of cultivation, and she rejoiced.

As long as he can sense his breath, Ganoderma is already very happy.

After pushing the door, his eyes turned, and his eyes instantly fell on the figure next to the stone table under the bamboo. He could no longer move a little bit, and a little joy climbed onto the beautiful face of Ganoderma lucidum, then widened, and his big eyes were bent into a crescent child.


"Brother Xiao Chen, you are out of customs, why don't you call me right away, if it isn't for the habit of turning around in your yard every day, you still don't know that you have stopped practicing." Ganoderma is half coquettish, half complaining, expression Jiao Yan, quite pity.

Xiao Chen chuckled, without explaining this much, and instead smiled: "Today I left the practice to suspend cultivation, I just came to Ganoderma for help."

"Tongming is cultivating supernatural powers. I wonder if the effect is as magical as you said. Brother Xiao Chen will have to wait and see."

Ganoderma Ganoderma raised his head proudly, and hummed in his little nose. He said, "Brother Xiao Chen looked at people in the crack of the door and almost flattened them. Ganoderma is not a person who likes to talk loudly. Since she spoke, naturally I have full confidence. "

"I know that Brother Xiao Chen is in a hurry to cultivate, so he will not sell more customs. What is the effect? ​​Try to know."

Seeing her elated looks, she was obviously confident in the effect of the brightening and clarifying magical powers.

Xiao Chen nodded when he heard the words, and received a hip flask. After a short break to relax, it's time to start practicing.

In the Cultivation Chamber, Xiao Chen sat down on his knees, obeyed Ganoderma's request, relaxed his body, and did not fully converge his mana. Instead, he let it flow freely between the flesh and blood without any interference.

The little girl stood ten feet away. Although she said she vowed, when it was time to implement it, she still couldn't help feeling uneasy in her heart. She was afraid she might make a mistake, but she could not help Brother Xiao Chen, but she would hurt him. After all, the bright training is a kind of magical power that is close to the essence of the essence, and it is a deep training that must be painful, and the degree control is very difficult to grasp. A little carelessness will cause the monk to be injured.

Xiao Chen naturally saw the uneasiness of Ganoderma lucidum, and smiled at the moment, saying: "Ganoderma is assured that there is no other advantage to Brother Xiao Chen, but the thick skin and thick meat are always the advantages. Even if you want to hurt me I'm afraid it won't be easy. "

"let's start."

Xu was infected by Xiao Chen's calm expression. The tension in Lingzhi's heart was strangely missing. Looking at those dark eyes, the little girl nodded tightly, but it was more beautiful.

Inside the robe sleeve, a pair of jade jade hands were stretched out, white and flawless, and the light of radiance was like jade, with ten fingers, beautiful. Stretching out at this moment, it looks like a butterfly in a flower, with a graceful posture and a gentle long jump. Each one is scattered with a light milky aura rune condensing in the void instantly. These runes are quaint and simple. They have never been seen before by Xiao Chen, such as the fallen leaves in water waves, which go up and down with the waves. This rune has a gentle breath all over the body, faintly connected to each other, revealing a bit of warm breath.

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