Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 87: Catastrophe

[Sorry, I'm extremely sorry, bow deeply, the update is here. August 1 Chinese W] WW. 81ZW. COM has one chapter now, and there is another chapter in the evening. . 】

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The flesh and blood collapsed, and a little drop of fine blood oozes out of the pores, and instantly soaked Xiao Chen's green robe, turning it into a deep red blood color. With the blood flowing out, there were traces of black objects.

Drug residue!

In the depths of the blood marrow, the stubborn and tightly fused residues of the blood marrow were finally pulled out a little bit. Although the speed was very slow, as time passed, it would be cleaned up one day.

Xiao Chen's face was red, and the tiny blood vessels under his skin were forcibly broken. The huge pain made him almost unable to control himself. But even so, he still gritted his teeth and made no sound. His divine consciousness clearly sensed every bit of pain and tremor in his flesh and blood.

No pain No gain.

This world will never rise for no reason, and if you want to be glorious in the future, you must now pay the due price.

The drug residue is harmful to cultivation, and even prevents the road to promotion, so no matter how painful it is, Xiao Chen will get rid of it all at all costs.

Time passed by. I don’t know how long it has passed. Xiao Chen's mind almost fell into a state of chaos and coma. The long-term intense pain caused his mind to wear to the extreme. When the wire breaks, the mind will collapse. Once this happens, either the primordial spirit will be reloaded, the cultivation level will fall, or the spiritual intelligence will be greatly lost, turning into a stupid generation, or the primordial spirit will collapse and end in smoke. No matter which point, it is terrifying!

Lingzhi flinched.

She knew that it would be extremely painful to get rid of the drug residue once the lucid and purified magical powers were used. However, she never thought that the pain would reach the present level. If she had known this, she would rather not mention it. May Xiao Chen have some accidents. Although the drug residue has begun to be removed from the body at this moment, Big Brother Xiao Chen can no longer hold on. Even if his mind is extremely tenacious, he has reached the limit now. If it continues, it is very likely to cause irreversible consequences.

With a heartbeat, the clear and condensed supernatural power rune of the void suddenly slowed down, and Qianqian's ten-finger jump led to a sharp drop in the degree of integration. Once it was completely stagnated, the physical training was a failure.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen closed his eyes and suddenly opened. Although the dim light was dim, he was still calm and calm, with perseverance and perseverance circulating in it. Although slow, it was like a rock on the sea floor, unshakable.

Lifting, looking calmly at Ganoderma lucidum, the little girl's face is pale, her lips are tightly pressed, the waves in her eyes are flowing, she looks like she would cry at any time. The corner of Xiao Chen's mouth was slightly raised, showing a somewhat relieved smile, and said: "Ganoderma lucidum, don't stop, this bit of pain, Brother Xiao Chen can still bear."

"Since I set foot on the road, I have big ambitions in my heart. I want to climb the peak of the road. No matter what the hardships and difficulties during the period, I can't stop me. Since I have been practicing on the road, I have faced life and death for several times. It must be so."

"The power of pill is extremely important to me, so the drug residue must be overcome. Ganoderma, continue to do it, trust me, nothing will happen."

After speaking, Xiao Chen slowly closed his eyes. Although his voice was calm, his firm beliefs flowed slowly.

Lingzhi looked at Xiao Chen, her lips turned pale because of her tightness, and her eyes were full of struggling, but when she looked at Xiao Chen's firm appearance, she could only sigh secretly in her heart, and hold her hands again. The rune, which had only slowed down, rushed into Xiao Chen's body once again.

The pain continued, and a trace of drug residue was forced out of the body, condensed on the body surface, mixed with a bit of blood, it was black-red, with a faint odor.


It has been 17 days since Lingzhi wanted to stop, during which Xiao Chen's breath gradually weakened, but he showed shocking tenacity, showing stability in his weakness, and showing no signs of collapse.

Now, under the painful wear and tear, Xiao Chen Yuanshen is like a silk-thick steel rope, and it is still gradually getting thinner at a slow but irresistible degree. Although the degree of comparison has been much slower at first, the tendency is revealed. Still not optimistic.

At the moment, there are three possible occurrences, the collapse of the soul, not only cannot complete the body tempering, but also causes unpredictable consequences. This is the worst result.

Before the primordial spirit completely collapses, complete the removal of drug residues. In this way, even if the primordial spirit is severely injured, it can be exchanged for all the drug residues to be cleaned up, and the detailed calculation will be satisfactory.

The third possibility is that Xiao Chen's neuronal nerves have withstood the painful test of body tempering, and his mind has once again broken through, which greatly improves his mental state cultivation. In this way, not only can it withstand the pain of body tempering, but it can even make the damaged soul quickly recover, and thus obtain no small benefits. And at this moment, Xiao Chen insisted to this day, what he wanted to obtain was the third possibility!

Take the sharp pain of body tempering as the sharpening, and get the sublimation of your own mental state!

The Yuanshen wears more and more, and the breath becomes weaker, like a candle in the autumn wind, it seems that it will go out in the next moment.

Lingzhi’s pretty face was pale, without a trace of blood, and her jade-white fingers could not help but tremble slightly. As a magical power caster, she could clearly sense the changes in Xiao Chen's body. It will take at least one month to get out of the body, but now Xiao Chen can't hold on anymore. If he doesn't stop, he might really die.

The soul is extremely important. Once injured, it is extremely difficult to recover.


Even if I was blamed by Xiao Chen afterwards, Ganoderma lucidum should not continue!

Silver Teeth bit secretly, and Lingzhi was about to stop, but at this moment, a soft "pop" sounded from Xiao Chen's body, like a bubble on the water surface, breaking it meant disappearing completely. Along with this soft sound, Xiao Chen's already weak aura suddenly trembled, and then quickly weakened until it dissipated.

Lingzhi was sluggish, his complexion paled completely, his eyes were full of unbelievable meaning, and tears poured out.

Brother Xiao Chen's primordial spirit fluctuation disappeared, and Lingzhi knew what it meant, but couldn't believe it.

"How is it possible! How is it possible! Brother Xiao Chen, you said you would be fine, how could it be that Ganoderma lucidum harmed you, and Ganoderma lucidum harmed you!" The little girl was born in the Zuomei Dojo, without relatives and no reason, and had already killed Xiao. Chen thought that she was the closest person to her, and she couldn't accept such a thing suddenly.


There was a flash of inspiration in the cultivation chamber, and Shu Bo's figure suddenly appeared, "What happened, why did the Young Palace Master's breath suddenly disappear!" In a low drink, Shu Bo, who had always been calm and steady, showed a sense of panic.

"I killed Big Brother Xiao Chen!"

"If it hadn't been for me to tell him to refine his supernatural powers, there would be nothing like today, and I personally killed him!"

"Brother Xiao Chen, Ganoderma lucidum is sorry, I will die now, I will die with you!"

There was endless pain on Lingzhi's face. The thought of killing Xiao Chen with his own hands made her feel unhappy. She stretched out her hand and flashed wildly, and slapped her backhand straight to her forehead.

From the breath sense, if this palm is implemented, it will definitely make the little girl die on the spot.

The tree uncle's complexion changed and he didn't see any movements. His feet moved slightly, and the figure appeared directly beside Lingzhi. A wave of his sleeves directly suppressed her. The body was stiff and unable to make any movements, "Lingzhi, calm down and die. Doesn’t solve the problem!"

"Just tell me what happened, and see if there is a way to save the Young Palace Master!"

Lingzhi didn’t dare to pause when he heard the words. While crying, he explained the matter in the shortest possible language, and then looked forward to it, “Uncle Tree, I know you have great magical powers. Can you save Brother Xiao Chen? Killed him, Ganoderma really can't live alone."

Shu Bo's face was gloomy, and when he heard it, his complexion turned pale. He glanced at Ganoderma lucidum with complicated eyes, then fell on Xiao Chen, and sighed: "Naughty! Brightness and refinement are so overbearing. It is not easy for ordinary people to bear it, like you How can we not go wrong if we act like this."

"Now that the soul is damaged to the extreme, even if I dare not make a move, otherwise I am a little careless, I am afraid it will really harm the Young Palace Master."

Ganoderma's eyes suddenly flashed a little bright, "Uncle Shu, you mean that Big Brother Xiao Chen is still alive now, but I can't sense his breath anymore."

"As the young master of the dojo, the aura is connected to the dojo. If you die, the dojo will definitely have a sense of feeling, but if nothing happens at the moment, it means that the young palace master is still fine." The tree uncle was worried. , Frowned, "The breath is so weak that it almost dissipates, and we can no longer sense it. Now that any external force intervenes, it will not help the Young Palace Master, but will cause his only remaining soul to collapse."

"Now, you and I can only wait, I hope the Young Palace Master can survive the catastrophe before him, otherwise..."

Shu Bo did not say clearly, but the meaning was very clear.

Lingzhi's delicate body fell directly to the ground, but her eyes were staring at Xiao Chen's seemingly breathless body. The fingers in the sleeves of the robe were tightly entangled, but she had already made up her mind. Once Xiao Chen had an accident, she would never Not alone!

The tree uncle and Ganoderma lucidum were closely guarded in the cultivation chamber. The five Yasha female cultivators in the courtyard were anxious. The tens of thousands of nylon legionnaires outside the courtyard stood like javelins. The Necromancer in the Abyss. An inexplicable fear appeared in their hearts, this kind of feeling that the world was about to fall apart, there was no escape, once they exploded, they would all die! Xiao Chen is the master of the Zuo Brow Dojo, and if he is admitted to the monks in the dojo, he will be beaten into the Dao Wings. After that, he will be driven by the servants. The servants were killed and wounded, and the master was intact, but if Xiao Chen died, all of them except the tree uncle and the Lingzhi would be buried for him.

3 days.

7 days.

15 days.

1 month.

2 months.


Half a year.

For 18o days for half a year, there was a dead silence in the entire left eyebrow dojo, and there was no sound.

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