Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 99: Two Sword Repairs

"Good! Good! Good! Rock, since you are desperate for death today, this seat will complete you.? 8) 1> ZW.COM"

"Today's meeting point is the place where you will die."

Li Yunqi opened his mouth, his voice sounded loudly, and his killings were full, without any concealment. Such a move obviously shows that this person is full of confidence in himself, who believes that he has the absolute upper hand, and he will certainly be able to kill the rock smoothly.

Most monks are cool and temperament, the higher the cultivation, the more so, if there is no necessary reason, absolutely no one is willing to take the lead easily, intervening in troublesome events that may be fatal. Li Yunqi determined that several people behind the Rock would definitely retreat from difficulties. By that time, even if he had made progress in recent years, he would never be able to survive in the face of his siege. It didn't even take him to do it.

Pan Shi's face was gloomy and watery, and his body was full of cold. Hearing this, there was no hesitation. Shen said: "Okay, in the battlefield, you and I must have only one person to retreat!"

Just after the remarks fell, I heard a chuckle coming from behind him, but it was Jiang Chen who said, "Big Rock ’s behavior is not the taste of the brothers. Let ’s go through these years together. , Have saved each other ’s life, and have never experienced any strong winds and waves before, let alone today. "

"Whatever Li Yunqi and Zhang Yunqi care about, as long as you want to move my brother, you need to ask the uncle in the hands of the uncle to agree."

Qing Feng fell into his hands, and there was a hint of sharpness scattered from it, which was extremely dangerous. It felt cold and slightly stiff under the induction.

Wang Hu heard his words and shook his head, and cursed with a smile: "I have known your boy for so many years, and only this sentence is the most suitable for my appetite. Some of our brothers have been in the wind and rain for so many years, can the relationship not stand the slightest test.

"Whoever wants to move you, let's kill him together."

Jin Shang nodded his head silently. Although he didn't say much, his gaze looked at Li Yunqi and others, but it was cold and without any temperature, just like looking at the dead.

Ye Xi's mouth slightly tilted, this guy who looks like a handsome boy was showing a bit of cruel meaning, and a little bit of anger spread. "If it wasn't for Brother Rock's rescue, I would have lost my life. Today Rock's Brother In case of trouble, if I really stand idly by, I will never feel at ease afterwards, even if everything is fine. "

"Besides, I have already vowed that the thing of Brother Panshi is my thing. Today, I will definitely not take a half step back. I will definitely go forward with Brother Panshi!"

Pan Shi opened his mouth slightly, but was grateful to see the faces of the four brothers, and only nodded fiercely, saying, "Okay, today I owe each of my brothers a life. Today you and I will join forces to kill this person!"

"Just as it should be!" Wang Hu, Jin Shang, etc. drank in unison, and their external momentum rose sharply.

Li Yunqi's face was completely gloomy, his eyes were spitting fire, and he wanted to kill as many people as possible, such as Pan Shi, "If you want to die, this seat will take you on the road!"

"Death battlefield, you and we fought each other and died in World War I!"

Several gloomy monks behind him heard the breath explode and turned into a raging sea of ​​anger spreading in all directions.



The breath of the two sides collided violently, destroying the entire courtyard and directly destroying them. The five women in the dust were bleak, with screams in their mouths, and their faces were pale and pale.

The surrounding monks, their emotions also moved with it, all of them turned red, and their applause burst out.

The men and women of the two sides were tens of feet away from each other. They walked straight to the death arena. There were more and more monks on the periphery. The news spread wildly to the small gathering place of the people and attracted more monks.

The crowd of people gathered like a tide, and looked at the end without a glance.

The death battlefield is a special place in the gathering place of all ethnic groups, which is used to resolve the hatred among monks within the ethnic group, as long as both parties can agree to enter it. But the battlefield named Deathmatch is extremely cruel. As it is, it must be divided into life and death. The battle will not end until one party is completely killed, and the winning party can directly get all the treasures in the hands of the dead.

It is precisely because of this cruel duel method that in the meeting point, the deathmatch field has been used very few times. After all, monks are pursuing monasticism to gain monstrous mana and live with the sun and the moon. If there is no irresolvable death hatred, no one is willing to desperately.

Therefore, the news that the famous Rock Squad had a decisive battle with another foreign tyrannical squad almost attracted the attention of all monks in the entire human race meeting point, except for the few who could not retreat. , Went straight to the deathmatch.

The deathmatch between the two is extremely rare, not to mention the fighting between the teams, its wonderful level has increased more than several times.

Among the flow of people, Lan Qiu fell in there without traces, with a tight face and beautiful eyes, but he did not rush to appear, presumably he wanted to take a shot at a critical moment and directly hit Li Yunqi and others from the flame.

After all, the two sides said that it was a fight between the squads. It should be noted that his rock team, but not only these people on the bright side. At least her Miss Lan Qiu is a powerful force to be reckoned with. As for Xiao Chen, it is better not to play. After all, he is not clear about his strength, and he has no experience of cooperation with each other. Once it is not handled well, it will not help but may disrupt the team's fighting and coordination. .

Xiao Chen's face is calm and follows the flow of people. Although it is not eye-catching, if someone looks closely, it can be seen. Absolutely no monk can approach him within half a foot of his body. You can't see the strength underestimated and moved away. Before others can notice, others have left. Moments ahead, the flow of people in front stopped, Xiao Chen lifted, but it was the deathmatch that had arrived.

A gray layer of energy envelopes the area of ​​100 square meters, and there is a faint energy flowing in it, making people look down, and it is difficult to see the situation in this shield.

At this moment, the congregation creation force has obviously received the news. The three monks in black robes have already been waiting outside the deathmatch. At this moment, the two masters have resisted. One of them stepped forward and said lightly, "The deathmatch The rules do n’t need to be repeated below. Once you enter, if you want to get out of the way, you need to give your best to kill the opponent. ”

"Well, if there is no other objection, now you are ready to go in."

The words came out, and there was a crunchy Jiao drink from the crowd. "Slowly, since it is a team fight, can my Rock team not go all out. Miss Qiu Lan, who is a member of the Rock team, fights today Naturally cannot be missed. "

When the voice came out, the light in the void flashed, and then a shadow appeared on it, the skirt fluttered, the show moved with the wind, like a fairy, with a tight face and a touch of coldness, not only did not destroy its temperament, On the contrary, it became more cold and attractive.

Suddenly, countless fiery eyes gathered.

Regarding these many sights, Lan Qiu turned a blind eye, and Guang Guang converged. Jiao's body fell directly behind the rock. Although she hadn't noticed it, it was not difficult to guess what she meant from the previous words. She will take a shot today.

Li Yunqi glanced over Lan Qiu with fiery enthusiasm, with a somewhat unscrupulous meaning. He laughed and said, "I didn't expect that there are such pretty women in this place, but I chose to oppose me."

"Now that we have gone this way, we must blame our ruthlessness!"

"Since the members of the Rock Squad have arrived, this seat will no longer be hidden, Cheng Yun, Cheng Feng, two Taoists, please show up."


The sound had not yet fallen, and the lights flashed outside the deathmatch, and then two cold, peak-like figures appeared directly. The two are quite similar in eyebrows, plus similar names, apparently brothers of the bloodline, all breathed cold.

This coldness is not a gloomy breath, but a chill formed by the sharp breath coming out of the bones from the inside out. Not from the outside, but from the heart.

Sword repair!

When they saw the figures of the two men, the surrounding monks, and even monks including the rock and others, couldn't help but seeing a big change in their faces, and their pupils contracted violently, revealing endless fear. In the spiritual realm, Jian Xiu has always been known for its hard work, tenacity of mind, and amazing fighting power. The outside world even circulates the saying that Jian Xiu is invincible at the same level, which proves how powerful it is.

Moreover, the breath of Chengyun and Chengfeng is deep and faint. Obviously, they are masters of sword repair, and there is the peak repair of crossing the robbery. If it is fully explosive, the combat power is close to the limit of crossing the robbery. Below heaven and earth, few people can Suppress it.

No wonder then that Li Yunqi would be so confident that even if Lan Qiu appears, he has never revealed a little bit of color. It turned out that there were such means in the dark.

Pan Shi, Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Jiang Chen, Ye Xi five people, the original strength is equivalent to the five Li Yunqi, Lan Qiu appeared, and still have some advantages, but at this moment the two major swords intervened, instantly let the balance of strength contrast tilt down .

For a while, many monks looked at Pan Shi and others, and couldn't help feeling a little more compassion. After all, if nothing unexpected happens, today's fierce battle, the Rock team is dead. Of course, if you retreat, you choose to be a tortoise instead of entering the arena, and no one will dare to force a shot at the meeting point. Although you can save your life, you will definitely lose your reputation and you will never stand up.

This is undoubtedly more uncomfortable for the monks than killing them.

Therefore, this battle must not be shrunk, even if you die, you must fight to the end!

"Ha ha ha ha, what a rock, I told you long ago that you could be hunted down like a bereavement, and you can do it today."

"But I think you're out of luck this time and you can escape your life!"

"Now my team has seven people. In order to prevent others from saying that we are bullying too much, if you have members of the Rock team, call them together. This one will be the next one. If there is no one, as long as You have enough means, you can also invite a monk to help the war. But in advance, no matter who you are, as long as you intervene in today's affairs, you will be my enemy against Li Yunqi, and it must be an endless situation! "

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