[The second update today, one update at night, the time is uncertain, when will the code finish and when will it be uploaded. [(Eight [(One Chinese? <[8} 1? Z? W.COM]

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A crystal clear, composed of pure spiritual power, like a crystal polished finger shot directly from Xiao Chen, the size of an ordinary person, but a terror of suction suddenly burst from the middle, causing the surrounding spiritual power to be forcibly swallowed into it. With the incorporation of spiritual power, the volume of this finger suddenly increased with the naked eye's visibility, up to the size of 5oo feet, and at the same time, the breath pressure exuding from it has reached a level of stone-shock.


The fingertips met the sword mang, and the fierce devouring force exploded directly, smashing that sword mang instantly, and devouring all the energy contained in it. After engulfing Li Yunqing with a full blow of Jianmang, the 5oo Zhang's fingers shook and changed, and there was an endless sharpness bursting out from it, like a sharp sword in an incarnation, unwavering and screaming.

The Kendo magical power was broken, and it was directly swallowed up. Under the traction of the air machine, Li Yunqing suddenly suffered a mild injury, pale, and bleeding from the corners of his mouth, but at this moment his heart was more shocked.

Flowing clouds!

Clouds of the Rock Squad!

According to family news, this person is clearly a forbidden Taoist master. He repaired it in the middle of the robbery and exploded at full strength. However, it was only at the beginning level of Heaven and Earth. Two of his own shots were enough to wipe out the Rock Squad.

Is the family the information collector? This is the power of heaven and man! This is to kill him!

Although he only met a magical power, Li Yunqing knew very well that he was definitely not Liu Yun's opponent. If he continued to fight, I would be killed without a moment.

"Escape, Liuyun hides Xiuwei, you and I are not rivals!" Anxiously roared out, Li Yunqing took advantage of this shock to counter-shock, flickering out of the body, and escaping frantically outwards, meanwhile, he had a fist in his hand In my chest, several spouts of blood spewed out into me, turning it into a strange blood color.

Xu Guang turned scarlet, and the man's escape rate suddenly soared more than a few times. At such a degree, monks below the heavens and the heavens would not want to leave him.

Li Yunqing felt a little relieved. He couldn't help but look back and let his scalp numb, and his eyes suddenly developed into despair.

Xiao Chen has always had clear grudges and grievances. There are very few cases of indiscriminate killings. People who believe in the code do not offend me and I do not offend. So at this moment, how could he let this Li Yunqing back out.

One palm shot, the momentum turned into a sweep, and finally both hands fell.


Jin Yunchong.

The rain is coming.

The three great magical powers are round and smooth, and the clouds are flowing.

It's dark and windy, and cold as a knife.

Clouds filled the sky, black and black like ink.

Pour blood rain, corrosive and spicy.

The three were swift and swift like lightning, howling and falling, enveloping Li Yunqing's figure directly.

The next moment, the three great gods moved, and there was a brief and miserable briefing, and then everything was calm.

The limit of crossing the robbery is that Li Yunqing, who is at the pinnacle of heaven and human beings, is swiftly declining, and he has no fighting power at all.

The rabbit's ups and downs in such a fight suddenly unexpectedly surprised everyone.

"Ah!" Li Yunshui screamed in horror, and a spit of blood was sprayed out of each pore, which made his entire body dry and thin instantly, and the spit of blood was wrapping him in groups Into a blood cocoon.

The blood cocoon swallowed and spit, and thousands of miles have passed.

This supernatural power is very strange, but after a few breaths, he has taken Li Yunshui to escape thousands of miles away. But even so, the man was still scared in his heart, and he didn't dare to take care of it. Even if he was trying to repair the big damage, even if he fell from the realm, he had to flee here as soon as possible.


Where is this Liu Yun a forbidden Taoist division? Judging from his exposure methods, at least it is also a horrible existence with a combat power of three heavens and three territories. And he actually started to work on this existence, and thinking of this made him even more miserable.

Seeking death, this is the naked looking death!

escape! escape! escape! Fleeing at all costs, this is the only thought in Li Yunshui's mind right now!

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered a little, and his eyes were a little strange. The escape method of Li Yunshui was indeed a little outstanding. It had the same effect as his Tuo Sen Luo blood. But these alone are not enough to survive.

The wind, clouds, and rain. The three magical powers have already been shot. After killing Li Yunqing, they did not dissipate. They entangled with each other. At this moment, Xiao Chen took a single-handed shot, and instantly trembled, and then quickly turned into a dark black blood The palm, as it is, has a clear palm print on it, such as the hand of the devil, carrying the power of destroying the world, and landing in the sky, wanting to slaughter the life!

With this palm falling, endless pressure suddenly emerged in the void, and the majestic and magnificent force directly suppressed the square miles of space, and Li Yunshui was in it! Even if the blood was flashing endlessly, he couldn't escape the slightest bit. He couldn't move when he was suppressed by death. He could only watch his hands fall down.


Palm falling, such as shooting a fly, directly slap it as a fan powder, extinct in shape and spirit, and then stop without stopping. Press the peak of the peak to directly destroy the blue lonely peak that points to the sky, and turn it into a gravel. As far as possible, only one side has a thousand feet of palm prints, goes deep into the ground, and does not know its depth geometry.

Two supernatural powers, understatement, kill the two great monks in the Heaven and Human Realm!

Such a war situation completely out of the surprise of the Rock Squad and others, making the six people look dull, their eyes filled with endless shock.

If the rock's heart was struck by lightning, it would only come back after half a ring. The corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a bit of bitterness. He had already guessed that Liu Yun was more than just showing power, but until now he understood that he still looked down on Got him.

Raising one's hand can kill the peak combat power of Heaven and Man. The real cultivation behavior of Liuyun Taoists is unpredictable. I am afraid that it is almost the same as those of the real ethnic peak monks.

Lan Qiumei's eyes widened, the shocked face on Qiao's face was hard to hide, and her mind was a mess, she had lost her due thinking ability.

"Brother Liu Yun, he ,, he actually did this!"

When this woman realized this, she was shocked, and a moment of bleakness flashed in her eyes. It turned out that Brother Liuyun had such a dragon and phoenix that it was such a person, how could she think of her. At this moment, some of the illusions that existed in Lan Qiu's heart completely disappeared.

As for Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Jiang Chen, Yexi, etc., they were shocked beyond words. After a while, Wang Hu suddenly burst out laughing, "Ha ha ha ha! See who dares to bully me in the future Wang Hu, if you don't agree with me, I will call my brother. "

"Look, it is as simple as killing an ant monk to kill Tianrenjing. This is my brother Wang Hu! Brother Liuyun, if you want to cover us in the future, we can follow you Mixed. "

In simple words, the goods are clumsy and simple.

Jin Shang quickly reached out and pulled him, a little uneasy on his face.

Pan Shi hurriedly said, "Liuyun Road, please don't be angry with seniors, Wang Hu is such a temperament, and he has no disrespect to you."

The strength of self-cultivation is paramount, and the dignity of the strong cannot be challenged. Xiao Chen concealed Xiuwei before, and they could be called brothers and brothers, but now that he knows his true details, he should have due respect.

Whether Xiao Chen cares or not, this is essential.

Lan Qiu frowned, still converged and said, "Brother Liuyun, no matter what you cultivate, we are all best friends. I hope this will not change. I wonder if you think so?"

The woman looked at Xiao Chen slightly stubbornly, and although she was a little afraid, she kept her head high. Even without other ideas, she did not want to be his junior, trying hard to maintain the status of equality and intersection.

Pan Shi and Jin Shangchan carried a glance at Lan Qiu, and he couldn't help flashing a bit of worry.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly chuckled, and said, "I don't associate with you because you and I are friends. You and I were friends, before, now, and later."

"Why, don't you want to intersect with me because I am higher?"

Ye Xi shrank his head when he heard the words, and whispered, "Brother Liuyun, this is not a little bit higher, you almost scared us to death."

"This Li family sent a monk from Heaven and Human Realm. It was so easy to be cleaned up by you. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it myself."

"You are such a big man, we are afraid of not being able to climb high."

As soon as Wang Hu didn't like it, he reached out and patted his breath at night, and said angrily, "Why, Brother Liu Yun is so good at repairing. Can he still turn his back and don't recognize anyone, I don't believe he is such a person, otherwise I put These two eyeballs are pulled out and used as foam. "

"Brother Liuyun, do you say I am right?"

Xiao Chen nodded and smiled: "Okay, now that we have solved the problem for the time being, let's not stay here for a long time, leave here first, and talk later."

"Must resist, I will take you away."

With a wave of robes, a flash of aura enveloped Pan Shi and others, Xiao Chen stepped forward, and several people disappeared.

After another moment, only monks came to wander the light. Some of them were monks, and some of them were strong aliens, but when they looked down to see the palm prints on the ground, the size of which was unknown, and felt the depth, they felt that they were escaping inside. With a faint breath, the pupils could not help but violently contract, and then his face changed greatly, and he didn't say much and turned away.

Here, the strength of the might is released, and they have reached the limit where they can intervene. It is better to leave early to avoid trouble.


Tens of thousands of miles away from the lone peak of Brother Li ’s fight in the hidden stone room.

Xiao Chen stood with his hands behind him, and Pan Shi and others swallowed the elixir. At this moment, he was meditating with his eyes closed, and recovered his injury as soon as possible.

After a few hours, among the people behind him, Rock's eyebrows moved slightly. He opened his eyes first, with Xiao Chendan's medicine to help him, and his injuries had probably recovered.

Although Xiao Chen didn't look back, he could clearly sense everything in the cave. He turned around immediately and said, "Is the injury intact?"

Pan Shi nodded and smiled: "With the help of Brother Liuyun's panacea, it is difficult to recover slowly." After a conversation, the members of the Pan Shi team finally got rid of the shackles of status and faced Xiao Chen a lot. Although still somewhat restrained, it is normal, and Xiao Chen is not reluctant.

Xiao Chen was slightly silent, then lifted up and said, "I'm leaving."

Pan Shi was not surprised by this. With Xiao Chen's cultivation as the test of the battlefield, he could go anywhere, and would he always be with them as a guard. Furthermore, the monk's path is the process of self-refinement and continuous improvement. If everything depends on others, this path is not necessary.

But at this moment his eyes flashed a little, and hesitated for a while, still not speaking.

When Xiao Chen saw this, his mind moved a little, but he already understood what he was thinking at the moment, and now he thought for a moment, saying, "Rockstone friends, rest assured, you are my friends in Liuyun, and secretly attacking you is against me . "

"I will help you cook that Pang Lianyun. As for Wen Sanniang in the Huamanlou, I don't know how you will arrange it?"

Although the voice is bland, it is quite sincere and it is by no means perfunctory.

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