Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 130: The ethnic group proudly confronts each other

[Sorry, the update is late, there will be another chapter in a moment. Bayi Chinese Network (W> W] W). 〉 8? 1> ZW. COM

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The ferocious Taoist's complexion was suddenly pale, the released evil spirits screamed and showed endless fear, turned and ran away and fused directly into this person, which made the endless evil spirit instantly disintegrate and dissipate.




The man stepped back three steps in a row and looked at Xiao Chen again, already filled with endless fear.

A gaze can actually have all the power, this person absolutely concealed Xiu Wei, his true strength is inestimable! Thinking that he was the one who provoked this person without incident, he let the ferocious Taoist scalp numb, but fortunately this person did not mean to investigate, otherwise I am afraid that all the monks in their team could not escape. I dare to wait long, respectfully hold my fist, and brazenly said, "I waited for the eyesless and offended Daoyou, and asked Daoyou not to wait for general knowledge with me."

"If Daoyou is okay, I will retreat immediately and see Daoyou in the future. I will immediately retreat and never show up in front of Daoyou."

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes on the person indifferently, until he looked pale and sweaty, then he waved his hands lightly and closed his eyes to adjust his breath.

If the fierce Taoist was pardoned, he would respectfully take a few steps to turn around and leave, but the leader's men actually left here directly.

But what happened here was strange to outsiders.

The fierce Taoist shot, Xiao Chen drank a "roll" in his mouth, and did not have any magical shots, nor was he explosive. This fierce Taoist directly apologized as if frightened and turned away.

Although I don't know what was born here, at this moment, many eyes around him fell on Xiao Chen, but they didn't feel a little more awe, and the figure receded a little further to show respect.

Several secretly locked Xiao Chen's thoughts. At this moment, as if frightened, he retreated directly, and never dared to get closer.

But around this half of the mountain, there are many monks in Heaven and Man and even the peak of the Second Realm. They frowned slightly, only swept around Xiao Chen, then turned around and stopped watching. In these people's eyes, Xiao Chen is just a kid from heaven and man. I don't know how to use some means to scare the fierce Taoist, and he has no qualification to pay them attention. Now they need to pay attention, only the upcoming war.

Now that many monks in the auction hall have almost left, next are the real monks who are at the top of the ethnic group.

It was in the thoughts of these people that Xiao Chen suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes burst into sharpness, and she looked up at the half of the mountain.

Millions of miles away, I have always been born. At this moment, the sky was gloomy, the wind and clouds rolled backwards, and the nine days screamed in the wind. The landscape was like a sword and the scene of extinction.

Until this moment, many monks here were horrified to notice that all of them had changed greatly.

Xiao Chen stood up, looking calm and fearless. Even if the wind above Jiuxiao tore the black robe outside his body, making the black tumbling, flashing hunting, the figure was proudly loose, without any slight wavering, as if even The sky is falling apart, and he can't make him bow his head.

"The battle has begun." In the low groan, the sound of endless rumbling came from within the sky, like the roar of a thunder god, and the battle of life and death like a god.

The next moment, the endless "click" sound came out, dense and endless, like a crack in the sky.

In the horrible eyes of countless monks here, the entire sky above the head was suddenly covered with countless cracks at this moment, like a spider web, spreading to the end of the line of sight, and looked at the end. A hint of horror mixed with the mighty breath of endless destruction directly spread from this crack, as if there would be a god, coming from this crack.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from overhead, just like the legend in the legend, the sound was rolling, spreading all over the place, covering the eight poles!

The monks below Tianrenjing were pale and pale, and if their chests were severely blown, there was a groan in their mouths, and a trace of blood was flowing out of their mouths.

All day, broken!

The sky collapsed, and the violent atmosphere was unhindered. It burst open, revealing the dark background and the turbulent force of the silver-white space in this background.

Nearly a hundred figures loomed among them, and a powerful and terrifying breath burst from them, running through the sky and pointing to the sky, as if to tear the world directly.

The transmission of the Shangyuan Auction Hall was just under this breath, it was broken and torn!

Halfway up the mountain, countless monks' complexions changed greatly. At this moment, the light beams galloped back, so as not to be caught in this breath and suffer a lot.

Each of these nearly a hundred figures is the pride of the heavens, but it is the strongest of the descendants of major ethnic groups. Those who have the lowest cultivation can reach the level of the three realms of heaven and humans. As for the strongest existence, it is inestimable.

If there is no accident, any of them will become the whistling giants of the spirit world 6 in the future. Although they have not really reached the peak yet, they have already had the imposing momentum on their bodies at this moment. This momentum is condensed by their noble identity, top-notch qualifications, and horrible growth potential. Now they are still immature and powerful, but with their cultivation and promotion, there will be a day to cover the sky.

Xiao Chen stood on the ground, looking up to the void, under the traction of the air machine, letting his mana flow in his body, blood flowed, as if boiling, emitting endless heat.

These people are the true pride of the heavens. They have the current cultivation because of their qualifications and because of the strong cultivation of their respective ethnic groups. But Xiao Chen is different from them. Coming, sweating and bleeding, going through the grind between life and death, suffering, I ca n’t make it! Therefore, in the face of these ethnic pride, he has no slight awe, just because he has practiced the path so far in a difficult situation, gaining opportunities that are beneficial to himself, and constantly improving! What's more, with his current practice and full force explosion, these ethnic arrogants may not be his opponents.

Eyes such as electricity, plunged into the clouds, locked in the Lingyuan tribe empty line, this person, who has the Shi Mu Dan he needs, must not be lost.

But at this moment, no one set their sights on the monks in the robes on the ground. All their attention was on the figure in the void, watching the pride of nearly a hundred ethnic groups come from the void, the breath of terror was like the sun. The horrifying heat wave spreads, making the void distorted and blurred. In this distorted space, their figures are undoubtedly enlarged again, making the awe of countless monks even more awesome.

Falling from the void, stepping on the top of a half-cut mountain, more than half of the proud people of the nearly one hundred ethnic groups have not stayed for a long time. The next step is taken, and the figures have disappeared. Obviously, they do not want to get involved in today's affairs.

There were also more than twenty strong men who turned around and backed away, but did not stay away, but watched from a distance. Although all of them were calm and no strangers, it was not clear what they thought in their hearts.

In the end, there were only four figures facing each other on the entire Guanghua section of the mountain peak.

The violent thunder **** of the human race is invincible, and Fu Yunqi, the son of Confucianism and Taoism.

The Demon Clan destroys the Sky Division Demon and fears the Demon King.

The eyes of the two sides are like knives. At this moment, they are standing far away. Although they didn't say much, the external situation is like fighting two wild beasts like wild monsters. The collision caused the void to explode, like a thunderous thunder, and evolved a wave of void in all directions. Spread. This fluctuation may seem extremely inconspicuous, but it contains the power of endless destruction. Whenever one of the monks stepped on it, he was damaged in an instant below the Three Realms of Heaven and Man.

The slayer's external spirit was so energetic that instead of tumbling over the vast sky above him, it was vaguely transformed into a vast ancestral demon's shadow, roaring, despite the imagination, there was still a mighty mighty pressure from the sky bursting out of his body. All souls in this world must worship before them.

As for the Dread Demon King, it is a half step behind, and the same magical spirit outside the body, the manifested demon is not the shadow of the ancestor and demon, but a single-headed, purposeful three-eyed demon. This demon is exactly the image of the ancestor of the demon family. This fear demon can summon it out, which shows that it has great power.

A few hundred feet away, Duan Modi stood coldly, and his body's 36,000 pores spewed thunder at the same time. In the flash of thunder, these Lemans faintly transformed into a set of armors and fell on this person, adding endless majesty.

Above his head, thunderclouds converge, appearing dark, sticky like ink, and there are flashes of thunder from time to time, accompanied by a violent roar.

At this end, Mo Di, a magical power of the Tao, obviously has cultivated to a very high level, and can control thousands of Thunders. It is only one step away from condensing the origin of Thunder. But it is this step that is the difference between heaven and earth, and perhaps this person cannot take that last step in his life. After all, the original monk is extremely rare in the entire spiritual realm. As long as the character does not die midway, he can make a great contribution in the future!

But even so, bathed in thunder at this moment, Duan Modi is still as powerful as thunder god, powerful and inviolable.

In the parallel, Fu Yunqi held the scrolls, the Confucian shirt fluttered, and a pair of bright stars burst into endless brilliance, with a look of disgrace, like the appearance of an ancient Confucian master, and the world was washed up in anger and can be destroyed. All evil!

The mighty righteousness gathered from the madness between heaven and earth and merged into Fu Yunqi's body, the more solemn and solemn he set off. Chiang Kai-shek, peace, and immense coercion slowly spread out of him. Although not violent, it was as high as Mount Tai and irresistible.

Humans and demons are two of the strongest ethnic groups in the spiritual world. The peak monks of the descendants of these two ethnic groups naturally possess far more power than other monks.

The explosive momentum at this moment alone has reached the peak level of Heaven and Man Three Realms, which is only a step away from Heaven and Man Four Realms.

The heavens and the five realms, the difference in strength between each realm is different, especially the levels above the three realms. The nuances in the realm are mapped to the explosion of combat power and will be unbounded.

"The stele of the first demon is my holy relic, no matter how much it costs, it must be brought back into the tribe."

"Fear the demon, you and I shot, killing the human race, recapture the holy relic." Si Mo drank without warning, and punched out. At the same time, the imaginary ancestral ghost behind him shouted in the sky, followed by a punch.

Duan Modi's eyes flashed sharply, and he sang a "good job" in his mouth. He held a five-pointed finger deep in one arm, and then pulled down hard, and the whole sky shook fiercely, then from the thundercloud. Among them, the power of Thunder was forcibly detained and turned into a Thunder Spear above his head!

"go with!"

During the roar, the person threw his all-out forward, and the spear of thunder shot at once. After leaving his hand, he turned into a phantom of the thunder dragon. Although vague, there was an ancient and noble domineering scattered from this phantom. Drive forward and swallow wildly.

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