Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 152: Waking up in crisis

Xun Sheng stayed in the cave, and based on his cultivation, he could not intervene in the outside fighting methods, and even a small amount of scattered energy fluctuations were enough to completely wipe him out. Z} W ?. COM felt the stronger and closer approaching breath fluctuations, and Yun Sheng couldn't help showing the anxiety on his face. He turned around and looked at the figure sitting cross-legged inside the hole, his eyes flashed a little blank, " Seniors in Qingpao, juniors have guarded you here for 97 years. If there is no black brother to help them, I am afraid that they have already died. Today, there is a strong enemy outside the secret territory. The younger brother is estimated that they may be unable to resist.

"But the seniors are assured, Ye Sheng has vowed to guard you until you wake up. Even if you die, the younger ones will die in front of you."

Having said that, Chen Sheng knelt down, respectfully, three times, a loud noise was heard, and his forehead was red.

"Although you did not promise to accept the junior as an apprentice, but in 1997, you have already treated you as a teacher, and you are respectful."

"Today may be the time of ridicule, and I will let Pu Sheng go on a rash and worship the teacher, and he will also be regarded as a teacher and apprentice with his predecessors."

The man raised his voice, his face showed resilience, turned around, took out a purple gold knife and held it in his hand, striding to the hole.

Even if you die, you must die in front of the Master.

Wu Sheng identified the senior of Qingpao as his master, and he would never have other thoughts.

This is a small valley, only a few hundred miles in size, but it is a rare space secret. It is a residence of a unicorn strongman who sits down, is guarded by restraints, and many treasures are left.

This mysterious realm was discovered by Yun Sheng and others, and they have been staying here at the same time. At the same time, they are waiting for the wake of the seniors in Qingpao. Do not want to crack the secret to the later mistakes, explosive energy fluctuations, provoking strong rivalry.

This is where we are today.



Several men in black robes fought with dozens of alien monks in the valley, but the alien strong man was obviously better off. No matter how the man in black robes fought hard to resist, he could only retreat.

If you look closely, you can see that these black-robed men are not unfamiliar. It was at that half of the mountain that was under the control of Xiao Chen's men who were deficient. For some reason, they came together with Yun Sheng, and they seemed to be guarding Xiao Chen all the time.

At this moment, the warrior of the ferocious Taoist is an alien monk covered with black scale armor. Not only is he a domineering man, but he is also full of anger. He actually beat the ferocious Taoist completely to the wind.


The alien monk smiled, shot it with one palm, and fell into the gap between the magical powers, patting the ferocious Taoist directly, causing his mouth and nose to squirt blood together, his face pale, and landed at the entrance.

At the same time, seven other monks in black were also hit hard, all of them looking pale and weak, obviously no longer able to fight again.

"Ha ha ha ha! Terran monk, we have the secret here!"

"But this one is very curious, what kind of treasures exist in the cave that you are so desperately guarding."

The black armor alien who defeated the fierce Taoist opened his eyes and looked at the cave with a scorching heat that was hard to hide.

The eyes of a dozen powerful aliens came together at this moment.

Yun Sheng was pale. Under the coercion of monks at the peak of the robbery, he had no resistance at all. But even so, the man still stood up and stopped at the entrance. "No one is allowed to enter the cave!"

The voice was trembling, but unwavering.

"Huh! The human monk in Yuanying Realm, the cricket ants, dare to arrogantly in front of this seat!" The black armor alien sneered with a robe in his sleeves. If suddenly Sheng was hit badly, his figure fluttered, his nose and blood cried. You are so desperate guardian, the interest in this seat is even greater. "

"Then look at what's hidden inside."

The Heijia alien suddenly waved toward the cave, a black sword flashed, directly smashing the mountain peak in front of it, and turned it into sky gravel, sweeping in all directions, but did not cause any damage to the cave.

As a result, the situation inside the cave was immediately exposed to the public eye.

On the open ground, only a human monk sat cross-legged, calm, long breathing, and did not react at all to the outside world, as if in a deep coma.

Eight human races were the peak strong men in the late period of the calamity, and they were desperately guarding them, but they were just an ordinary human monk, and under the influence, there was no breath in his body, like a mundane mortal.

Hei Jia alien look dull, and immediately becomes extremely ugly!

But at this moment, when he looked at the human race in the cave, his gloomy eyes suddenly trembled, and then he showed uncontrollable horror, his face was pale, and his body was shaking. Just because this person saw the identity of this Qingpao monk!

Human cultivation, Xiao Chen!

In the Shangyuan auction hall that year, countless ethnic groups gathered, and due to the battle of treasures, fierce fighting eventually led to the day when Xiao Chen, who had disappeared for hundreds of years, took another shot, with his powerful repair. Because of this, several enthusiasts of the ethnic group were beheaded and killed, and more news came, even if all the demons of the Devil Division were repaired, they were still not their opponents.

The world-famous name of World War I shook the world of spirits, and Xiao Chen's name instantly became the sun in the sky, shining brightly!

Terran geniuses appear, and all major ethnic groups are restless, of which the demons are the most furious. The arrogant vine king of the ethnic group was forced to explode himself, and fled in a hurry, already hurting the origin. It takes hundreds of years to repair the injury, and even his own growth potential will be greatly affected.

The twins of Tianjiao, the destiny of the tribe, dreamed of magical powers through their own evolution, and vowed to die with Xiao Chen. Now his whereabouts are unknown and his safety is unknown.

In addition, there are ethnic groups such as the Unicorn, Lingyuan, Fierce, and Giant Earth. Together with the demon, there are huge rewards. No matter what kind of monk, whoever kills Xiao Chen can get enough of it. Reward for insanity.

The black armor alien body trembled uncontrollably, not because of fear, but because of excitement in his heart. He understood that as soon as he flew into the sky, the opportunity to change his destiny appeared. As long as he successfully killed Xiao Chen, everything in the future would be different.

"My brothers, do you see them? See who this monk is! Kill him, as long as you kill him, you will not only get the treasure, but also a huge reward from all major ethnic groups."

"This is a chance given me by God!"

The black armor aliens are inexplicable. Based on their cultivation, if it is normal to encounter the human race Xiao Chen, it is a blessing to be able to escape alive, but now this person has fallen into a deep sleepiness. Although he does not know the reason, but This is enough.

Kill the human race Xiao Chen and get everything!

The ferocious man looked pale, and sneered in his mouth, sneer: "If my grown-up is awake, with your aliens like the jumping-clown clowns, dare to predominate here!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, my adult will wake up at any time. Once he wakes up, you will all die!"

This person knows that there is no chance of survival today, and he has no scruples at the moment.

The monk of the Black Armor shrank his pupils, apparently he was quite frightened, and he didn't say much.

Yun Sheng did not faint. He struggled at the moment and gasped twice, saying, "Hey Brother, you know Master's name, I already guessed it. Today you and I will all die, I wonder if you can Tell me Master ’s name. "

"Otherwise, I will be killed with doubts. I really feel a little unwilling."

The ferocious man looked at Xiao Chen with a complex look and smiled: "Yun Sheng, your master is not a simple character. If your boy was not with him then, I would not necessarily kill you, but not a few of our brothers. Guarded, you have long been destroyed by the alien clutter. "

"So, even if you really die today, it will become a resentment that your master has affected you. In fact, we are just like you, and have some association with your master, and we have been trying to protect him for decades. "

"Remember the boy, Sheng Sheng. Your master is named Xiao Chen. For my tribe Tianjiao, beheaded and killed four alien Tianjiao. The demons and demons Tianjiao also had to run under his command to save their lives! Unfortunately, you do n’t have any blessings, if If he is really under his control, his future achievements will be boundless! "

Su Sheng was instantly sluggish!

Today, he is no longer a rookie who has just entered the battlefield of the ethnic group. He understands the true meaning of the ethnic group Tianjiao, which means that each of them has the lowest level of combat power of heaven and humans!

Each of these characters is a brilliant and arrogant heavenly pride. It is the most outstanding existence of the descendants of the entire ethnic group, but Lord Master can actually kill them in succession, and can persecute the demons and demons. Tianjiao retreat!

What kind of cultivation is this!

An excitement and pride came from his heart. Although he did not truly worship under Xiao Chen's door, and even lost his life today, Yun Sheng didn't regret it. In his opinion, it was all worth it!

Otherwise, with his cultivation, how could he get the sight of Master.

"Huh! No matter how powerful it can be, I am not going to die in my hands today." The Heijia alien face was embarrassed. At this moment, he didn't want to continue, so as to avoid hordes, "I will take your head today and receive the rewards of all races!"

"Xiao Chen, the human race, die!"

In the roar, the man's hand flashed with black light, and a short knife full of patterns appeared in his hand. The whole body was black and simple, but the strange thing was that there was a closed eye at the end of the handle.

At this moment, as the black armor alien perfusion mana throws it crazy, these closed eyes are opened directly, without pupils, and some are just an endless darkness, like a vortex, with an endless forest coldness.

call out!

The black sword was as fast as black lightning. In a flash, it crossed the distance of dozens of feet in an instant and went straight to Xiao Chen.

But at this moment, the black sword that had penetrated Xiao Chen's body and his distance suddenly stopped, and an undetectable force suddenly exploded, forcibly closing it down. Even if the power exploded to the limit, it could not shake a little bit.

Within the one-eye of the end of the black blade, an endless fear appeared in an instant, and there was even a pleading in this fear, a wailing sound, and it came out of the knife body.

This scene unexpectedly unexpected everyone.

The fierce Taoist and Xun Sheng were dull, and then exulted in his eyes. As for the black armor aliens who had previously shot, they were pale and pale, and the forehead instantly produced dense sweat beads.

A faint breath radiated from the figure of the Qingpao who sat down on his knees, like a beast that had fallen asleep for a long time, and is now recovering. That scent of breath soared with a terrifying degree, and finally turned into a monstrous trend.

A mighty coercion suddenly descended, as deep as the sea, as thick as a mountain, and surging and rolling like a horrible grinding disc. Any creature that fell into it would be wiped out by life and completely wiped out from the sky.


The closed eyes suddenly opened, dark, deep like a sea of ​​stars, with endless power, just a glance, like magical power, powerful and irresistible!

"A small sword that banned evil things, also tried to kill this seat!"


A little cold drink came out, and the dark eyes suddenly burst into endless mansions.

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