Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 157: Sacrifice Heaven

He didn't know what this line was, but felt it was extremely important subconsciously. If he missed the opportunity to see it clearly, it would be a great regret. [? ([Eight {One small ([W?.? 8] 1? Z} W.COM

This feeling was so strong that he felt so furious when he sensed the lines were blurred.

There is only one thought in Xiao Chen's mind now, find the reason and stop the lines from disappearing!

The Yuanshen burst into a blast, revealing endless cruelty, covering the square area in a blast, and instantly noticed the repair of the Tianling tribe who was madly devouring chaotic spiritual power!


At the moment when Xiao Chen's thoughts were sensed, the monk suddenly opened his eyes that day, and his eyes were filled with endless anger. All he could sense was endless destruction.

"Escape!" The man screamed and fled wildly.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen, who was completely in a rage, obviously would not give him the opportunity to retreat from his body. Now in his consciousness, any obstacle that prevents him from seeing the existence of the lines must be wiped out!


In the roar, a palm shot.

With this palm, Xiao Chen devoted all his efforts. At this moment, the mana in his body turned into a weird black, like magic, but instead of weakening, the palm magic power was stronger!

Magical power, "Hands Over"!

The palms of Wanzhang's palms condensed instantly, suppressing the void, like the palm of the devil falling down.

"Don't!" The Tianling monk was desperate for a moment. He didn't expect that the monk who fell from heaven would be so powerful that he had no chance to escape from his hands.


On the palm, this person was killed by life and death, and Yuan Shen's physical body collapsed, but strangely did not dissipate, but disappeared directly in this chaotic spirit.

Just at the moment when the flesh and blood gods of the Lingling Powers disappeared, Xiao Chen suddenly stopped. Just after the flesh and blood of this person disappeared, the illusive lines in his eyes not only stopped and continued to dissipate, but they became a little clearer.

Although the amount of clarity is extremely limited, it does exist.

"Is it killing you to make you clearer?"

"That being the case, I will sacrifice more souls, and use their flesh as a sacrifice, let me see what you are!" Xiao Chen has now fallen into a different kind of magic barrier, and all he has done For one purpose, to see the line clearly, you can desperate for this!

The lead of heaven and man is Xiao Chen's lead, and his core is his realm. Although he cannot control it, he can clearly sense where each intruder is.


Xiao Chen shot abruptly with a punch.

This punch immediately broke the tide of endless energy, making a certain area no longer squeezed in a short time.

"Huh? What happened, the energy tide was forcibly dispersed!"

"Hurry up, maybe it's because Chaos Spirit is being swallowed up!"

"Go and fight!"

In this area, the eyes of five alien monks flashed ecstasy, without any thoughts, they quickly accelerated their light and broke directly into the chaotic energy.

"So pure chaos!"

"Hurry up!"

These five alien powerhouses were about to devour energy, but at this moment, a violent roar suddenly came out, such as the roar of the devil, making them instantly pale.


The roar did not fall, and a shocking breath burst out. The entire space immediately shook and was forcibly suppressed. The cultivation of these five strong aliens could not escape the slightest.


With the palm of one hand, five of them died together, and the flesh and blood disappeared.

In Xiao Chen's eyes, the line suddenly became clearer.

"Ha ha ha ha, come on, the more people come, the better, this seat is waiting for you to sacrifice to heaven, in exchange for the qualification to see this line!"

"Come in here! Come in!"

"You are not enough, attract me more people!"

In the giggling, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with blood and frantic shots. With each punch, he could dissipate an area of ​​energy tide, put the monk into the core, and beheaded with magical power to complete the sacrifice.

But this point, the monks who were still in the tide of energy did not know. They suddenly felt that the powerful blocking force in front had disappeared, and everyone was so happy that there was more to consider.

"Haha, the resistance is gone!"

"The energy tide has expired, hurry up!"

"Fight for Chaos Spirit!"

"It's all mine!"

The sound of ecstasy came from the tide of energy. Although it was separated by countless distances, it was still heard clearly. Suddenly, the monks who were still waiting to see the outside changed their faces.

The sound of breaking air again, the monks who arrived later and the remaining ones, a total of more than a hundred monks broke into the tide of energy again.

But at this moment, the one-eyed man Tianjiao Fengtian still had no action. He stared at the energy tide in front of him, the sense of fear in his heart became more and more intense, making him look slightly white.

After just a few dozen breaths, all the monks who broke in previously disappeared. Except for the exclaiming shouts, there was no sound at all.

Suddenly, the thought of letting Feng Tian's body cold appeared in his mind instantly, like the same lightning, a layer of fog bloomed in an instant!


"He is tricking the monks to make sacrifices!"

The sound was sharp and endless fear was revealed.


Xiao Chen sat cross-legged. At this moment, the magical power of his hand was shot wildly, and he shot it with one palm, erasing all the monks he put in. At the same time, the look on his face became more and more excited, only because the blurry lines in his eyes became clearer and clearer. One of them was in front of him.

Almost a bit!

In the end, the 3o monks were all released by Xiao Chen at one time. In the madness, the two supernatural powers of "One Finger swallowing the sky" and "overriding the hand" shot directly, and they evolved into the third type of supernatural power "Tearing the Sky". All destroyed.

With the Heaven and Human Three Realms combat ability, these Heaven and Human Reality monks could not resist his slaughter at all.

With the fall of these 5o monks, Xiao Chen's eyes trembled suddenly. The clearest line in his eyes suddenly appeared, like the first light of the whole world, which cut through the infinite darkness and pierced Xiao. The morning gods can no longer be erased.

It was at the moment when he saw this line clearly, in the midst of it, a rune of endless evil blood appeared suddenly, and went straight to Xiao Chen Yuanshen, who wanted to be integrated into it.

When this rune entered Xiao Chen's Yuanshen space, from within his Yuanshen, a faint golden mang burst out suddenly!

Golden Seal Vignette Reappears!

In the golden light, that evil **** rune trembled, and collapsed and annihilated as if it had never happened.

Xiao Chen fell into silence, and the violent atmosphere of the whole person disappeared like winter snow under the golden light.

A clear line appeared in his Yuanshen. It seemed that as long as his mind moved slightly, he could summon it, and if he pulled it gently, what changes would occur, he didn't know.

From the outside world, with the death of many monks, the energy tide in the void has a tendency to intensify. Countless heaven and earth spiritual powers have madly turned into endless chaotic energy, integrated into Xiao Chen's physical body, making his mana cultivation in the body constantly improve. With the physical training, the power is stronger!

Since the realm of not falling, the practice realm may be called the accumulation realm afterwards. The deeper and richer the monk ’s practice accumulation is, the greater you can grasp it when you advance to the next realm, and the more you practice.

Xiao Chen's physical strength is comparable to Lingbao, and there is also the blood of the Naga tribe. It is far from his limit to practice the peak of the robbery. Now he begins to devour chaotic spiritual power.



"Damn, I sacrificed my monks' lives in exchange for more rewards from heaven!"

"Damn! This person must die, no matter who it is, die!"

"Join them, kill him!"


Outside the tide of violent spiritual power, countless monks roared and looked angry, but their eyes were scared with concealment.

The guide of heaven and man can sacrifice the soul to the heavenly path. The stronger the sacrifice, the larger the number, and the more the heavenly path may be given. However, this sacrifice is too evil and bloody. In this way, it is exchanged for heavenly gifts to monks. Most of them will be killed in the future, and few will survive in the end.

It is precisely because of this that most Tianjiao ethnic groups will use sacrifices when they are promoted to heaven and earth, but they are mostly replaced by powerful brute beasts. Although the effect is much worse, they can avoid the killing in the midst of the underworld.

Today, the monk who led the heavens actually tempted the monks to come to seize the chaotic spirit and take the opportunity to complete the blood sacrifice. This made them strangely angry, and at the same time, they had endless fear.

If Fang Cai had entered them together, I'm afraid it has now become a sacrificial offering.

When fear reaches a certain limit, it turns into endless anger, and they must join forces to kill the monk who leads to heaven at all costs!

Be sure to kill him!

During the roar, monks of various ethnic groups sent letters to Yujian, inviting more powerful members of the same family to come.

"Take the lead of heaven and man as a temptation to kill the strong of our tribe to complete the blood sacrifice, **** it!"

"This man has committed anger, and he will surely die!"


"You must not let this person run away!"

Whenever the monks who are closer and can be reached in time, after receiving the jade Jane, their complexions changed greatly, and then they gritted their teeth and changed their direction, whistling away.

For a time, countless road lights across the sky and sky shattered the sky, attracting countless monks below the realm, and experienced the powerful breath emanating from that light, hurriedly asked Yu Jian .

When you know the beginning and end of the matter, you're stuck.


Nearly a thousand monks came together, and the weakest was also the existence of the first man of heaven and humanity, and even the ethnic arrogance of the ethnic group was as large as several people.

Cyclops Tianjiao, Fengtian.

Earth spirit triumphant, eight claws.

Tianling tribe is proud and empty.

The Shayuan tribe is arrogant and nine faint.

In a short period of time, the four major ethnic groups gathered together, and there were nearly a thousand monks in the heavens and the earth. How terrible this power is, once it explodes, even if the monks who lead the heavens are the ethnic heavens, they must also be for themselves Ridiculed by his stupid behavior.

"Dear friends, today I will join forces to kill and kill this leading monk who has fallen from heaven. Do not fight, otherwise, if there is a breach, the four of us will join forces to kill!"

"The person who kills this person first can get one of his strongest treasures first, and the rest are assigned in order according to the merit. Therefore, you are also requested to give all your friends to do your best and do not leave anything."

Feng Tian opened her voice, but her eyes flickered a bit.

Although this monk leading to the fall of the heavens made him quite frightened, today the four ethnic groups are proud, and the monk with a level of nearly one thousand levels of human level combat power, this powerful force must be able to wipe it out.

Being able to make him jealous, it is enough to know that this man is arrogant, and he must have many treasures on his body. If he can take the opportunity to kill him, he may not be able to gain something!

This man's eyes glanced around. Since he can have such thoughts, presumably other monks may not have the intention. In this case, everyone will compete for their own skills!

"Bufeng town, suppress the void and prevent this person from escaping!"

Roaring came out, taking the four ethnic groups Tianjiao as the example, more than a thousand monks distributed around, and jointly repaired a large forbidden air array, completely blocking the space fluctuations, thus preventing the person from taking the opportunity to escape.

The strength of this array is enough to seal the monk from the heavens, so that he has no chance to escape!


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