Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 165: Standing alone in the battle list

"Brother Xiao Chen. ([[[

"Master." Pu Sheng is still respectful to his father and brother. He has broken through the realm of Yuan Ying. Now he has reached the peak of not falling in the middle. The horrible effect of the accumulation of elixir can be seen.

"Sir." The ironhead brothers looked in awe, but were grateful from the bottom of their hearts. After receiving the guidance of the adults and the help of the elixir, the repair of the bottlenecks began to loosen slowly, allowing them to see a little hope of heaven and earth.

But at the moment, none of them felt the tight strings of Xiao Chen.

Today is the last day of the Millennium Trial Trial and the best opportunity for a strong alien to kill Xiao Chen. Will they let it go?

Xiao Chen's thoughts turned slightly, then he smiled and shook his head, and said, "Go."

Taking a step forward, Su Su followed, and Pu Sheng automatically took a half step. At the end of the Iron Brothers and others, a group of 11 people went out and went to the center of the city.

The cities are treasures, which can break the space and bring millions of monks back to the territories. However, at the time of transmission, all the building courtyards will dissolve into the treasures to reduce unnecessary losses and ensure the safety of transmission.

Today, countless monks have set off to go forward in a certain order without any noise.

Xiao Chen ’s courtyard disappeared, the gate opened, and the monks turned around on the street. Looking at the monk who was walking in the blue robe, he bowed respectfully and salute. The awe of his awe was clearly in his heart. Not false.

Xiao Chen felt something, and returned his fist slightly, immediately attracting many monks with excitement and even more awe.

After all, Xiao Chen today has established a high prestige among countless human monks before he noticed it.

The crowd silently separated like the surface of the water, voluntarily retreated, and followed Xiao Chen and others. Taking Xiao Chen as an example, more and more monks gathered behind them. They didn't say much, they all saluted deeply, and then they silently followed.

Su Su looked at the upright and thin back in front of her. For some reason, she was born with a strong sense of pride and a pretty moving face.

Although Pu Sheng tried hard to be more indifferent, he couldn't hide his excitement. There are a few monks in the world who can stand up to the status of today's master, and Sheng Sheng is very proud, but also very stressed.

The most proud are the iron-headed brothers and others. Among the monks that followed, there are countless number of monks in the later stages of the robbery, and there are even many monks in the heavens and the earth, but they must follow our brothers at this moment. Following the adults, not only have the benefits of benefits, but also the vanity face is very satisfying. However, when they felt the envy of more and more monks, they suddenly felt in their hearts and felt that the pressure was great and they made a look of wickedness one by one. They calculated that they must work hard, or they would be replaced by them sooner or later. .

The team is getting bigger and bigger, more and more monks, and more people see the quiet but powerful team. After a little stunned, when they can see the figure in front of the team, they suddenly understand, and then voluntarily join it. .

When they came to the center of the city, countless monks looked in horror at the crowd who came like a dragon. Their eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and they turned into deep awe and lowered their fists.

Xiao Chen arched his hand, in return.

The buildings in the city have now melted and disappeared into the ground, and the monks are crowded on the open ground thousands of miles away, but at this moment they are giving way to both sides, leaving the road to the front.

Xiao Chen thought a little bit, then turned around, and arched his hands to many monks behind him, and said, "Thank you all for lifting up your friends. Now, please let them go to avoid disorder."

The monks behind him bowed back and saluted, and then dispersed, like a torrent, into the crowd of monks here.

Such a scene made many of the monks here shake their hearts, and their hearts were even more awed.

Duan Modi's eyes fluttered uncontrollably, and his hands grasped the fists in his sleeves. The scene in front of him hit him quite hard. Even when he was the strongest at that time, he never achieved the same level as Xiao Chen did today.

But after a few breaths, the person forced himself to calm down, and no longer even glanced at where Xiao Chen was.

No matter how high the prestige can be, Xiao Chen, you will never live today!

Fu Yunqi came back from shock, saluted to Xiao Chen, and looked indifferent. The Confucian Taoist Son, who is rumored to be the reincarnation of Confucianism and Taoism, is very broad-minded and indeed very accessible.

Xiao Chen responded, nodding.

I don't know much about Fu Yunqi and Xiao Chen, and I have little contact with them, but through what he has done, I think he is a good person.

As for the blamelessness of Jun, he carefully converged his figure and stood behind Fu Yunqi, keeping a low profile. Today, he has no qualifications for juxtaposition with Xiao Chen and others, so he can only be secretive and keep preparing. Besides, there will be a big play directed by him personally today, which makes it extremely difficult for him to keep calm, so he has to lower his head to avoid being seen in the eyes.

When the last stream of monks flowed into the square, the entire cities began to shake slightly during the monk's cast, and countless houses disappeared into the ground, while a dense array of grain patterns emerged on the ground, penetrating the entire city's foundation to form a A powerful array that is enough to make the master of ordinary arrays dizzy and dizzy.

Now, as long as the time is between noon and the millennium, the trials of thousands of monks who have ridden the monks will come to an end.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and his cold hair even erected because of the cold life and death crisis, but he still kept it calm, but there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

Time is flowing in silence. It is at a certain moment that the entire sky suddenly changes the color of the clouds, a majestic breath spreads out from the sky, infinite spiritual powers converge, and it turns into a volume in the void. Thousands of sized scrolls cover the sky, as if the will of God came! On this scroll, the word “battle list” is extremely clear, especially that word of battle, with endless violent warfare, as if to tear the sky!

Countless monks and Xiao Chen usually lifted at the same time, looking at the changes above the clouds, and most people couldn't hide their expectations.

They stayed until the last minute, and all they wanted to wait was this moment!

Suddenly, a strange wave imploded from the battle list, and instantly swept across countless monks from the ground.

After the end of the ethnic trial, there will be a battle list. Based on the performance of the ethnic trial battlefield, the monks of all ethnic groups will be ranked. Although I do n’t know how this battle list appears, there have never been any errors in the rankings since the endless years. .

Top 100 battle list, you can enter the shrine!

The Ares Palace is mysterious and unpredictable. None of the billions of ethnic groups in the entire spiritual realm dare to challenge its majesty. Being able to enter the Ares Palace is a great glory and opportunity. The monks who entered it are bound to get great gains after leaving. . However, they rarely revealed the situation inside the Ares Temple.

But the power of Ares Shrine is beyond doubt!

Xiao Chen's heart was also looking forward, but at the moment when the wave passed, his brows couldn't help but a slight wrinkle. Only then did the quiet word warrior in Yuanshen who had been quiet for a long time, it seemed that there was a sudden wave of fluctuation. Although it flashed away, Xiao Chen thought that he would definitely not make mistakes!

Battle word tactics?

Ares Temple?

What is the connection between the two?

Xiao Chen had doubts in her heart, but she didn't have time to think deeply, just because of the battle list, some changes have already begun. The original list was empty. At this moment, the distance suddenly turned up, and each name automatically appeared, with its own representative number in front.

There are so many monks participating in the trial battlefield of the entire spiritual community, and the monk names are dense and incalculable, but any monk participating in the ethnic battlefield can directly see his name when the eyes fall.

This is the magic of the battle list!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's brow couldn't help wrinkling again, just because his name didn't appear on the battle list!

Could it be that because he was a monk in the Nether Ascension, he could not be recorded in this battle list, or there was some kind of accident that he did not know.

But when Xiao Chen frowned, he was on the top of the battle list, but there was a sudden change!

At the top of that left side, there was a ray of golden light scattered, which was extremely faint at first, but gradually became brighter with the passage of time, shining like the sun, attracting the eyes of countless monks!

Xiao Chen!

Two simple words, but under that golden rendering, turned into a visually striking picture, deeply imprinted into the gods of countless monks, can no longer be eliminated!

Since then, within a few short interest periods, under the rank of Xiao Chen, 99 names have been lit in turn, but even the second-ranked Si Mo, the name is only the extreme silver, and the rest are dim in turn.

Fu Yunqi, Duan Modi, and two other Terran monks are ranked 4, 1o, 32, and 68. There are hundreds of places in the War God Temple.

The race trial list was announced, and Xiao Chen, the Terran, ranked first!

This point has already been predicted among the monks, but at the moment when they really saw it, they still couldn't help but feel excited. After all, Xiao Chen was the cultivation of their people and represented the face of the entire community!

Xiao Chen overwhelmed the crowd and won the top spot, and there was light on the entire human race!

"Congratulations to Xiao Chen's friends, and he overwhelmed the heroes and ranked on the list!"

"Congratulations to Xiao Chen's friends, and he overwhelmed the heroes and ranked on the list!"

"Congratulations to Xiao Chen's friends, and he overwhelmed the heroes and ranked on the list!"

Throughout the spiritual realm, countless human monks laughed, regardless of envy or jealousy, at least at this moment, the words of congratulations are quite sincere.

Where the cities are, the sound is rolling, straight into the sky!

Countless monks gathered their eyes and showed endless admiration.

Xiao Chen's face was calm and slowly raised, looking at the gradual fading battle list, his heart was even more distant.

Now, although he has joy in his heart, more are still the endless crisis, closer!

Su Su seemed to be aware of it, her face changed slightly, and she didn't know what to think, and her eyes were shocked, and then she turned into endless astonishment.

Wu Sheng frowned, interrupting the iron head who was smirking secretly at the moment. It seems that Master is a bit wrong today.

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly returned and looked at a few people with a gentle smile, and said, "If something goes wrong, you don't need to worry about me, just take care of yourself."

"Don't ask more, I can't explain too much about it, just do what I say."

Su Su's face was pale, and she nodded first, because she knew that she could let Brother Xiao Chen so solemnly entrust her, otherwise she would not get involved, otherwise the scope would become a burden and distracted Brother Xiao Chen.

Qi Sheng fell on his knees, the Master was in trouble, but as a disciple, he was powerless. This kneeling was full of guilt.

"Master!" Iron heads and other knees fell down on one knee, looking anxious. As followers, they had to solve the trouble for the adults. Now how can they hide behind the adults.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, lifting his sleeves and holding up a few people, and said lightly: "Taking this seat as the practice today can make me so cautious. You can't step in and protect yourself."

"No need to say more about this!"

Fleece turned around, and at that moment, the battle list on the Void suddenly dissipated, but a total of one hundred and nine silver and a total of one hundred streamers flew out of the endless Void, and fell towards the entire spiritual land.

Four of them, 1 gold and 3 silver whistled straight to the cities!


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