Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 235: Second Xiao Chen

call out!

call out!

The clouds gathered too quickly, and even the harsh roaring sound of the air, the river rushing like a river and the galloping horses, was so horrifying!

Xiao Chen's complexion changed again. Although I don't know why the white mist converges, he intuitively told him that there is a huge crisis hidden in it. He must not let it converge smoothly. When his thoughts turn, he pats his palm forward!


Nether tremor, a hundred-foot-sized palm print suddenly appeared, such as the demon shot, blasted forward, pressed hard, and wanted to disperse the gathering white haze!

The palm print fell, passed through the fog, and the rumbling rumored where it fell, but the white mist seemed to be unaffected, and there was no madness converging towards that point. Instead, the degree had a faster and faster trend, and its scope of coverage was also Crazy increase with an amazing degree!

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy and watery, his figure backed away, but he never shot again. This mist cannot be dispelled is one of the points, and the other is that in this secret space, the mana loss in his body cannot be recovered! In the past, Guangguang flew, and the loss of mana was negligible to Xiao Chen, so he did not show an abnormality, but after driving the magical power at this moment, it finally appeared. Although there is spiritual power in this space, it is all white mist! And this white mist he couldn't absorb. {August Novel Network (

It is indeed the second layer of the town of Zuomei Road, which is indeed weird.

Xiao Chen inhaled deeply, forcibly suppressed the uneasy thoughts in his heart, and converged on the external light, maintaining only the most basic flight in order to save mana as much as possible. After all, in this critical and unknown place, mana could not be replenished, and some things could be saved some. With his eyes fixed on the madly gathering white mist, his mana flowed slowly, and he was ready for the magical power to shoot at any time.

After a few dozen breaths, the convergence of that white mist seems to have reached its limit, and the space of 10,000 miles has turned into a clear and clear space. There is no white mist at all, all compressed into a ball, about the size of an adult, and a weird wave continues to flow from it. San, like a cocoon, is constantly wriggling and seems to be breeding some kind of creature!

Suddenly, the squirming mist suddenly stopped squirming, and the next moment a violent breath burst out from it, dissipating the surrounding mist!

At the moment when this breath was sensed, Xiao Chen's pupils couldn't help but contract fiercely. After seeing the figure appearing from the mist group, the mind suddenly set off countless stormy waves!

Xiao Chen!

The second Xiao Chen!

Appearance, form, breath, and cultivation are exactly the same between the two, as if they were created by the same mold, without any difference. The two monks, wearing the same green robes, stood on the same footsteps in the air, staring at each other with distant glances. Even the slight facial expressions in the face of the crisis were no different.

This mist actually imitated Xiao Chen and created another one!

Xiao Chen snorted coldly, his eyes flashed, could it be that copying a monk exactly like him would not stop him!


With a low hum, he took a step forward and pointed forward.

Swallow a finger!

The magical power didn't fall, one palm forward, finally turned into a tear to the sky!

The magical power "Dasen Luoshou", the first great magical power that Xiao Chen has cultivated, has continued to soar in power so far, and is still a very powerful magical power in his hands! Can imitate his appearance and cultivation, could he imitate his magical powers!

But just when Xiao Chen's thoughts didn't fall, he was suddenly shocked by the scene in front of him. When he saw the mist, Xiao Chen shot in the same instant, started, dropped, and was no different from him, even the one-handed tearing gesture and The temperament is all the same!

The magical power to deal with the magical power to deal with the magical power, two identical black **** big hands, thinking about each other fiercely tearing at the same time!

The whole space was completely dead at this moment, and then the sound of that horrible boom came from the point of fighting, and it turned into a tumult-the sound wave swept wildly in all directions.

Xiao Chen groaned, his face was instantly white, and his chest suddenly flew backwards if he was hit hard, and he stopped reluctantly until thousands of feet away, his eyes completely gloomy!

how is this possible! The mist turned Xiao Chen into the same magical power that he had, and even the power of both was exactly the same. This was not a copy of his appearance and aura, it was more like another independent one. Individual, one exists exactly like him, the other Xiao Chen!

"Don't waste your time, this seat is you, you are this seat, all you have, all this seat, if you want to open the second floor of the dojo, you need to kill this seat!"

"Maybe say, kill yourself!"

The mist Xiao Chen slowly opened her mouth, and the dark eyes swelled with coldness. The voice of her expression was exactly Xiao Chen. Even people who knew Xiao Chen could not tell the difference between the two!

"Kill this seat, or be killed by this seat, only one of you and I can survive today." The mist Xiao Chen slowly opened his mouth and raised his hand. A white mist suddenly penetrated into his body, accompanied by this When the mist penetrates, its pale complexion instantly recovers, and a little loss in the body immediately recovers!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen couldn't help sinking in his heart, but he didn't give him more time at the moment. The magical power of Xiao Chen's sneer shot at that moment.

"multiple star!"

With one hand outstretched, thinking of the sky grabbing fiercely, the space above the emptiness of the head actually slowly emerged a little bit of starry shadow, with the endless stars falling.

"The stars of the heavens, obey this order, call the southern fire to be the stars, to spread the scorching stars, to gather the Suzaku imagination to the world, to burn the sky and cook the sea, to extinguish the life!"

In the roar, the stars of the south suddenly scattered endless red stars, converging into the squirrel phantom, spreading their wings and shouting, and jumping around the endless void.

But at this moment, the mist Xiao Chen once again pointed out, "As the master of the origin of my fire, I will give you the strength of the origin of fire, manifest the power of the ancient **** beast Suzaku, and burn this person!"

During Li Li, a source of fire suddenly appeared, merged into the Suzaku Ningsha, and was blessed by the source of the fire. This Suzaku Ningsha suddenly surged in power and almost turned into a substance. The overwhelming coercion swept away, noble Wuji, showing the majesty of the emperor among the ancient beasts!

A fusion of magical powers, polystars, and the origin of fire!

Xiao Chen's heart was shocked. In addition to supernatural powers, this white mist Xiao Chen could even replicate the power of his origins, really terrible! Feeling the scorching breath from the Suzaku Xingying and the raging killer, he didn't have any chance to retreat, he could only choose to use his magical power to shake.

"multiple star!"

In the roar, Xiao Chen shook hands to the sky, and also performed magical powers, summoning Suzaku's shadow, and giving the origin of fire. Finally, the star-shaped Suzaku and the mist Xiao Chen's magical transformation Suzaku fought wildly, the red fire covered the sky, and the horror heat From the explosion, the space is distorted and illusory.

Above the void and below the stars, two Suzakus fought wildly, and if the flames were extinguished, the momentum was appalling.

The mist Xiao Chen sneered, pointing at his brows with a finger, roaring in his mouth, "Thunder Dragon came into the world, destroying Cangsheng!" There was a flash of light in the center of his eyebrows, and the next moment, a roar of a crazy dragon burst out in the space, and the sound filled with noise. With endless overbearing coercion.

The length of the body is red, the body is red, and the body is composed of thunder. There is a thunderous thunder coercion. There is an ignorable flame slowly jumping outside the thunder body. It is the manifestation of the source of fire. It is extremely hot and violent!


The tyrannical coercion breath burst from Thunder Dragon's body, and the momentum was amazing!

"Kill him!" Mist Xiao Chenyang pointed with one hand, Lei Long roared back, shaking his head and swinging his tail and rushed out. The power of the two main sources of thunder and fire filled the void, creating a sea of ​​fire in the thunder pool, raging and tumbling, coming directly to Xiao Chen.

"Little blood!" Xiao Chen drank, the same aura flashed at the eyebrow, and Thunder Dragon's body appeared outside. Looking at the Thunder Dragon created by the mist, an angry roar suddenly appeared in his mouth!

It is Thunder Dragon, the leader of Thunder Road, the noble Promise World, and there are other objects that dare to copy it. This has made the blood completely outraged, and rushed out with crazy minions to shoot it. The dragon is shattered to smash the anger in the heart!

"The body of the ancient demon, the space avatar, kill this person by appearing to this seat!" The mist Xiao Chen drank, the black robe ancient demon avatar, the silver robe space avatar stepped out and appeared at the same time, the former roared out in the roar. The demon body strode forward, and the space avatar sneered, and the figure disappeared into the void directly.

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy and watery, and his eyes were filled with anger, and without any hesitation, two big avatars were summoned, the ancient demon avatar to the ancient demon avatar, the space avatar to space avatar, and the two sides fought in an instant.

The two ancient demon bodies have a height of 90,000 feet, and they are all powerful in raising hands and feet, and they can reach endless magical power under the blast!

The space splits through the endless space. Although the fighting momentum is not great, its thrilling degree is infinitely higher. The two are crazy shots in this endless space. Often, the figure will appear at several space points. Dozens of times!

Although the two sides are evenly matched and no one can take advantage, Xiao Chen's face grows more gloomy. Both sides have exactly the same card powers, seemingly equal, but it is important to forget that in this secret space, Xiao Chen couldn't absorb any spiritual power to replenish her loss, but the mist Xiao Chen could replenish by consuming white mist, and this has grown to the end of Xiao Chen's death!

"Ha ha ha ha! Xiao Chen, you have nothing to waste, everything you have, this seat has everything, today's fight must be you defeated and ridiculed!" The mist Xiao Chen sneered, murderous.

Xiao Chen seemed to think something in his mind, but he couldn't catch it faintly, but at this moment he knew clearly that Xiao Chen must not let the mist take the initiative, otherwise it would be extremely unfavorable for him to be tired of confrontation!

The bottom of his eyes flashed, and a punch blasted forward!

Magical powers, wild ancient art!

The mist Xiao Cheng laughed a long time, never hesitated and dreaded, the figure shot suddenly, a punch forward!


The fists collided, and the force of terror exploded into the sea from the opposite side. They penetrated into the flesh of the two people, and there was a crackling noise. The two populations groaned, obviously, and suffered some damage at the same time.

Xiao Chen shuddered at the shoulders, dissolving all the forces of the shock, and the figure rushed out slightly.



In the mysterious space, the roar of the explosion was unknowing. Both Xiao Chen tried their best to use their physical power to catch and fight, and they used fierce and overbearing methods. They had very few defensive methods. They used offense instead of defense. There was a loud noise and a shock in the void.

Xiao Chen's face was white, a blood stain flowed from the corner of his mouth, his brows frowned, and the ray of aura in his head became clearer and clearer, but he could not always be grasped by him.


With a punch, both sides had no defense, and they smashed each other's chests, causing each other's mouth and nose bleeding to fly backwards under the influence of mighty forces, and they stopped barely until thousands of feet away.

The mist Xiao Chen raised his hand, and a large amount of white mist merged into his body, making his pale complexion suddenly recover. "Xiao Chen, don't struggle anymore and resist, this seat said, I have all you have, here In space, you cannot swallow energy to replenish yourself, and you are doomed to death! "

"Here's where you fall!"

The mist Xiao Chen laughed wildly, the sound of the tumbling mist swirled endlessly, and the body exuded an indomitable breath. Its state was restored to its peak state by devouring that weird white mist in a short period of time!


[1o o'clock in the morning, 17 o'clock in the afternoon, and 21 o'clock in the evening. It is the time to update on time without any accidents. I hope it will be helpful to all of you. 】

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