Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 237: A foothold in the vast territory

Ancient realm limit?

A bit of incomprehension flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, and the Taoist with the left eyebrow waved his hand, saying: "Ancient realm is a realm divided by cultivation base, or called an excessive realm. Eight [<(?一中{<文网Z]W>.?C)O?M]"

"The Mayfly Realm cultivation base corresponds to refining Qi, building foundations, golden core, Yuan Ying, and not falling. Small Thousand Realms correspond to the combination, crossing the robbery, the Mahayana state, the Mahayana state, that is, the realm of heaven and man, when the monk feels the origin of breaking the shackles Then you can enter the ancient realm!"

"This realm has almost reached the limit level of the cultivation of the monks of the small thousand realms, and is divided into three levels, namely the barren, ancient, and ancestors. When reaching the peak of the ancestor, it is the limit of the ancient realm. Jie, complete the transformation and leap forward of the life level, and obtain the power of blood to bestow the qualification to ascend to the great world!"

The Taoist left eyebrow spoke, his voice was quite calm, and he seemed to be quite disdainful of the division of the so-called ancient realm, "Now that you are still a long way from the ancient realm, you will definitely cultivate well in the future and you cannot slack off."

"This remnant soul of this seat has little power, so I won't stay here for a long time. There is a magical technique here, created when the teacher was at his peak. Now I will inherit it with you as much as possible, and maybe it can protect you in the future. thing!"

After the words fell, a light ball of light radiating from the left eyebrow dojo suddenly shot out, directly in front of Xiao Chen, "I am waiting for you at the core of the third floor of the dojo. I hope you can enter it smoothly one day. Don’t let this seat. Disappointed!"

As he spoke, the figure of the left eyebrow Taoist suddenly dimmed, and finally disappeared completely.

"Respectfully send Master Master!" Xiao Chen respectfully bowed. After a few breaths, he determined that the Taoist left eyebrow had already left, and then slowly raised his eyes. He looked at the light group in front of him, and his eyes flashed with joy and fire.

The magical technique created by the Zuomei Taoist at his peak must be that earth-shattering magical power.

With one hand stretched out, the light group instantly merged in when it touched the flesh and blood, and the next moment it appeared directly in Xiao Chen's soul, deeply imprinted in it, and never forgotten.

Supernatural powers, big waves scouring the sand, water system, and practicing to the limit state will have a 40% chance to give birth to the original power of water. Once it is used, it can summon the water of heaven and earth to turn into a monstrous wave, roaring across, and strangling endless creatures!

This technique is so powerful that it can destroy a country with the power of one person!

With a few words of more than 7,000 words, the magic technique is obscure and difficult to understand. Even with Xiao Chen's current cultivation level, it is quite difficult to cultivate this technique. In just a few breaths, the primordial spirit has been consumed countlessly, making his face pale.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and slowly withdrew his spiritual thoughts, and barely suppressed the restless and eager thoughts in his heart. Although this magical power is strong, it is not the best time to practice. It will not be too late to practice when he retreats in the future. The key thing is to explore what the second floor of the dojo looks like and where is the study left by the Taoist left eyebrow.

With his gaze swept across, Xiao Chen's gaze suddenly fell on the high platform where the left eyebrow Taoist appeared. On the throne, a simple and simple jade slip lying there quietly, the whole body shone with faint aura.

Xiao Chen stepped forward and appeared directly on the side of the throne. He stretched out his hand and picked up the jade slip. There was nothing unusual about the primordial spirit, and then a trace of divine consciousness penetrated into it instantly.

"Those who get my jade slip shall be the disciples of this seat, the master of the dojo, and get the great opportunity to help you achieve the supreme path!"

"This is the second level of the dojo. It was created by the ancestor who ventured into the Nine Heavens Outer Lands, and refined it from a broken and degraded small thousand realms that took more than 20 million years to find in that other place, although it has collapsed and destroyed. Most of it still has a size of 108 million hectares. After refining, this seat can accommodate hundreds of millions of monks. Although the time flow is the same as that on the first floor of the dojo, the old man on the second floor of the dojo draws 80,000 floating large 6 spiritual veins. The refined 1o8o Dao high-grade spiritual veins have ample spiritual power that is more than a hundred times that of the first floor of the dojo, and it has a vast and boundless territory. It is easy to use and can even cultivate a group that is completely loyal to you! At the peak of this seat, Zeng Use great supernatural powers to collect several ethnic groups and put them into the dojo, and become slaves under this seat. The number is more than one trillion, and thrive in the dojo, driving the servants of this seat!"

"In the place of the mud pill in the palm of your hand, you can carry trillions of monks with you, and you have endless opportunities for good fortune!"

With a few words, Xiao Chen's soul was shaken, and endless stormy waves were set off in his heart!

108 million hectares, income of several ethnic groups, monks and servants trillion!

This is such a powerful force, it is completely comparable to the power of the other idle spirit realm tribes. If Xiao Chen can do this, the spirit realm is so big and vast that he has fear, even if he soars to the great thousand realms in the future, he can gain a foothold. place!

Taking a deep breath, suppressing all the fierce thoughts in his heart, Xiao Chen converged his mind and cast his divine consciousness on the detailed map of the second floor of the dojo in the jade slip.

After a while, when he was sure that he had completely remembered the entire map and there was nothing missing, Xiao Chen slowly raised his eyes and opened his eyes. He hesitated slightly and put the precious jade in the storage ring. .

The temple is prosperous, but there is no one dead. The hundreds of millions of people in the entire dojo have been extinct after the death of the Zuomei Taoist. Today's second floor of the dojo is nothing but a vast and empty place of death. No matter, it takes a lot of time to slowly cultivate the exhibition if you want to become Xiao Chen's strong support for Taoism in the future.

Xiao Chen didn't stay long, turned around and followed the map, and went straight to the study of the Taoist Zuomei.

Three hours later, Xiao Chen walked out of the study, his eyes swept across the surrounding area, and his foot stepped out. The figure instantly melted into the void and disappeared. At the moment that Kaifeng Town entered the second level of the dojo, Xiao Chen already had the qualifications to come and go freely, and he could leave with only a slight movement of his mind.

In the next moment, Xiao Chen appeared, already outside the promotion hall on the first floor of the dojo.

At the moment when he appeared, the promotion hall suddenly burst with golden light, and the whole hall melted like winter snow in this golden light, and finally disappeared into the ground.

"Congratulations to Young Palace Master for successfully breaking through the closed town and opening the second floor of the dojo!" The tree uncle was full of excitement and joy, and respectfully bowed.

Ganoderma lucidum's tense heartstrings finally loosened, and a beautiful smile appeared on Qiao's face as he watched Xiao Chen's appearance in safety.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly to the two of them and smiled: "Although it is a bit troublesome, but fortunately there is no danger, now that the second floor of the dojo is open, our plan can be implemented as soon as possible. Within this time, I have cultivated a large number of powerful monks under his command. Only then will I have the confidence to truly stand in the spiritual realm, and I will also prepare for the ascent of the Great Thousand Realm in the future."

"Uncle Tree, you are preparing everything in the dojo. This seat will immediately leave and return to the outside world. I will probably bring a large number of monks to the outside world soon. I hope that you have made all the preparations for all this." Xiao Chen slowly said. His previous fierce battle with that white mist Xiao Chen's injuries disappeared at the same time when he left and entered the second floor of the dojo. It seemed that the previous battle was just illusory.

"Palace Master, don't worry, the old slave has been waiting for my left eyebrow dojo to rise for countless years, and now it will definitely not delay the major events of Palace Master."

"This is the magical power selected from the six inheritances of the left eyebrow according to the Young Palace Master's instructions. You can collect it, and the old slave will prepare now!" The tree uncle politely bowed, turned and hurried away. Although it's busy time, there is no unwillingness in the tree uncle's heart, but the endless joy! To be able to watch the dojo rise again, this is the only wish in his heart!

"Brother Xiao Chen, Ganoderma will prepare the inheritance classics of Zuo Mei Yi Dao. When the eldest brother leads the monks to enter, he can directly lead the monks to worship me and come to practice!" Ganoderma is always about helping Big Brother Xiao Chen. Happy to do it.

Seeing Lingzhi leaving, Xiao Chen smiled at the corners of his mouth, and then he took a deep breath. Now it should be time to form his team!

In the past, the cultivation base was too weak and the chances were insufficient, but now everything is ready and only owes the east wind, let him do it to attract that shareholder wind!

As he stepped down, Xiao Chen disappeared instantly.


Xiao Mansion.

Master Xiao Chen left the customs and urgently summoned the clerk in charge of Xiao Mansion to the main hall.

Telford butler came first and gave a respectful salute to Xiao Chen. He did not find a seat to sit down. As a butler, Telford abides by his own code of conduct and maintains sufficient respect in front of adults and never dared to sit down. Something beyond.

Tong Cheng came second, with a faint intention of joy in his eyes and politely bowed to Xiao Chen. He wanted to stand beside him but was stopped by Xiao Chen and let him sit on the left side.

If the Xiao Mansion wants to be strong, it needs to have some rules. As his disciple, regardless of his cultivation level, his status is very noble in Xiao Mansion, and it is reasonable to sit here.

Seven members of the Panshi team arrived at the same time, but they wanted to salute but were stopped by Xiao Chen with a wave of hands. Once seated on his left hand, not at the front position, Xiao Chen frowned and raised his hand and said, "Panshi, you wait until the front row is seated."

A sense of excitement and gratitude flashed in the eyes of Pan Shi and the others. Today is the first official ranking of Xiao Mansion's official government. Xiao Chen's move was obviously intended to lift the status of Pan Shi and others. Naturally, the brothers were grateful.

The last one that arrived was Tietou, followed by 5 monks in turn, all of them joined the Xiao Mansion for casual cultivating, "My lord, I have already brought you here, please tell me." In just a few months, Tietou's aura is now strong enough. The monk of the Heaven and Human Realm, after blending with the Magic Sword, he has obviously gained a lot of benefits, and his body is full of fierce and tyrannical aura. Once he makes a full shot, he can explode a powerful cultivation base that can defeat the Heaven and Human Realm. Becoming a veritable leader of the Xiao Mansion guards, no one under the magic sword dared to be dissatisfied.

Xiao Chen nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand to let him sit down in Tong Cheng, and his eyes fell on the four monks who entered the temple.

"Subordinate Zuo Junmu, meet your lord!"

"Subordinate Mo Jueye, pay homage to your lord!"

"Subordinate Chen Yuan, meet your lord!"

"Subordinate Luo Ye, meet your lord!"

"Subordinate Si Nan approached Chu and paid respect to the lord!"

5 At the same time, he bends down and salutes, his face is respectful and awe, and there is a little excitement and anxiety in his eyes in low confrontation.

The excitement is because all the four people except Chozuo Junmu are not strong guards in the mansion. It is naturally a great honor to be summoned by an adult, and the uneasy is because they don't know what they are summoned today, which makes it difficult to calm their hearts.

After the five people gave the salute, Xiao Chen glanced over them, spoke lightly, and said: "Get up, go to the iron head and take the seat."

"Yes, my lord!"

It seems that today is a good thing. Even Zuo Junmu, who has always been indifferent among the five, can hardly conceal the joy in his heart at this moment, and take his seat according to his cultivation level.

When the people arrived, Xiao Chen's sleeves waved, and the door of the hall was closed suddenly. With ten fingers in his hands, he instantly shot out thousands of forbidden runes, turning into prohibition and enclosing the entire hall, even with Xiao Chen's cultivation. It can be seen that this prohibition power must be extremely tyrannical!

Seeing the adults so cautious, the hearts of the cultivators in the hall suddenly became more solemn.


[First update, 2 at 17: 00 in the afternoon, 3 at 21: 00 in the evening. 】

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