Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 247: Undercurrent surging

Xiao Chen arched his hand with a smile, and said, "The forbidden Taoism of the Lord of the Stars is truly unfathomable, and there is such a mighty power in the casual array, which really opened Xiao Chen's horizons. Bayi Chinese Network W] W] W].] 8> 1> ZW.COM "Looking at this old guy seems to be a bit bad, Xiao Chen flattered slightly.

The Lord of the Stars scolded and said with a smile: "Your little kid is here to fill this place with soup, why? This time I set off to go to Sue to ask the Lord of the Sky to enshrine your Xiaofu Refiner, and go to medicine. The Wangfu House made a great deal of movement, but he did not want to come to this seat. What is this thinking? "

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, reached out and patted his forehead, and said, "Isn't this afraid of being suspicious, otherwise Xiao Chen would have spoken to the Lord of the Stars. I really have no intention of being kind to you. It is purely a subconscious act."

The Lord of the Stars snorted, "In this case, you can go to the Lord of the Sky but not the old man. I'm afraid it is the biggest suspicion in the eyes of outsiders. Do you need to say this kind of obvious thing? Remember , You also have a seat in the high court of Xiaofu, and you will have one seat. You will have the status in the future, so you can take more care of your Xiaofu. "

Xiao Chen nodded with a smile and arched his hands to thank him, and then frowned. "Now that the Lord of the Stars already knew about Xiao Chen's trip to Su, has it been known to many forces in the ancestral city?" In order to play an unexpected role, if the card is known, the effect will be greatly reduced.

The master of the day is Xiao Chen's hole card at the moment, which is not very good news for him.

The Lord of the Stars sneered, "You can rest assured. Now your action in Xiao House is too big, and it has moved the interests of many old guys. These people will never give up, and there will be follow-up measures. This seat has already helped you. I concealed the story of the Lord of the Heavens. When the time is right, I can give these old guys a head start to make them suffer. However, the situation of the Swallow's Nest and Yaowang Mansion is so loud that this seat cannot help you hide it. "

Speaking of which, the Lord of the Stars frowned, "I'm afraid that the matter of the Swallow's Nest will be a bit troublesome. Your kid hasn't discussed it with the old man before he has done it. So far, I can only see it. We ca n’t say why. Create your next enemy for you. Don't ask for specifics. This time, they will definitely shoot, and you will naturally know soon. "

Xiao Chen was thankful for a while, Jiang was old and spicy. Things he hadn't thought of had been silently handled by the Lord of Stars. From this point of view, obviously the Lord of Stars did not seem to be human in appearance. No force was formed in it. How could this old stranger who lay down the courage to endure the endless years of the human race without any preparation for coping with the crisis? This point is that Xiao Chen was not convinced.

The Lord of the Stars seemed to guess Xiao Chen's thoughts at the moment and didn't explain to him. He hummed his sleeves and left.

There was a little smile on Xiao Chen's face. The thing today is not that he did not think of the Lord of the Stars, but a small temptation on this matter, and see if what he said before will do his best to help him in the rise of the human race. Is it true?

Now the result is very satisfying to him.

The mind of the Lord of the Stars seems to have seen through this, so I will complain about Xiao Chen by doing today, and this is also clear, but obviously this old guy has no meaning to be angry, maybe it will still be in his heart I was a little satisfied with Xiao Chen's cautiousness, and then I held it up high and lowered it gently without entanglement.

Xiao Chen's support attitude was initially determined. Xiao Chen was in a good mood. She shook her head and smiled and turned to leave, but her face changed slightly, and then she smiled bitterly ... It seemed that he looked too high at the star's mind .

The next moment, the surrounding scenery changed, and there were countless big star swordsman sweeping from all directions.

And at this moment, the star of the Lord of the Stars, who is torn in the void, suddenly exuded pride, and the little guy dared to play with his mind in front of him, and he won't be able to do anything without giving you a little lesson.

Although the Xingmang array is not great, it is enough to make this little guy suffer.

After half an hour in the valley, a “bang” came out suddenly, and then the entire mountain collapsed completely and turned into a shard of debris. Xiao Chen's figure slowly emerged from it, his face full of tears and laughter, and a little on the robe. damaged...


Xiao Chen recruited monks to enter the house, and the movements were so large that it completely out of the imagination of any monk.

As a condition of solicitation, the above-mentioned classics and meritocratic texts promised more generous treatment in the future. The profound impression of its wealth and wealth was established in the minds of the monks in the city in just one day.

Now referring to Xiaofu again, no one dares to treat it with the eyes of a weak coward who just opened the government. This kind of big-handedness, this kind of courage, even the leisurely gatekeepers, may not be able to handle it.

For a time, Xiaofu became the best choice for countless monks to choose to take refuge. Even the monks from various forces who were dissatisfied with their own status quo had aroused their thoughts and looked for what to get out of.

The cultivation world is such a reality. Whoever can give more benefits will naturally attract more monks who are willing to work for him. Xiao Chen's temptation was the biggest, so Xiao Fu became the perfect target for countless monks in the ancestral city.

Xiao Cheng, the mighty man who has achieved tremendous achievements in the future, has accumulated a wealth of unpredictable residences. These two points are merged together, so it is not difficult to form a hot situation in Xiaofu.

But at this time, two more heavy news were thrown out, which really made Xiao Fu ’s momentum soar into the sky!

Although the Yanzi Nest has been lonely for hundreds of years, its reputation is still deeply imprinted in the minds of countless monks in the ancestral city. Although it is much thinner, at this moment, it still feels cold all over the body, and it is full of cold hair.

The "swallows" cultivated in the swallow's nest are well known for their clever tricks. It is not unreasonable to think of the famous ancestral city of the year.

As for the family of Yaowangfu, it is a different number in the ancestral city.

Owning a mediocre Dan Dao master drug addict, and another begging for the peak of an unfathomable ethnic group, this kind of power can be formed into a very powerful force, or joining any party will definitely be absolutely Value. However, Yaowang Mansion did not form any forces, and ignored all the solicitations. He stayed proudly on the one-third of the acre he owned. Others didn't bother to provoke him, and he was too lazy to provoke others, so he gradually faded out of the sight of the monk in the city. .

But today, accompanied by the two major forces of Swallow's Nest and Yaowangfu, they announced their joining in Xiaofu at the same time, becoming the power of His Majesty Xiao Chen! Xiao Chen and Xiao Fu have once again become the focus of discussion and discussion among countless ancestors in a short period of time.


In the southwest corner of the ancestral city, in a hidden courtyard, dozens of old monsters gathered here, one of them was the Yi family ancestor, and the other was a middle-aged man with a gloomy and pale complexion. Monk.

"Today we called everyone on what is called, so I don't need to say anything about this." The upper middle-aged monk said slowly, "The swallow's nest stabbed me to suppress the forces of the Central League, everyone knows this matter, and the Xiao government incorporated it. It is the prestige that provokes me to stab the Central League completely. "

"In addition, presumably, all of you Taoists have suffered a lot of losses under the action of Xiaofu. I wonder if this statement is correct?"

The voice of this person dropped, and an old man said in a convenient voice. "Yes, most of my ancestral disciples from Qingyun Sect joined the group to provide a very important part of our wealth, but as Xiao Fu recruited his monks, My Qingyunzong Waizong disciple has dropped by 30% in just half a month, and the number is still increasing. If this trend continues, I am afraid that it will become a joke without a name in January! "

"I also suffered a lot from the Qixiaozong. In addition to the extensive reduction of the Waizong disciples, even a lot of forbidden Taoism, medical Taoism, and sacrifice and worship methods in the Zongzheng have also made requests to leave, and went to Xiaofu. Let me make a great loss to Chixiaozong! "A red-faced old man said with a deep voice and looked extremely gloomy.

"It's still a trivial matter, just the monks who left. Now my monks in Ziya Zong and even the elders in Zongmen have begun to complain that the treatment given by Zongmen is too low, which is not as good as the monks in Xiaofu district. If, for a long time, people's hearts are unstable, I'm afraid things will end up being overwhelming. "Sovereign Ziya's frown frowned, and his face was full of headaches.

For a while, many old monsters in the lobby complained and vomited.

The gloomy middle-aged monk is the largest human "swallow" training institution, the Elder Zhong Yuyue of Eunuch 3, and his organization status is very high. Now he is responsible for all matters in Zucheng. At this moment, his eyes are showing a little satisfaction. "Dear friends, I and other enemies that we all need to deal with today are Xiaofu. If you do not suppress their arrogance, how will you and I gain a foothold in the Terran Territory in the future. Therefore, I propose that I and others join forces. Gather me and many other forces to pressure Xiao House with the momentum of Mount Tai! Even if Xiao Chen is tough, the means are unfathomable, would he dare to compete with many of my ethnic forces at the same time? There is only the option of retreat! "

"Okay! The old man agrees, Xiao Fu's move must not be tolerated!"

"We must suppress Xiao's arrogance, otherwise I will not be able to settle in the future."

"Jointly suppress Xiao House and completely wipe out the storm it has caused in half a month, so that it will know how stupid it is to offend many of my forces."

"It's a good thing, but how can I suppress the actions of Xiaofu? After all, the exercises and classics can't be faked. They are indeed extremely precious. Could I have to be forced to publicly transmit the top-class method in the case?"

"It's really difficult to do."

The old monsters in the hall frowned, and they had no objection to the joint suppression of Xiaofu, but how to shoot and who shot it was a difficult problem. They were all mature people, and naturally nobody wanted to be used as a gun.

Zhong Yuyue smiled and said, "There is one in this strategy here, so let me tell you the Taoist friends and see if everyone agrees?"

The old monster in the hall calmed down immediately, waiting for this person to speak.

"How Xiao Xiao made a huge effort to attract monks to cherish the classics in all aspects, obviously there is no small amount of energy secretly. If I wait for it, I will also teach the best classics as a counterattack. Even if the victory is a fierce victory, and the lost monks are difficult Withdrawing again, in the final analysis, it is still that we have suffered a big loss, and have fallen into the wind. "Zhong Yu Yue slowly opened his eyes, seeing many old people showing approval, his face was more indifferent, a confident look around his chest.

"But once the old man's strategy is put into practice, he can make Xiao Fu's prestige and spit out all the monks who have been taken back. The prestige can't be recovered, and other forces can be warned. This is not allowed to be expelled by Xiao Fu. The monk, naturally, will come back obediently, and he will still be able to escape you. "


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