The next moment, the Zucheng large array automatically operated, and the dazzling burst of light burst out in all directions of the Zucheng city. The mighty coercive atmosphere burst out. Even in the day, you can still clearly see the eight spiritual forces that shot into the clouds. Beam of light! The entire ancestral city is completely closed, the space is completely suppressed by the force of the mighty fronts, the raging and destructive power is suppressed, and the collapsed space is quickly restored and disappeared. ? Eight

It is in this huge momentum that the thorn ring alliance Zhong Yuwei, 17 old monsters joined forces to escape from the cracking sky front when the palm print exploded, one by one looking white, embarrassed, look Gloomy to the extreme!


What a shame!

With the power of 17 people, he still ended up in Xiao Chen's hands. As for the dead bone master, he could not escape, and was directly hanged by the split-sky front. With the peak of his ethnic group, there was no fight back. force.

Xijiao, the ancestor of the West Family, had a blue complexion and gritted his teeth. The boneless master was his strong worshiper of the West Family and had a very high status. Now the strength of the West Family is suddenly weakened a lot. This old man can bear it. Without direct action, it is quite a city. After all, Xiao Fu was united to suppress today. Now that his strong man in Xifu is ridiculed, naturally this matter cannot be uncovered like this, even if he doesn't speak, the rest of the weird can't get over it. People who know this matter know that it was they who instigated it secretly. Now the sent Xiu was defeated by Xiao Fu as much as possible. The boneless Lord was directly wiped out. If he could not be justified in this matter, it would be a shame and he would be thrown home. The man smiled secretly with a spine.

Zhong Yuyue's face was hard to look at. Today's events can be said to have been planned by his own hands. Now it is humiliating and shameful by Xiao Fuxiu. This old man has no light on his face. Although no one speaks, The vague eyes of a group of old immortals around him made his heart even more gloomy. At this moment, he took a deep breath, took a step forward, and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Chendao's friendly and vicious mind! Today the Lord of Bone Bone comes to challenge you Xiao There is something wrong with the government, but after all, he is the peak of my ethnic group and has a high status. How dare you kill him directly! You must give an explanation to my ethnic group! "

"Now the Lord of Swords is here, and I just ask him to come forward justice. If such a madman cannot receive sanctions, after all, my strong man will lose his restraint, and it will surely cause chaos and turmoil in the community."

Today, after some calculations failed, this person changed his strategy and made a fuss about the ridicule of the dead bone master. Xiao Chen's killing the Lord of the Dead is a matter of dazzling eyes, even if the Lord of the Sword of Man intentionally covers it, there is no way.

There are hundreds of millions of ethnic groups in the spiritual realm. Naturally, the strong among the ethnic groups can receive extremely high treatment, but they will also be subject to restrictions. Otherwise, if there is no plan to rely on cultivation for reckless behavior, it will cause ethnic chaos. Regardless of the ethnic group, strong people within the ethnic group are forbidden to kill ordinary monks, and once violated, they will be severely punished by the ethnic group. In serious situations, they may even be obliterated by the ethnic group to play a deterrent role. Like Xiao Chen today, it is a very serious matter to wipe out the monks at the top of the group. After all, there are countless monks in the entire group, but there are very few and very few that can become the peak of the group. Each is a precious wealth of the group, unless Ethnic wars, otherwise very few monks at the top of the ethnic group will fall.

Therefore, although Zhong Yuyue's scheme is simple, it is extremely useful. He prefaced that there was something wrong with the dead master but he never sinned. He wanted to take the charge of Xiao Chen's arrogant shot. Once determined, even if The Lord of the Swords could not protect him, otherwise it would cause public outrage and affect the prestige's prestige.

Behind him a lot of old weirds heard noise.

"That's right, Zhong Daoyou said extremely, this Xiao Chen relied on monks for wanton behavior, and he must be severely punished!"

"I just hit countless ancestors of the ancestral city with my own eyes. If I hadn't joined forces, I am afraid that more than one person would have fallen into the hands of Xiao Chen today. How can such a brazen generation be spared!"

"Please also ask the Lord of the Swords to deal with it impartially, not to be selfish, otherwise this group and others are trying to make things happen and hold the elders' meeting, and they must also have an argument!"

"We must let Xiao Chen pay the price for his actions, and the dead master must not be ridiculed."

"If you can't come up with a statement on this matter, my West family will definitely not give up!"

The lord of Wan Jian frowned and felt a slight headache, his face couldn't help gloomy, and he didn't speak in the groan, apparently waiting for Xiao Chen to explain.

Xiao Chen's face was white, but his momentum was not weakened at all. Now he is using his own power to press the peak monk of the 17 ethnic group to reach the peak of his momentum. At this moment, when he heard the words, he smiled faintly, and the corner of his mouth showed a faint sense of cowardice. Secret means do not work, and now we must use this means, do we really think he will be afraid of failure.

At this moment, he turned around and saluted the Lord of the Swords first, and then he said lightly. Five people, the Lord and the Bone Lord, came together and provoked me to Xiao House without any reason. Whether there was a secret secret in this matter was not mentioned for the time being. Since they took the initiative to challenge, they must be prepared to bear all the consequences. It's the fault, and what to do with this seat. What's more, we just fought. The boneless master shot with all his strength and murder, without any intention to keep his hand. That's why this seat can't shoot with all his strength. "

"The magical powers have no eyes. The seat and the boneless Lord have stated in advance that life and death are destined for him. Once he agreed, even if he died, he had no relationship with the seat."

Speaking of this, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and his mouth was raised with a slight sneer. "In addition to the previous shot, this seat is ready for the final close. It will definitely not hurt the life of the dead bone master. I did not expect Zhong Daoyou, etc. Suddenly, when someone suddenly appeared and shot, Xtreme ’s method would explode when he was shocked, and then he killed it by mistake. If this matter is carefully calculated, Xiao is fine, but Zhong Daoyou and others should bear some responsibility. . "

Xiao Chen said, picking himself up three times, five times two, and even hitting a rake, dragging things to the old monsters like Zhong Yuyue, these old immortal faces were blushing, and his face was shaking for a while.


"It's a mouthful of bullshit!"

"Xiao Chendao's friendly student Gao Ming got away!"

Many old-fashioned sneers sneered, but they couldn't speak out. After all, no one could confirm this, although they knew in their hearts that Xiao Chen was talking nonsense.

Zhong Yuyue's eyes were gloomy. At this moment, he arched his hand and said, "In this matter, please ask the Lord of the Swords!"

The lord of Wan Jian flickered slightly, coughing, "What else is there to say, since Xiao Chen has already explained things clearly, stop here. The dead bone lord can only be regarded as bad luck, yin and yang. Innocent lost his life. But this incident is less guilty than Xiao Chen. "

This weird has a mirror in his heart. Well, you old undead are secretly preparing means to deal with the lovers under his seat, but now you ca n’t do anything about it, but you want to take the dead bones of the dead. Really think that this seat will not be angry! What the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords makes clear is to favor Xiao Chen, his eyes are slightly vacant, and the slightest coldness is flowing among them. One copy is deliberately doing this, and you can bear what I look like.

Zhong Yuyue's breathing was stagnant, and she didn't breathe in a breath, her face flushed! It has long been heard that the master of the Wanjian Master has always been overbearing and shorthanded, and it is indeed better known than to meet. Today I know that the rumors are said to be light. The Lord of the Wanjian is so direct and so straightforward to protect Xiao Chen Xiao Chen has explained clearly directly, it is considered to be the final conclusion of this matter, and the fact that the dead bone master is dead!

Suddenly a lot of old faces on his side suddenly became extremely ugly, but no one came forward. Today, they asked the Lord of the Swords of Wan Jian to make a decision. They were thinking that the Lord of the Swords of Wan Jian was Master Xiao Chen. In order to avoid suspicion, they would be dealt with impartially. Now that things have been settled, it is because they have suffered a lot of dumb losses, even if they want to retort, there is no reason. What's more important is that the power revealed by the entire Xiao government today has completely out of their imagination. This power is completely different from the weak Xiao government they expected, not to mention the terrible killing command and the unpredictable. The two leaders of the medical path, the Lord of the Stars, the Lord of the Stars, and the Lord of the Swords, appearing one after the other, are enough to make them fearful and give birth to many considerations. Moreover, Xiao Chen's shot was actually a burst of the sky-breaking edge that defeated the Lord of Hanlin that day, which greatly exceeded their expectations. Obviously, although Xiao Chen had not mastered this power, it would be extremely heavy even after it was cast. The loss is obviously not the hole card they once thought they would never disappear. Now that old man has secretly regretted that he should not be too impulsive to join in secretly targeting Xiao House. At this moment, retreat has begun.

Zhong Yuyue, as the Elder of the League of Thorns, is also an extremely powerful man who sneaks in assassinations. He is particularly sensitive to changes in the air machine. The disappointment revealed in many old and strange eyes cannot hide his eyes now. I cursed a **** in my heart, but also understood that today's trend is gone. If these old immortals dare to make a big fight with him and make things big, in the end, an elders' assembly will definitely be held to decide what is happening today. Even if Xiao Chen is sheltered by the Lord of Swords and others, today's things may not turn around. But now alone, he can no longer make waves.

"Huh! The Lord of the Swords is so determined, and I don't agree with this person. Please note down this matter and wait for it to be dealt with later. This person and others will say goodbye!" Zhong Yuyue said in a loud voice. He naturally did not want to stay. Today's events, instead of humiliating Xiaofu, greatly fulfilled their reputation, and thinking of this made Zhong Yuyue's sullen desire to vomit and bleed.

Many old people behind him heard the words and arched hands at the same time, "This person and others are leaving!"

But at this moment, Xiao Chen took a step forward and said lightly, "For today, I will keep it in my heart. If autumn does not commit any crimes in the future, I will stop here. I will definitely not continue to retaliate. For the second time, I am Xiaofu ’s unstoppable enemy. I ca n’t resolve it without my blood. I ’d like to ask your fellow students to consider it. ”

The voice spread, and among the 17 old monsters there, almost half of their bodies had a slight meal, and then they continued to move forward, but their movements were much easier, without the previous stalemate and heavyness.


[Thank you to all the Taoists who voted monthly. One yuan is really not cheap. Being able to cast a monthly ticket outside the subscription is an extra bonus, and Baozi is grateful. But again, I hope you all have the ability to do so. In fact, it is already very good for you to subscribe. Thank you again, bow down and see you tomorrow. 】

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