Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 291: Transmutation

A figure crossed his knees in the empty training secret room. Every inch of flesh in the flesh burst into a crackling sound, accumulating the majestic strength, and now finally broke the bottleneck of the bondage. Like the Nu River, it fell from the top of the mountain, surging and angry. Swallow the mountains. Eight [One? Novel? Network W] W) W). } 81ZW. The horrifying coercion of COM was scattered freely from this figure, filling the whole space, tearing his outer robes directly, the black drum tumbling like a demon.

The calm and calm face of the past was completely distorted at this moment, the eyebrows were wrinkled and raised, the ** 's body was shaking violently, but his teeth were clenched, and there was no bitter pain.

Mysterious fetus realm transforms the common body into congenital mysterious fetus, and then breeds again. When it breaks through, it will be a leap forward in the level of life. The energy accumulated in the flesh will explode, and it will break into a new realm!

Too royal!

The prince is too high, the emperor Huangji, as soon as he enters this state, is like a carp leaping through the dragon gate, completely out of the ordinary tires, the power soars, for the existence of the Supreme King of this world, vertical and horizontal, foot the world's billions of souls.

If you want to have a good chance, you need to suffer a lot. You do n’t know how many times you have to endure the pain of falling down the water, and Xiao Chen wants to completely complete her own transformation. Naturally, she needs to bear the pain of the collapse of the flesh and blood. From the inside out, through the whole body from the bone marrow, there is no way to stop the resistance, all that can be done is patience.

Endure the past, then Tian Gao Haikuo Ren Jun galloping, on the contrary, the physical body collapsed, the Yuanshen annihilated.

This sudden change of the imperial realm is not limited to the flesh and blood. The Yuanshen is also included. The pain is 100 times and 1000 times higher than the flesh. This kind of pain can instantly cause the iron and blood to collapse, and the Yuanshen collapses. Perish.

But the figure sitting cross-legged now suffering the pain silently, but clenched his teeth tightly, making no sound.

According to Xiao Chen, although there are great opportunities and great gains, there is no luck. Every harvest is in the hands of his thousands of hardships. He has survived countless times and survived countless times. Out of his tenacious temperament, like the reef in the sea, let your wind and rain storm and swell the waves, I can't stand still.

Although this breakthrough was painful, Xiao Chen was not afraid and never gave up the idea of ​​giving up. During his life, he wanted to open up a large area of ​​heaven and earth, to open up a space for the human world's cultivation, and to enter the world of the thousand to let the fire tribe's blood and debts be paid for. Look at the magnificent scenery at the end of this road. So he gritted his teeth and held his back, did not bow his head, did not retreat, and walked on the **** avenue. From hobbling to striding forward, countless enemies want to put him to death during this period, but Xiao Chen is now in peace. They have become his stepping stones.

Tianmo will not destroy him, he will not be killed by burial, and he will not be killed by humans. Fighting with heaven, fighting with earth, fighting with people, walking on the blood of a dead body, how can the pain of breakthroughs stop him!

In the closet, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, his dark eyes flashed, and his body was shocking outside.

"If you want to be painful, you just have to ache it to the end. You can't stop this seat. Break me! Break! Break!"

Roaring like thunder, arrogantly descended, shook the whole world!

There is a crackling noise in the physical body, and the degree of rebirth of the flesh and blood suddenly increases. This sudden increase in the degree brings about a moment of physical pain.



In the pores of the whole body, blood was sprayed out and turned into a swollen mist. The whole body of Xiao Chen was enveloped, and a muffled voice was heard from this flesh. Although painful, it was mixed with unwilling will, like a tiger roar. Like Long Yin.

In Yuanshen space, the ancient Bodhi tree trembled wildly, and the branches were swaying. Numerous auras of light flashed into a line of spiritual power to suppress it. The black ghost stood at the branch, roaring back, like anxiety and joy.

The pale golden primal **** suddenly fluctuated violently, and countless Taoism collapsed into the most basic primal **** power, bringing endless suffering, but the power of the primal **** did not dissipate, but in an alternative way. It started to be full again, and its pale golden color was slightly thicker than before.

The drastic changes continue on the physical body of Xiao Chen, the human race, the ancient demon avatar, and the space avatar are all undergoing an important leap!

Time passed in the midst of this pain and suffering. Xiao Chen's open eyes gradually became dim, but there was still a calm color, no fear and no retreat, just like the sky's eagle soared without fear of wind and rain. , Perseverance and fortitude!

3 days, 1o days, March, half a year, 5 years, 1o years ...

The most terrible part of this suffering is not how painful it is, but because of its decades of horror time, long-term pain, and the double torture of the Yuan Shen's body, even if the heart is rocky, it will be crushed.

In the process, Xiao Chen ’s breath gradually weakened. By the 25th year, his breath had weakened to a point where it was almost dissipated. Xiao Chen ’s eyes were still open, but there was no glimmer of glory, his breath was weak or even It took a moment to move slightly, proving that he was still alive, not a dead body. And so, the breakthrough of the black fetus has reached the final critical moment.



Crazy pain wreaked havoc on Xiao Chen's mind like a tide, and seemed to destroy it completely and let him scorn. But this last breath shows a stupid waywardness. It is still weakening, but the speed is very slow. Xiao Chen bears this pain in his life with his strong will. If he died, it would be a hundred. , But once surviving, the pain now can be turned into a horrible force in his hands tomorrow ...


With the last light sound in the body, the transformation of Yuanshen was completed at the same time. The breath of vitality burst from the body that had long been like a dead body. This breath began to appear crazy, with an amazing degree. Skyrocketing. Like the horrible beasts who have been suppressed for countless years, now they are finally free, and the horrible and terrifying momentum bursts out instantly! Although this situation is weak, it is solid and thick, making people like a mountain, like an abyss, which has been raised by several levels compared to Xiao Chen.

Broken fetus, great achievement!


Xiao Chen closed the first 10 years.

Shu Bo stands in front of the temple, such as Cangsong cypress, and it has a strong tendency to condense. The Daoist steward survived the period of Zuo Mei Dao to this day, and the flames are not obvious. No one knows what kind of terrible existence he has reached. Even Ganoderma lucidum, because the same plant-elves can sense the breath of Shu Bo, although it is vague, it is like the ocean, unpredictable and unreachable.

Starting from the retreat of Brother Xiao Chen, all the repairs on the scene were filled with excitement and joy. Only Shu Bo has stood here since then, motionless. It has been on May 15th, 1o, and never moved.

The entire retreat has been closed, and no one dares to break into one of them. Even the Rock Squad, Yun Sheng, etc. cannot enter one of the steps, but two people can enter it except Shu Bo.

Ganoderma and bitter mountain.

There is a fire candle in front of the retreat hall, standing in the void, burning quietly, without the slightest heat dissipating from it, the wind can't move, and the rain can't be extinguished.

This candlelight was left by Xiao Chen before entering the customs, and only asked with his permission, could Shubo unravel the imprints of the Taoist monks? Shubo hesitated a little bit, still tell the truth, nodded and said yes. Xiao Chen smiled and said that if one day the candle goes out, Shu Bo will break the road pattern in San Xi, and turn around and walk into the temple, and then there is no sound from it.

When Xiao Chen set up something, Shu Bo was able to guess what it was for, but he didn't say much. He just took a deep look at Xiao Chen's back, and the master of the heart and the path of the heart could be fine.

Ganoderma lucidum is on its side, and the bitter mountain is slightly behind, with anxiety on its face.


Xiao Chen closed the 17th year.

The candlelight gradually faded, from the size of a thumb to the size of a bean, the color was dim, but a little paler without the bright red, revealing the weak smell of strands, it seems that it will go out soon.

Shubo frowned, his eyes anxious.

Ganoderma lucidum is low, with green onion fingers twisted, and the corners of the mouth are tightly pinched, without any trace of blood.

The bitter mountain was silent, without a word.


Xiao Chen retreated in the 25th year.

The candlelight in front of the temple was almost extinguished, but the size of the rice grains still did not dissipate. Through the candlelight, it seemed that the inside of the temple could be seen. The figure who was struggling to give up and admit defeat seemed to feel the unyieldingness in it.

Shu Bo's face was gloomy, and his eyes were cold and swollen, and the horrible breath slowly spread over the whole hall. He speculated that this retreat would be dangerous, but he did not expect that it would be so fierce that it would make the owner of the palace less prone.

Take the soul as a guide, turn it into a burning lamp, the light is on, and the light is off. This technique is the way of the Taoist field. Shu Bo knows very well. Now it is a matter of life and death. Maybe the next time ... the lights will go out ..

Lingzhi sensed Shu Bo's ugly face. Although she didn't know what the light was, she could feel the breath of Brother Xiao Chen to make her feel at ease, but the candlelight breath became weaker and weaker, and a sorrow lingered in her heart all these years. There was a terrible pain in her heart.


Ganoderma opened his mouth, but Shu Bo was unmoved, and sighed after half a ring. "The retreat hall was built by the old palace master, and a large array of them opened up, even I couldn't break into it. Today, I can only see less. Can the palace master stand up to the moment. "

"How easy is it to turn a carp into a dragon? If you don't die, you will become a giant maggot in the future ... But will the man in the mantle chosen by the old palace master be a short-lived person, and the old man doesn't believe that the young palace master will die, never believe it!

Shubo growled, but it was hard to hide his sorrow.

Ganoderma lucidum tears, bitter red eyes.

But one day, when the candlelight seemed to be gone, Shubo was ready to forcibly break the dojo brand, and a burst of anger suddenly burst from the candlelight.

Shubo lifted his old tears. "Thief, you have finally done a good deed!"

Ganoderma lucidum transforms into sadness and joy, but is overwhelmed, falls on the ground and looks up at the candlelight, and the empty atrium is filled with a full of excitement ...



[Tomorrow will be updated in the day and night, and it will not be completed a thousand times ..]

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