Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 295: Demon Feather Third

The demons have thorns and are divided into 8 poles. There are 8 schools and 8 lieutenants. Each of them has 8 people. They are all tyrannical, but they can be very restrained and tolerant. Once they burst, they can instantly show their fangs and tear their prey. Into the crush. Bayi Novels [Web W? W] W. 81ZW. COM

"Lord 673, what do you do now, the demon clan's claws are very hard to see, the brothers can't touch it at all." A black-clothed "stab" whispered, although his eyebrows were pleasing to the eye, he couldn't hide his evil spirit.

Lieutenant 673, it means that this person is the sixth pole, the seventh school, and the third lieutenant. For the sake of convenience, they are all arranged in this way. "Don’t worry, the bird feathers of the monster race are so careful. Simple. Send the letter to the 67 school officer, I feel that today is definitely not a trivial matter, prepared and prepared. All the tricks have given me highlights, staring at these bird feathers, and see what is going on here. If there is a mistake, go to the military. Collar whip."

Mo Weiguan Di He grinned sullenly, his mouth showing cruelty. As a "stab" from Ye Luzi, this guy has always been accurate in his judgment, otherwise he would not dare to send information to the peak to ask for support. You must know that this is the control area of ​​the Yaozu theater, once there is a difference, it may cause serious consequences. But it was precisely in this situation that Dihe dared to make a move, and the team knew how confident he was.

The monks under his men had already felt the temper of the lieutenant officer a long time ago, and at this moment, his eyes couldn't help but gleam, and his tongue licked the corner of his mouth, revealing hideousness.

Mozu "thorns" have always been proud of death. These are some out-and-out lunatics who have been brainwashed. Once they are mad, they don't care about anything.


"How is it? Have you found out some eyebrows?" A middle-aged monk slowly said, his ordinary face, only a pair of steady eyes that are slightly outstanding, otherwise he would look like the roadside A, B, C, Ding. It won't make any impression at all.

"Return to Sir, the subordinates have already inquired about this matter. This is just a sudden incident, not a designed trap." A Tsing Yi monk said in a deep voice, with a worried look on his face, "Master of the realm, now we are ordered to go to the demon. The clan intercepted that thing, and there was no news of intervening in this matter. There are other brothers guarding it. The adults should return to the ethnic war zone early to prevent the news from revealing the consequences."

The Terran "Swallow" is divided into 9 divisions and governs 9 divisions. There are 9 bureaus under the 9 divisions, each with 9 people. This ordinary man is called the master of the human race. He is obviously the leader of the nine realms of the human race. Many, but because of his special identity, he definitely knows the countless secrets of the human race. Once captured, it will naturally cause irreparable losses.

Fu Ziqi frowned. Years of experience told him that today's things are not simple. However, as his men said, this treasure in his hand is too precious to be lost. He nodded slightly when he thought of this, and whispered a few words. , Is to lead a few confidants around him to retreat. But at this moment, his footsteps suddenly stopped, suddenly lifted, and his eyes showed a sorrowful color. The original ordinary face, at this moment, was a bit colder and colder, and people would see the chill of strands infiltrating the bone marrow.

"Can't leave, send a letter for help." Fu Ziqi is a long-time character. Although he has noticed something, he still doesn't change his face after frowning. It's just this kind of mental state that the Taishan collapsed in front of him. Because it is not for ordinary people.

Several confidants had cold eyes, and their physical strength instantly released a trace of murderous aura, but it was extremely vague and extremely difficult to be noticed. As a dancer in the dark night, no one would blatantly release their breath, otherwise they would be seeking their own death. This is a creed carved into their bones, even if they are discovered at this moment, they will not forget this.

A dozen celebrities, "Swallows", are as flexible as a civet cat, and come together quietly, guarding the lord of the world. This is the rule of "Swallows". In the event of an accident, desperately **** Shangfeng away, because the higher the level of monks Falling into the hands of the enemy, the more secrets may be revealed.

"I don't know which wing leader of the monster clan made the shot himself, so I might as well show up to see it." Fu Ziqi spoke lightly, but his eyes became colder and colder, like a poised cheetah, seemingly calm, but it can instantly burst into people Smacking terrorist attack.

The voice spread faintly, immediately alarming the cultivators of the Demon Feather and Demon Spurs in front of them. At this moment, their complexions changed slightly, and they suddenly turned around.

"Hehe, you deserve to be a disciple trained by King Yan of the Human Race, the 7th realm master really felt Lin Min, but the seat is a little closer, and you have already discovered it." There was a light smile, gentle and simple. Fierce and fierce, but Fu Ziqi's face turned pale for an instant. When he saw the monk walking out of the dark void, there was no trace of blood on his face. He pressed his lips tightly to prevent him from showing a look of horror, and swallowed. He smeared his mouth and said with a wry smile: "It turns out that the third person of Demon Feather came here, and this round is not unjustly lost."

Hearing the four characters "Monu Yu third" in the large population, the surrounding human race "Swallows" changed their colors at the same time. With their well-trained calm mentality, they could not help showing a panic at this moment. It is enough to know these four characters. Deterrence capability.

Used white pulp robe, I don’t know how many times I’ve washed it, but it’s still clean and tidy. I wear it on a slightly thin middle-aged man with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth. If it weren’t for those long and narrow eyes that showed a little evil charm, this He looks more like a Confucian scholar who has broken thousands of books, full of gentle and simple taste. But it was such a man who made Fu Ziqi's heart bitter and without any thoughts of resistance, and made the surrounding "Swallows" terrified.

Just because his name is Yaoyu Third, it doesn't need much reason.

"Hand over that thing, this seat will let you go on the road safely, without the pain of flesh and blood, otherwise you know my method, why do you need to do meaningless resistance and cause trouble for you and me." Yaoyu said slowly, It is still that calm and calm.

Fu Ziqi licked the corner of his mouth, struggling in his eyes, then gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "No matter how you say it, I am the junior of the third person. It's not shameful to be in your hands this time, but these Over the years, countless facts have proved that what you said is not credible, so I still don’t decide to give you the things. In this way, a heroic resistance to death is better than being tortured to death. The family of our brothers can also Get more compensation." Although his face was full of bitterness, the guy's face was full of firmness, and he was obviously a master who looked for the South Wall and didn't look back.

The surrounding "Swallows" heard that their eyes were slightly dim, but did not feel depressed. Instead, they exploded with an astonishing vigor. Since no one can escape death no matter what, it is better to fight him vigorously in exchange for more comfort from the group. Obviously the thought in their minds.

Demon Yu's third eyes flashed a bit of admiration, "It is a pity to be able to seize the opportunity to improve morale in this situation, the 7th realm master of'Swallow' really deserves to be known as a role that is valued by King Yan. , Today is destined to be folded in the hands of this seat." Although he still opened his mouth with a smile, the smile at the corner of his mouth has already begun to become cold, revealing a trace of ferociousness.

Fu Ziqi took a group of monks with a sad face and prepared to die, facing the third place of Demon Feather, even if they all combined, they were not enough to be crushed by a little finger.

Fu Ziqi secretly regretted that if he knew he would die so quickly, he shouldn’t have listened to the old man’s words to forbid female sex. Last time the little girl from the 3rd Realm didn’t cruelly arch her, miscalculation, Miscalculation!

Fu Ziqi was annoyed, but secretly he had already sent out a help message quickly, and there was hope that no one would die, right?

This point didn't escape Demon Yu's third eye, but this high-level figure of Demon Race "Yu" obviously didn't intend to stop him, even if the human race ancestor received the message, it would be too late to get here. What's more, his demon clan is not without his ancestors. He is not afraid at all. The livelier the game, the better. Only with this opportunity can he unscrupulously catch people and try some new tricks he figured out. For example, the method of gu worms suppresses the monks and plants them in the body. After being stimulated by drugs, the gu worms will quickly break out of the shell and devour the flesh and blood of the monks. Gu worms are lazy in nature and always like to go to another place after eating. So if you are unlucky and add some life-saving spirit pills, a monk can let Gu worms eat for up to 3 years. There is also skin peeling technique. Use a knife to slowly peel off the entire human skin, and then swallow a kind of raw skin pill. A blood red piece of human body like a shrimp will quickly give birth to a second skin, and then continue to peel it. Layer by layer, at the end of the monk’s body, there is no flesh, only the last thin layer is left. You can clearly see the activities of the internal organs, and then gently cut it down, the liver, stomach, and other brains flow out, peeling it off. , One person can peel off 139 pieces of skin...

Thinking of the idea he had created so hard, Yao Yu couldn't help showing a bit of scorching heat in his third eyes, and wanted to catch these small shrimps quickly and try it out. The taste must be very good.

But at this time, he frowned suddenly, and turned to look at the dozens of rushing lights. He was a monster young man who was so handsome and clumsy, and his thin scarlet lips added a few differences to him. Kind of charm.

"Master Master, please let the disciple take action this time and kill him." With a smile on Yang Zhou's face, he was exactly the same as Demon Yu Third, a little bit more green, but also a bit more vicious.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and wiped his right cheek. There was a scar on the white and delicate skin with extremely hideous teeth, like two saw blades joined together. This is the mark left to him by Fu Ziqi more than a hundred years ago, using the famous explosive fang file in his hand. Today, he wants to pay back the account bit by bit, and slowly cut him by mistake with his fangs.

Yang Zhou thought, with a sharp smile on his face.


[The first update today, another chapter will be updated this afternoon! 】

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