Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 302: Trifold of lines

But at this moment, the breath of terror and demon in the city of one hundred kills suddenly bursts out. Like the slap knife of the world, the violent breath burst out into the sky, and it seemed like a cricket across Xiao Chen and the ancestor of the sword. Cut off. W] W]. 〔8〉 1ZW. Com

Jianzu frowned slightly. From this breath, he sensed the determination of the demon handsome Zichuan to kill. His brows couldn't help but frown tightly, his eyes were cloudy for a moment, and finally he let go of the dangerous thoughts in his heart.

If the ancestors of the Terrans broke out from the demonic war zone, they can only prove that the demons are incompetent and cannot leave their half-ancestors to kill. The Terrans have given the demons sufficient opportunities. If they have not grasped them, then When he took another shot at sheltering the ancestor of the Qingpao, he could barely say the past from the point of view of reason. However, if it breaks into the territory of the demon clan directly, it is the fact that the human race has breached the contract first and does not account for the slightest truth. It will undoubtedly become extremely passive, and it will even seriously damage the prestige status established by the human race for many years.

As the supreme commander of the extraterritorial battlefield today, the sword ancestors have to be careful and cannot do things that harm the overall interests of the human race.

"Boy, if you want to survive, break out of the demon war zone. As long as you can take a step, the old man will protect you today and be safe!" Jianzu's eyes were vacant, and the murderous rumours were raging, and the chill was exuding.


The monster handsome Zichuan's eyes slowly withdrew from Youzhouyi, with a faint smile on his mouth, "Old opponent, do you expect the human race to be able to escape from my monster race zone, but today you are doomed to be disappointed."

The words turned and turned, facing the source of the horror, a trace of enthusiasm emerged from his eyes, "This seat has not shot for a long time. Today, I will use your blood and soul to raise the magic knife in my hand and make my demon's reputation."

In the low groan, the demon handsome Zichuan got up slowly, the monks around the monk's face were showing frantic excitement at this moment, and the adult shot himself.

Lord Zichuan is the most inspirational representative of the entire demons. He came from a run-down family and, with his own efforts, climbed one step at a time to the status of today. He represents the undefeated myth in the army of demons!

No one can defeat Lord Zichuan. This has been deeply imprinted into the hearts of countless monk monks and has become the supreme clause they believe in.

The ancestors of the human race Qingpao can't!

"Kill!" Roared and roared in the demon army.

"Kill!" The number of responders surged.

"Kill!" Tens of millions of sergeants of the Yao clan growl at the same time!

The senran killing exploded from the demon army camp, and it suddenly rose into the sky. Numerous horrible killings were born from the void, and the roaring and covering the world, its powerful enough to make ordinary monks look pale. It is in this endless gas of tossing that the demon handsome Zichuan stands up in the air and holds a Pudao, and he seems to be fused with the blade, turning into a peerless knives, which can destroy billions of souls .

Xiao Chen's complexion was slightly dignified, but there was a calmness in his eyes. There was no awe or fear in his eyes. After feeling the outside world's killing breath in vitro, he was not restricted, but when he was strong, he continued to rise.

Nowadays, there is no way back. Only letting go of the war, why bother with a little meaningless panic and fear. Even if the demon handsome Zichuan is the existence in the entire extraterrestrial battlefield is extremely difficult, but if you let it go regardless of the consequences, Xiao Chen is not a soft persimmon. If you want to kill him, you also have to see if the monster handsome Zichuan has the strength to withstand his desperate counterattack.

In his eyes, Liman flashed.

Above the void, the two figures are distantly opposed, and the body is full of horror, there is no end to the horrible horror of white killing. However, if you break into the area around the two people, the horrible killing will instantly collapse.

"Human race ancestor, kill me the demon half-ancestor strong demon feather third, do you admit it?" The demon handsome Zichuan spoke slowly, his voice was calm, but it seemed to come from Jiuyou, without any slight temperature.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, "Yes." Xiao Chen didn't mean to shirk at all about this matter. He immediately responded, and his voice was full of fierce and tough and overbearing!

The monster handsome Zichuan had no expression, but the depth of his eyes instantly turned into endless icy cold. "So, you can die!"

The words fell, one step forward, and Pu Dao whistled and fell from top to bottom.

In this attack, the demon handsome Zichuan shot with all his strength without any reservation. He wanted to directly kill the ancestor of this tribe with the thunder, and not give him a chance to fight back. Only in this way can the spirit of the demon be stimulated, and even let him Prestige soared again!

He has a low background, no background, and no background. He can reach today with the highest prestige accumulated by his own strength and a series of victories. He seems to be strong but cannot tolerate a little failure, otherwise he will be prestigious even if he does not fall from the altar. drop! All he can do is win, keep winning, and build up his absolute position in the demon army with one victory at a time. Only in this way can he protect himself and the entire family.

He has been in charge of the military for many years, and the law strictly does not know how much the interests of the demon clan have been damaged. If he fails, it will definitely cause the entire demon clan's countless evil dogs to fall, and the consequences will be unthinkable.

Thinking of his daughter who has only been seen once in the nearly one hundred years of his birth, the hard heart of the demon handsome Zichuan is slightly softer, but the killing in vitro is more sensible.

He will not lose, not before, not today, and never more!

Die, the cultivation of the human race!

This knife is wreaking havoc.

This knife is dazzling.

This knife is shocking!

Daomang is like a streamer that cuts the sky, and in a flash, it comes to you!

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted and his face was slightly white. The momentum mixed with this knife made his chest smashed. Before he touched the magical power, he had been suppressed by the strong momentum carried by him. It is worthy of being handsome Zichuan. This mighty power is Xiao Chen The strongest I have seen so far!

The sword and the river are cut, and the stars and the sun are dark. Perhaps this is the only way to set off the momentum of the demon handsome Zichuan!

Inhaling deeply, Xiao Chen had no time to think again. No matter what he could do, he couldn't avoid it, and he could not avoid it!

A single palm in the robe sleeve was extended, and three fingers were extended to press down into the void. The eyes suddenly burst into coldness and coldness, and the mouth drank low. The three fingers were slightly hardened. The mana in the body burst out like crazy rivers and rivers. Raging Pentium, turned into pure energy, into all three fingers!

The face of the demon handsome Zichuan will kill a blow, Xiao Chen is on the brink of danger, and his opponents can only use the power of imprinting the regular lines among the gods, and 3 lines are pulling at the same time!

The power of the rule of lines is extremely mysterious. Xiao Chen still does not know where it came from, but he knows its power very well. At first, one line can make the Lord of Hanlin embarrassed. The two lines in Wuyuan can make the monster dragon. Nuocha is extinct in form and spirit. I wonder if the three lines of power today can explode, which might resist the demon commander Zichuan?

But at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't think too much about it. Now all his experiences are put on the three lines. The three-body practice breaks through the heavens and the humans. The promotion of "Xuantian" to the imperial kingdom makes Xiao Chen The combat power is soaring, comparable to the ancient and powerful, and with the power of many magical cards, it can even be comparable to the idle Taigujing strong, but now he can clearly see only 2 lines, and the third is slightly illusory. Is it okay? Xiao Chen was not sure about this point by pulling the three rule lines to reveal the power to destroy the world. But now he has no choice, so he can only do his best and let go of the battle!




Three bursts of crackling sounded at the same time, forcibly driving the forces that have not yet been fully grasped. Xiao Chen's fingertips could not withstand the shock of regular forces. At this moment, the blood burst out, and the blood was scattered into one before the dripping. Layers of blood mist, like blood flowers blooming, imply falling and destruction.

Xiao Chen's breath was madly reduced, his vitality was devoured madly, and his black head was directly turned from black to white, but his eyes remained calm, although he was dim but not panic-stricken.

The three fingers are bent, the lines are pulled, and severe pain comes from the fingertips. It is not like the pain of flesh and blood, but it is more like being immersed in the Yuanshen. collapse.

Lifting and welcoming to the bright knife, Xiao Chen's pale face suddenly showed a hint of evil spirit, three fingers loose!


Just as the calm sea suddenly blew a strong wind, stirring the ups and downs of the entire ocean, the mighty waves of tangled waves raging, and the destruction is pervasive!

A convex side curve appeared directly as a blade-like sharp edge, as if stained with Xiao Chen's blood, showing a pale blood color. When this object appeared, it was devouring spiritual power like a black hole. With this engulfing process, the sharp-shaped body appeared in an amazing Degrees are skyrocketing, and the momentum released is even more scalp, and there is no trace of blood on his face.

Looking from a distance, the demon handsome Zichuan and Xiao Chen's Triassic split sky front are like two peerless knives, exuding the scent of destruction, carrying the horrific momentum that I have only respected, crossing the void, and meeting violently.

The sword, the hegemon in the army, the master kills the felling, and does not coexist with similar ones!

When two swords meet, there must be a piece of it, endless!

In the attention of the two, the two blades were cut off at the same time, one bright as a streamer, wanting to tear the world apart, the other mighty like a tide, to wipe out the life!


The loud noise explodes, mixed with the horrible energy overflowing from the two-knife collision. This energy is overbearing, and a slight agitation will annihilate all the creatures that fall into it. In the dim void, the rippled tide of energy spreads frantically to the surrounding area, showing the breath of destruction.

The coercion is like tide, like the battle of the gods, the breath is scattered and blown down in the hundred killing cities of the demon tribe, the countless mobs of the demon tribe snorted in unison, the face turned white instantly, and there was blood spilled from the corner of the weaker. Lift it and look at the blade that is about to collapse. The pupils are shrinking with incredible color.


[From tomorrow onwards, it will start at 3 o'clock in the morning, 1 o’clock in the morning, 17 o’clock in the afternoon, and 21:00 in the evening. In the past half month, I have updated the decadence, I apologize to all my friends, and ask for a red ticket. Don't spend money on this thing. There are too few tickets now. 】

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