Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 306: Five Elements of Extraterrestrial Ruins

Xiao Chen has been carefully observing the change of the sword ancestors secretly. At this moment, he didn't notice the slightest intention, and he was slightly relaxed. He didn't use the villain's heart to measure the gentleman's belly. In fact, in the realm of cultivation, the master and apprentice in the realm of the true treasure turned against him There are countless examples of brothers and cripples. Now, you can feel relieved to be more respectful of the sword ancestors. [((Eight

Jianzu's face was a little hesitant again, and then he laughed at himself, "The old man has asked so many, and this last sentence is not bad ... Xiao Chen, how many rule lines can you master now?"

Xiao Chen said respectfully, "3 roots." He didn't tell a lie, and now he can master the maximum of 3 roots. As for the other 1o root rule lines, although they are imprinted in Yuan Shen, they are not under control. As for the ancestors who noticed something wrong in the future ... then it was the rule line that was re-mastered later. Anyway, Xiao Chen had no plan to tell the truth. The power of heaven and earth to master the rules and lines is already amazing. If you expose yourself to have 13 rules and lines, this is simply asking for jealousy, for fear it will not cause trouble!

Moreover, the rule line is the most powerful killer currently in Xiao Chen's hands. Keeping some secrets in the end is good. Surprisingly, the best results can be revealed.

Jian Zu nodded when he heard the words. According to his estimate, it was 3 to 4 pieces. It should be noted that most of the strongest in the ancient realm can only master about 7 regular lines. Xiao Chen can get 3, which is already a great opportunity.

"Xiao Chen, you must remember that the rules and lines must be kept strictly confidential, and you must not tell others at will, otherwise you will most likely provoke yourself to kill yourself." The sword ancestor slowly spoke, his voice was slightly dignified, "You this time Although entering the extraterritorial battlefield was beyond my husband's expectation, it was also considered timely. Based on your current repairs, the relic opening just happened to be able to enter it, and there may be good gains. "

Seeing the color of doubt on Xiao Chen's face, Jianzu waved his hand slightly and said, "The extraterrestrial battlefield may be more appropriately called another rundown Xiaoqianjie. Although it has collapsed here, there are still many relics left. Down, there is a very powerful opportunity hidden in it. Every time you open it, countless spiritual monks will enter it to **** treasures. Although the risk is not low, the harvest is quite amazing. The heritage inheritance order you got from Fu Ziqi will be It was the thing that my people got, and later it was taken away by the demon spur because of the news. This was what happened to Fu Ziqi's attempt to recapture this thing and meet you. This inheritance made it unnecessary for you to return to the group and stay in your own hands Yes, when the ruins are opened, they will enter the race with other monks of my tribe and try their luck. "

Xiao Chen's pupils shrunk slightly, watching this vast and vast extraterrestrial battlefield, and the numerous large and small pieces of suspended six, he had already guessed in his heart, and now it has been confirmed that his heart is still shaking!

Broken Xiao Qianjie!

Perhaps it was a very prosperous little world hundreds of millions of years ago, but then I do n’t know what happened due to aging and collapse, life was cut off, and eventually it was reduced to the current situation, desolate and dead, and reduced to the battlefield of the spiritual community!

Under the impact of this news, things about the inheritance order seem a little trivial.

"Now the battle is deadlocked. The old man needs to sit in the Youzhou Station. When the battle calms down a bit, I will take you back to Kunlun. The time is not far from the opening of the ruins, but I don't know which one will be opened this time." The sword ancestor slowly opened his mouth and raised a bit of killing in his voice when he mentioned the battle.

Xiao Chen was slightly low. "This war was started because of the disciples. It was really uneasy in my heart, and I asked the patriarch to punish him."

Jianzu smiled slightly, and his look had been restored. Obviously, this time when he saw Xiao Chen, he had a very good impression, and his eyes were a little more modest. "Do you think this war really started because of you? Hehe."

In shaking his head and chuckling, the ancestor of the sword ancestor sneered, "The demon handsome Zichuan comes from a humble origin, and what he can achieve today is a victory in exchange for his own cultivation, which has established absolute prestige in the army. But This position is strong and strong, and once it is frustrated, it will collapse quickly. He was defeated by you in the 100 killing city, which has already caused a great impact on his own prestige status. In order to avoid being attacked by people, this will be aggressive. The war against the human race can only suppress any dissatisfaction with the demons in the war, and continue to delay to minimize the impact of the issue. As long as he can remain undefeated in the war with my human race, the event will eventually become large It ’s small, it's small, it's nothing to lose. "

"Of course, the old man will cooperate with him in this matter. For the time being, he has fought fiercely. It is just that the two sides have cooperated in training soldiers. In the end, they will naturally find a reason that everyone can pass."

The reason for the ancestral sword ancestor was only half, and the matter that he took the opportunity to rectify and break up the jade palace ancestors' strength to take it back to himself was avoided by him without any trace.

Xiao Chen's eyes showed a thoughtful look, and his archer frowned slightly, making Jianzu realize that he frowned. "The handsome and handsome Zichuan should be a very powerful character. Now that he knows that he is in a bad situation at this moment, why isn't the ancestor taking the opportunity? , Taking advantage of him to drive him out of the battlefield of the ethnic group has also greatly weakened the power of the demons. "

The sword ancestor nodded and shook his head. "Though that is the case, the power of the demon tribe is not only the demon handsome Zichuan. Even if he is kicked away, other demon strong will come to replace his seat. The new demon leader is unknown. What kind of temperament is it? In the case of the belligerent killer, the old man is asking for trouble. Rather than taking risks, it is better to keep the demon handsome Zichuan. At least everyone has known each other for so many years, and it is much simpler to deal with it. "

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly. From a calculation point of view, he was indeed a little more immature than those who had not lived for many years.

When he explained clearly the matter and asked some things about the ruins, Xiao Chen respectfully left.

In the following six months, the war between people and monsters gradually calmed from the initial fierce collision to the later period. Both sides had victory and defeat, and eventually chose to stop. The two sides retreated at the same time, and a war slowly came to an end.


The East Sea of ​​the Demon Clan, the territory of the Dragon Clan.

"Master Dragon, Nocha's candlelight of the gods went out, and after breaking down, he got the killer's information from the death message. It is a monk monk, but his specific identity is still under investigation." The ancient patriarch of the Dragon clan slowly said, There was repressed anger in the eyes, and although the voice was calm, there was endless chill lingering in it!

In front of Gu Yun's body, the water in the lake was crystal clear. At this moment, a few ripples suddenly appeared. A human figure composed of a stream of water slowly emerged, his eyes opened, one was a dark color, one was pure white, and the black and white was flowing. Strange. Although it is only a body composed of water, there is still a slight coercion revealed from it, although it is not strong, it is enough to make people's hearts shake and give birth to awe.

"Send a night walk into the Terran territory and find out the identity of the person who shot it. My dragon tribe will not die, no matter who the shot is, he will have to pay for his actions."

A faint sound came from the body of the current, and there was no wave in the ancient well, it seemed to be telling a certain fact.

Gu Yun respectfully said that when the water in the pond was restored to its original state, she slightly bent down and slowly withdrew from the forbidden area.

After half a day, a slightly thin Dragon monk left the East China Sea, directly tearing the space to somewhere in the main city of the Demons, and using the power of teleportation to break away.


Terran territory, somewhere in the mountains of Dazawa.

In the dark underground grotto, 1o8o monks sat cross-legged, exuding the thunderous thunder of their bodies, but at the moment, their faces were full of pain and sorrow. If they tasted carefully, they could see that their breath is strong. , But it is draining outwards with a balanced degree. The reason why it has maintained a stable state has not been reduced, it is just that their internal strength recovers very fast enough to fully complement their internal losses.

What it takes to get this amazing recovery is vitality in their bodies! This is a way of stimulating potential without regard to consequences, and they will not die until their lives are exhausted.

In the dense 1o8o cross-legged figure, the old ancestor of Duanjia crossed his knees madly, devouring the thunderous power from the elite monks of the surrounding families, and refining devouring one of the traces of the source of thunder.

"Xiao Chen! It won't be long before this seat will return to the human race, and everything the old man will lose will be taken back to you with the benefit!"

Roaring in his heart, his speed devouring Thunder's power suddenly became a little faster.


In the Wuyuan Realm, a gray-white meridian-like line connects the deep bottom of the ground. There is endless dead air converging to the core through this meridian-like line. A large amount of decaying dead air accumulates, which is a must for any living being. Desperate, but in it there is a figure lying flat inside, devouring the surrounding dead energy into itself.

With the integration of death, a low, obscure horror breath slowly emerged from the figure, cold and bloodthirsty.


Extraterrestrial battlefield.

The war between humans and monsters came to an end. The ancestors of the sword ancestors and other ethnic groups did not have any delay. At this moment, they have returned to Kunlun by performing great magical powers. Xiao Chen looked at the ancestor of the ancestors with a solitary face, and his heart moved slightly to understand. Extraterrestrial battlefield remains.

The relics are hidden in the void, but they are not fixed, but they will move continuously over time. They are opened with an irregular cycle of time. The most famous of them are Tianyun Realm, Langya Realm, Five Elements Realm, and Ancient Prison. .

These four relics are the most famous relics in the entire extraterrestrial battlefield. Among them, there are countless crises, and even accidental ancient powers may fall into them, but the opportunities in the relics are equally tempting, and even some people enter and merge directly. The strength of the source is promoted to the ancient times, and other things such as magic weapons and exercises are innumerable, and they are all rare rare products. On the seventh day when he arrived in Kunlun, Xiao Chen obtained the sword ancestor information, and opened the ruins located in the southeast corner of the extraterrestrial battlefield. It belongs to several clan war zones. According to the vision display and the fluctuation of the breath before the ruins came out, it should be the most famous 4 One of the five elements of the ruins.


[First update today, updated at 17:00 and 21:00. 】

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