Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 314: Funeral flowers

Fire land. Bayi Middle School W). ] 8> 1? Z] W]. } COM

In the vast earth, a crack appeared, a hot breath came out of it, and even the strong fire wave rushed into the mid-air and burned the sky!

On this earth where the yellow and red crisscrosses, there is a monk in green robe walking, his brows are slightly wrinkled, his eyes look cloudy and uncertain.

In the land of fire, in addition to the sand crabs, sand snakes and other earth monsters appearing in the land of fire, there is a fire of the fire nature. This fire salamander is composed of 191 links. The whole body is crimson. The two sections are particularly dark. Poisonous teeth are produced. A large amount of venom is released when it penetrates into the hunting object. It is extremely toxic and belongs to fire poison. It only takes a few breaths from entering the body to burst, which is quite difficult.

And the most amazing thing is that although the sand crab and the fire salamander often explode each other to fight and kill each other, once they face foreign enemies, they will jointly defend the enemy. Although the single sand crab and fire bream are tricky but not very powerful, the two together can explode the combined fighting power of far two!

Sand crabs increase the defense power of fire salamanders. Fire salamanders add fire poison attacks to sand crabs. Combining the two can explode a kind of earth fire and heavenly poison salute magical power, which can erode the mana shield, corrode the monk's body, and damage magic power can. It may not be a problem for monks at the peak of the idle ethnic group to deal with these two monsters alone, but in the face of the joint efforts of the two parties, I am afraid that only defense can resist or even flee.

And this is just the level of the two-line power in the Five Elements Realm. After that, there are still three-line powers. The four-line powers and even the highest-level five-line powers are superimposed. Obviously, the degree of danger is constantly increasing, and the degree of terror can be imagined.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen had a slight pause under his feet, his face was a little bit different, and he took out the Celestial Lingzhu with his backhand, sensing a strange smell coming out of it.

There are tribal monks nearby.


The fantasy city is almost desperate. Even if he uses all his cards to run away, the three behind him still clenched behind him, still unable to get rid of it by means of means, and even the distance between the two sides is constantly shrinking. Following this trend, I'm afraid it won't be long before they will be overtaken by the three, and then ...

Thinking of the horrifying hobby of the funeral monk, his face was even more pale.

Death is dead, and it is going to be swallowed, this kind of suffering makes the fantasy city crazy.

"What to do! What to do!" The man was sweating, his mind was already tense.

Suddenly, surprise came out of Phantom City's eyes. He took out the Celestial Spirit Bead with a flash of aura in his hand and sensed the breath of this treasure. It immediately made him win several stages in despair. "I have a monk near me . "

But the next moment, this man did show hesitation on his face. I wonder if the three behind him should be taken away. In case Lingzhu induction is just a monk at the peak of an ordinary ethnic group, wouldn't he be ridiculed.

Gritted his teeth, Phantom City hurriedly made his situation clear. He sent information through the Lingzhu to the past, and then he fled madly, waiting anxiously for the reply from Lingzhu's message.

Emotions of nervousness, expectation, fear, panic, etc. lingered in his mind. For a short period of time, it seemed to him as difficult as ten or one hundred years.

But Tongtian Lingzhu is still calm, without any changes.

The fantasy city sank, and the corners of his mouth were bitter.

But at this moment, through the Lingzhu induction, the breath that was not far away suddenly turned and went straight to where he was at this moment. The fantasy city stayed for a while, then the ecstasy was revealed in the eyes, and the loss suddenly rose in spite of the loss!

Knowing that he is in a position to dare to shoot at this moment, obviously the Daoist has confidence in his heart. As long as he meets with him, he will be able to spend more than 70% of the game today.

How can this not make Phantom City overjoyed!

At the rear, monks of the Iron Armor, Electric Eel, and Funeral Clan frown at the same time, with a gloomy look in their eyes. "Did this person suddenly change direction, did he sense the breath of the surrounding monks?" Ugly.

"This matter is very likely. Today, I and the three of us joined forces to kill the monks at the peak of the ethnic group. If we can't cut the grass and root out, we will inevitably lead to the killing of the body in the future! Kill all crises! "Xiu of the funeral clan spoke coldly.

The tribe of the Iron Armor nodded, and the three of them drank a low voice, suddenly increasing their scores and killing themselves.

"Leave it to me, human monk!" The electric eel croak yelled, raised his hand and patted it, and suddenly a trident composed of thunder and lightning instantly condensed, penetrated the endless space in a flash, and went straight to the fantasy city. Spike off!

Although the power of thunder and lightning was suppressed in the Five Elements Realm, his magical power was discounted, but this skill is a magical power of the electric eel tribe. It can excite the ancient monks with half a step, which is enough to kill the peak monk of the ethnic group.

The magic city suddenly lifted up, and his mouth was full of unwillingness, just a little bit, just a little bit, and he would be able to reunite with the Taoists of the human race, so ridiculous, he was unwilling!

The next moment, the lightning trident fell endlessly and destroyed!


There was a sudden cold hum in the void, and the endless chill mixed with it, which caused the temperature of the entire space to drop suddenly. The horrifying thunderbolt was like being forcibly suppressed, stagnated in the void, and could no longer move.

The face of the electric eel tribe was pale, and the connection between him and the talented supernatural power was forcibly cut off by a mighty force. At the moment of facing this power, it actually made him feel irresistible!


This population roared, and under strong self-pressure underwent internal injuries. A flash of ray outside the body meant to flee to the rear in a frenzy.

At the same time, the Tiejia tribe and the funeral tribe also changed their faces. The strength of the two people and the electric eel tribe was between the middle and the middle. They were able to wreak havoc on this person in an instant. Naturally, it would not take much effort to clean them up. .

Kicked the iron plate, the visitor is most likely an ancient ancestor of the human race!

Such thoughts came to mind, how could the three of them dare to resist the slightest thought.

But it's too late to escape at this moment!

The terror coercion suddenly exploded, such as the torrential floods pouring down, the vast and horrible soup being irresistible, and the horrible suppression of the three alien monks, unable to move at all!

The fantasy city suddenly lifted, and his eyes just saw a monk stepping forward from the end of the endless void, with blue robes tumbling and black flying, and the imposing power was like the might of a mighty man.

The man was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly returned to his senses, and his face was full of reverence and awe. "Young fantasy city, see Master Xiao Chen!"

The eyes of the three alien monks widened instantly, and their eyes were dreadful, Xiao Chen! Here comes the human race Xiao Chen!

Squeezing the demon handsome Zichuan, the positioning of Xiao Chen by various races is already in the ranks of the ancient powers. Strong men of this level want to obliterate them, but it's nothing to do. Thinking that the three men fell into his hands today, the three powerful aliens who were comparable to half-steps in the wild were suddenly ashamed.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, "Come up." Glanced at the three aliens while talking, and finally fell on the front of the Xiuhua tribe, the blood dripping on it now seemed extremely dazzling, making his face extremely extreme Ugly.

"Cultivation of the funeral family!" Xiao Chenhan said in a loud voice, his eyes full of murder.

The funeral monk couldn't even make any sound, and the flesh collapsed directly, revealing one of the delicate and blood-stained flowers, the Protoss, which is unique to the funeral monk, but its real lifeline.

The blood flower is immortal, even if the physical body is destroyed, it can be parasitic and resurrected!

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, one hand extended in the robe sleeve, he wanted to take a fierce grip forward to destroy the scarlet funeral flower. However, at this moment, he moved slightly on his hands, showing a little strange color on his face, and finally turned it into an obliteration. He suppressed the funeral flowers and turned his backhand into the left eyebrow dojo.

Shubo never intervened in Xiao Chen's decision. Now that he wants to leave the funeral, he must have his reason.

Xiao Chen turned around and swung his robe sleeves, the two armors and the electric eel tribe instantly disappeared!

The color of the awe of Chencheng's face was deeper. Although he didn't understand why Xiao Chen left the funeral monk, the funeral primordial **** was immortal, he didn't dare to show any objection to it. Thank you, Xiao Chen, for your help. This property right is a reward, and I ask you to accept it. "This man took out a treasure, which was the top-level Tongtian Lingbao that had previously been hunted down.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he said lightly, "Well, this seat is to help you in the vein of the human race, not to covet your treasure. Now that the powerful enemy has died, the seat is one step ahead." Yu Luo never gave The opportunity for this person to speak more, he took the next step, his figure turned into a glimmer of light and left instantly, disappearing at the end of sight.

The fantasy city looked towards Xiao Chen's direction of departure, showing deep awe on his face, putting away the treasures, bowing respectfully and saluting, and then driving Lu Guang away.


Xiao Chen hurried forward in the light, and the majestic consciousness swept out. After a while, it was determined that there was nothing unusual in the surroundings. This was a step forward, and the figure disappeared directly. Only a black stone fell to the ground silently. Above, unremarkable.

On the second floor of Zuo Mei Taoist Field, in the vast territory, the figure of Xiao Chen appeared directly in the doctrine study room, and the idea moved slightly to summon Shu Bo.

A few moments later, Shu Bo hurried to him, respectfully saluting, "The old slave met the master of the palace."

Xiao Chen waved his hand, "Shubo doesn't have to be courteous. This seat entered the dojo today because of the burial of the Yuanshen. I wonder why Shubo left this thing?" Xiao Chen was puzzled in this matter, otherwise Nor would he intuitively enter the dojo to ask.

With a smile on his face, Shu Bo said, "The prince of the young palace has no idea. The funeral flower is also called the funeral soul flower in the Great Thousand Realms. It can devour the monks and gods, form an evil fruit, and give birth to the funeral. Flower monk. This evil ethnic group is destined to be excluded and massacred. Therefore, it is rare for monks to bury flowers in Daqian Realm to see one. It is a great opportunity for the young master to meet one person today. "

Speaking of this, Shu Bo paused slightly and continued: "Although the funeral flowers are evil, there are powerful people in the Great Thousand Realms who have created a means to erase the nature of the funeral flowers so that they only have the effect of raising souls and gathering souls. In general, as long as the monk saves a ray of the gods in the burial flower, even if it is not encountered in the future, there is a possibility that the ray of the gods is protected by the burial flower, and 70% of the ray of the gods can be completely saved, and then the burial flower can The founding results in rebirth from it and restores the complete Yuanshen. Therefore, the burial of the flower monks in the Daqian Realm is also a rare treasure. Once present, it can even cause mad competition for many forces. "

"The old slave came from a family of plant-elves, and had some accomplishments in raising flowers, grass, and spirits. If the young master allowed, the old slave could try to cultivate the funeral flower and use it as a life-saving card for the young master! , Even in the future, if the calamity is severe, the young master can use it to regenerate. "


[Dear friends, update today, see you tomorrow! 】

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