Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 327: Princess Hongxia

Li Donger's face was gloomy. Who would have thought that this little Haijia lucky luck could be related to a Mahayana predecessor, "Oh! Now that things have been clarified, this younger department decided before taking back, Haijia is still me Monks of the Li clan. [?

"It's over now, let's all go."

No matter how unwilling he is, he would not dare to provoke the Hai family again. The monks in the Mahayana realm are already absolute strong among the survivors in the underground. It must be noted that the Li clan has only 3 Mahayana strongs including the group leader. If he complains with a Mahayana powerhouse because of his own personal interests, even if he is a young minister, he will definitely be severely punished by the clan!

"This senior, Li Donger, a tribe of the younger Li family, thank you seniors today to come forward to clarify the matter, otherwise the younger generation will be blinded to do something wrong and regret it later." Li Donger looked distressed and acted. The means are quite clever.

Hai Qing stared angrily, her cheeks flushed, and she obviously cursed this sinister villain countless times.

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the man deeply, and said lightly: "This seat has some relationship with the Hai family. If you can ask the Minister to take a look at it in the future, you must not let them accept insults, otherwise this seat will not give up. . "

Li Donger heard a cold sweat, nodding his head again and again, "the older generation rest assured, the younger generation took note of this."

Xiao Chen waved his hand. This man saw that there was no near opportunity to step forward and left with interest. A tribe of the Li clan was scattered without a word.

His father was full of excitement, how could he not know the meaning of Xiao Chen's last remark? Before, as a monk with a surname, the Hai family had not been aggrieved in the clan, but starting today, it depends on who dares to treat them any more. Run a bit.

"Thank you, my juniors, for your help, Daen Dadehai's family is unforgettable!"

Hai Dongcheng pulled his wife down on his knees.

Haiqing bowed down with Yingying, her eyes flashed with a strange look. Now it is the second adult to save their family. If you can follow the adult to serve, presumably no one will dare to insult your parents .. I just do n’t know Whether an adult can look at her, after all, is a predecessor of Mahayana. This practice is enough to be comparable to an adult clan minister.

With a wave of his sleeves, Xiao Chenpao pulled up three members of the Hai family. "This seat is to help Haiqing because she is filial in her filial piety. Today, however, it just happens to happen. You don't have to take it too seriously."

Speaking of this, he frowned, and took out a jade bottle with his backhand. "The injury of Hokkaido should be caused by the accidental cultivation of the fire into the demon. If the swallowing of the five-colored spirit grass can cure the injury, the body is afraid of being destroyed. Most go, but swallowing this dan while treating an injury should be warranty-free. "

"There are still things we need to do in this seat, so leave."

Xiao Chen slightly arched his hands and turned away from the words.

Hai Qing opened her mouth, but she still did n’t open her mouth. There is no lingering beauty around a man like an adult. Although she looks good, she may not be able to get into the eyes of the adult. Once she exits, it may attract adults. Feelings remain in my heart, silently grateful.


The matter of the Hai family was only an episode for Xiao Chen. Even if he helped, he didn't want to ask for any reward. He was not unaware of the strangeness in Hai Qing's eyes, but chose to ignore it.

Now he is no longer a young monk of that year. He has a calm state of mind like a rock, and has become much less enthusiastic about men and women. Now the four aunts are still in the human world. Once the Ascension Channel restarts, they can be reunited with them again.

Xiao Chen had a bit of missing thoughts in his heart, and then shook his head slightly, pressed it down as much as he could, identified a path, and headed straight for Wazijiao.


"Princess Hongxia came to Black Rock City, and was fortunate enough to have witnessed some fragrant faces. It really turned out to be the country's first beauty!"

"The princess's trip is said to have been granted by my king's amnesty, and she can choose her husband freely. Once the princess sees it, she can become a king of the city. This kind of opportunity to ascend to the sky does not know how many clan members have attracted The young strong screamed and gathered, and my family hasn't seen such a lively situation for a long time. "

"Hum! The royal family has a weak bloodline. When Princess Hongxia is born, she is the only one who is a royal family. If anyone marries a princess in the future, she can naturally prove that she is the king of my tribe, otherwise the four clan tribe will not be strong enough. Out, it looks like a **** head. "

"Shh! Daoyou said cautiously, there are certain things that you and I know well, and you must not make them clear, or you will cause trouble to yourself!"

"That's right, Princess Hongxia has called you and I have nothing to do with you. Just watching a lively event, I don't know who the four clans will laugh to the end."

"It's hard to say. In recent years, the four major ethnic groups have had outstanding junior strongmen who have taken the lead. I am afraid that we have to do a game before we can see."

"Hey, although our Weiyang City is just a school-level city, the key is the good location. From here we can reach the East China Sea handsome city as soon as possible, otherwise why is Princess Hongxia driving to our small town! But even if it is a cinematic, At that time, we may not be able to see the princess Fang Rong at a hurry, maybe we will see a few lively events. "

"Princess Hongxia is rumored to be on its way, and it really makes people look forward to it."

Wazijiao is the largest gathering place for monks in Weiyang City. There are many tea houses and fragrances in the restaurant. Now Xiao Chen is on the second floor of a restaurant, drinking a unique wine, listening to many monks talking in his ears. Also harvested a lot of information.

For example, Princess Hongxia travels around the world, and now she is about to come to Weiyang City.

There is a royal family in the underground heritage. Although it is now declining, it is still the supreme ruler in the name of the entire ethnic group, with respect and status.

But what Xiao Chen noticed was not these, but the royal power represented by the princess of Hongxia. If it can be integrated into the royal power, he can undoubtedly get all the information he wants. There must be no power in the underground survivors. Comparing royal families can have more resources and secrets.

The key point is, how does he get into the sight of Princess Hongxia and get her attention?

It seems that this matter needs a good plan.

Xiao Chen paid Lingshi and got up and left.


"Young Master, your subordinates are incompetent, and I'm ashamed of you!" Scar Man knelt down, respectfully, without any arrogance before his face, and some were just awed by his own heart.

In front of him, a handsome man wearing a moon-colored robe sat down securely, listening to the report from his subordinates, and could not help but frown slightly. "I'm letting you do what's going on."

The Scar Man's face paled for a moment, and Qiang calmly clapped his hands. A monk freely carefully carried a delicate cage covered with a black cloth before going to the carriage.

The man in the moon robe lifted the black cloth and looked at the gorgeous fur. His eyes were full of clever little things, and he frowned slightly, waving his hand to signal the monk to take it away without any warning.


The Scar Man's figure flew upside down, and the injury was not healed. At this moment, a blood spurted out, but his eyes were relaxed. He has been with the young master for many years, and he is very clear about the young master's mind. If he is willing to take a shot, it means that the matter is not big, and if he does not fight or scold, it means that the matter is completely serious, and then it will not be something that can be solved by vomiting blood.

"My Tang family, as one of the tribe of the Xihai tribe, has always been the only one who bullies others. How can we be ridden on our heads." Tang Minghuang, a descendant of the Tang family, is a well-known young strong among the underground survivors. "Okay You did a good job at this errand. Even if you were insulted, you did n’t report the name of my Tang family. In addition to the kick you just made, even if you did something wrong, the matter was revealed. ”

"Thank you, Master!" Scar Man said respectfully, and did not dare to show the slightest gratitude, because Master Xiao saw this expression the least.

If things are done well, they should be rewarded, if things are done poorly, and they should be punished. This is the rule recognized by the young master. It is perfectly logical to beg for mercy or gratitude.

"Weiyang City, Qingpao Xiu, happened to be walking from there. The face that my Tang family lost, of course, would have to be returned." Tang Minghuang's slightly feminine face flashed slightly.

The Scar Man hesitated for a moment, but still didn't dare to talk. Perhaps he really thought about it. Although the Qingpao monk was not weak, he was the enemy of the young master.

Courtesy, this person turned around and stepped back into the road team.


"Alas, it has been explored clearly. Before that, a group of monks from the Tang family integrated into the convoy. It is said that they had suffered some hardships in the front of Weiyang City. No wonder Tang Minghuang was angry, and in the status of the Tang family, he was eating in a district-level city. It's a great loss of face. "

Inside the winding convoy, a monk wearing a black robe smiled and opened his face with undisguised glee.

Opposite, a red lotus-like man sat with a sword in his face, his face indifferent.

Sequoia, red, scarlet lips, this is a handsome man who looks like a lotus flower in full bloom. His muscles win over the snow and his eyebrows are picturesque. If it were not for the slightly raised throat knot in his throat, he would be a beautiful beauty.

But this person's breath was too cold, like a piece of ice, he didn't have any meaning to speak to the monk in black robes.

Fortunately, the monk in black robes was accustomed to this, and said to himself: "This time in Weiyang City, maybe there will be some twists and turns, but this is better, fighting with some small people, even if it wins, there is nothing to brag about Instead, it will lower her position in Princess Hongxia's heart. Now we will wait and see the drama. "


"Princess, the matter has been found out. It was a group of monks in the Tang family who had some hardships in Weiyang City. It is no wonder that Master Tang was so excited." A charming and beautiful voice whispered, his face awed.

Daimei is like a mountain, her eyes are warm, her nose is cocky, her lips are rosy, if she is gaze, she can burst, she lies on a soft couch, she covers her body with a veil, she outlines her beautiful body, and she produces endless Charm.

Royal family, Princess Hongxia!

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