Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 332: Tokai Shuaifu

"What is sacred about Xiao Chen? It is strange that he can't find out his background by using the power behind you and me. Bayi Chinese Network W] W] W.81.W.COM" Situ Jianxin touched his chin He didn't have much thoughts on Princess Hongxia. This time he was also ordered, but he obviously had some interest in Xiao Chen.

Desolate monks who are destined to set foot, not only Wang Cheng wants to win, but their four tribes are not far behind, if they can dig a corner from Princess Hongxia, it will be perfect.

Lonely Lotus's eyes flickered slightly, and she said lightly, "This Xiao Chen gives me a very dangerous feeling. You better not to provoke him, or even if you are killed, I may not have the power to avenge you."

Situ Jianxin heard that his face became extremely ugly at once, just like eating a fly, and his mouth was full of wry smiles. Fortunately, he knew the friend's temperament so much that he would not get angry.

"I don't believe you aren't curious about who he is?"

Lonely Lotus nodded without hesitation, "Curious, but without us, there will naturally be others who can't hold back, we can just wait."

Situ Jianxin's face showed a thoughtful expression, and he suddenly patted his thigh after half a ring, apparently thinking of something, and then looked with horror at the lonely lotus, "Say! When did your kid become so treacherous? ! "

Lonely lotus rolled her eyes and ignored the guy, her eyes glanced hot from the car that was not far away. Although Weiyang City had no victory or defeat that day, there was an intuition in his mind that Xiao Chen was more powerful.

Although there is no reason, he believes inexplicably.

"I wish I could fight him."


"Come down, carefully investigate Xiao Chen's identity background, and use the power of the submerged fish, it must be as detailed as possible." Jiang Zicheng spoke faintly, a Jiang Family monk nodded, turned away, and then left the team and turned in the opposite direction. Head towards Weiyang City.

Jiang Zicheng's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a slight chill in his eyes. "Presumably even if my father knows this, it should not be blamed, this Xiao Chen can't stay!"


The East China Sea handsome city arrived, but the atmosphere of the entire team was quite depressed. Everyone's face was covered with dark clouds. Even the princess Hongxia, who had first-class acting methods, smiled a little.

The crowd of monks who were crowded into the city was dozens of miles away. Although it was known that Her Royal Highness's car had arrived, the goalkeeper blocked the aggressive commander who sent him to the messenger for the reason that the prestige ordered a noble monk to disturb the people. It's very clear that you can enter the handsome city, but please wait in line.

Such a direct and undisguised slap slammed down, and immediately attracted a group of followers who were not insignificant. If it was not suppressed by Princess Hongxia, something would have happened. This woman is indeed from the royal family. The city is quite deep. This deliberate humiliation didn't explode, but nodded in response, and the queue of cars that stretched for hundreds of miles lined up a regular line outside the city gate, moving a little forward.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the monk in the East China Sea Shuaifu came late, severely reprimanded the goalkeeper, and sincerely pleaded guilty to His Royal Highness the Princess. There was no obvious difference in his expression.

"His Royal Highness in the East China Sea is my honor, and now His Royal Highness will be punished severely. No matter what the punishment is, my Donghai Shuai House will have no objection!"

Princess Hongxia looked at the two men who were courteous in front of the car, with a gentle smile on her face, without showing a bit of anger. "The two young masters don't have to be like this. If they are two by blood, they are still Hongxia's brothers. Since it is According to the regulations of Shuaifu, this palace naturally does not distinguish injustices, and there is nothing wrong with waiting for a moment. "

The two young coaches from the East China Sea Shuaifu quickly thanked Dade, and then stood up to welcome the princess to the city.

The East China Sea handsome city is the handsome city in the underground that is closest to the King City. The building has graceful grace, and the monks come and go. Among them, there is no shortage of strong people who have crossed the border and above.

However, it is precisely this lively and bustling scene. Although Princess Hongxia has attracted many monks to watch the city after entering the city, they are not as cheering and awesome as Weiyang City, and the monks are mostly calm, even occasionally embarrassed.

Apparently, as a monk in the East China Sea tribal handsome city, he did not have much sense of belonging to the so-called blood of the royal city.

In this matter, the two East China Sea Marshals kept silent with tacit understanding, as if they hadn't seen it, carefully led the princess to the side of the car ... straight to the East China Sea Palace.

"His Royal Highness, my father came in and is in retreat. I strictly order that no one should be disturbed. His Royal Highness is indifferent. Please also invite Haihan. Now please invite His Royal Highness to stay in the palace first. He will come to see His Royal Highness immediately after his father passes. Young handsome Zhou Cheng spoke respectfully, with a heavy guilt on his face.

Princess Hongxia's eyes flashed angrily, then she was suppressed by it and laughed: "You don't have to do this. Since Uncle Wang is in retreat, this palace should wait for a while, but fortunately, this palace will stay for a while On the day, you should not miss the opportunity to meet Uncle Wang. "

"The princess is magnanimous, and I really admire the little handsome. The Royal Highness came to the boat and car for a while, and I wo n’t bother too much. I ask your highness to take a rest and take a good rest. When my father leaves the customs, I will host a dinner in Donghai Shuai. Treat Your Highness. "

"Young man walks slowly."

Princess Hongxia got up and gave her away. When she returned to the temple, she looked at the followers with different looks, and said lightly: "This palace is tired, every Taoist chooses the temple to rest, and other matters will be discussed later. . "

When the princess departed, a number of monks in the temple suddenly fry the pan!

"Presumptuous! It's presumptuous! The Donghai Shuaicheng has acted so much that he has never seen His Highness in his eyes. Such an outrageous thing, I must repair the book and send it back to Wangcheng, King Ming!"

"If it wasn't for His Royal Highness' repression, he would have followed the Master of the East China Sea to turn his face, and His Royal Highness Feng Wang ordered me to travel around the world, which would be the equivalent of my King's presence. This Donghai Shuai's move simply does not tell my King to see it!"

"It is rumored that the East China Sea tribe had long been disrespectful to Wang Cheng. This young man always thought it was a rumor. Now, at first sight, this is not the case, but this East China Sea handsome mansion is very powerful!"

"As a follower of the princess, how can I sit by and watch her Royal Highness being insulted and unable to resist, this time I must wait for her Highness to be fair and let this East China Sea handsome government pay the due price!"

As for the tribal monks in Beihai tribe, Xihai tribe and Nanhai tribe, their faces are uncertain. Although they may not have valued the beauty of Princess Hongxia, they must shoulder their own missions and think twice about their behaviors. Row.

Although Wang Cheng has weakened, he still has an orthodox status after all. On the surface, the majesty does not tolerate any provocation, but this move of the Donghai Shuaifu is tantamount to face-to-face. Such a move obviously has too much meaning.

It seems that Donghai Shuaifu is ready to start!

All the leaders of the four tribes are the branches of the royal family. What is flowing in the body is the blood of Zhou Tianzi. Nowadays, the situation naturally wants to replace the status of the king city and sit on the world. The strongest opportunity is undoubtedly the East Sea tribe.

Emperor Tang Minghuang's eyes flickered, his face suddenly gloomy. "This move by the East Sea Shuai House is indeed too much. His Highness is His Highness, after all, it represents the supreme royal status of our tribe. The majesty cannot be provoked. Any disrespectful action must pay the due price ! "

The Tang family of the Xihai tribe is the most dependent of the Xihai Shuai government. It has always been the leader of the forces of the Xihai tribe. Now the Emperor Tang Ming has undoubtedly represented the attitude of the Tang family and also the attitude of the Xihai Shuai.

As a result, several other monks from the Xihai tribe jumped out and severely criticized the actions of the handsome mansion in the East China Sea.

"Tang Daoyou said yes, Donghai Shuaifu's move was indeed inappropriate." Situ Jianxin said with a deep voice, without the cynicism on his face. He naturally possessed a sense of grace and majesty, which made him unconsciously awe.

Lonely Lotus nodded coldly.

The North Sea tribe stated its position.

"In recognition of the Taoists, my tribe in the South China Sea acknowledges it."

So far, the monks of the three tribes have spoken, all standing on the side of Princess Hongxia, but none of them has a substantive expression.

Jiang Zicheng frowned in secret. Although he knew that the boys were fighting to provoke the battle between Wang Cheng and the East China Sea Shuaifu so that they could profit in secret, they had to admit that this situation was already the best situation.

Although the situation between Wang Cheng and the four major tribes has not yet reached a state of tension, it is already quite tense. Now the three major tribes are clearly out of the way. What Wang Cheng needs to deal with is the East China Sea Shuai House, and the pressure is much less.

"Since all the Taoists have expressed their opinions, then you and I will be ready for it, and we must be in the East China Sea Shuaifu House to regain the face of the Royal Highness for the Princess and maintain the royal style!"

Xiao Chen sat down, and did not make any statement on the matter at hand. He was not interested in the battle between the East China Sea Shuaifu and Wang Cheng.


"His Royal Highness has done a good job this time. She must be calm, and she must not show her irritated expression, otherwise she will be in the East Sea Shuaifu's calculations and be inferior." In the boudoir, the mysterious old lady whispered, her face whispered. It was rather gloomy.

Princess Hongxia leaned on the soft couch, her face was cold and cold, her eyes turned cold. "Mother-in-law, Donghai Shuaifu has always been disrespectful to the king city, but still maintains enough awe on the surface. Why is it suddenly so tough now? stand up?"

The old lady sneered, "His Highness had forgotten that the holy place of my tribe's heritage is about to open, and the East China Sea Shuaifu wants to decide the outcome before that."

Princess Hongxia's face changed instantly, and her eyes were shocked. "Mother-in-law, is time certain?"

The old man nodded, and his eyes showed awe. "If it is correct, it shouldn't take long for the Holy Land to open, so this visit to the handsome city of the East China Sea must be careful, but there are old slaves here. In the event of an accident, he can protect His Royal Highness safely. "

"But His Royal Highness does not have to be too worried. Tokai Shuaifu made a move today. Obviously, they are not fully prepared. Otherwise, they do n’t have to do this. They will take me directly! The ancestral ceremony is their best. Chances are, it's too early to show the abnormality. "

Princess Hongxia nodded slightly, and her face returned to calm again.

A bit of satisfaction flashed in the eyes of the old man, "His Royal Highness patiently waited. From the point of view of the old slave, it would take a few days for the East Sea Shuaifu to have a banquet for His Highness. It is bound to set off a storm on this day. You will not let go of this opportunity for follow-up measures, and Your Highness should prepare for it. "

"Mother-in-law rests, Hongxia knows."


[Cross-talk chat for attention, follow the author name of the book page, just click a little! Hehe, it is said that there is a reward from the co-branded chapter of the Great God. This is a rare opportunity. Please pay attention! Seeking attention! Seeking attention! 】

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