Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 334: Dong Shuai Zhou Entropy

In the main hall of the East China Sea Palace, Princess Hongxia is seated on the throne, her smile is full, her eyes are flowing, and her sense of anxiety and anger is revealed. This means of mastery of the mind alone is enough to be awesome. Z} W ?. Com

"Dear friends, Shuaifu has already invited invitations. In addition to the North Palace and Mother-in-law, you can also bring 1o people with you. Now you are convened to discuss who will accompany this palace to the banquet." The voice was soft, The lightness of laziness made people feel agitated.

Although the monks in the hall knew that today ’s lunch was by no means simple, how could a dignified man let his favorite woman take risks alone, and there was a petition in the hall.

"He is willing to follow His Royal Highness and go to the banquet of the Shuai Mansion, and make every effort to prevent His Royal Highness from being humiliated at all!"

"My generation follows His Royal Highness. What he does is what is happening today. If His Royal Highness is insulted and powerless, how can I wait here! The feast of today's handsome mansion, the person who will be the arrow guard for the princess in Xiayuan!"

"His Highness, rest assured, I will never let him be arrogant and domineering in this East China Sea handsome mansion, without any respect!"

Most of these angry and impassioned monks are the monks of Wangcheng. They are already integrated with Wangcheng, and they are all glorious and all are damaged. In addition, they are unwilling to lag behind others in front of the favorite woman. From the lungs. Even the young strong men of the three tribes are filled with indignation, and they have a sense of unity against the East China Sea Shuaifu.

Princess Hongxia's face was grateful. As a gift, many monks in the hall rose up and even the Highness did not need to be gifted. "Hongxia thanked all the Daoists for their love, but the quota was only 1o. If Donghai Shuai ’s place is increased, I am afraid We have to provoke right and wrong, so we have to choose the best candidate, but everyone ’s kindness is remembered in my heart, and I dare not forget it in the slightest. "

The voice fell, and although many monks in the hall were resentful, they had to bear it.

"Since there are only 1o places, I will choose the most honorable status, and the highest 1o Taoist will go to Shuaifu with His Highness to protect the princess from being bullied!"

"This is a very good statement. I'll wait for Gan to be a monk under the Princess. It is a matter of righteousness to protect His Highness!"

"In this way, even if there are some calculations in the East China Sea Shuaifu, there will be a lot of scruples. You and I will join forces, and he must prove that the East China Sea Shuaifu does not conflict with you!"

"Wang Cheng Jiang Zicheng Dao Youxiu has a strong background and can go to the handsome house with the princess!"

"I would like to recommend the Tang Ming Emperor Taoist of the Xihai tribe, as Tang Taoist is enough to strengthen the prestige of the princess."

"Beihai tribe Situ Jianxin and Lone Blood Lotus are also the best candidates for this trip."

"Lin Zapeng, a friend of the South China Sea tribe, is also an indispensable figure!"


At this moment, monks in Wangcheng suddenly turned their heads and did not give anyone a chance to refute their refusal. They had already set out the matter. Princess Hongxia's eyes lighted up, and she suddenly expressed a little pleading, pitiful and pitiful to everyone.

Jiang Zicheng was the first to respond to this, growing up and groaning: "Jiangmou is willing to accompany the princess to enter the handsome house, even if the sword and the sea of ​​fire will fully protect the princess without any problems!"

This person's voice was so powerful that many eyes instantly fell on the other named monks.

Emperor Tang Minghuang frowned secretly. From his heart, he didn't want to be involved in today's affairs, but if he resigned at this moment, it would be a complete abandonment of the opportunity to compete for Princess Hongxia. This time, even if you bite the bullet, you can't flinch.

Thinking about this, the man said with a deep voice, "The Emperor of Tang Ming is willing to follow the princess to the handsome mansion, and protect the princess without fear!"

Situ Jianxin's eyes flashed helplessly, but now in full view, if the follower of the princess of Hongxia nominally flinches, I am afraid that he will have to return to the North Sea tribe tomorrow. He will no longer want to raise his head.

Unwilling, unwilling, but do the same thing.

"Situ Jian is willing to accompany Princess Shuaifu and his party!"

Lonely Lotus nodded, still cold as ice.

Four people made successive statements. Even if the remaining few people were still hesitant, they had to fight with their fists at this moment. However, these people are by no means stupid people. Naturally, they will not be completely reduced to what the long gun in other people's hands means. Thoughts.

After the quota was fixed, the smile on Princess Hongxia was even heavier. Although she knew that no one except Jiang Zicheng would take her seriously at all costs, but this situation was enough. She was able to lead Wang Cheng and the descendants of the three clans young and strong. Those who entered the East China Sea Shuai Mansion were enough to make some people secretly embarrassed, and even let the East China Sea Shuai Man to shackle their hands and obtain unexpected results.

However, nine people have been identified in the 1o list at this moment, and one is still vacant.

Princess Hongxia turned suddenly, her eyes fell on the corner of the hall, "Xiao Chendao friends, I wonder if you can follow the palace to Donghai Shuaifu as the 1st monk?"

Xiao Chen didn't frown slightly, but his face didn't change. He nodded slightly, "Since the princesses were invited, they naturally agreed." Although he didn't want to take root, his identity now is Hongxia after all. The followers of the princess would inevitably be suspicious if they refused to do so. However, even if he agreed, he had decided in his heart that he would never interfere in the battle between Wang Cheng and Shuaifu.

All he thought about was how to get out of this place. As for the survivors, who would become the true power, it didn't make any sense to him.

Princess Hongxia's face suddenly showed a sweet smile. "Today, there are 1o Taoists and Hongxia going to the handsome house together, and Hongxia's heart is relieved."

"It's not too early now, and I would like to ask all of you to prepare a little bit. I will leave the palace and take a car ride to Donghai Shuaifu." During talking, the woman and Jiang Zicheng looked at each other secretly, and grateful flashed in their eyes. meaning. Today's incident was originally a set-up between Princess Hongxia and Jiang Zi, opening up with the monk Wangcheng, forcing the three major tribal monks who wanted to be on the wall to stay away from the incident, as long as they promised to do today's event, they were successful.

Jiang Zicheng felt a joy in his heart, only felt that he was one step closer to the target, Yu Guang fell on Xiao Chen, and his heart hummed secretly.


After half an hour, the silent door of the Donghai Xinggong Palace opened for a few days. Under the welcome of the handsome monks, Princess Hongxia was dressed up and dressed in the traditional robes and sleeves of the survivors. In the usual daytime, she is seduced by laziness, her manners and grace are not flawless, and she fully interprets the royal princess's style.

Ten whole-body flaming fires, the first-born unicorn fire is like the flame of a 1o group, the pure fur without mottled, proud eyes, all highlight the distinguished atmosphere, plus the 1o name is very different. Unusual monks dominated it, and Gan served the princess, which greatly enhanced Princess Hongxia's aura.

Along the way, in the eyes of the handsome man in the East China Sea, finally gave birth to some awe.

Che Xuandu was not in a hurry, and when he arrived at the handsome house, it was just before noon.

After all, it is the royal princess, and this trip represents the royal majesty, and it is natural to pay more attention to such details. Notice that the most expensive guest always arrives at the last minute to show adequate status.

Princess Hongxia stepped off the car, followed by her mother-in-law Sang, with Jiang Zicheng and Tang Minghuang as followers at the same time, and at the same time, the gate of the handsome house slowly opened, striding for a middle-aged man, following There were monks with smiles on their faces.

"Ha ha ha ha! My royal city in the East China Sea came down, but I made my entire city feel glorious. The old man delayed seeing the princess because of the retreat, and asked His Royal Highness to be secretly angry because of this. Today, the handsome government specially hosted a banquet , Monks from all sides of the Donghai clan, please honour Your Highness and be entitled to reparations. "

The man laughed, his voice was bold and powerful, and it was quite natural for him to deliberately make things difficult, as if things were like this, and people would not have resentment in their hearts.

"Uncle Wang is serious. Since it is natural for Hongxia to wait a little longer because of the incident, and because Uncle Wang is already Hongxia's elder, this matter is even more important. I also ask Uncle Wang not to take it to heart." A spring-like smile on his face.

This man is the envoy of the East China Sea tribe, the chief of the handsome house.

"It is rare for His Royal Highness to be so profoundly righteous. Uncle Wang had some concerns in his mind, but now he can be completely assured." Zhou Enyan smiled, showing the closeness of the stock. If the uninformed person saw this scene, it would be unexpected to break his head The two sides of the gentle laugh face to face, I was afraid that the other would die early.

"What are you all doing here, and you haven't seen Your Highness yet!"

Zhou Enhui turned and sighed, followed by a monk's face, and suddenly bowed down, "I will see Her Royal Highness!"

Princess Hongxia's eyes flashed angrily. These people did not worship before and waited for Zhou En to speak before they saluted at the same time. Obviously, she did not look at her as a princess. Could this be regarded as an introduction?

But on the surface, the woman's emotions were not obvious. She waved to awaken everyone, and went to Shuaifu Bank while talking with Dong Shuai Zhou Entropy.

Xiao Chen's face was slightly dignified, his eyes deeply looked at the entropy of that week, and then he turned away, but in his heart he couldn't help but give birth to jealousy.

This person is strong!

Although Zhou Entropy did not reveal the slightest change to breath, it can bring Xiao Chen's intuition that this person is at least an ancient level powerhouse, and it is most likely the peak of it!

The survivors really hide the dragons and crouching tigers, and do not know what terrible monks are hidden in the secret. It seems that they must be more cautious in the future, otherwise, if there is a difference, they may cause the death of the body!

Xiao Chen inhaled deeply, suppressed many thoughts in his heart, and walked into the handsome mansion, turning a blind eye to the surroundings.

"Look, at that time, Tang Minghuang, the Tang family's sister-in-law of the Xihai tribe, was a well-known young strong man. I did not expect that today would come."

"Two people from the Situ family and the orphan family of the Beihai tribe are also here."

"Li Zhanpeng, a tribe of the South China Sea, is a very good young strong man, but he has also been incorporated into today's affairs. Huh, it seems that today I am afraid that there will be some excitement."

"Jiang Zicheng, a descendant of Wangcheng's Jiang family, now has control of the origin of fire, and has to pass on the magical powers of the sky.

"This monk in Qingpao is that Xiao Chen. It is rumored that this man is also the monk who controls the source of fire, which is comparable to that of Jiang Zi. Now it seems that he is very face-to-face. I don't know which young force sent by the forces."

"His Royal Highness is so smart that he can bring these people into the handsome house together. This strength cannot be underestimated!"

Princess Hongxia took Xiao Chen and others like a temple, and instantly became the focus of attention of many heads of the East China Sea tribe. From time to time, she whispered, the atmosphere of the entire luncheon became quite weird, but Princess Hongxia still talked with Dong Shuai Zhou entropy, There is no slight difference in color.

Mother-in-law Sang followed and followed, and according to common sense there should be no danger, but there is no absolute thing in the world, it is good to be careful in the end, otherwise no one can afford it in case of an accident.

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