Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 363: Repeal repair

"Dead!" The ancestor of Duanjia's face changed, his eyes were cloudy and uncertain, and he said fiercely, "This boy is lucky, otherwise, if he falls into the hands of this seat, he must let him suffer!"

The Lord of Swords turned abruptly, with a sneer in his mouth, "If he does not die, the Duo Daoyou may not have the courage to sacrifice here now! When Xiao Chen slumped on the battlefield outside the territory, he was repaired to the ancient level. The strong human race, taking Dao You as his current practice, dare to show a little bit of wanton in front of him! "

The lover fell, the Lord of Swords was sad, and now I heard that the ancestor of this side repeatedly talked with him. The anger in his heart finally couldn't hold back. All the words were cold and cold, leaving no trace of Duanguai. face. [八 [(? 一 中文 (W] W〉 W].] 8> 1) Z} W.COM

The face of the ancestor of Duanjia suddenly changed greatly. The Taigu realm was the second realm of the Three Realms of the Ancients. The entire human race did not necessarily have too many powerful men. If he wanted to kill him, he would just raise his hands.

The Lord of the Swords spoke so directly, and immediately made the old immortal look pale and blue, secretly cursing in his heart.

"Oh, do n’t worry about Duan Daoyou, the Lord of Swords has lost his lover's irritable temper for some reason." A faint laughter came from the end of Yunxiao, and the Lord of Hanlin stepped in the vanity, his face was mild and smiling.

In the past hundreds of years, this person has been proud of the spring breeze, and has not only been repaired to reach a half-step ancient level in one fell swoop, but also the leader of the Jade Palace's Confucianism and Taoism is as stable as Mount Tai.

The Lord of Hanlin is proud of the spring breeze.

"It turned out to be the Lord of Hanlin. I haven't seen it for hundreds of years. I didn't expect Daoyou to take this step. It's really gratifying!" Duan Jia and Yu Gong had already made a good relationship, and Duan Lao's heart trembled, then Fist laughed.

"With joy and happiness, Duan Daoyou is half a step away from the ancient realm, and is already qualified to enter the Lord Elders' Hall. After returning to the ancestral city, this seat will propose to appoint Duan Daoyou as the ninth elder of my tribe and add an elder." Lord Hanlin's eyes flickered, and he smiled.

Duan Weiguai immediately rejoiced when he heard the words, "Haha, if this is the case, there will be the Lord of Lao Hanlin. If this matter can be achieved, there must be a good report in this seat."

"Taodaoyou is polite. You and I have nothing to do with each other. In addition, with Daoyou's current practice, I really have the qualification to enter the Presbyterian Hall. Presumably, the Lord of Swords should not mind?"

The Master of Wan Jian's face was slightly indifferent, and said lightly: "The matter of the elder Tim needs to be determined by the ancestors of the extraterritorial battlefield. It does not matter whether this matter is agreed or not."

The Lord of Hanlin nodded with a smile, but didn't say much.

The dumb old man's face suddenly became gloomy, and he murmured in secret. It is no wonder that the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords was so indifferent to him. It turned out that he had a mentorship with Xiao Chen. He would be detrimental to the monks in Xiaofu.

Thinking of this, this old weird look at the Lord of Swords a little more coldly.

The Lord of Hanlin saw these in his eyes, and the smile on his face was a little heavier. "The Duan Dao You are not the same as today, why bother with these Xiaofu juniors, just a little warning, lest Wan Jianzhi The Lord is not pleased. "

This old ghost seems to be persuading, but it is pouring fuel on the fire, making Duanguai's face become a little more ugly for a moment. If he fades away today, wouldn't he have been overwhelmed by the Lord of Swords without entering the elders' hall? , Prestige is badly damaged!

"The Lord of Hanlin's kindness brought the old man's heart to his heart, but Xiao Chen was so arrogant that he insulted my entire family. This is an old man's shame and shame. How can we say that we can let it go." Senran's color, "Now that Xiao Chen is dead, it is naturally not easy for him to make a shot against a group of juniors, but this success is difficult to escape punishment! If this junior was not in a difficult situation with the monks in Duanfu, there would not be many afterwards Matters can be spared by other monks and husbands in Xiao House, but this person cannot! "

In the main body of Wan Jian, the sword exploded in an instant, as if the sword was scabbard, trying to destroy the endless beings. "Xiao Chen is this lover, and he has become his disciple, this is his apprentice. Now Xiao Chen has been ridiculed. This seat here will absolutely not allow any monk to harm in the slightest, otherwise it will be the enemy of this seat! "

The sound is sensational, killing!

The Lord of Swords is really angry!

Although he knows that this will make Duan Laoguai hate him and even push him to the Lord of Hanlin, he still has no hesitation!

Xiao Chen scoffed, if the only disciple he left was unable to take refuge, how would he deserve to be his master!

Duanguai's face was completely gloomy, sneer, "The old man only held this one together, it is already in the face of the Lord of Swords. Isn't even this Lord of the Swords allowed? Is it too overbearing? ! "

"The old man puts his words here today. Whoever protects him is against this seat. Today the old man will never give up!"

Hanlin's Lord is happy, and now he can fight against the Lord of the Swordsman Chamber. If he wins the power of the old elders, he will be able to completely suppress it, and then he will take charge of the entire Elder Council and hold the power of the people!

"The two Taoist friends are all the strongest people in my tribe. If you have something to say, don't hurt your peace because of a young monk."

While the Lord of Hanlin spoke, his foot was closer to Duanguai without any trace, his body's breath was looming, and his attitude was obvious.

Suddenly the Duanguai calmed down, and his face sneered even more, "This seat will not kill this junior's life, but he is a self-cultivation and never wants to stay again. This is the old man's last bottom line. Too deceiving! "

The breath of the two is vaguely connected, and an absolute state of suppression has been formed.

The face of the Lord of Swords became more ugly, but his eyes turned cold, instead of giving up a little bit of disappointment, it was more sensational!

The two sides confronted each other with mighty swords, and the fierce battle might explode in the next moment.

But at this moment, Pu Cheng suddenly flashed his decisive eyes, and saluted the Lord Wan Jian, "The younger teacher, Master Xiao Chen, is an adult and an offspring. Although the adult has never given half-pointing advice, but today Maintenance, call your ancestor, disciple willing. "

"But today ’s matter, I also asked Shizu to step in. The disciples are willing to bear all the grudges on behalf of Master. Even if the practice is abandoned, there is no regret."

"Master Ye!"

"Let's fight with them!"

"Master Ruoqi suffers, and if the adult returns in the future, how will I face the adult!"

"We are willing to be punished on behalf of Master Yun, what means are there for us!"

The fifteen thousand Xiaofu **** monks were in a state of excitement, with endless hatred flashing in their eyes.

"Stop it for me!" Bian Cheng said with a deep voice. "Master resentment, and the disciples are treated by the righteousness. If you do n’t want my Xiaofu foundation to be ruined, just shut me up, save your life, hold on. My Xiao Fu's plaque must not let it fall down, otherwise you will really be sorry for me, I am sorry for the cultivation of adults! "

"Give me back!"

The 150,000 Xiaofu guards were quiet for an instant.

The iron head was flushed with red eyes, and the breath of heaven and humanity was raging, just like the devil, "Today I have everything in mind for Lao Tzu, and then go back to Master Ye's words!"

"Master Yun did this to defend Xiaofu House. If it is time to use blood to maintain the adult's business, Lao Tzu will rush you to the front, but now, he-mum's back to Lao Tzu!"

A group of men who had been wounded and wounded, and who had been sharpened in life and death, now suddenly have red eyes, and at the same time knelt down and bowed to worship, turned back to the city, and returned to their posts.

As the iron head leader said, they will never hesitate to stay in the future when they need to protect Xiao's house with life!

The master of Wan Jian had a heavy face. He naturally knew that Cheng Cheng's move was to protect him, but now he was about to speak, but Cheng Cheng suddenly fell to his knees, respectfully, "This disciple thanks Master on behalf of Master. You have done enough in these years, and today ’s disciples will not let you be implicated anymore. If the Master knows this, he will certainly understand the disciples ’actions.”

"Master Shizu, please complete your disciples!"

The words fell, and he turned around and greeted Duanguai. "The ancestor of Duanjia also promised and only shot at the younger one, so as not to hurt my other monks in Xiaofu."

Duanguai's face is ugly. Although monk Xiaofu was not cowardly in his eyes, but he was stared at by the countless hatreds. He sneered at the moment, saying: "No stranger Xiao Chen is such a good disciple to protect you! Since you want to protect Xiaofu by yourself, this seat will complete you! "

In a word, the old man stretched out with one hand, and grabbed him fiercely. Suddenly, there was a magical power, and he forced Xiu Cheng to repair him for detention!

Under this grasping, the pain caused by the flesh is still much more painful, and a painful roar is produced in the mouth. His face is instantly white and his body twitches violently.

But Duanguai didn't stop there, a wave inside his robe sleeve, a thunder instantly penetrated into the body, destroying its meridians instantly, destroying the life and destruction, and even completely damaging his primordial spirit, so that he never set foot on the avenue again. may!

And at this moment, Cheng Cheng had passed out in that pain.

With a wave of the sleeve of the robe of Wan Jian, it was instantly absorbed into his hands. In the eyes, the sword awn was almost condensed into substance. He looked at Duanwei and the Lord of Hanlin and snarled, "Enough!"

His body trembled slightly, and numerous swordsmanships and whistling whistled above the void.

The master of Hanlin's face became extremely dignified. Although he could leave Mishenyuan shortly after receiving a message from his father, he is still the ancestor of the sword in the extraterritorial battlefield. If things go too far, he may be taken advantage of by this strange man. Take it down and slowly shake your head towards Duanguai.

Duanguai sneered, "This statement is believed, since we have already shot and punished this success, naturally we will not shoot at Xiaofu again."

"Lord of Hanlin, let's go!"

After the words fell, the two monsters turned and left, and the light flashed, and disappeared in the direction of the ancestral city.

The Lord of the Swords of the Swords looked down and examined it. When the change in the body had occurred, his face suddenly became stubborn. "Duanguai you are so ruthless, and the old man will never die with you!"

In Xiao Cheng, 150,000 monks fell to their knees at the same time, and growled, "Master, where are you!"

The sound was rolling up.


In the corner of Xiao Cheng, Luo Xiyu held the wine jar, his eyes flashed with a faint color, and the sky murmured, "The last step has been gone, the jade palace has become extinct, everything is inevitable."

"Do yourself a favor, and don't live."


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