Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 391: Warm and cold

[Thank you, Master Zhangji, I wish the fire to the King, the more eternal life! 】


Xiao Chen's face instantly became extremely ugly. Eight [One [中 ?? <文 W] W] W ?. 8) 1) YW. Com

At this moment, the octopus and the beast seem to have gradually awakened, and a brutal and raging atmosphere burst from its body, and under the pull of the derived tentacles, Xiao Chen was sent directly to its horrible mouth.

The derived tentacle is cut off. It has no harm to the octopus barbarian and can easily grow again, but Xiao Chen's hand swallows up the energy accumulated in its body, which will make this thing really wake up.

Although this wild beast octopus still hasn't given birth to a real sage, this thing has survived forever in this endless sea. Even the monk of the God of War Palace did not know that there was such a terrible big guy in this seabed. Sleeping for a long time, and only waking up when energy is needed. The eight masters move together, setting off the entire endless sea, and opening their mouths to devour all the wild beasts in the sea.

Barbaric beasts in the realm of the ancient, the ancient, and even the ancient ancestors did not have any resisting power in front of this octopus, and were easily devoured by it.

After years of accumulation, if this octopus barbarian was not sealed by a man with great magical power, he could not produce self-awareness, and his cultivation must have reached a terrible state of horror, but even so, the power it now shows It is by no means comparable to the old world!

This big octopus has the power of the extreme level of ancient times!

Xiao Chen's face turned pale for a moment. When he was shrouded in the breath of this thing, his mind was almost collapsed. He felt like everything was destroyed by the slump of the earth. He was not close to the body of the beast. Only this momentum could kill any ancestor Ancient monks!

Even the King of Wednesday, under the shroud of this momentum, also showed pain.

Xiao Chen didn't dare to hesitate any more. With a wave of robes and sleeves, he led the three kings into the dojo instantly. Only a black stone appeared and was swept into the huge mouth by the turbulent water.



The angry roar came out of the mouth of the octopus, and it couldn't understand why the prey at its mouth suddenly disappeared. After blaming everything for the prey, the wild beast became completely furious.

Eight perennial master tentacles lying on the bottom of the sea slammed, smashing all the coral mountains derived from it, and even dozens of powerful undersea beasts did not have time to dodge, and were slammed into a pool of minced meat by this tentacle. , Directly tragic.

The entire ocean floor trembled violently, like an earthquake, and the sea water was surging madly!

Above the surface of the sea, ** Hetu, Lizhi, and others sensed the terrible breath from the bottom of the sea, and a moment of panic appeared on the face. The light suddenly flashed out of the body, and turned into a few shocking rainbows to avoid the distance directly.


The sea broke open, a horror tentacle protruded from the bottom of the sea, covering the sky, and I do n’t know its size, which caused the entire sea to suddenly set off endless waves. Each of the towering waves was extremely high, surging and carrying destruction. The demise of heaven and earth!

The next moment, the second tentacle protruded from the ocean floor ..

The third one ...


A total of eight horrible tentacles darkened the turbulent waters of hundreds of thousands of miles from the sea, and scattered the violent atmosphere that destroyed everything madly, covering the whole world.

Countless powerful beasts in the sea, and even the overlords in the late ancient realm and even the limit of the ancient world at the same time show the meaning of fear. Although they do not have a complete spirituality, the memories passed down from the blood of their ancestors have made them for this octopus. The beast has absolute fear. Now feeling its fury and irritability, they did not dare to stop at all, panic and hurriedly ran away to the more distant waters.

Throughout the endless sea, countless savage beasts sensed the breath of octopus savage beasts, and suddenly became desperate. They launched a more brutal attack on the monks, and all the monks in the endless seas were at risk.

But the sea where the octopus barbarians are located has become extremely safe. All the barbarians in the sea have escaped, and there is no one.

The eight tentacles frantically raged for a moment on this bottom of the sea, and it seemed to slowly release the anger in their hearts, sinking into the bottom of the sea one by one, and even the destructive breath from that bottom was gradually weakened and disappeared.

** Hetu, pointing to the Supreme Master, Nie Yan, Liu Shiyan, Lone Bamboo, and Yunyan looked pale and stared at the still turbulent and turbulent waters with dull eyes, and the whole mind was shrouded in fear!


In the endless sea, there are actually powerful beasts of this series. Through the induction of breath, watching the tentacles covering the sky for tens of thousands of days is enough to make any monk despairing and unable to bear the idea of ​​resistance.

This kind of power is definitely not something that the ancient monks can resist!

In other words, this octopus barbarian possesses the power of the ancient limit, and can even fight against human ancestors, such as the thousands of the world's most powerful!

For the whole number of hours, the sea surface that lost the source of vibration gradually returned to calmness, but the six people on the sea surface were still stiff, and the fear in their eyes remained.

"too terrifying!"

** He Tu takes a deep breath and slowly opens his mouth.

Seeing the power of the undersea beast, he was frightened and completely relieved. Under this level of power, even if the Xiao Chen's card had more heavenly power, he still didn't want to survive.

The other five people gradually regained their sobriety, and when they looked at each other, they all saw that their hearts were bitter.

"Let's go, we need to leave here as soon as possible. Although the undersea beast is quiet now, it may burst at any time. At that time, you and I will not have such good luck standing here." He Tu said in a deep voice. His eyes were full of unwillingness, and it was only a little short of that he could take back the treasure, but now he would rather bear heavy punishment than dare to enter the bottom of the sea.

I nodded again and again.

The lonely bamboo eyes flashed coldly, "Are we able to stand here for good luck? If Xiao Chen Daoyou rescued, you and I have now fallen into the belly of this undersea beast, he saved you My life! "

"I regret not obeying the advice of Xiao Chen Daoyou, otherwise there will be a calamity today! Now that he is trapped in the bottom of the sea, his life and death are unknown, and you don't want to save him, but you can't wait to leave like this?"

This person's heart was sensational, and his mouth was even more chilling, and there was nothing to hide from the cold face.

Five people around said that they were quiet immediately.

His finger turned red, and his heart was ashamed and angry. He cooperated with the ** Hetu party to kill the soul-shark shark. He didn't listen to dissuasion, and now he is alone, and it is tantamount to hit him in public. Slap, loud!

The cold and contemptuous color in Yun Yan's eyes was not concealed. Even Nie Yan and Liu Shiyan looked a little more at him, which made the embarrassment and embarrassment even more!

"Is this the lonely friend of the bamboo forest blaming the next? You haven't objected to the killing of the soul-stealing shark. Now that something has happened, do you want to put all your responsibilities on it?"

"I didn't shirk responsibility, and I didn't mean to blame Daoyou. What I want to say next is that Xiao Chen Daoyou didn't know if I was going to save you or not. Daoyou couldn't wait to leave, it might be a little too much!" It fell on the fingers, without any fear of his ancestors.

"Joke! Only then did you and I look at the might of the undersea beast. Do you think that Xiao Chen can't retreat from the whole body! Now you and I don't leave first, and if there is an accident when you stay here, you and I will be stunned "Fuck!" He yelled, his face chilled, "Furthermore, why didn't Xiao Chen get involved in today's affairs before Xiao Chen? Obviously, he had already noticed this crisis, but he didn't tell us truthfully, who knows whether to fight Taking advantage of the opportunity to save people's calculations, but the wishful thinking did not start, but they lost themselves in. "

"Enough!" Yun Yan's gaze was cold. "Xiao Chen's friends have persuaded us that it was you and I who were willing to intervene in this matter. Now that he has fallen to the bottom of the ocean to save you, is it too much to point to the words of the Lord? ! "

The solitary bamboo looks somber and eyes bright.

Even Nie Yan and Liu Shiyan's faces became a bit ugly, and they looked a little more cold when they looked at the fingers.

I pointed out that I was silent under the excitement, but I did n’t want to be softened, and said, "Xiao Chen must be ridiculed now, I and ** He Tu Dao You will leave here, you either leave with us, or you will do it yourself ! "

"Remind you that this is an endless sea. If you are not careful, you will kill yourself. Don't regret your choice!"

Nie Yan and Liu Shiyan's complexion changed, and hesitantness suddenly appeared in his eyes. In the endless sea, following the ** hetu, he pointed out that the safety of the two monks of the ancient ancestors was naturally much higher.

Seeing this, his fingers suddenly showed a smug look on his face, and they did not urge them.

After half a sigh, the two sighed, slightly guilty and arched towards Guzhu and Yunji, turned around and walked to the side of their fingers, ** Hetu, silent, apparently between the morality of their hearts and their own life and death. The latter was chosen.

** Hetu's eyes flickered slightly, and he said lightly: "Since the two peoples of Taoism do not want to leave together, let's not force it. Let's leave soon. The movement here is likely to attract the monks in the surrounding area, and it will be late. . "

The fingers glanced swiftly at the lonely bamboo and Yunyan, and the corners of his mouth slightly showed a coldness, "Let's go."

After the words fell, the four stood up, and whistled away.

Lone Bamboo and Yun Yan looked at each other and saw the chill in each other.

When Xiao Chen fell to the bottom of the sea, they were all in doubt, but Nie Yan and Liu Shiyan were not in harmony with them and could not do anything about it. He Tu and his master had to put up with it for the time being. .

"Xiao Chen Daoyou fell into the bottom of the sea, there may be a line of vitality, you and I pause here for a few days to observe one or two."

Yun Zheng nodded slightly.

The two retreated some distances and hid far away to avoid causing trouble.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye. Several waves of monks did come carefully to investigate, but the sea surface was calm and there were no abnormalities. After searching for nothing, they also set off the light and left.


"Yun Yundao friends lead on the sea, I went to the sea to see if there can be something. Xiao Chen Tao friends bright and quiet, twice to save you and our lives, if I can not do something for him, I feel uneasy." Gu Bamboo arched hands, convergent breath turned into a sword-horse straight to the bottom of the sea.

The former site of the First World War was calm now. There was nothing unusual except the disappeared wild beasts. The entire seabed was scattered with fragmented coral reefs and nothing else.

The solitary bamboo searched for nothing and could only reluctantly return to Yunzhi. The two remained silent, apparently thinking that Xiao Chen had already been fierce.

After half a day, the two flashes of light flashed past and went to the endless depths of the sea.


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