Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 402: Strong and unparalleled pressure blood prison

Xiao Chen's three elements merged with magical powers, and the blow that he exploded was an attack comparable to that of an ancient extreme monk, instantly hitting the blood power of the blood prison clan, which was far beyond the imagination of any monk!

The entire sea area was silent at this moment, and all the eyes that fell on the Void Green Robe Cultivator showed awe and fear. Bayi [. 81ZW. COM

"So strong!"

"This Human Race Xiao Chen is actually able to explode the power of the ancient limit through secret techniques, and his strength has exploded to three levels, which is too much!"

"A terrifying monk, this person must not provoke him!"

"If I wait in front of him, I'm afraid that a single blow will end the battle!"

The Four Realm monks spoke in a low voice, but there was a pleasant expression in his eyes.

The blood prison clan is so domineering, and now finally kicked to the iron plate, it is time for these guys to suffer a bit!

The expressions of the three late-stage cultivators of the blood prison clan became extremely ugly in an instant, and their pupils shrank, revealing a sense of fear and shock.

The four of them have the same cultivation level, even if there are some gaps, they are not big. They are still easily knocked to the ground after the blood is burned. Even if they make a move, they can only end up with heavy losses, even like blood. Knock down a realm.

Personal strength, none of them is Xiao Chen's opponent!

"Blood Hell Demon Array, refine and kill this person!"

In the low roar, the bodies of the blood prison cultivators exploded one after another, turning into endless blood fog, condensing into a blood fog group of a thousand feet, and amidst the tossing, evil spirits raged.

"Xiao Chen, I want to swallow your whole body of blood to restore my lost strength!"

"You must die!"

The blood power roared fiercely, and the body suddenly turned into blood, directly blending into the blood mist.

The Blood Prison Demon Array formed by the 127 Blood Prison Clan cultivators teamed up to exude a terrifying breath, with a strong **** smell, and evil and gloomy, making people feel a chill in their minds, and the whole body is cold.

"Blood Hell Demon Formation, go back!"

"Get out! Get out! Go back if you don't want to die!"

"Damn, these lunatics of the blood prison clan, almost counted us together in the attack range!"

"Blood Prison Demon Array casts, even the true ancient limit monk will undoubtedly die, this human monk is over."

The blood prison cultivators are extremely terrifying, and the blood prison demon array absolutely occupies a very important reason.

When the enemy is strong or the situation is critical, the blood prison cultivator can explode his body into a blood mist and deploy the blood prison demon array.

This formation is a vicious joint attack method, which can integrate the power of the blood prison cultivators, and even kill their powerful enemies.

The more cultivators of the fusion blood prison, the higher the cultivation base, the stronger the power of the blood prison demon formation!

According to rumors, during the war between the blood prison world and the surrounding small thousand worlds, tens of thousands of powerful ethnic groups once gathered, planted a refining heaven and blood **** demon array, and killed three small thousand world strongest who were beyond the limit of the ancient realm. In one fell swoop, he occupied a complete Xiaoqian realm and became its subsidiary territory.

From this, it is enough to know the horror of this blood **** demon array!

Now one hundred and twenty-seven cultivators of the Blood Prison have joined forces, and its refining power is so powerful that it can even compete with true ancient monks!

Xiao Chen's face instantly turned serious, his eyes fell on the blood mist, and his heart sank slightly.

In the turbulent space, he had seen the power of this magic circle. Once trapped in it, even if he could resist it temporarily, after the power of the source of the rules had passed away, what awaited him was still the end of death!

But his expression was still calm, without showing any panic.

call out!

Under the blood **** demon array flashed, it turned into a **** mouth, and went straight to the space where Xiao Chen was and swallowed it!

As long as it can be swallowed, this human monk will undoubtedly die!

At this point, all blood prison monks are confident!

Xiao Chen suddenly lifted up, his eyes flashing sharply, and he raised his hand and pointed forward!

Supernatural power, nirvana means!

Within the body, the feeling between the Qilin spirit beast and the Qilin spirit beast suddenly became clear. Xiao Chen's face was pale, and the source of the rules turned crazily, releasing an extremely powerful force, but even so, he still couldn't summon the Huangquan Great Grinding Disk. .

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth abruptly, "Sacrifice my one hundred thousand life yuan, combine the power of the rules, and summon you to appear for a battle!"

"Huangquan Damopan, come out for me!"

During the roar, the vitality of Xiao Chen's flesh and blood flowed rapidly, and the power from the source of the rules was lavishly extracted, merged together, and disappeared in a strange state.

The blackness grew into snow white, and the body exuded a rich and decadent aura, but the appearance did not change much. The one-time extraction of one hundred thousand life dollars is already the limit that Xiao Chen can reach now. If it is unlimited extraction, he The blood in the body simply cannot replenish the passing vitality, once the vitality is completely cut off, he will also perish!

Withdrawing life, black turned white, Xiao Chen's eyes dimmed, but his expression was still calm!


A breath of horror and death suddenly fell between the world and the earth, and a hundred-zhang millstone appeared, with the word "Huangquan" dripping with blood, as if it had just been written, and the Qilin spirit beast roared to the sky.

"go with!"

With a wave of the sleeves of Xiao Chen's robe, Huangquan's large millstone grinds down with an endless aura of destruction. As soon as its shape arrives, the space is silently turned into darkness, and it seems that it has also been drawn with some power, and it has become withered and rotten.


Above the void, the Huangquan Great Mopan and the Blood Prison Demon Array abruptly met, and a terrifying wave of destruction came from both times!

In the next instant, the Blood Hell Demon Array collapsed!

A large amount of blood energy was swallowed by the Huangquan Damopan, accompanied by the screams of the blood prison monks.

This blood energy was transformed by themselves, and it was swallowed by the Huangquan grinding disc, which was tantamount to drawing flesh and blood from their bodies, and even the soul would be torn and absorbed. This kind of pain is unimaginable!

A piece of blood was twisted and turned into a blood prison cultivator, but at this moment, the cultivators of the Four Realms couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, their faces pale!

Although the 127 blood prison cultivators did not perish, they seemed to be drawn from all the vitality in their bodies and turned into elders. Their bodies were full of the aura of decay and dying, and the realm of cultivation was even beaten by life. More than one realm!

With one blow, even though more than a hundred blood prison cultivators were not dead, they were completely abolished!

What they lose is not only the cultivation base and vitality, but also part of the soul power!

The loss of this kind of primordial spirit is not loss, but the part of the completed individual being torn apart in life, unless there is a treasure against the sky in the future, there will be no chance of recovery!

Countless fearful eyes converged on Qingpao Zhixiu, watching the white wind moving in his head, like a messenger from hell, ruthlessly harvesting all living creatures in the world!

The blood prison monk, known for being tyrannical, overbearing, and not afraid of death, all he can do at this moment is to scream backwards, with a frightened expression.

They looked at Xiao Chen's gaze, there was no resentment, no unwillingness, and some were just heartfelt fears!

Huangquan's big millstone was swallowed wantonly, and disappeared in a flash. The strong wind stirred up by supernatural powers made Xiao Chenqing robe hunt and hunt. Its snow-white and his eyes were dim, but at this moment, no one dared to have strange thoughts.

Huangquan's grinding plate hit has deeply imprinted into the depths of their souls, and can no longer be erased.

As they looked at, the cultivators of the Five Realms all retreated, their expressions panicked and low in awe.

Xiao Chen frowned, his eyes fell on the blood prison cultivator's place, "Hand over the beast crystal, you can forgive one death, otherwise it will be decayed!"

The four blood prison monks like Xue Li slightly stabilized their minds. Hearing that a strange color flashed through their eyes, they hesitated a little and finally did not dare to resist, took off the storage ring in their hands, and threw them out.

The eyes of the cultivators in the surrounding four realms changed a little more. Xiao Chen suddenly changed his appearance in the cold and slaughtered, causing their dead and shocked mind to come alive again. Could it be that the human cultivator's power in exchange for the secret technique was exhausted?

Those who can be selected by the God of War and live safely to the present are naturally not mediocre. Guessing this possibility, they suddenly had a little more calculation in their hearts.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's breath suddenly weakened, and then suddenly became exhausted. The cultivators of the Five Realms stood there together. The ecstasy in their eyes had not yet spread, and there was a severe shock in his heart, and the steps of life and life will stop. .

This Xiao Chen's methods were harsh, and quite calculating, if he really got to the point where the oil and the lamp were dry, would he stay here for a long time, and had already rushed into the Temple of War at all costs.

He.. He wanted to induce others to attack him and find a reason for the rampage and killing, without having to take revenge in the future.

This person is so calculating!

A group of monks who were impulsive and almost shot back, their faces turned pale, with cold sweat on their foreheads, cursing secretly, but no one dared to move a little more.

Xiao Chen frowned, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes. His slightly rickety body straightened up again, and the aura in his body slowly recovered, maintaining a level that was not high or low. His eyes swept around, like a knife.

Oh shit!

This guy really did pretend!

Too insidious!

The monks of the Five Realms cursed endlessly, but subconsciously lowered their heads even more...

Xiao Chen turned without warning, staring at the demon clan in the spirit world, sullenly indifferent, without any mood swings, "For the sake of coming out of the spirit world, I can keep you alive, but you cannot escape the crime."

"Hand over the bronze mirror treasure and give up the qualification to enter the Palace of the Gods of War.. I think you are no stranger to the reputation of this seat, so don't try to provoke my patience, otherwise I don't blame me for not giving you a chance. "

The monster monk who betrayed the whereabouts of Guzhu and Yunji turned pale for an instant, but he did not dare to hesitate. He took out the bronze mirror with his backhand and directly took back his spiritual thoughts, and sent them respectfully.

Xiao Chen waved his hand to accept, and his eyes flashed sharply, "Remember, if you dare to enter the Palace of the Gods of War privately, this seat will definitely make you regret it."

The monster monk trembled, his eyes showed hopelessness, and he nodded bitterly.

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to point to the two of Guzhu and Yunji, "Let them go."

The blood prison cultivator did not dare to hesitate and waved his hand to release the restraint.

"Friends of Taoist Xiao Chen." Gu Zhu and Yun Ji were polite and respectful, with excitement in their eyes.

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Friend Xiao Chen rescued us. The two of me did not harm the fellow daoists. Only after being accused and deceived by Hetu would we leave with them. Although there is a mistake, the sin is not dying! Please! Fellow Daoists can save us because you and I are both of human origin!" Nie Yan screamed.

Liu Shiyan pressed her lips tightly. Although she didn't speak, her eyes were full of expectation.

Xiao Chen frowned and said nothing.

There was hesitation in the eyes of Gu Zhu and Yun Ji, and they wanted to open their mouths to plead, but thinking of Xiao Chen's previous mighty power, they felt awe in their hearts, and they did not dare to speak more.

"You two can be considered to have some old stories with me. Today, this seat saves you two lives, and we will no longer have anything to do with you and me in the future!" Xiao Chen said lightly, his expression indifferent.

When Nie Yan was free, he repeatedly bowed his hands, his face was full of awe and gratitude.

Liu Shiyan's pretty face was bitter, and she took a deep look at Xiao Chen, and suddenly became a little jealous of Gu Zhu and Yun Ji.. If she didn't choose to leave with Zhi and ** Hetu that day, perhaps she could also reap the friendship of Xiao Chen. Right.

This is the precious wealth that cannot be measured!

With Xiao Chen's current cultivation skills, he can explode such an amazing power, how far he can reach in the future, who dares to limit it!

Having lost the best opportunity to get close to him, it will be impossible in the future.

But all of this was her own choice, and the bitter fruit she planted could only be tasted by herself, and could not blame others.

Xiao Chen's face was indifferent, and he turned a blind eye to the woman's complex guilt. Even though Nie Yan and Liu Shiyan did not make a move that day, they would never notice the slightest difference. They chose to leave with Zhizhi and ** Hetu, and they already did it. Out of choice, parted ways with him.

"At the bottom of the sea that day, I made a move to help. You two didn't feel grateful, but you tried to make me into the dark bottom of the sea. Have you ever felt guilty in the past two years?"

"Today you and I are reunited, this account should be settled."

Xiao Chen spoke in a low voice, with a sorrowful expression on the corner of his mouth, "It is said that the blood prison monk can swallow the refining monk's blood to restore his own strength. , Give me a demonstration."

His face turned pale for an instant, and his eyes looked resentful towards Xiao Chen, "Xiao Chen, you must not die!"

The roar stopped abruptly, and a blood prison cultivator flew out. He opened his mouth and directly bit the neck of the finger, his teeth became sharp, and his meridians were torn directly, and he swallowed blood.

The finger struggled with pain, his face was twisted, and he was obviously suffering from unimaginable pain. The horrible howling enveloped the entire space, making all the Four Realm cultivators pale.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, without any mercy.

After a few breaths, the blood of the finger was swallowed, and his body shrivelled and turned into a rotten mummy. The soul seemed to be swallowed along with the blood, deadly, and fell directly into the endless after being released by the blood prison monk. region.

And after the blood prison cultivator swallowed the blood primordial spirit, the old appearance was anxiously restored to his middle-aged appearance, and the aura in his body also recovered a lot.

Xiao Chen nodded faintly, and looked at the location of the Three Stone Realm cultivator, "The finger has been put down, I don't know when the ** Hetu Daoist wants to hide, do you think I can't see you?"

The cultivators of the Three Stone Realm turned away, exposing the **he map to many sights. This person looked at the tragic death, and his mind was already filled with fear, "Changhe Dao friends, Changhe Dao friends, save me! Look! In the friendship between you and my family, save me!"

**Hetu fell to his knees, and everything became indifferent under the envelope of death.

He just wants to live!


[Third update, today's update is complete, and you will see you tomorrow! 】

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