Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 405: Lord of War Palace

Emperor Cheng glanced at Xiao Chen and sighed: "Your tribe is making a lot of money this time. Xiao Chen is now in the wild, but once he is desperate, he can burst out the fighting power of the ancient monks. The potential is amazing. In the future, It is very possible to break through the ancient times and set foot in the realm of the Xeon. At that time, my spiritual world will have one more safety guarantee. [[八八 (一 (小 <{[? 说 网 W] W] W.81ZW.COM "

Jing Yangzi shook his head with a bitter smile. "It's too early to say these things. Although Xiao Chen's qualifications are excellent, Gu Yijing knows how many funerals have prevented him from being promoted. It is unclear whether he can take that step. But With his strength, my people will definitely protect him from being harmed in the Ares Palace. As long as he doesn't die in the middle, with his qualifications, he can definitely achieve Qugu and also give my people an extra master. "

During the conversation, the eyes turned to look at Xiao Chen from time to time. Although they could not hear the sound, it was not difficult for the monks of all ethnic groups in the spirit world to see the admiration in their eyes, and they were even more envious.

Xiao Chen's expression was calm, and he was not proud of himself because of the changes of the surrounding monks, but it was this calmness that seemed more mysterious and powerful, deeper and more awesome.

Liu Shiyan bit her plump red lips, and her eyes were full of remorse. The more dazzling Xiao Chen showed, the more she regretted her original choice.

The surrounding monks glanced at her from time to time, hot and hot, but she did not feel a little proud.

In Liu Shiyan's view, even if all these people add up, they can't compare to Xiao Chen with a finger.

Among the monks in the spiritual realm, in addition to Liu Shiyan, there is a delicate figure that attracts a lot of attention. Although she does not have the mature charm that Liu Shiyan has, it has a cold temperament as well as a temperament. taste.

The woman's eyes turned to Xiao Chen, flashing complexities from time to time.

This nun is actually a sketch of that shadow killing tribe!

On the day of the end of the ethnic trial, the woman had defeated Xiao Chen. At that time, she could not be cultivated at the level of heaven and humanity. Now, in just over a thousand years, she did not expect to have reached the ancient realm. Obviously, there must be these years. The adventure has gained tremendous opportunities.

After the defeat of the First World War that year, the sketch returned to the territory of the ethnic group, and accidentally entered a place where the Shadow-killing Clan could sit on the ground, gaining the power of no inheritance, hard training and cultivation, and it took thousands of years to reach the point where it is now I thought that she had absolute strength, she could easily defeat the unscrupulous monk who had treated her in the past, and regain the blood of the wind, and do not want to meet again. It is the scene of today, and Xiao Chenxiu can burst into battle with Gu Ji monk. !!

This caused sketches to have a strong sense of frustration, but could not help but have a little interest in Xiao Chen's birth. How could he grow to the present in just a thousand years?

It must be like her, she has gained the power of inheritance, but this guy has good luck, and the power of harvest is stronger than her!

The sketch nodded, and the more it felt like this.

Be sure to practice well, it may not be the time to catch up with this guy in the future!

Come and get revenge on him then!

The sketch thought fiercely.

In addition to Liu Shiyan and sketches, there is also a woman in the spiritual monk who is not inferior to two women, that is, Yun Yan.

However, she sat beside Xiao Chen with her knees crossed. Although there were many monks secretly interested in it, none of them dared to look at it openly. When they didn't know the real relationship between Xiao Chen and her, how dare these people be extravagant.

But when they looked at it for a long time, when the three women's eyes faintly fell on Xiao Chen, and they were complicated and inexplicable, they burst into tears in their hearts, speechless to the sky, and there was a monk who cursed secretly.

But no matter what, they still managed to converge their minds, turned their eyes back, and dared not look at them again.

Now things are clear. These three women have something to do with Xiao Chen. They don't want to offend the evil star because of this. The 127 monks of the Blood Prison are in front of them, and they accidentally follow them. After the go ..

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and felt the changes in the surrounding monks' appearances. After all, he didn't say much. Now he takes every minute to recover the loss in his body. Although the safety in the God of War Palace is extremely safe, he never gives himself to others. Habits in the hands.

In other words, although he was in awe of the War God Palace, he did not trust him.

Having the power to protect himself is the most important thing in Xiao Chen's opinion.

Xiao Chen looked up to Jing Yangzi and Di Cheng, and when they saw that they were calm and talked in a low voice, they let go of their hearts and looked at the silver-white space passageway, his face was thoughtful.

It seems that the shroud of shrine is really big ..

Xiao Chen shook her head slightly, without further delay, closing her eyes slightly, slowly adjusting her body loss.

Using the source of the rules, he exchanged powerful power in a short period of time, but it also caused great damage to him. If his body is strong and the meridians are tough, it is very comparable. The body is already full of scars and it is extremely difficult to recover.

In comparison, physical injuries are now very minor, and they only need to rest for a while to recover.

The mana in the body slowly flows along the meridians, continuously dispersing into the meridians, and repairing the damaged meridians and flesh. This process is quite painful. The broken flesh and blood meridians need to be smoothed out little by little, but these pains can no longer be solved. Xiao Chen made an impact, so he sat cross-legged and fell into a wound healing.

Jing Yangzi and Emperor Cheng successively noticed the changes in his breath, and his face suddenly showed satisfaction. Compared with the uneasy state of the surrounding spiritual monks, Xiao Chen can still maintain a steady repair of the injury without upgrading to potential. But this mentality is going to give people a high look.

The two instructed the surrounding monks to retreat carefully, and set up another layer of isolation breath to prevent anyone from disturbing his cultivation.

In March, the moment passed.

From the endless end of the Civil War Temple, teleportation in this space channel was actually a march for three consecutive months, and it has not yet reached the main hall of the God of War Palace. It seems that the vastness of the space here is unexpected by Xiao Chen.

On this day, a trace of tremor appeared in the space channel. Although not strong, it was enough to remind the monks in the teleportation that the destination was coming.

Jing Yangzi and Di Cheng both looked shocked, with smiles on their faces at the same time, and the monks of all ethnic groups in the spirit world also showed excitement and stood up.

At this moment, Xiao Chen, who closed her eyes tightly in March, trembled slightly, her eyes slowly opened, her fluorescence flickered, and she returned to peace.

For three months, naturally it was impossible for him to fully recover from his injuries, but he had been reluctantly suppressed, and his mana had recovered by three or four points. As long as he did not fight death with his life, his actions would not be affected.

Jing Yangzi and Emperor Cheng nodded slightly to Xiao Chen. In this group of junior monks in the spirit world, even the Demon King did not enter the law. Although they are both late ancestors, they have been in the God of War for many years. The monks with great strength are only at the same time, only when Xiao Chen's performance shocks their hearts, will they make friends deliberately.

The self-cultivation world didn't have an inexplicable closeness. If Xiao Chen had not shown the strength that they valued, would they have put him in his heart.

"Well, there may be all shocks at the end of the teleport, don't panic, I'll be at the main hall of God of War."

Emperor Cheng opened his voice and the monks nodded.

After a moment, the shields surrounding the space passageway suddenly shivered violently. Fortunately, Di Cheng had already instructed, and Jing Yangzi's face was calm and no different, which did not cause panic.

The eyes suddenly lighted up, the space shock power dissipated, and the dazzling aura in front of the eyes slowly dissipated, so that the surrounding situation was clearly exposed.

"Soul monk!"

Thousands of monks gathered on the square. At this moment, when they saw the figure in the teleportation array, their faces changed with exclaim.

"I didn't expect the endless sea to be eliminated this time. The best performer is actually the spirit world. Oh, this is really interesting." A middle-aged man in the floating world said in a low voice, showing a hint of playfulness on his face.

Beside him, a pretty woman smiled and nodded, and the two stood at random, but the monks were afraid to approach, and their eyes fell out of awe, obviously distinguished.

"Actually, the monk in the spirit world took the lead." A burly man in Dongtianjie frowned, his eyes flashed coldly, and then he laughed sneer. Some attention, don't keep staring at us. "This man respectfully and steadily stood behind him, with a strong breath all over his body.

The two men in Sanshijie wore robes and looked slightly vaguely similar to the old man, making them unable to see the changes in their faces, as if they didn't care about the situation at hand.

Behind the two, there were also three stone realms following.

Each of the three parties has its own side, and each of them is very clear. His Majesty's monk's eyes occasionally collide with each other, and there is a glimmer of coldness.

The monks in the blood prison world are the most conspicuous on this square. They dominated almost half of the area, and they were full of spirits. Looking at the monks in the teleportation array, their faces were ugly.

For the three monks of the blood prison tribe, each of them has a strong breath, and the breath is stronger than the ancient monks, which is obviously not an easy one.

At this moment, when the three looked at each other, they all saw the anger in their hearts, and they didn't know what had happened, so that the monks in the spiritual world occupied it.

In the spirit world, there is a monk in each of man, demon, and demon, and at the same time a surprise smile appears on his face.

Jing Yangzi and Di Cheng led Xiao Chen and others to leave the teleportation team, and salute them politely, "See the three adults!"

After the ceremony, several people from the son of Jing Yang, the son of Jing Yang, walked toward the tribe strongman and whispered, "This is the master of the class, but one of my tribe strongmen, repaired as a trilogy in ancient times."

Xiao Chen and others had even more awe on their faces, and hurried to salute again.

The host smiled and waved, but there wasn't much of a shelf.

Jing Yangzi hurried forward and slightly recused the matter. The host's eyes flashed, and Xiao Chen nodded. Although his eyes were shocked, the smile on his face was even better.

He didn't expect that this spiritual world was the first, but it was still the work of other people's tribe. Besides, hearing about the potential of Xiao Chen's means from Jing Yangzi made him rejoice. The human race was in a weak position in the War God Palace, and there was a strong potential. The younger generation is naturally the situation he was pleased to see.


[Third more, do n’t you go away, there is a chapter at 22 o'clock! 】

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