Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 441: Stand by the exit

Above the clouds, the blood clouds covered the sun, the layers of evil spirits, and howling straight. {August Novel Network (

Augusto's face was extremely ugly, his eyes rolled with chills, and a vicious gas in his chest became heavier and stronger, making his breathing gradually thicker. It seemed like a devil who wanted to choose someone to eat.

The blood prisoners have a low-convergence breath, and at this time, no one wants to touch the mold of Lord Augustus.

But at this moment, Augusto suddenly lifted his face, shocked!

Space is weakening and dying .. The source of the world is charged!

Xiao Chen!

It must be Xiao Chen!

Damn it!

But his time may be too fast. According to the information of Augusto, even if he himself refined a source of the world, it would take at least several months. This is only half a day, what about Xiao Chen? Can it be done?

Even if this weird wants to break his head, he absolutely can't think of the source of the world that they worked hard to calculate, they belonged to Xiao Chen before billions of years!

In a world that has not yet been opened, the blood prisoners' hope of exhausting their lives, breaking the opportunity for promotion and destruction ... all these things are now shattered.

The Source of the World Became the Owned!

Augusto gritted his teeth and his blood flickered in his eyes. "No, the husband still has a chance! The source of the world needs at least a half-step destruction or even a higher level of cultivation to be destroyed. Even if Xiao Chen gets it, he cannot open it! As long as he can Find him, kill him, and the source of the world will be pure again! "

The old man murmured, his face was cloudy for a while.

"You continue to search for Xiao Chen's whereabouts. Once you hit it all, kill him at all costs. Frost, Jelson, Montaigne, and Xu Li are divided into four groups and searched!"

"The old man will return to the exit. Whenever he wants to get away, he will definitely go there, and I will wait for him there!"

The Ogudo waved and waved, turning into a blood rainbow in the respectful salute of the blood prison monks, and returning along the same path.


Dongfeng Rubao's face suddenly became extremely ugly, his body trembled slightly, and a roar came out from behind a moment later, "Xiao Chen! My husband and you endlessly die!"

The source of the world is charged!

Although I don't know what happened secretly, but the old man identified one thing .. Xiao Chen calculated them! Calculate all the strong men in the four realms, including him, and play them between applause.

In order to explore the treasure, the Three Stone Realm searched for the key to open the treasure, and ridiculed countless powerful monks. Otherwise, the strongest force in the God of War Palace today should be his Three Stone Realm, not the blood prison realm.

He paid a huge price and waited for hundreds of thousands of years, but today it is the result.

Dongfeng Rufeng cannot accept it!

Xiao Chen had reached the extreme in his heart, and could not wait to kill him with his own hands!

"The illusory world supported by projection power, once it loses the support of the source of space, will collapse in a short time. This space annihilation collapses, and the destructive force that bursts out is enough to obliterate any monk below the ruined state.

"Xiao Chen, if you want to get away, you only have to leave from the entrance of the treasure. In this case, the old man will go to the entrance to wait for you and kill you!"

Dongfeng Rubao whispered openly, the killing between eyes was infinite.

"You continue to search in the land of treasure. If Xiao Chen is on the move, you must kill him! Who can capture the source of the world, the old man will reap the reward!"

"Yes, sir!" The Sanshijie monk said with a deep voice.

Dongfeng Rubao turned around and stepped forward, his figure disappeared.


"Damn! The source of the world has been collected!" Hercules roared, his face full of unwillingness, "This treasure must have fallen into the hands of Xiao Chen."

The immortal king frowned and opened his mouth slowly after a while. "Big brother doesn't have to be angry. Even if Xiao Chen receives the source of the world, there is no power to open it. As long as we kill him before he opens the source of the world, everything It's not too late. "

King Xiaoyao's eyes flickered and swept across the surrounding space. "Without the energy support of the source of the world, this space cannot be supported for too long. If Xiao Chen wants to save his life, he will definitely go to the entrance in an attempt to escape, and we can wait for him. "

"Good!" Hercules king Shen Sheng said, "If you continue to search, who can find Xiao Chen, immediately send a message to the king, if you can get the source of the world, reward!"


"Brother ... he succeeded!" Yinyue Daojun slowly spoke, but it was difficult to hide the slightest excitement between the voices.

Yangri Daojun nodded, with a smile on his face, "You and my brother have been entrusted by their ancestors to guard the treasure for many years, and now they have finally achieved positive results. But now the source of the world is charged, Augusto, Dongfeng Rubao, Dongtian Three King Someone must have noticed, in your opinion, what will they do? "

Yinyue Daojun groaned and said nothing. "If I were them, I would keep the exit. Xiao Chen would leave if she wanted to leave."

"You're right, but before that, they will send your Majesty monks to search in the treasure space. If you are lucky, you may harvest the source of the world in advance, otherwise they will not have the certainty once they compete at the entrance."

"Well, Brother is right."

Yang Ri Dao Jun groaned slightly, and said lightly, "You stay and separate into the treasure land. If you meet Xiao Chen Daoyou, tell him the current situation, how to decide, let him choose."

"I and I will be at the entrance of the treasure. When he arrives, he will help him to get out. If he doesn't believe you, you can tell him that my surname is Li and Yinyuedao, and he will understand."

"Yes, sir."


Above the sky, there are monks walking forward, the pace seems slow, but each step can cross the endless space, the wind blows, making the clothes rumbling, hunting and hunting, black turning uncertain.

The dark eyes are dazzling like stars, dark like the deep sea, revealing an endless mysterious and unpredictable breath, like the eyes of the gods, in the eyes, it makes people want to be lost.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and the situation may be in crisis at present, but the more so, the calmer his mind became, the less he could shake.

The **** came out of his body, like the rain and rain, and swept the surrounding space slowly and silently. Any wind and grass could not hide his induction.

At the same time, Xiao Chen fully converged the breath in his body. Nothing can be noticed. Unless he is much higher than him, he must not be able to see his course.

Jin Yin's "Mixed Nerve", with its astringent breath effect, is based on his current practice. No one can detect it unless he is an ancient monk.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's brow suddenly frowned slightly, and the first wave of monks appeared in the primal sense.

The two monks who floated in the 6 realms were all in Guji Wuqu. With Xiao Chen's current strength, they could instantly kill both of them under the violence.

A little hesitant, he decided to take the shot, at least to get some news from them. What is the situation now?

Yuan Shen carefully sensed that there was no hidden ambush in the surrounding area. Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, and his foot stepped forward, and the figure disappeared.


It reappeared, it was already the two monks in the floating world reluctantly, their eyes flashed sharply, and they pointed forward. The Huangquan Mopan appeared instantly and turned into a streamer that went straight to the two and killed them.

"Master Xiao Chen shot slowly, my two are not malicious!"

One of the monks in the floating world screamed loudly, and quickly retreated with the other, but did not mean to fight back.

Xiao Chen's thoughts moved slightly, Huang Quan's grinding disc stopped for a moment, "There is no bad intention, why did you two enter the land of treasure? Is it possible that you are looking for Xiao's whereabouts?"

He can stop his hands, and naturally he can also kill them.

Taking Xiao Chen's current practice as the driving force to drive Huangquan's great grinding disc, the power that this object can explode cannot be resisted by the monk of the Five Extremes.

"Master Xiao Chen, I and I came to you by the orders of two Daojun. I want to bring you a message. Now my Daojun and Augusto, the east wind is broken, and the king of the whole Wednesday is waiting in the treasure. At the entrance of the world, another monk is sent to search for the whereabouts of adults in the treasure world. It is up to the adults to decide how to behave. If the adults want to get away from the entrance of the treasure, our monarch can help the adults. .

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and sneered, saying, "I and you are floating in the Six Realms. Dao Jun has no relatives and no reason. Why do they help me at this moment .. It ’s a reminder, maybe it may be a conspiracy to trick me to die. "

"Master Daojun already expected Xiao Chen Daoyou would not believe it. Let us tell you that the names of the two Daojun masters are Li, and adults will understand." Another monk from the floating world said.


Li family.

Lee's ancestor!

Good guy, this weird actually has a layout. He can actually support such characters as Sun Moon Daojun in the floating world.

However, considering that he is in a state of no one in the Ares Palace, and the source of the world of the town is waiting for him to collect, all this will not seem too amazing.

"Trouble Xiao Chen tells your family Daojun, I know the thing."

Xiao Chen waved his hands, and the two monks from the floating circles reverently saluted and turned to drive away Guangguang.

The ancestors of Li's ancestors are mysterious and unpredictable. There is no one in this world except Xiao Chen who knows nothing about it. Obviously, he can't fake it. He knows this, otherwise he would not believe what they said because of a word.

"Hold me at the entrance of the treasure world to kill me ... huh! Then I shot first and leave you in the treasure world to kill your strong man slowly and see if you can hold your breath!"

"Except for Augusto, the east wind is broken, and the three kings of the sky, the rest are the strongest, but Frost, Jelson, Montai and other ancient pole eight strong players. Although I can't beat them, I can move forward and back. Just use them as a stepping stone to perceive in the battle and kill, or to step out of the seven ranks and be promoted to eight wastelands! "

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes, and there was a tide of murder in his eyes. He took the next step, and the figure turned into a scream.


"Huh! It looks like you and I are thinking, waiting for Xiao Chen to come to death at the exit of the treasure." Ogudo whispered. "Although he doesn't want to admit it, Xiao Chen is really cunning, otherwise he can't calculate You and I made this hard work cheaper for this junior. "

"So the old man proposed that you and I put down the dispute for the time being, and once Xiao Chen appeared, he would join forces to kill it by thunder! The source of the world is the treasure you and I have been planning for a long time, and this junior must not be taken away, I wonder if you wait how about?"

Dongfeng is like a broken face, sinking like water, nodding his head when he hears the words, "August friends proposed that the old man agree, since Xiao Chen's vain attempt to occupy the source of the world, the soul deed you and I set up naturally has been broken and no longer works. Whatever he can do, he can't escape! "

The three kings of the sky nodded.

On the 6th Yueyue Jun groaned slightly and agreed to the matter.

In this situation, the monks at the top of the Four Realms began to join forces again, but they had nostalgia in their hearts.

Floating on the 6th Moon Daojun naturally need not say more, they are the third chess played by Li's ancestors, not only will not embarrass Xiao Chen, but will also help him to escape.

As for the other three parties, it is in the dark that he hopes that his monk can take the lead in capturing and killing Xiao Chen and take away the source of the world. They also want to take their own shots, but even with their cultivation, it is definitely not an easy task to find Xiao Chen's figure in this vast space. It is the best choice to stay here and wait carefully.

The exit of the treasure, as long as Xiao Chen is not dead, will definitely come!


[The code word is a bit stuck, change it at 17:00 and change it at 21:00. 】

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