Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 452: Underground field

The people of the Kamen tribe cannot do the same as monks do. They do not need to eat grains and grains. They draw spiritual power from heaven and earth into their own power. When old monsters run on the ground and the land is barren and the wind is endless, they want to plant to feed The tribe Xiu people have enough food, they can only carry out in the underground soil layer, relying on the scarce underground water for irrigation, it is difficult to imagine, they are struggling to survive in this situation, like a gap between the cliffs A puff of wild grass, releasing shocking tenacity and vitality. [August 1 W] W]. ? 8 & gt; 1ZW. Com

Digging hundreds of feet deep underground, excavating more than 1,000 acres of underground farmland, planting some kind of crops with small branches and leaves and a layer of **** crops, but can produce huge fruits, taste is not good, but can provide the abdomen and provide enough The energy, dried branches and stripped silk can be used to weave sackcloth, the shell of the fruit is filled with oil, and it can be extracted and eaten after burning ..

The rushing sound of water flowing from the field ridge, this is the most experienced old man of the Kamen tribe and the tribe's warriors to find out the water vein, by the way pass down all the experience.

Carefully cut out the water intake hole on the water vein, except that it must be used every day, you can't waste a little bit.

The groundwater vein is the root of a tribe. If the water vein is cut off and no replacement can be found, the entire tribe will be forced to migrate, and the place that has worked hard for many years can only be abandoned.

At the other end of the field, a simple shack was built with some domestic animals in it. I don't know how they kept it.

And at this end of the field is where the tribe eats.

Since it is underground, naturally there is no need to build a house too much, and one piece of rectangular bar is used as the dining table.

As for the round table in the center of the bar, it is the place where the patriarch and the most powerful warrior in the family dine, representing a kind of glory and status. The difficult living environment is destined to create a large gap between the rich and the poor. The Kamon tribe people eat the same meal every day and receive limited supplies. It may vary slightly from person to person, but it is also controlled within a reasonable range. Inside.

Xiao Chen, under the reverence of chalk, walked towards the dining table at the end of Tian Long.

The monk of the Kameng tribe stood up at the same time, respectfully saluting, "I've seen the Lord Master!"

In the eyes, only worship, awe and gratitude are revealed.

The Lord Master helped the tribal warriors to kill the old corpses, and at the cost of mana, he dispelled the corpses in the body for the injured tribe. The matter has clearly passed to the ears of each tribe of the Kamen Tribe, and Xiao Chen obtained all respect.

So this ceremony, they are in their hearts.

Xiao Chen's eyes slowly swept across the fields, looking at the rich meals that he was working **** the table, and finally fell on the people of the Kamen tribe who were humble and humbly, and suddenly felt a touch.

These chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep may look rough and simple, but they are the best thing they can come up with. As for the other Camon tribe people on the table, each was in front of a large bowl filled with something like porridge.

There was a cramp in his eyes, and he smiled embarrassedly. "Take this coarse tea and light rice to entertain the Lord. Please also ask the Lord not to blame. The Kamen Tribe is not as good as other big tribes. It makes you laugh."

A slight smile suddenly appeared on Xiao Chen's face, saying: "Since you are going to eat, you naturally want to eat the same meals. Now that you are a guest at the Kameng tribe, I should naturally show that, wait a minute."

As the words fell, his Yuanshen instantly sent out an idea and entered the dojo.

In addition to the monks, Zuomei Daochang also has a large number of mortal people. The bloodline has multiplied from generation to generation, making its number reach a very amazing level, and building a city suitable for mortal life.

Since there is a mortal life, there will naturally be everything he needs.

The Kamen tribe people saw Xiao Chen's aura of light flash on his hands, but a large number of chickens, ducks, cows, and sheep appeared directly, spreading out Huanzi.

Xiao Chen looked at the dull faces of the Qamen tribe and laughed, "I don't want to catch them yet, is it because I want to wait for them to plow into the fields to destroy the crops and catch them for a hearty lunch?" , You and I eat together. "

The soldiers of the Carmen tribe returned to their hearts with joy on their faces and shot. Haha laughed and captured the livestock, and led the women straight to the large kitchen.

The children were cheering and jumping for joy.

Chalk and Heli elders are different from other monks in the tribe. At the same time, they both deeply salute Xiao Chen and have more awe on their faces.

There are only a few masters of the gods who have storage rings for storing items, but storage rings that can store living things .. The legendary top tribe master collar is only eligible to have. Strong tribe?

Although I thought of this, the adults never expressed their opinions. Naturally, they did not dare to mention them. Perhaps the adults did not want to be known. Before they could understand the meaning of the Lord God, they dared to talk.

"Sir, please sit down first, they will prepare the meals soon, otherwise you will eat first, otherwise the meal will be cold."

Xiao Chen sat down, but shook his head, "Speaking to eat together, wait a moment." Speaking here, his eyes flickered and fell on the chalk, "If you have something in your heart, just say it straight, no need to Hidden. "

The chalk was dull, and his face became more embarrassed. He was pushed by the elder Heli, and then he dared to open his mouth. "Master, although this proposal is too much, I still implore you and hope that you can give it to my tribe. Some low-level decrees will allow the young people in the clan to cultivate and cultivate a god. Please rest assured that we will not expect exquisite decrees, as long as you can give a simple method of cultivation, and the Kamen tribe will serve Get some spiritual stones in return for adults! "

In the dead world, the spiritual power is exhausted. As the best choice for the **** to supplement the mana loss, the spiritual stone has naturally become a recognized wealth exchanged between tribes.

Although the Kamen tribe is weak, it has been passed down for many years. When excavating the underground space, some residual crystals were occasionally found. After years of accumulation, more than 500 pieces were finally accumulated, and all the chalk was taken out.

This is all their wealth.

Xiao Chen Wei'e, did not expect that they would put forward this condition, shook his head with a smile, "You have helped my friend, the sacred giant handsome man, deserved to be rewarded, please accept this jade slip."

There was a flash of aura in his hand while speaking, and he took out a jade Jane and gave it with both hands.

Chalk apparently did not expect that the matter would be solved so easily. At this moment, he hurriedly bowed and saluted, took Yu Jian down with both hands, touched his face with excitement, and carefully handed it over to the elder of Heli.

The elder of Heli is half of the priests in the Kamen tribe. It is said that he was also qualified to become a priest that year, but only because of an accident during the later practice, which cut off the hope of becoming a priest, but was the only one who had contacted the priest. People at all levels, the jade Jane bestowed by the adult naturally let him look at him.

"High-level Jade Jane!"

The elder of He Li suddenly trembled, fell directly on his knees, and bowed to Xiao Chenxing.

Chalk's face was dull, and then turned into ecstasy, and he spoke reverently, "Thank you, Lord Master!"

The high-order jade Jane represents the recorded judgments, which allows the master to practice directly to a high level. The value of this jade Jane has already been imagined, and only the true tribe has the right to own it!

"Thank you Lord Master for your gift!"

The Kamen tribe people fell on their knees.

Xiao Chen nodded. "Okay, don't be extra polite. The meals are almost done. Ready to eat."

The elders of Chalk and Heli led the people to rise, their faces were full of ecstasy, and with the jade Jane from the adults, their Kamen tribe could cultivate their own god!

This is something they never thought before.

The two looked at each other, and they could see the sincere gratitude in each other's hearts. The Lord Master is really a benefactor of the Kamen tribe!


[It's 3:03 am, and it's written to my head now. This chapter has a few words. Yesterday the monthly ticket broke ten, today four more, the first! 】

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