Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 459: Corpse General

One hundred thousand soldiers are as calm as a mountain. ? Bayi [(中? <文 〔

Push forward, let your old corpse besiege like a tide, and you will be defeated!

For the first time, the armored warriors exploded in desperate terror in frontal confrontation.

Killing the cold twelve led hundreds of killing elites, spread out around the army, and explored everything around them like a tentacle, providing accurate information for the army to advance, and preparing for the battle of old corpses.

I spent two months in a silent march. One hundred thousand soldiers went through the battle, and the breath became more sturdy. No one in the march murmured, maintaining an absolute state of vigilance, and he could enter the battle at any time.

In the center of the battle array is a hundred-zhang chariot. It is black in color, covered with green, and not decorated with fringe and other decorations. The eight wild beasts pulled forward, like dragons and crickets, thick armor and sharp-pointed claws, horrible, but at the moment they are extremely tamed, and dare not be arrogant.

The chariot was smelted for refining Taoism to collect the finest gold. The Master of Forbidden Tao engraved the guardian formation with his own hands, which can stop the magical powers. The soldiers and soldiers in the armoured road entered the wilderness and captured eight same beasts. The chariot, called the Eight Beasts Royal Sky, was dedicated to Xiao Chen as a battle object.

The five commanders of Tancha, Dieshan, Suwon, Moge, and Wanzuo wore black armor, respectfully silent, standing on the chariot, willingly to guard.

The monks of the four tribes followed the chariot, and their faces were in awe, and their eyes flashed with joy and excitement from time to time.

After repeated battles, 100,000 armors were destroyed, and the terrible fighting situation was deeply embedded in their memory, and they could no longer be forgotten. But even more critical is that this invincible war department is the power in the hands of Lord Xiao Chen.

The five warlord-like black armored generals were decisive and brave in their killings, but in the presence of adults, they were respectful and respectful, and there was nothing to deceive. They saw this very clearly.

Xiao Chen has such a powerful power, naturally is the best choice for attachment, but this way, the adults did not give them the opportunity to loyalty, which made Yu Shangjing, red robe, Bahri, Yeyue and other hearts Uneasy, but they did not dare to show the slightest bit, and did not dare to take the initiative to look for Lord Xiao Chen.

For the day when they did not directly agree to believe in the choice of God Xiao Chen as a god, they had remorse. Fortunately, it was not too late, and they had already made a decision secretly. When the adults mentioned it again, they would not hesitate. Promise it.

Every half an hour, spies in all directions will spread the latest news back, Leng Twelve frowned slightly, watching the information sent by his subordinates, hesitated slightly, or went to the side of the chariot, respectfully speaking, "Master, His subordinates have doubled the investigation range of His Majesty's agents, but there are still no traces of corpse monsters. They seem to have completely disappeared. Need to decide on this matter? "

For a moment of silence, Xiao Chen's voice came from the chariot. "Don't worry about them, the team keeps moving forward, the spies don't withdraw, continue to expand the scope of exploration, and let them be careful, so as not to cause unnecessary injuries."

Leng Zhuang respectfully said that he turned around and hurried away, giving the latest order.

In the chariot, Xiao Chengao sat high and looked calm.

These old corpses cannot disappear for no reason, and there must be some hidden feelings, but there is no fear in his heart. Unless there is a great power in the old corpse, in the presence of the power he has, but the chickens and dogs.

Battle formation, all march!

Xiao Chen closed her eyes slightly and waited silently.

What these old corpses are calculating, no need to worry about flying, when they should know, they will jump out.

The rapid march, on the 27th, has entered the rolling mountains to the depths, and according to the shop's induction, it is not far from where he induction.

"Stop and rest for a while, wait for news from the spies, and continue on the road."

Inside the chariot, Xiao Chen's eyes widened, and his voice was clearly introduced into the ears of five people: Silent Investigation, Dieshan, Suwon, Demon, and Left.

The giant army-like legion stopped slowly, and each of the 100,000 soldiers sat cross-legged, but remained in their position without any confusion. Once there was an accident, they could assemble in an instant to meet the battle.

Leng Zhuang's eyes were empty, waiting for His Majesty's spy to return. According to the regulations, time was coming.

call out!

call out!

Chuanxin Jade Jane was specially produced by Zuo Meilian for breathing information for killing the way. It is faster than ordinary Chuanyu Jane and has a restrained atmosphere. Once out, it is extremely difficult to be intercepted.

Leng Shieryang handed his hands, parted his senses into it, his face changed, and he went straight to the adult chariot.

"My lord, the latest information from the spies in front, please look over."

During the conversation, Yu Jian was held up with both hands. Since there was a force to take it up and fell into Xiao Chen's hands, the insight penetrated into it, but it was a fuzzy picture.

The rolling hills are filled with strange peaks, but not far ahead, there is a vast plain. A city is located in it, which is shrouded in thick death, and the disappearing old corpses are all concentrated here.

Xiao Chen stood up slightly. The place the shop said should be where the city is .. That being the case, he had no choice but to get the shop back soon, he could only take down the city occupied by the old corpse. .


Do you want to gather away from the defense, or complete a fatal blow and leave all of them?

No matter how the old corpses calculate, but in the view of Xiao Chen, it is also a good situation. One shot to solve them all can also save them trouble.

"Twelve, send spies deep into the rear to search on the left, right, and three sides, and widen the distance in case there is any change. The rest will fully recover and the battle will come."

Faintly opening, cold mansions flow, killing intentions.

Leng Twelve turned away and left, and the five leaders of Tatar, Dieshan, Suwon, Moge, and Wanzuo bowed at the same time, as if they were accepting orders. A moment later, it is respectfully stated that the four feet of Dieshan, Suwon, Moge, and Lunzu took the next step, and the figure disappeared, leaving Lunzu alone in the garrison.

Xiao Chen's eyes were empty. Since there was a fight, he would kill one vigorously and wipe you out!

Two hours later, Xiao Chen ordered that the army continue to advance, and it was already in the state of combat readiness, killing the tragic momentum and rising into the sky, and one hundred thousand soldiers were silently advancing!

After half an hour, the obstacles of the lonely peak and ridge were crossed, the valley was in sight, and the dead city appeared in sight.

The thick death gas shrouded the entire city, and the old corpses roared and shook the earth. The number of them was feared to be in the hundreds of thousands.

The battlefield was set off and confronted the corpse far away.

The monks of the four tribes were a little uneasy, but when they looked at the soldiers and soldiers in the surrounding areas, they were resolute and not panicked.

Since Xiao Chen dared to take risks himself, he must have a means to come to secretly.

At this moment, a roar came out of the city, and the horrible horror of the old corpse stopped instantly. "Living and attractive creatures, if you dare to break into the corpse's territory, you must do your own thing. Ready to pay. "

"My corpse will break the sky and give you punishment for blood food!"

The roar did not fall, and the thick death gas that enveloped the city was torn instantly by the explosion of horror. Hundreds of thousands of old corpses roared upward, and the eyes of the red blood were dying to look at the battlefield, revealing the ** naked * *, Smelly mucus flows between the sharp teeth.

The old corpse was standing above the city wall.

Said to be an old corpse, if it weren't for a few faint corpses on his face, it would be more like a slightly pale middle-aged monk, with a burly body and blood-colored armor, covered with delicate and mysterious texture, and his body breath is very strong!

This old corpse is afraid that it has the power comparable to the ancient realm!

The chariot opened slowly, Xiao Chen stepped forward, stood on the frame, looked calm, and the blue robe was rumbling. He knew from the spies that there must be high-level old corpses in the city. It seems This is the corpse.

But with these powers alone, it is ridiculous to attempt to slay him and his monks.

"Since you want to fight, then fight. Why bother talking and wasting your tongue? Today I will level this city and slaughter you as much as possible!"

As the words fell, Xiao Chen waved his sleeve, flashing aura above the void, and the Nine-Party Battlefield suddenly appeared. Each side was composed of 100,000 soldiers and ancestors, armed with spears, and full of anger!

"Together with the armour, the main war killed the war. As of today, we have only used your power in the frontal killing. Let me see how strong you are. No dead body in the city!"

"Follow the Lord's Order!"

Millions of soldiers roared in the mouth, and the battle line was formed in an instant. The two pairs merged directly into the five-party battle array. The five wars will lead each party and yell, "Master, no one!"

"No one!"

His Majesty's Bingjia responded in unison.




The spear is pointing at the sky, and one million armors are shot. Compared with 100,000 armors, the scale is more than ten or one hundred times!

The shadow of the gun is heavy, covering the sky, like a torrential rain and a falling star, and the carrier cannot resist the force, and falls violently!


The corpse broke out of anger and roar, and the shock in his eyes was difficult to hide. The strength of the enemy was beyond his imagination!

"You are not a monk! Who are you!"

The strength of the Xinzu is clear in his mind. If it is 100,000 armors, it may still be possible, but one million soldiers, this horrible fighting group, has already given the total power of the Xinzus!

With a punch, the rich vitality suddenly exploded, turning into a deadly palm of one party, and a fierce shot, the shooting gun shot was suddenly scattered, but he could only ensure that the area around him was not attacked, but there was nothing else he could do.



The fierce corpse roared out, and countless old corpses fell in the first wave of attacks. The corpses leaped into the corner of their eyes, and the fighting power burst by the millions of armors was beyond his imagination. The corpse's accumulated strength over the years is afraid that it will be exhausted in this battle!

"The collar of flesh and blood, dare to fight me!"

The corpse roared, his body filled with death, and it burst into the air.

He can see that the figure of the blue robe is the core of the opponent's entire battle line. If he can be killed, the combat effectiveness of this million soldiers will inevitably be damaged or even collapsed. If he fights, he will be in the middle of his arms. If he does not fight, he can also make the opponent's momentum severely damaged.

This corpse will be a good plan.

The corner of Xiao Chen's mouth slightly tilted, revealing a sense of sensation. "The corpse will speak, how could this block refuse? If so, you and I will be killed in a battle!"

What this corpse can think of, Xiao Chen will not fall naturally. If he can chop the corpse in his hands, hundreds of thousands of corpse people who lose their leadership will certainly collapse, which can greatly reduce the death and injury of the soldiers with left eyebrows.

Both sides have their own calculations.

The corpse roared, and the dark and black corpse enveloped into a stream of light, which suddenly appeared high in the battlefield.

Xiao Chen lifted up, stepping forward to the sky, falling a few steps, he was already on the Jiuxiaoyun.

The two sides looked at each other in a distant sight, and the killing was astonishing!


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