"Okay! Today's battle is a voluntary battle between Xiao Qing and Abate. Now that the results have been obtained, this matter will stop there. No one can mention it anymore, otherwise the lonely will be punished severely!"

Lord Rong swept his eyes lightly and spoke lightly. Eight. ] 8) 1> ZW. COM

"No!" The generals on both sides were slightly stunned, and they bent over to say yes.

Marshal Hu Lei's face was still gloomy, and Abatai died today. No matter what, he finally suffered a loss in this first confrontation. But he knew the situation at the moment, and the Lord would never allow this matter to continue to expand. The most important thing was to conquer Wangding County and take the Jie Country.

He narrowed his sight and suppressed many thoughts in his heart.

Marquis Wuyi still looks like an ancient well. He was not at all happy with his old opponent’s deflation, but sighed slightly in his heart. The lord of the country is really a cautious and suspicious person. Even though he has become the supreme existence of the Rong state, he has no interest in military power. Relax. Back then, he supported him to check and balance Marshal Hu Lei. Now that the confrontation between the two men has just eased after a confrontation, they immediately support the third person. Xiao Chen is not an easy one, and I am afraid that there will be many twists and turns in the future, and he needs to be more cautious.

"Today I called you to wait. This was to announce that Xiao Qing had crossed the immortal mountain without crossing the mountains, but there were so many twists and turns. God of soldiers, now my army is attacking the city. Soldiers are killed at every moment. Arrange earlier. It’s the most important thing to conquer Wangding County.” State Lord Rong spoke solemnly, mentioning the current war, the heavier his voice, “The lone king has made a decision, secretly drew an army of 600 million, and Xiao Qing will carry the mustard seeds across the fairyland. If you do not cross into the abdomen of Wangding County, it is suddenly difficult to break through the guardian formation of Wangding County. If you attack inside and outside, the situation is set!"

"The most critical juncture of this battle is now. When we are successful, the Rong country will annex the Jie country, and when the territory expands and promotes to the top-ranking subject country, all the Qings will be generals in the army, and there will be a reward!"

Lord Rong said in a deep voice, his words were sonorous and not high, but they completely aroused the blood and the desire to win achievements in the heart of his generals! All of them turned red, and their eyes flashed with excitement and expectation.

With his gaze swept slightly, Lord Rong was quite satisfied with the generals' reaction, "Hu Lei, you are the commander of the army, and you must do your part to command the 600 million army!"

"Xiao Qing, Lonely will fill the gap of 100 million soldiers for your Xiao Department, and let you lead the army as Deputy Commander Hu Lei!"

"Wangwang you two can cooperate sincerely, conquer Wangding County for the lone king in one fell swoop, and achieve unworldly achievements!"

Conquering Wangding County was a great feat. Xiao Chengong couldn't escape from the position. The re-appointment of deputy commander was also to increase his qualifications and increase the prestige in the army, and to prepare for the big rewards in the future, so as not to be dissatisfied.

The main reason for making Hu Lei handsome was indeed because he was the most suitable candidate for this matter, but it was not unreasonable to appease him with regard to Abate.

The king's actions have profound meaning in every move, which should not be seen on the surface.

"The minister followed the order!"

Marshal Hu Lei and Xiao Chen took orders solemnly, their expressions calm and not a bit different, but it was not known what the thoughts were in their hearts.

"The lord, the immortal does not cross the mountains and there are hidden crises, and the ministers have encountered many crises before crossing. He also asked the lord to give orders that Xu Chen will directly govern the Xiaozi Department. If there is an accident, he can directly summon the power of the army from the mustard world!" Xiao Chen respectfully Speaking, the reason is sufficient and fair, but the real meaning is the distrust of Hu Lei. Now that the two have been guilty, if by any chance Hu Lei is unruly after passing through the immortal, he has a 100 million Xiao character army in his palm, and he has the power to protect himself, so that he dare not act rashly.

Marshal Hu Lei snorted, his expression even more gloomy.

If he has not heard of the Lord Rong’s status, he groaned a little, and said: "Okay! The lone king will give you the power of the Xiao character department. You can call out the army from the mustard world at any time according to the situation. But the military is important, and you still need to be humiliated. The commander is temperate."

Power can be given to you, but don't make trouble when there is no abnormal situation. The most important thing is to win Wangding County.

Xiao Chen should naturally be.

"That's the decision." The Lord Rong showed the thunderous demeanor of the king, and his whole body was compelling. "The lone king has been secretly prepared, and the 100 million white tiger army has been drawn, and everything is done immediately!"


In order to prevent being noticed by the Jie country, I should be a little slower to prepare, but after waiting for two days, the 600 million army has quietly disappeared into the mustard world in the hands of the Lord Rong. This item is of extremely high rank, which is much better than Xiao Chen's left eyebrow dojo, but it still can't resist the creation of the Great Realm. If the Jie Kingdom shows the intention of the Rong Kingdom and sends a strong assassin to break this mustard world at any cost, the soldiers below the 600 million army creation realm will surely die! At that time, don't say thinking about conquering Wangding County and then annexing Jie Country, the whole battle situation is afraid that it will be reversed in an instant.

Therefore, when giving this thing to Xiao Chen, the Lord Rong had a solemn expression, and he had to be cautious.

Xiao Chen also knew the importance of this. Sincerely, he quietly left the camp under the tense eyes of Lord Rong.

The one who walked with him was Marshal Hu Lei!


Tens of thousands of miles away from the army camp, deep underground, the eyes of the Black Moon Corpse Emperor suddenly opened, and the pale face was full of hesitation, "Void Creation World Monk?"

He has been to the military camp for many days, but he never dared to directly break into the barracks. I wish he wanted to do something on the battlefield and behead Xiao Chen without knowing it, but he didn’t want him to follow him all the time. The 300,000 guards left him no chance to start.

As a last resort, corpse clan bans were placed outside the camp, so as to get a chance to assassinate Xiao Chen.

However, when Xiao Chen left the camp last time, his large formation had not been set up yet and it had not appeared in time. When he noticed that, Xiao Chen had entered the Immortal Buddhism Mountains and disappeared without a trace. The Black Moon Corpse Emperor was annoyed by the missed opportunity, but this time there was Marshal Hu Lei, a virtual creation world-level powerhouse beside him, did not dare to act rashly.

There seems to be a level difference between the perfect creation and the virtual creation world, but the latter has already controlled the power of creation, and can be transformed into its own kingdom of God wherever the figure reaches. Unless the strong at the same level, there is only a dead end.

"If the assassination fails, this person is prepared, and it will be more difficult to succeed in the future. That's fine, just wait for this time, and there will naturally be opportunities in the future."

The Black Moon Corpse Emperor murmured to himself, then closed his eyes, and once again entered a state of silence similar to suspended animation, so that the characteristics of the corpse race can be maximized, just like a real dead corpse, even if it is a creation-level monk, he will not move. Under the circumstances, if it weren't for a careful search bit by bit, I wouldn't want to detect his breath.

Xiao Chen left the camp secretly twice, and this time there were experts in the virtual creation world to follow. There must be hidden secrets in it... The Black Moon Corpse Emperor only thought about it for a moment, then slowly put it down, nothing to do with the task. , Do not need to bother.

This is how he became the first assassinated corpse under the emperor corpse seat.


Xiao Chen didn't know why Hu Lei had made him avoid an assassination by the corpse clan.

The two were extremely fast, and half an hour later they had come to the immortal and did not leave.

"Marshal Hu Lei, the immortal does not cross the five elements to reverse the chaos of yin and yang. Xiao can barely protect himself in it. After entering it, please follow me behind me and never leave, otherwise there will be an accident and it will be too late to save. "

Xiao Chen spoke lightly and reminded him.

Marshal Hu Lei frowned slightly, and groaned slightly, and said: "No matter, this commander will enter the mustard world to avoid causing trouble to the governor Xiao. But I will leave a trace of divine thoughts on the governor. Once there is any accident, I can immediately The leader assisted the governor."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, then he nodded, and said, "It couldn't be better."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out the mustard world given by Lord Rong.

"Marshal, please."

Once General Hu Lei had made a decision, he would naturally not delay any more. He took the next step, and his figure disappeared instantly.

A faint smile appeared on Xiao Chen's face. This Marshal Hu Lei is really a smart person. If he wants to follow the immortal without crossing, Xiao Chen will not really let him stay in it forever, but take the opportunity to let him eat something. Suffering but not difficult.

Naturally, he was not so kind enough to remind Marshal Hu Lei, but he didn't want to be discovered by him to avoid causing trouble.

At the moment, it is naturally the best choice for both of them.

After doing this, Xiao Chen didn't hesitate anymore, and took the next step, the figure immersed directly into the thick fog of the immortal in the escape light, and disappeared for a moment.


The fighting in Wangding County continues.

After secretly drawing 600 million troops and leaving, Rong can only use 800 million for the siege army, which is already an extremely dangerous number. If Jie is aware of it, you only need to open the city gate and fight against the Rong army. The victory or defeat is not yet known!

So in order to avoid this, the army of the Rong country has maintained a high-intensity siege situation in recent months, attracting all the energy of the high-level Jie country into this fierce battle, and there is no time to think about it.

The success of the war is now, and the Lord Rong has opened up military supplies for his soldiers to use, to ensure that the power lost in the body can be restored in the shortest time, and the strong combat power of the army can be maintained.

But now with the ongoing fierce fighting, the army of the Rong State is still inevitably showing fatigue.

The Lord Rong was naturally calm and calm when facing his subordinates, but when he was alone, he couldn't hide his worry.

Although Xiao Chen had successfully crossed the Immortal Immortal Immortal, he was still not sure whether he could pass safely again. In the event of an accident, the emperor's hegemony will be wiped out, and most of the national power accumulated by painstaking efforts will also be consumed. It will not be easy for him to defend the Rong state.

So this time, Lord Rong took a great risk! But big risks represent big gains, and the temptation to annex Jie Country is ahead, so he can't refuse it!

It can be said that the key to reversing the entire battle is at the moment when the immortal is not crossing, it is on Xiao Chen!

Success, everything is well, and the great cause of the king is achieved.

If you fail, your work will fail, and good opportunities will be lost.

It was already twenty-three days, and Lord Rong had never felt that one day would pass so slowly.

In this torment, he sighed slightly, packed up his mood and suppressed all the restlessness in his heart, got up and left the tent, and began to patrol the army.

Now that everything is unchangeable, all the Lord Rong can do is wait!


[Third update, today's update is complete, and you will see you tomorrow! 】

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