Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 669: Promotion

Chengcheng leaned on the bedside, covered with a thin quilt, holding a fire dragon jade in one hand, and a bright red fruit in one hand, the lip of the cherry blossom was slightly lifted, the teeth of the shell were gently pressed, and the skin was bitten. The juice was so sweet that it made a slight smile on the corner of her mouth. <[? 八 {{一 中文 网 (<[

This fruit is the most peaceful and beautiful time in her life. The bright sun star all day, the little courtyard, the flowers, the stupid fish ... and the man who was very close to her.

After eating the fruits, Chengcheng carefully collected the kernels. She was ready to settle down and try to plant them. Even if she couldn't go back anyway, just watching it like that was a thought.

I reckoned in my heart that it should not be far from the border of Yan State. There would not be much time to stay with him ... Cheng Cheng's face was a little darkened, but she was soon calmed down by her efforts. She is the wife of Yan Huang Xinna. She must be full of joy and gratitude, and must not have the slightest look.

She will calmly enter the Yan Palace and will never cause him any trouble.

She will try to live, even if she can't be with him, she can hear from him occasionally.

She will work hard!

Chengcheng tightened the fire dragon jade in her hands, closed her eyes slightly, held back the tears that she wanted to drop, and kept telling herself in her heart, to laugh, to laugh ... the girl's mouth showed a faint smile, delicate and beautiful, so The perfect shell wraps her inner layers and never opens to others.


Left eyebrow dojo.

In Xiao Chen's Yuanshen space, the more exquisite and noble patterns spread on the gold seals became denser and dazzling golden light, which was as strong as the essence and filled the whole Yuanshen space. Pure and mighty power, surging from the golden seal, merged into Xiao Chen's body.

The power contained in the dead soul of the King of Heaven was absorbed by the refining of Jinyin, divided into two, and absorbed by Xiao Chen and Jinyin at the same time.

After the golden seal has absorbed its strength, the finer and more delicate the pattern, the richer the golden light, obviously benefited a lot. Xiao Chen's changes are not obvious in vitro, but in the body, there have been earth-shaking changes!

The most dazzling is the pale golden god!

With the fusion of strength, the golden color of Xiao Chen Yuanshen became more and more intense, and a powerful wave of Yuanshen swelled endlessly. The golden aura emitted was almost the same as the golden seal.

Between the flesh and blood, the surging mana circulates wildly, and the sound similar to that of the ocean tsunami, whether in quantity or quality, has increased more than ten times compared to the previous one! But this kind of growth is not the uncontrollable madness of "The Broken Element", but a powerful force under control. The power of the King of the Burned King's soul that Jin Yin absorbed was directly incorporated into his body, following the cultivation law that is close to killing and seeking the way. It is round and natural, and it can be controlled by him naturally when the mana rises.

Under the control of Xiao Chen ’s mind, the power in his body turned wildly. He felt that this power had reached the limit of the physical body. Between the circulations, he even had a tingling sensation in his physical body. The feeling of being out of control.

In this state, he vaguely touched that layer of invisible diaphragm. As long as he broke it, he could make a breakthrough and take a vital step on the path of the path!

However, even if he concentrated all the powers of the Yuanshen and manipulated the mana to run wildly, the shocks seemed to be able to break the diaphragm every time, but in the end it was worse than the last line and he couldn't break through.

There is still power pouring into the body of the golden seal, but the current state cannot be changed, and the mana operation in the loaded state has reached the limit of his primordial spirit. If it continues, I am afraid that the breakthrough will not be completed until the breakthrough is completed. The control of the power in the body, the power that will run away will tear his body directly, and explode from the inside, destroying the entire left eyebrow dojo.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. Although he was unwilling, he was ready to give up. Perhaps today is not the time for him to make a breakthrough, and he can only find opportunities in the future.

But at this moment, the Yuanshen space appeared, except for Xiao Chen Yuanshen and the golden seal, a third group of golden light suddenly appeared, and the breath belonging to the spring came instantly. A white cloud-like power emerged from this golden light, as if attracted, and quickly merged into Xiao Chen Yuanshen.

The power of faith!

Rongguofenggong, with the asteroid system close to the barren star field as the territory, Xiao Chen as the land's owner, can naturally draw from it the power of due faith, integrate into his own body, and promote cultivation.

It has been a year and a half since leaving Rongguo. Quan should have led the Xiao Department to the Territory Galaxy, but there was never a trace of the power of faith for Xiao Chen to absorb. Xiao Chen had also raised doubts in this matter, but all doubts were resolved at this moment!

At this moment, the accumulated strength of faith swept through the river like a dyke, and swallowed up with a lot of soup. Incorporating into the moment of Xiao Chen Yuanshen, he felt the clearer and more real sense of the diaphragm in him.

In the deep, a breakthrough idea came to my heart!

At this moment, Xiao Chen Yuanshen suddenly burst into golden light. At this moment, he even masked the light of the golden seal and illuminated the entire Yuanshen space. With the filling of the power of faith, the last trace of inadequacy was filled up, and the body's rolling mana suddenly accelerated. .


A faint sound came from Xiao Chen's body. The dazzling golden Yuan Shen, the color deepened with the naked eye's visibility, the more introverted, the golden light emitted at this moment violently tumbling like water waves, the color became more intense!

The mana of Hao Hao Tang Tang's crazy operation in his body is circulating like a wild horse at this moment, but he will not cause any damage to the flesh. During the operation, a powerful devour will be transmitted **.

A new awakening appeared in Xiao Chen's heart, making him suddenly understand what is creation! It is not simply to open up an independent space and build it into its own kingdom of God, but to cultivate it into a powerful magical power of its own, such as the Heavenly Fire World of the Burning Heavenly King, such as the corpse world of the Great Qin Emperor. Summon them to release the mighty power to kill powerful enemies!

This is a means that a monk of creation can only have!

Transform the kingdom of God and merge into magical powers!

If you change to another monk who has already developed the kingdom of God, it will take time to change the solid form of the kingdom of God little by little in order to fully integrate it into the magical power and excite the most powerful force. However, since Xiao Chen entered the Great Thousand Realms, he has never opened up his own kingdom of God. This time, as a breakthrough, he can put the two together at the same time. In the process of developing the kingdom of God, it was directly transformed into a supernatural power.


In the dojo, Xiao Chen closed his eyes and suddenly opened his eyes, his face shone a little, but his face looked a little pale. This is not caused by internal injuries, but caused by the lack of sufficient strength to be repaired after the breakthrough, and its own mana emptiness. This kind of problem only needs to draw enough spiritual power, and it can be resolved naturally after the supplement is complete.

There is not much power left to burn the soul of the King of Heaven, and Xiao Chen even absorbed more than 50% of the power to make a breakthrough in integrating the power of faith. If you continue to refine the dead soul of the Great Qin Emperor's Corpse, it will be enough to increase his mana to the peak in a short time. But now is not the moment of crisis. Xiao Chen just turned his thoughts and let go of this plan. With the dead body of the Emperor Qin Emperor in his hand, even if he has a strong hole card in his hand, if there is a crisis that cannot be dealt with in the future, you can use "The Broken Yuan" to let go of the battle. The source of supplementary power is enough to make him worry-free.

"It turned out that this is the real world of creation." Xiao Chen whispered, her face revealing.

Before, he only knew that the virtual world was a realm between the perfect world of creation and the monk of the world of creation, but it was only after he cultivated to this point that he really understood the meaning of the virtual world.

Cultivation is to break through the creation, but has not completely developed and integrated its own kingdom into the supernatural world. This is the virtual world. Although monks at this level have the power of far-reaching masters, they truly integrate their own kingdom into the supernatural There is still a big gap between the powerful creators. But no matter what, a breakthrough is a breakthrough. The virtual world monk has also set foot in the world of creation. Only after he cultivates in the future can he truly set foot in the world of creation!


[Today ’s update is complete. Goodbye everyone, tomorrow. 】

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