Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 720: Opportunity is moving

Let's listen to Xiao Chen's opening. He is a monk from the Nether Ascension. Does it indicate that a monk of Naga bloodline fled to the Nether before the annihilation of the tribe that lasted the blood of the ethnic group! As soon as he thought about it, Yan Guangyu's excitement grew stronger, making him want to confess his identity directly to Xiao Chen, and then asked him carefully. ? Bayi [(中? <文 〔

The joy on his face disappeared bit by bit, the corners of his mouth slightly tilted, and a sneer in his mouth. Even though he has identified Xiao Chen's identity, he can't speak up right now, or some people are afraid that he will be restless.

After all, in accordance with the clan regulations, in his current status, if there is a junior, then he is also eligible to compete with the Great Yan Orthodoxy and go to sit in the position of the ninety-five. He can have the status today, because he has no descendants and will not impact the rule of the current main vein, otherwise it will be suppressed like other branches! Therefore, this matter must not be revealed until he has made a breakthrough and has enough power and right to speak!

Moreover, at the time when Doronaga was extinct, he did not have any doubt in his heart, but there was no evidence and he was not qualified to investigate the matter. He had to hold it to the bottom of his heart and never reveal anything.

But not revealing it does not mean that he has now given up his faith in doubting and tracing the matter.

At that time, the Doronaga branch of the Yan family was slaughtered by the army of the Song State. I do n’t know who revealed the news. Today, the Song State has already perished, but the real murderer is at large. The extinction of the clan could not find the black hands behind the scenes, and became an obsession in Yan Guangyu's heart. As the time passed, he became more and more deeply rooted in his faith and turned into a knot that blocked him from being promoted. This is not a bottleneck, but a knot in heart. The deeper the cultivation, the stronger the knot. If you cannot solve the knot in one day, you will not be able to be safe in one day. It is only now that Xiao Chen appears, and perhaps he can get the information he needs from his mouth. When he finds the unscrupulous hands behind the scenes, he will have the opportunity to break his mind and break open and prevent him from becoming the biggest maggot in ascension. At that time, carefully arrange it to make up for a little lack of luck, and successfully take the third step to promote the supreme prosperity, it is not impossible!

The appearance of Xiao Chen does not simply represent that Naga's bloodline has not been cut off, but also the opportunity for Yan Guangyu to break through and step into Hongmeng!

In this way, naturally more attention should be paid!

Yan Guangyu inhaled deeply, suppressed all the waves in his heart, and regained his identity as a calm and elder light.

In the Great Emperor's Palace, the Emperor Yan will dominate everything, and he must show a little abnormality, so as not to be aware of the twists and turns. However, although it is not possible to reveal their identity, it is not difficult to help Xiao Chen.

Although the water of the Aoki Shenquan is not in his hands, it must be in the Great Treasury.

The elder's eyes flickered slightly, his eyes closed slowly, his expression calmly.


The hunting galaxy has not yet been formally ordered by the imperial palace, but through the mouth of the court officials and envoys of various countries throughout the day, the matter has spread throughout the entire thistle, and spread to the entire territory of the kingdom of Yan with a more amazing degree .

The three Shenglongchi places are enough to drive countless monks to complete madness!

This is the opportunity that you can clearly see right now. As long as you can rank among the top three in the hunting galaxy, you can get this inverse opportunity into your hands!

Confident in your strength?

Yes, then come to participate in the hunting galaxy held by Her Majesty Yan Huang!

Even if you can't get a place in Shenglongchi, this is a chance to get ahead and fly into the sky! Senior officials have great powers and skills, and everything they want and need is everything.


There are still star thieves in Dayan. They are hidden in the vast star field. They are haunted by ghosts and often surround them. Within a few years, the star thief organizations will sprout again and again.

Therefore, if it is not for its own strength, most monks run through the star field, and they will choose to take a starship ship dedicated to doing business across the star field. Although the price is not low, there are a large number of guards sitting with the monks, but the security is much higher than the monks crossing the star field alone, which is also the choice of most monks when they cross the star field.

Now that the hunting galaxy of Jidu has spread, it has shaken countless monks in the whole country of Yan, and then they are inexplicably surprised to leave for Jidu.

A few businesses that originally do business across the stars have already arranged a sufficient number of starships on the route towards Jidu, but they are still far from enough at this moment. In the face of the sudden increase in the number of monks, when the merchants were happy, they hurriedly adjusted the number of monks, increased the number of monks per boat by 50%, and increased the price by nearly double. It's hard to get a ticket for the boat.

Every star ship was crowded with monks, either alone, or three or five together, whispering and inviting.

"Buzzing" noises mingled with excitement in their eyes, and their hearts were hot.

"His Majesty's opening of the hunting galaxy is an opportunity for you and me in this life. If you can have better luck, you may be able to make peace from now on!" A slightly thin monk whispered excitedly.

"That's right, this opportunity, you and I must not miss it, we must let go and fight for that person in the future!"

Several monks in the surrounding area nodded again and again, but one frowned slightly and said with a deep voice, "Although this time is an opportunity, there are also many dangers, so don't take care of it. Otherwise, you may not get the chance, and you will be killed . "

"It ’s hard to find wealth and wealth. It ’s a normal thing to come by chance. If there is no danger, why would your Majesty offer such a tempting reward! The three places in Shenglong Pool are unknown. Great opportunity! "

All monks heard this expression with envy on their faces. Although most of them will also participate in the hunting of the galaxy, the goal is only to be set on the treasures of the senior officials, and the place of Shenglongchi is not eligible for delusion.

Not far from here, a white man stood in silence, and his face was calm from beginning to end. He never talked with the surrounding monks, nor did he show a slight change of expression because of what they said.

Because he is different from them, his goal is one of those three Shenglongchi places, and he has absolutely strong self-confidence, I believe he can succeed!


In the starry sky, a monk walked through the void, and in a pale robe, hunting drums rang in a hurry.

Although he did not drive the treasure forward, he could step across endless space in one step, and it was as fast as a thunderbolt, but the ordinary treasure was much faster.

The slight creation atmosphere spread out, although it was not obvious, it was enough for the monks to perceive it far away, scaring away countless robbers, making them far away from it, and afraid to approach.

The man's face was calm, but his eyes looked forward, faintly eager.

There, it is the direction of the thistle cultivation star.


A faint **** smell permeated the starry sky, countless stubbles of arms and limbs fluttered in the void, the black cruel man closed his sword, and the three-foot Qing Feng did not touch half a drop of blood. From the beginning to the end, there was no change in his face, and he turned back to the pink driver, kneeling on one knee, "Master, it has been resolved." There was a trace of obsessive respect on his face.

"Acheng, you are getting more and more powerful, and I like you more and more. I really want to just swallow you directly like this." The soft girl voice came from inside the driver. Although the woman in the driver was not seen, but only This sound makes people think of imagination, the mind is undulating and difficult to hold.

The male face in the cold black turned red slightly, but still maintained absolute respect and remained motionless.

"Oh, the little guy is actually shy. The old lady doesn't eat grass on the edge of the nest. You little virgin can rest assured. Let's go. Although the time is plenty, it may be some time since thistle is early. Maybe have some fun.

"Yes, master."

A Cheng got up and stood outside the driver. The nine roaring monsters roared in the mouth at the same time, and the aura of light under the hoof surged like a pedal on the flat ground, turning into a whistling light.



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