"As far as I have heard, the hunting galaxy was not originally like this. It was arranged by the powerful people of the Yan Kingdom and forcibly moved the stars. With the help of 37 stars, the town was sealed, the space was forbidden, and all the wild beasts here were suppressed. Don’t leave.? [{八[一小说{网W?W]W?.>8)1]Z]W.COM"

"If the survey data is correct, this hunting ground has been opened very few times over the years. This is also a suspicious point. For a royal hunting ground that is not often used, it is so generous, even if it is the Royal Family of Dayan. Some are too big, and even big ones are not reasonable."

"I wonder what Brother Yan thinks?"

Yan Mingyue nodded and said: "Brother Xiao said, I also heard it when I was in Jidu, but many monks expressed doubts about the royal family's large-scale construction of hunting galaxies. Some courtiers even wrote to your Majesty to dismantle the hunting galaxy and take one of them. Cultivation Star placed monks. But this kind of proposal was mostly suppressed and shelved. After a long time, it won't stop. After a long time, although the royal family has not given an explanation, the courtiers gradually became interested and stopped mentioning this matter. Jidu It was once rumored that the hunting galaxy hides the great secrets of the Yan royal family. Because of this, it has been kept here, but this is only a rumor, and no one has ever produced any evidence. Moreover, the hunting galaxies have been opened, and there has never been What news has been heard, this rumor has been boiling for a while, and gradually it has subsided."

There was a thoughtful look on Xiao Chen's face, and the Dayan imperial family was so silent and unwavering to preserve the hunting galaxy. There must be hidden secrets in this. But he turned his mind slightly and put the matter down. Since no one has discovered the hidden secret of hunting the galaxy for these years, it is obviously not practical to find it in a short time. Right now, it's still hunting wild beasts and taking the water from the Aoki God Spring into the hands of the most important thing!

"Brother Yan, let's go."

Although Xiao Chen's doubts were not resolved, he did not continue to delay. He took the next step, and his figure turned into a streamer and whizzed towards a cultivation star in front of him.

Yan Mingyue followed closely behind.


"They have stopped and have not continued on their way. With the current speed, at most two hours, you and I will be able to find them." Yan Ji suddenly lifted, eyes gloomy and looked forward, slowly speaking.

Before entering the hunting galaxy, Le Yi prepared a token for each of the three disciples under the seat, which could sense each other's breath so as to take care of each other in the hunting galaxy. But now, this treasure has become a weapon for locating Xiao Chen's trace.

Because Yan Mingyue is with him.

Zhang Dan's complexion remained steady when he heard the words, but his eyes became colder and sharper, just like two arrows that were about to be shot in anger.

"Zhanglin, I will kill Xiao Chen today for my brother, and avenge you!"

A hideous color loomed on Aguda's wooden surface, and the faint evil spirit outside his body was enough to show his thoughts at the moment.

The corners of Yan Ji's mouth were full of sneers. These two people took action. Let's see how Xiao Chen escaped. But at this moment, he thought of something, and his brows suddenly frowned, "Brother, Junior Brother Yan Mingyue is by Xiao Chen's side now, and he has been aware of the matter. If the wind is revealed, I am afraid that there will be trouble."

Zhang Dan spoke lightly and said, "Since Taoist Yanji thinks this might be troublesome, then remove the source of trouble."

"The dead will keep all secrets." Agudamu whispered.

Yan Ji had no expression on her face, as if she had expected it.

Yan Ji nodded and was silent.

The four Jinghong unintentionally speeded by three points faster, just like four meteors flying across the sky, whizzing past!


The hunting galaxy's comprehension stars are not low in rank, and they are naturally rich in spiritual power. Coupled with the perennial barrenness and inaccessibility, under the strong spiritual power nourishment, the vegetation grows extremely vigorously, and the ancient trees that support the sky are lush and surrounded by green vines. The grass stretches above the ground, and you can't see the end at a glance.

Under this ancient tree, among the green grass, is the world of wild beasts!

The roar of the beast is whispering, audible far and near, ups and downs, endless.

Two figures stood between the green grass, and several brutal beasts shed all their blood before the corpse fell to the ground, already dead. The green grass on the ground and the leaves unconsciously entangled the body, sucking blood eagerly. On the opposite side, seven or eight monks stood with a sneer, their eyes full of chills.

"Leave these few savage beasts and hand over the treasures on your body. I can let you two live together!" Among a group of monks, he said in a deep voice for one person, but the cultivation level of the creation perfection is not weak.

A few people stood in a cluster around him, and the weakest was also the pinnacle of the creation stage. Several people work together, as long as their eyes are bright and not to provoke the creation cultivators, it will be enough to make them rampage in the hunting galaxy.

But today, they seem to have chosen the wrong person.

Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue didn't show their breath, they looked at each other and shook their heads.

Hunting brutal beasts with personal strength, naturally not as fast as hunting monks, this matter entered the hunting galaxy monks can think of, and both of them naturally understood. Unexpectedly, they haven't started to **** others, but now they have been snatched to the head.

But since it is a delivery item, how can I miss it.

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't mean to delay time with these people. The breath that was hidden in his body to prevent the attention of high-level brutal beasts was released instantly. Although not much, it was enough to make the body of the opposite group of monks instantly stiff and their faces A dense layer of sweat grows on the white forehead.

Creation monk!

A few people have a bitter mouth, and they feel terrified, and they want to slap dozens of themselves. Unexpectedly, not opening their eyes to provoke this kind of character, people move their fingers, afraid they will be crushed to death.

"Hand over all the wild beasts you get from hunting, and get out of here."

Xiao Chen spoke lightly, beheading these cultivators, with their cultivation base, the power of the dead souls had no much effect on Xiao Chen. Coupled with the fact that a few people had never shown murder to Xiao Chen at the beginning, he would spare a few lives.

Otherwise, at this moment, they would have fallen to death like these wild beasts on the ground.

"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!"

Hearing what Xiao Chen said, even though a group of monks were reluctant to give up, they did not pause at the moment, and straightly took out all the wild beasts from the hunt in the storage ring, and did not dare to hide anything.

"My lord, there are all the prey here. I will never hide my selfishness... I don't know if we can go." The monk on the other side politely spoke. The creation is perfect. The power gap is the difference between Tianyuan.

If Xiao Chen was willing, he could wipe out all the people on the opposite side. This person also understands this, so he left in a hurry. After all, this kind of life and death is controlled by others, and it feels really bad.

Xiao Chen could tell from the faces of several people that these people had never lied before, and with a flick of their sleeves, they collected all the prey they had gotten, but there were more than 30 animals. It is also a lot of income.

"You go."


A group of monks hurriedly bowed respectfully, just about to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's complexion suddenly changed, and he stepped forward without warning.

Accompanied by this punch, his body's aura suddenly skyrocketed with an astonishing degree. Although it is a virtual creation world, the burst of combat power is comparable to that of a creation monk!

A space blade shot out from the void without warning, both speeds were extremely fast, before dodge the slightest, they brazenly collided in the void!

Xiao Chen's body contracted slightly, and his face instantly became extremely ugly. A white mark was faintly visible on his fist. If he hadn't been for his keen spirit, he would have noticed something wrong in advance, and he couldn't prevent being cut by this space. On the body, the consequences are disastrous!

As soon as he thought of this, his face became more gloomy!

At the same time, the Space Blade suffered the force of Xiao Chen's frontal punch, trembling suddenly and then collapsed. However, the space blade that collapsed has not been dispersed, but turned into pieces of irregular shapes, lasing backwards.

Several people wanted to retreat from the monks before, and at this moment they all roared desperately, but with their cultivation base, they could not withstand the cutting of the space blade fragments.

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