It was precisely because of the fear of each other that they made them run away and did not directly enter the life and death fight. Bayi Chinese Network (W & gt; W) W. 〉 8? 1> ZW. COM was here, and they gradually became impatient, because in the telepathy, there were already a lot of strong breaths coming from the surrounding star domains, apparently caused by the breath of the two fighting. They don't think they are kind to these close monks.

Xiao Chen's face became more dignified, because only half of the dead Qin Emperor's dead soul was in his hand. In order to retain his hole card, he never shot to slay the puppet and Agudam. At the moment, I want to get rid of them. If I continue to delay, until the monks in the Primordial induction arrive, I am afraid the situation is even more difficult. At that time, even if he shots to wipe out the crickets and Agudam, he will certainly be difficult to protect himself. If someone takes the opportunity to embarrass, things are really dangerous!

That being the case, it's better to shoot early and end things!

The undead souls of Xun and Agudam, although they did not upload to Shifeng Wang Realm, could also add strength to him after performing "The Broken Element".

Thought of this, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed!

At the same time, I was also in danger.

He knew His Majesty's intention of soliciting Xiao Chen. Because of this, he didn't want to let people know that it was him who betrayed Xiao Chen. If surrounded by others, today's events will certainly not continue to hide.

Today, Xiao Chen can only be killed before these monks approach!

Although he is unwilling to reveal his strength, he can't care much now.

If Xiao Chen is not killed today, I am afraid there will be no chance in the future!

Xiao Chen and Yan, they were almost killing at the same time.


The abrupt breath suddenly broke out of the body, the figure stopped, the feet stood in the air, and the robes roared. To Xiao Chen's figure, a single palm in his robe sleeve protruded in an instant, and shook it fiercely towards him!

"Space confinement!"

There are two main types of attacking supernatural powers in space origin, one is suppression and the other is torn.

But at this moment, Xun shot with all his strength, and the amount of space suppression released by him was far stronger than the space tearing level he had previously performed!

Under the direction of his hand, the entire space seemed to be frozen instantly by the cold current, rejecting all the existence of breath fluctuations. This is an absolutely overwhelming amount of spatial repression. The more the space is mobilized, the stronger the repair, the greater the range of the space that can be mobilized, and the stronger the repression force that comes together. If you want to break free from the closed town of this space, you will no longer fight with the one person, but you will shake off the amount of pressure in the entire space!

The silhouette of Xiao Chen stopped for a moment, and even the aura in the body was suppressed back into the body, and he didn't move a bit!

I sipped in my mouth and said, "Aguoda wooden friends, don't take any action at this moment, but when will you!"

In the rear, Agudammu Yanyan's face was instantly exposed, and the aura of light flashed outside her body. There was no pause in the figure, which turned directly into a shocking rainbow, just like a comet struck the moon, and went towards Xiao Chen crazyly!

He didn't know what methods he used to make the power of space repression soar, but he didn't care. He only knew that Xiao Chen was being suppressed now, and it was already fish on the chopping block, let him kill or kill him!

As long as Xiao Chen is killed, the flaws in his mind can be broken!

The figure of Agudamu entered the scope of space suppression. Due to the manipulation of the puppet, this person had never resorted to the influence of space power, and appeared immediately behind Xiao Chen, grasping his fist violently!

With this punch, he made every effort and had no reservations.

My eyes are full of excitement!

Xiao Chen, you die!

Roaring madly in his heart, he was ready to watch Xiao Chen be bombarded by him, his body shattered, and Yuanshen collapsed!

But today, Agudamu can only be a delusion!

Just when his punch was about to hit Xiao Chen, and the corner of his mouth was smirking and spreading to the whole face, from the erect figure standing with his back facing him, a heart-warming wave of terror suddenly burst out!

Tough and irresistible!

The power of terror is like an invisible wave, centered on Xiao Chen's figure, and swept wildly in all directions!

When Agudam was in it, his face was instantly pale, and his pupils were shrinking, all in despair!

He screamed in his mouth, unwilling to accept his destined fate. Instead of taking back his punch, he strengthened by one point, intending to use this to preserve himself!


The muffled sound was like a rushing wild cow, and it hit the mountain peak.

The frightening skeletal fragmentation of the bones was clearly heard in the ears. Agudamu's entire arm collapsed directly, the flesh broke, exposing the bones, and then it broke.

The physical collapse began from his arm and spread to his entire physical body with an amazing degree!

Agudam Muyuan escaped from the collapsed flesh, but never escaped, his face showing the color of pain and pain, rolling, like a balloon, "snapped" and dissipated in the heavens and the earth.

In Xiao Chen's Yuanshen space, the golden seal and golden light shone, and a slightly illusive ghost appeared. It was this Agudamu!

The soul of this man was embarrassed, his mouth growled, and he wanted to break free of the golden seal. However, since the beginning of the lord of the kingdom, the golden seal has successively devoured the dead souls of the three founding kings, and has recovered a lot of its own power. How can you resist with the power of the ancient soul of Agudam?

Golden light converges, Agudam's Wraith is swallowed directly!

At this moment, Xiao Chen's force sweeping out of the body did not stop at all, but moved to the entire suppression space with a powerful attitude!



Space cracks centered on his body, spreading wildly in all directions.

More and more, more and more dense!

Xiao Chen turned slowly, calm, and said softly, "Broken!"

The word export is not high-handed, nor is it breathless. But with the sound spreading, it was a cracked space, and at this moment completely collapsed!


The entire space collapsed, revealing a dark background, and the forceful space tearing and swallowing power came out, but it could not affect Xiao Chen at all. He stood in such a void, standing in the fragmented space, but all the forces had not yet attacked him, and he would be defeated by the forces spilling from him!

He stood in the star field with a strong and arrogant attitude, freely releasing his powerful breath.

Looked at you, with undisguised intention to kill!

Forcing him to finally shoot, then it will pay the price of death!

Suddenly his face turned into a dignity. He witnessed that Agudam was killed instantly. At this moment, he felt the breath in Xiao Chen's body and his heart was shaking!

He had anticipated that Xiao Chen might have a hole card in his hand, so he just shot to suppress the space, and let Agudam take the shot to end his life. But at this moment I really felt the strength of Xiao Chen, only to know how right this decision was.

If he had taken a shot before and had not taken precautions, the consequences would be disastrous!

But at this moment, although he was shocked in his heart, he soon calmed down, his eyes were dignified, but there was no panic or fear!

Xiao Chen, is this your real hidden power?

Really powerful!

But I'm not afraid of you!

抬 Raised slowly, facing Xiao Chen's gaze full of murderous eyes, Han Mang's eyes did not show weakness and opposed him!

He is a puppet, a master of space. Everyone knows that his potential is terrifying and he is extremely strong, but no one knows how powerful he really is.

Because in Jidu, in his capacity, there are very few people who are qualified to make a shot.

But today, he let the world know what he can rely on as the Governor of the Royal Forest!

There was a flash of aura in his hand, and a treasure-like treasure appeared in his hand. He didn't hesitate, and with a little force, he crushed it directly.

A sudden wave of breath spread out from this sign, covering the whole space.

For hunting galaxies, the Jidu Jiao family has always handled the trivial affairs of the Yan royal family. Although they have no access to the interior of the hunting galaxy, they have naturally accumulated a lot of useful things over the years.

For example, the sign in the hands of the uncle was obtained from Jiao Yunyin. Crushing this object can temporarily shield the star array from sensing the breath of this space.

In other words, even if the monk's killing of the monarch of King of Creation is here, it will not be sensed by the large array and its projection will be manifested.

After doing this, Xu said lightly, "Xiao Chen, you must die today."

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