Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 735: Horrified

Once you choose to take a shot, whether it is successful or not, you will retreat far. ? (August 1st [{文 W) W]. ? 8> 1? Z] W]. COM is because hunting galaxies are hunting galaxies, and wild beasts are confined to the category of prey. Even if a few wild beasts have spiritual intelligence, they are mostly proud and difficult to cooperate. From this point, the contrast between the strength of the beast and the monk falls behind. Therefore, once exposed, they must be moved immediately. Otherwise, what is waiting for them will be the besieged by the monks. High-ranking beasts have always been monks eager to hunt.

Previous hunting galaxies have been opened, and a considerable part of the monks who have been cast down have been killed by wild beasts.

Today, sensing the breath fluctuations coming from the depths of the star field, one big or small brute strong one lifted up, the eyes were cold and ruthless, but a trace of hotness kept flashing in the eyes.

Frightened by the power of fluctuations, the number of wild beasts who dare to go to the source of the fluctuations is not large. But each one must be a real brute beast, and its strength is not under the monk of the creation kingship!


Yan Mingyue was pale, her robe had been damaged in many places, and she had become red with blood.

At this moment cross-legged in a mountain stream, careful induction is not dangerous. Take a Lingtan out of the storage ring with your backhand and swallow it. Close your eyes and refining your medicine to help your injury recover quickly.

Although he has touched the threshold of the realm of creation, there is still a huge gap in his cultivation as a true creator of the realm of creation.

In the face of Yan Ji and Yan Ji's chase, if he had not escaped first, and he was cautious along the way, now I am afraid they have been caught up by the two.

But even so, fleeing all the way, Yan Mingyue has been in distress several times and suffered minor injuries. Yan Ji and Yan Ji are still chasing behind him, and have not been rid of him at all.

At this time, Yan Mingyue did not show up, and the repair in his body became a bottleneck, which had been loosened a lot before.

Le Yi is not wrong at all. The sharp fight between life and death can indeed make him break through the realm of the moment and promote the creation of the world. But he was afraid that he had never thought of it, but Yan Ji and Yan Ji were now sharpening Yan Mingyue.

After a while, the body's medicinal power has not been absorbed, but Yan Mingyue has opened her eyes and her mana has barely recovered by two points.

He can't stay on, or he will be caught up by Yan Ji and Yan Ji.

But when he got up, trying to control Luguang and continue to flee, his face suddenly changed, and he looked up into the star field. Although Yan Mingyue did not break through the world of creation, he has also touched the threshold of creation, and can even be said to have stepped into it halfway. Although it has no creative power, it no longer belongs to the category of creation.

The two powerful and terrifying breaths are as eye-catching as the sun in the middle of the night. He can sense clearly even if there is a starry distance.

One of these two breaths belongs to Xiao Chen.

Yan Mingyue's heart sank. Could Brother Xiao have encountered big troubles, otherwise why did he use such means to show such a powerful force?

However, he has let go of his heart a little bit, and now he is unable to protect himself, and this level of fighting is based on his current cultivation as no qualification to intervene.

The most important thing now is to save your life!

Yan Mingyue stopped for a moment, flashing out of the aura of light outside the body, passing through the mountain stream, flying towards the mountains and mountains in front.

He can still not be caught up to this moment, because the complicated terrain and horrible beasts on the cultivation star, if he leaves the cultivation star and flew into the star field, he really cannot escape!

Behind Yan Mingyue, two figures in the dense forest roared along. They were Yan Ji and Yan Ji. They didn't look any different on the surface, but their faces were slightly white, and their eyes were only gloomy.

Before the two were close to catching up with Yan Mingyue, he didn't want him to hesitate to enter the territory of a group of powerful rhinoceros and beasts, unleashed the breath belonging to the monks themselves, spurring those wild beasts, and madly charged the three.

Yan Mingyue escaped after being seriously injured, but also left Yan Ji and Yan Ji in trouble. It took some measures to get rid of the brutal beast. Each of them suffered some damage and the distance from Yan Mingyue was again enlarge.

The faces of them were gloomy. Although they didn't say a word, their hearts were murderous!

But at this moment, the two felt the horror of the starry sky behind them at the same time.

The figures of Yan Ji and Yan Ji stopped for a moment, then suddenly turned, looking at the source of the breath, their faces were stiff, it was hard to hide their fear!

Different from the various speculations of other monks, they knew the identity of the two men and the reason for the killing, but never thought that Xiao Chen and Yun had such a terrifying power! Before they caught up with Xiao Chen, Yan Ji and Yan Ji had already told Xiao Chen and Agudam that they had released the prestige of the creation of the kingship, but they were told that Xiao Chen might have cultivated a certain This kind of supernatural power makes one's momentum far-reaching as a realm, and does not really have the creation-king feudal realm as a realm! Later, facing Chen and Agudam's pursuit, Xiao Chen's retreat and escape undoubtedly verified this from the side, making Yan Ji and Yan Ji more at ease.

But the breath felt at this moment must belong to the kingdom of creation, even stronger!

Xiao Chen, he really has the creation kingship Xiu Xiu!

Only then did they understand how stupid it was to provoke Xiao Chen. If Xiao Chen wants to kill them, he only needs to move his little finger, and he can wipe away the two lives as if they were killing the ants. With this thought in mind, the two are as cold as falling into the ice cellar.

But that's it, everything is irreversible. From the time when Yan Mingyue crushed the teacher to give away the tokens and escaped alone, Yan Ji and Yan Ji knew that they had secretly calculated that Xiao Chen had been known by him. Now I can only hope that Yan Mingyue can kill Xiao Chen, or wait for the end of the two ... Yan Ji and Yan Ji are pale, but they dare not continue thinking.

"Brother, what shall we do?" Yan Ji's face was pale, and his eyes were full of confusion.

Yan Ji's performance is much better. When he sees it, he sighs and says, "What panic! Today's battle, it is not yet known who the deer died! You must not forget that the cultivation of 璋 澹 is the origin of space. If you try to kill, you will be your opponent! Step back 10,000 steps. Even if Xiao Chen wins and kills you, you and I are hiding in the hunting galaxy. Could he find you and me? As long as you can Enron left the hunting galaxy, and as you and me, there was a teacher and her majesty. Even if Xiao Chen was resentful in his heart, would he dare to shoot you outright?

Yan Ji nodded repeatedly after hearing the words, and her heart was slightly calm. "The elder brother said so much, the elder brother was too embarrassed and made the elder joke."

Yan Ji's heart was equally frightened, except that he was dark-hearted, always unemotional, and relatively strong in self-control. At this moment, he groaned a little and said, "Go, we will continue to hunt down Yan Mingyue. Regardless of Xiao Chen and Xun Whoever wins or loses, Yan Mingyue will die! Otherwise, you and I will work with Xiao and Agudam to calculate Xiao Chen, and once the matter of killing him is revealed, the teacher and your Majesty will not bypass us! "


Yan Ji nodded fiercely. Although he was not in a good mood, he wasn't really stupid, otherwise he couldn't practice his current state. Now reminded by Yan Ji, nature has figured out the twists and turns.

The aura of light burst out from outside the two, and the howling rushed forward.


Outside the hunting galaxy, a large number of monks entered it, but many still stayed here, waiting for the hunting galaxy to reopen after the month of January, to see who can win the place of Shenglongchi.

These monks came from all directions, mixed identity, so naturally they were not allowed to drive near Yan Huang, and were driven away by the Golden Cavalry.

A large meteorite was ingested by the monk Taiyan, and it was docked not far from the hunting galaxy, and was temporarily used as a place for the Imperial Palace of Yan. The upper hall stretches, the aura of light shines, and the mighty atmosphere rises into the sky.

The palace used by the Emperor Yan is a magic weapon that is extremely difficult to refine. It can be as large or small as you want, and it is amazing to build a luxurious defense. After all, as the Lord of the Great Swallows, although he did not enter the hunting galaxy, he would not stay in the star field like an ordinary monk.

"I have been busy with state affairs all the year round, and finally came to the hunting galaxy, and finally I can relax for a while." Yan Huang stood in the courtyard and looked at the hunting star field through the shining light. Take three places in Shenglongchi? "

The Golden Cavalry was stationed outside, and the surrounding area of ​​the meteorite had been emptied. Naturally, no monks could approach it to see it.


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