Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 737: Condensation

The monk walked between the heavens and the earth, and the sky above him stepped on the ground, struggling to sharpen the road that runs through the avenue. [[{Eight? (One (Small <{[? 说 网 W] W] W.81.W.COM

If you can't maintain absolute self-confidence, how can you overcome all these obstacles!

In the face of danger, let it go!

Xiao Chen's thoughts turned, and a war in vitro seemed to be agitated, and it suddenly went crazy with an amazing degree.

Tough, domineering, masculine, savage!

It seems that there is nothing invincible between heaven and earth!

No matter how difficult and dangerous you are, I have defeated it since the first battle!

The next step is when your feet step down, and the snoring sound suddenly blows. Even in this chaotic sea, you can clearly hear it. For example, if the ancient giant's feet landed on the ground, the whole space suddenly trembled, even the force of the endless space seems to Both were stunned by the momentum of this step, suddenly stagnation between circulation, there was an instant pause.

And at the moment when the space power stopped, Xiao Chen stretched out with a single palm and pointed at the space in front of him!

Magical power, swallow the sky!

The mighty power of traveling in the body, like rivers and rivers, gathered madly into Xiao Chen's hands, and with this instruction, it spewed out.

A translucent finger suddenly appeared, the size of an ordinary person, the whole body is made of crystal, you can clearly see his fingerprint. But at the moment when this finger appeared, an extremely powerful breath suddenly burst out from it, sweeping the entire space with an amazing degree.

"Dasen Luoshou" is supernatural and overbearing. At this moment, Xiao Chen shots with all his strength, and there is a fusion of external warfare. When he swallows the sky, he points out his hand, seemingly small, and releases the power, but tears the whole sea of ​​chaos and reveals Straight aisle!

The silver-white space power, either circling or slapping, wanted to defeat this finger magic, but was forced to retreat!

Xiao Chen was expressionless, his eyes flashed coldly, and there was no pause at his feet. At this moment of pointing, the figure followed, and he walked along the channel torn by the finger swallowing the sky.

He seems to choose a direction at will, but it's where he is!

Wanting to rely on the sea of ​​chaos to chop him down, Xiao Chen smashed him into pieces, and then ended!

This person has terrifying potential and has the origin of space at hand, but he is the real enemy! Since he took the shot today, he must be cut off, or he will be allowed to grow in the future, which will inevitably become a trouble.

Xiao Chen's heart is surging!

Swallowing the sky with a finger, but under the crazy attack of the power of space, the breath of this finger power is also madly decreasing with an amazing degree.

And while the breath of swallowing the fingers has not yet dissipated, Xiao Chen stepped, and his palm was shot again!

Supernatural, cover your hands!

Lifting the palm upwards can hold the sky, and lifting the palm downwards can calm everything!

The palm of one side suddenly appeared, with dark and black blood, the same size as an ordinary person, but it released a stronger and more overbearing atmosphere!

The black palms continue the tearing channel that swallows the sky, and blasts forward toward the depths of the sea of ​​chaos. Wherever it passes, any space force is ripped apart and broken!

Continuously torn by Xiao Chen's magical powers, the sea of ​​chaos seems to have sensed the enemy's might, or was provoked by Xiao Chen. The silvery ups and downs of the waves, the tumbling time slammed loudly, and released even more terrifying power!

Every blade of space-like power, if you change into the creation world monks to enter it, I am afraid that it will be cut off immediately! Even the powerful kings of the world of creation, facing the chaos at this moment, can only stand by their hands!

But Xiao Chen's complexion was calm. He looked steadily forward, never looking at the surrounding area at all. Because he has enough self-confidence, he can use his power to blow this magical power. That being the case, no matter how strong the power of space is, he has no fear, so why not look!

He has a somber expression. He is standing outside the chaos and can clearly sense any changes in it.

Although he has felt the strength of Xiao Chen, at this moment, the power he burst out still shocked me!

Especially the fierce warfare in his body, accompanied by Xiao Chen's march forward, went crazy with an amazing degree, and accompanied by Xiao Chen's shot, it could greatly increase the power of magical power!

Although standing at the chaotic overseas at this moment, Xun faintly sensed that an air machine had locked him firmly, and the owner of that air machine was Xiao Chen!

"It is indeed a person who dare to kill my uncle's brother, and he has enough pride to practice it." He slowly opened his mouth, feeling the many breaths that had arrived, but he had not approached from a distance. He knew he wanted to obliterate today. The matter of Xiao Chen had failed, but his mind calmed down instead.

Since it can't be concealed, then take a shot and kill Xiao Chensheng in front of many monks.

He killed Xiao Chen, and he shot to block the star array's induction. These actions may cause His Majesty's dissatisfaction. But Yi's understanding of Yan Huang made him understand that these things might cause trouble to him and even the entire family of the Emperor, but as long as he showed enough power, Yan Huang could not really abandon him. Do n’t use it, or punish it with heavy punishment!

"If you can't hide it, you won't conceal it anymore." He waved his hands, dissipating the power of the large array of stars in the space, and looked coldly at the silvery and chaotic sea, sensing the powerful tumbling tumultuousness, his face The colder, "At this moment, let me take you on my way!"

In a low groan, he slowly raised his hand and patted it slowly towards the sea of ​​chaos in front of him.


The voice was calm, but cold and warm, without any mood swings.

Along with these two words, the space force that was originally tumbling and flowing completely solidified at this moment, and it seemed like a solid! It's like a sea of ​​ocean, condensing into ice at the moment when the extremely cold and cold wind blows by!

人 This person has indeed been deeply cultivated together in space. This means of condensing space in one hand is extremely terrifying.

What is condensed at this moment is not only the chaotic sea magic, but the repressive force that concentrates all the space forces in the entire space! Under this converging absolute power, even the monks who created the kingdom of creation will be instantly bombarded into powder, and they will be destroyed!

Xu's face was slightly white, and in his current state, the magical powers before him were quite reluctant.

Fortunately, everything goes well, although the loss in the body is not light, but being able to cut off Xiao Chen, everything is worth it.

The entire star field is dead at this moment.

Not far from here, many creation monks have changed their looks, with shock and awe in their eyes.

The middle-aged monk in black robe, the old man with a humpback, was far away from the attractive and seductive woman in a thin pink skirt, but none of the three men dared to approach.

All three were created by the King of Creation, but at this moment, looking at the power of the condensed space, they remained silent at the same time.

On the other side of the star field, there are also a few looming huge figures, and the cold and ruthless eyes look at the place of war, and they also show hesitations and hesitations. These brute beasts have the wisdom of no less than monks, and now naturally they will not rush.

璋 澹 Although the loss is not small, what he cultivates is the origin of space. With his practice, no one can stop him if he wants to retreat. If he retaliates again before leaving, it may not be possible to use this hand to condense the space in front of him.

No matter whether a monk or a beast, no one wants to be the next strong to be buried in the hand of the puppet, so at this moment they are silent at the same time, and recognize the power of the puppet.

A middle-aged man in a black robe, an old man with a humpback and a woman in a pink coat, and a few brute beasts looked at each other remotely, and there were hot and undisguised killings in their eyes.

But today there are a lot of people. Once the shots are bound to be extremely chaotic, an uncontrollable situation may emerge.

Therefore, the two sides still hold down the restlessness in their hearts for a while, and then look away from each other.

Now that the killings have had results, and the winner is so powerful, unprofitable, naturally no one (beast) is willing to delay time.

He seemed calm, but his heart strings were already tight together. At this moment, he realized that both sides had the intention to retreat, and his heart was slightly relieved.

But at this moment, his face changed instantly, suddenly turning to the force of the solidified space, his pupils contracted violently.

A breath that had already disappeared at this moment actually reappeared from this condensed space power!

This is a pure and powerful battle!

Represents a strong will that is unshakable and indestructible!

This is Xiao Chen's will!


[There are at least two chapters today, and it should be at night. 】

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