Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 739: Beheaded

I sneered in my heart. Although Xiao Chen failed this time, he also had a plan to make him dead without a burial place! The two fought fiercely, although he was defeated, Xiao Chen also suffered a great loss of strength, which was the end of his crossbow. Bayi Chinese W] W] W]. ) 81ZW. Even if COM doesn't speak, the surrounding monks and beasts may not let him go safely.

Just add the underhanded mischief to make things perfect.

As for him, as the master of the space, as long as he wants to leave, even if it has been hit hard at this moment, he has enough grasp to retreat from the whole body. Let the rest of the excitement go to Xiao Chen to sing.

In this way, see if you can still save your life!

Seeing that Xiao Chen's blue blade was about to be cut off, his mind moved slightly, and his foot stepped back, half of the figure had been integrated into the space, and it only took a moment to move away.

There was a touch of ridicule in his eyes, even if he was beaten back to save his life?

You will still die!

Xiao Chen saw the deep meaning hidden in this gaze, and at this moment his eyes narrowed slightly, and he reached out to the whereabouts of the grate suddenly.

The paler his face, a moan in his mouth, blood flowing down the corner of his mouth, and the front of the robe was stained red.

His expression was already dull, and he slowly said, "How can you leave before I let you go?"

The sound of ridicule abruptly disappeared before the voice fell, showing a hint of panic. Since his shot, even if Xiao Chen burst out no matter how powerful the force is, he was shocked, but without any fear.

Because his space is strong enough and confident, no one can leave him except for the monks who created the summit and above.

So even if he loses, he can still keep calm when facing Xiao Chen. But at this moment, this peace was broken, because he has not yet completed his teleportation power, he has been interrupted by life! Originally in his induction, he was as gentle as water, and despite the space he shuttled, he suddenly became solid like a rock under Xiao Chen's hands.

In the snoring, the figure that was half submerged into the space was shaken out, and his face was pale.

Suddenly raised, the cyan blade was not far from him.

The next breath can be cut off and he will be completely closed!

Suddenly there was panic and despair in Xun's heart. From this blue blade, he could sense the killing power of Xiao Chen's resolute killing, knowing that he would never let himself go!

Originally trying to hunt Xiao Chen, I didn't want to end up like this, but instead became a prey in the hands of others.

He is a grandson and mother. He has a deep blessing and a deep source of cultivation space. He may even become the existence of the X-Men.

I never thought that one day I would be killed.

Even when he entered the hunting galaxy, he didn't think about this aspect. But at this moment, his life has come to an end, and the cold breath of death has covered his whole heart.

At the moment of life and death, my heart twitched, regret and unwillingness eventually turned into resentment!

I stared at Xiao Chen, snarling frantically, "Xiao Chen, you kill me today, my ancestors of my family will surely remove you in the future!" How can you cope with the horror between life and death? Although it is in my heart, but did not let Xiao Chen jealous, and his men show mercy.

But his thoughts were doomed to fail.

How firm Xiao Chen was, since he had made up his mind to kill the puppet, he would not be shaken any more.

Otherwise, the tiger will return to the mountains and things will happen in the future!

As for the so-called ancestors of the Qiang family, that will be a future thing. In addition, the Emperor Yan wanted to solicit him, and presumably the strength he had shown this time was enough to be recognized by him, and he would naturally be sheltered.

What's wrong with that!


The cyan blade suddenly sank into the body, and the expression of resentment in his mouth suddenly froze, and his eyes quickly dissipated.


With a muffled sound, the person's flesh collapsed instantly, turning into flesh and blood.

At the same time, in the space of Xiao Chen Yuanshen, the ghost of this person suddenly appeared, Zhang Yawu claws exaggerated resentment, went straight to Xiao Chen Yuanshen to tear it up and devour it!


Although the realm of realm is a world of creation, the strength of cultivation is almost comparable to that of the monarch who created the world. At this moment, the dead soul is turned into a grudge, but the more powerful the power is, it is almost comparable to the creation. The monk dies the King.

Xiao Chen Yuanshen remained motionless, and the ancient Bodhi tree and the black ghost seemed to recognize the power of this thing. At this moment, they each contracted their powers and did not care about it at all.

The next moment, a layer of golden light suddenly shrouded down, pulling the sorrowful soul directly into the golden seal, devouring it!

At this point, the last trace of this person left in the world dissipated.


Outside the hunting galaxy, meteorites line the palace.

Yan Huang looked up at the shadows that had manifested toward the stars, and her face was slightly gloomy and the atmosphere was dignified.

I'm dead!

Because the Yan family did not know whether to advance or retreat, the Emperor Yan was furious and deprived the Yu Yulin army of his throne, and he was confined to his house to show his warning to the Yan family. However, the value he attached to him never weakened.

Excellent qualifications, calm mind, and cultivating the origin of space, the future potential is unlimited!

Alas, it is one of the world ’s most powerful creations in Dayan! Because he has enough opportunities to reach this step, and the gap is already very small, only one last point.

Therefore, the Emperor Yan has high hopes for him.

But today, with his ridicule, everything becomes meaningless. The living puppet was one of the younger monks that Yan Huang paid most attention to, but dead is dead, and the dead have no value.

Yan Huang looked at this Qingpao monk with some complex eyes, but never thought that things had reached such a point.

In his mind, the two people who he most wanted to solicit would kill each other, and they would sneer in the fierce battle.

At this point, I'm afraid it's not the worst.

Looking at the siege of the monks and brute beasts in the picture, Yan Huang couldn't help but reveal a bitter bitterness, shook his head and said, "Teacher, is this the lack of luck, will your Majesty the future strong? Suddenly, one tadpole is not enough, and now Xiao Chen is afraid of it.

Le Yi was shocked and heard respectful salute. He said, "Your Majesty doesn't have to think much, everything has its own luck. Since he is ridiculed, it shows that he is not qualified to become a strong man in the world." Speaking here, He groaned a little and continued to say, "What's more, the minister was negligent. On the same day, Chen Lin was beheaded by Xiao Chen. After returning to Jidu, he saw the rules of the family's behavior, but they did not know why they had known it, otherwise If you take precautions early, it won't be the case today. "

"The teacher doesn't have to blame himself. The relationship between Xun and Xun Lin has always been indifferent. He actually wanted to kill Xiao Chen for the death of Xun Lin. This matter never thought of it." Yan Huang shook her head slightly, after all, he was a big Yanzhi Lord, at this moment, my mind has calmed down, and is slightly silent, saying, "Teacher, can you escape from the disaster today, Xiao Chen?"

I am dead. If Xiao Chen sighs together, Dayan is equivalent to losing two monks who are destined to set foot in the world to the realm. This loss is too heavy. It is expected that the two places in the Shenglongchi slump at the same time, which is equivalent to prove that the opening of the hunting galaxy by the Emperor Yan is extremely wrong!

Le Yi shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, Chen Chen did not think that Xiao Chen would fall into the siege. When the nobleman was assassinated that day, Xiao Chen once performed the technique of" Broken Yuan "and the murder of Dawei Honglian, and he recovered soon afterwards. Power. Maybe today, he can escape too. "

Emperor Yan nodded slightly, looking at the shadows made by the star cloud, silent.


The whole space is dead!

Xiao Chen was expressionless, glanced around and frowned slightly, but still calm.

Taking the middle-aged man in black, the old man with humpback, and the woman in pink clothes as monks and a few other huge looming brutal beasts, at this moment, they are shocked, and the level of horror of killing is far beyond their expectations!

The death and death of the two Kings of Genesis are extremely shocking! After all, if they reach such a state, it is not difficult to get away if they are not matched. What's more, the ridiculed person today is the Jia Family, a master of space who is comparable to the monk who created the kingdom of creation! According to his cultivation, if he wins in the victory, no one in the hunting galaxy is his opponent, but at this moment he is obliterated in the confrontation!

For a time, the monks (barbaric beasts) shook their hearts, and it was difficult to calm for a long time.

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