"Xie Your Majesty is complete!" Xiao Chen respectfully salutes, "But before leaving, there are still some things that have not been handled properly by the minister. I hope that Her Majesty can allow the minister to deal with the trivial matters in his hand and leave the capital. [八 (一 中文 网)

"Hey give you a day."


Xiao Chen saluted and took two steps back before turning around and leaving, leaving only Yan Huang and Guangguang in the study.

In the silence, the Emperor Yan broke the silence first. "Why did the elders keep Xiao Chen from dying? Since he refused his request, he had a reason to kill him." His voice was calm and he couldn't hear the emotions in his heart.

The look of light was safe, and there was no strange color, and he said lightly, "Your Majesty is the Lord of the Great Swallow. No matter if you want to kill anyone, you do n’t need a reason, as long as you have enough heart. This seat protects Xiao Chen's life. Because in his body, the blood of my royal royal family was flowing, except for His Majesty, who was the only one who inherited the state puppet. The Imperial Palace changed that day, but the monk's induction in Jidu was not concealed, but he was frightened by the imperial court. Chen ’s killing at this time is not good for your Majesty ’s reputation and damages the royal reputation. In both cases, he sent Xiao Chen into the Sinister Starfield. Regardless of his life or death, he will never be able to return to Dayan again, and he can obtain his kill. The same effect of death does not conflict with His Majesty's purpose. "

The Emperor Yan was silent and nodded slightly after half a ring. "Xiao Chen left the palace and asked the elder to accompany him to avoid accidents."

"it is good."

The light stood up, arched her hand to Yan Huang, and turned to leave.

Yan Huang's eyes narrowed slightly, but in the end she was slightly closed and remained silent.


Xiao Chen got permission from the Emperor Yan to leave the palace and handle trivial matters. Behind him, he followed a group of court guards to monitor him in silence. But when he arrived at the gate of the palace, the present light was already waiting for him. Quickly step forward now, respectfully saluting, "I've seen Lord Light."

The light face calmed and said faintly, "Your Majesty will let me follow you until you leave thistle."

Xiao Chen nodded and said yes.

"Xiao Chen walks with me, you don't have to follow, just go down." The light waved and waved, the court guard behind felt awkward, but after a little hesitation, he respectfully responded and led the guard behind.

"Let's go." The light turned to the outside of the palace, and the monk at the gate seemed to recognize his identity, and didn't dare to stop it.

Xiao Chen followed.

The two left the palace gate, and there was a carriage waiting outside, and the driver was still the head of the guard who was there before. At this moment, when the light appeared, he hurriedly saluted, with respect and awe in his expression.

Opening the door, the two entered one after the other, and the light fainted. "Where are you going, Xiao Chen?"

"Holy shrine."

The light nodded, and said, "Holy shrine." Yu Luo waved his hand to close the door.

The coachman sat on the frame, stretched out his hand and raised the whip in his hand. The horse pulling the car hissed and ran forward, and a thick aura was gradually scattered under the four hoofs, converging into a thick color cloud. Soar into the sky.

In the carriage, Xiao Chen was sitting side by side, the light slightly raised his hand, and a light layer of light covered the entire inner wall of the carriage. He nodded slightly and said, "Okay, now no one can spy on the situation inside the carriage." Xiu Wei, since opening, naturally have full confidence.

Xiao Chen felt relieved and said, "Did the elders today say that sending me out of the evil galaxy has caused trouble?"

"The Emperor Yan himself is a sensitive and suspicious person. He must have doubts about this, but as long as there is no tangible evidence, he will not be fine. You can rest assured." The light slowly opened his eyes and fell to Xiao Chen. On the body, "You should be more careful. The evil star field is different from the outside world. No matter what, you must find a way to save your life." Yu Luo flashed aura in his hand and took out a storage ring.

"I see you fighting with people without taking advantage of treasures. In this storage ring, there are some treasures I have prepared for you, which can make you more self-protection in the evil star domain." Said Here, he took back three crystal blood grapes, "the blood grapes are a unique treasure that I acquired in my early years. There are seven natural grapes. Only three of them have been used by me to this day. It can be used, or shot and killed, or defended to protect yourself, and move with your heart. Power is comparable to the first step of the monk's shot. You must be confident that you may be able to save your life.

Xiao Chen was slightly silent, and stood up and saluting respectfully to the light. "Elders' kindness, Xiao Chen remembers in his heart, and if there is a chance in the future, he will definitely make a return." Now that he is entering the hunting galaxy, he is not polite to the light and will store things. After abstaining, carefully store the three blood grapes.

The light nodded, he was sincere in helping Xiao Chen, and his unpretentious gesture made him satisfied.

Xiao Chen took a seat and immediately asked the light about the evil land. Before entering it, he naturally wanted to know as much as possible about some sinful land, and maybe at some point, this information could save lives.

The light frowned, and then silenced for a while before slowly speaking. "The land of sin, the legend is an exile space that had existed before ancient times or even a long time ago. It is similar to the closed world of prisons. The environment is poor and the resources are poor. Since ancient times, countless monks have been exiled into it, but there are very few who can get away from it. And after they leave, they will keep silent about the situation of the sinful place and never tell outsiders. Most of the news about the land of sin is rumored, and there may not be much credible news. During your two days at Xi Nuo Ge, I secretly collected some information about the credibility of the land of sin. In Jade Bamboo, you will naturally know after watching it. "

Xiao Chen nodded, reached out to take Yu Jian, and directly divided a trace of consciousness into Yu Jian. Today, the two of them may be under the surveillance of Yan Huang, and they can only be left alone for too little time, so naturally they cannot be delayed.

After a moment he slowly raised his eyebrows, and his frown was tightly wrinkled. Although he had made enough preparations in his heart, when he really saw the information in Jade Jane, he still felt a dangerous and difficult situation.

Since ancient times, the evil galaxy has existed and was used by exile monks, and after the establishment of the Eight Empires, they have been doing the same thing over the years. A long list of jade slips given to him by the light included a short list of information, all of them are monks exiled into the evil star domain, and many of them have the peak of creation and even the creation of the strongest. Now countless years In the past, many of them were destined to die, but some people will surely survive, and I don't know how far Xiu has reached. Although not all the evil stars in exile are likely to be wicked, but there are no good people in any absolute sense, plus hundreds of thousands of years or more of reproduction, I don't know what pattern has been formed.

But to sum it up, this is a Jedi that is not dangerous under the chaotic starry burial ground! In the long years, it is clear that only five people have left from the evil star domain, but they soon disappeared and disappeared.

"It really is a dangerous place. No wonder Yan Huang agreed to let me in, instead of erasing me directly." Xiao Chen shook her head with a smile.

The light was silent and looked up at him, saying, "If you change your mind, we can leave thistle at any time."

"The elders don't have to worry. When I cultivated just to create a realm, I have already run through the chaotic starry burial ground. Now that the practice has risen to the world of creation, I am afraid that this evil star domain will not be possible. I am confident that You can come back alive. "

The light nodded and said nothing more.

After a while, the frame landed outside the pilgrimage palace, and the two of them got out of the car. The guard monk glanced out of the pilgrimage palace, while saluting at the same time, there was a look of doubt between the eyes.

It is rumored that Xiao Chen was imprisoned by the Emperor Yan, but now he has returned to the pilgrimage palace, and things seem to have changed again.

For these sights, Xiao Chen didn't bother to pay any attention. He reached out and said, "Master of Light, please."

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