Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 805: Jiuyou Huangquan


The whirlpool trembled, and the violent five-element power burst instantly, and the fragmented swordmang poured madly in all directions, destroying everything it touched!

Xiao Chen and Wei Zheng faced each other distantly, their eyes were full of cold solitude, the first magical confrontation, they did not show the strongest power, but this test is enough to face the opponent's strength!

Destructive forces are raging around them, but they can't get close to the two of them. The powerful breath outside them is enough to easily defeat all the nearby forces. Eight [. ? C) O? M]

The ground was plowed with deep crisscrosses, full of traces of the raging power of the Five Elements! The entire Dongguo City was easily destroyed and turned into ruins by the powerful forces that Xiao Chen and Wei Sha fought.

Monk Dongguocheng, who avoided the distance, looked pale and looked at the ground still raging with the turbulent energy turmoil. Even the cation monk who entered the peak of the creation world, felt the terror power in the turbulence of energy, and was shocked!

This power is enough to erase them all easily! If it wasn't for Xiao Chen and Wei Sha who gave them enough time to retreat, they would all be buried!

This is the power of the creators of the peak of the world. Each of them has the power of almost destroying the world. Once you let go and fight, you will cause a devastating blow to everything around you!

Although the creation battlefield exists, Wei Sha's overbearing temperament obviously does not care too much! The evil star domain is an unscrupulous place. The strong have the right to freely release their power, but the weak can only bear it passively!

Wei Sha snorted and broke the momentary peace between the two. Regardless of acknowledgment or not, the first time the two of them fought was that he was falling behind!

He couldn't accept this!

Wei Sha stepped forward, and the whole person's breath became cold and cold, a burst of cold and cold breath burst out from him.

"Jiuyou Huangquan!" In low drinking, he raised his hands and suddenly lifted himself upward. The broken and shattered ground suddenly shook violently, and the amplitude of the shock became stronger and stronger. Suddenly, somewhere above the ground suddenly collapsed, revealing a dark and secluded burrow. I didn't know where it was leading, and a ray of cold chill bleed out from the burrow. Here it comes.

After the first black Youdi cave appeared, there were many more collapses on the ground. One dark black cave continued to appear, and the cold and cold breath was more and more, almost condensing into a cloud, and the cry of wailing The clearer it became, it seemed that tens of thousands of wraiths were struggling and roaring, and their voices were harsh and harsh, making their bodies stiff and scalp!

Suddenly, the sound of "trickles" came from the ground, and a stream of water sprayed out from Heyou Didong, which looked like a fountain. However, the spring water spewing out of the underground cave was a faint yellow, and gradually connected the ground gully to form a yellow spring! Ghosts were scattered in Huangquan, and they kept roaring in painful struggles. They seemed to want to pull souls into their place instead of Huangquan.

The dark and cold air condensed into a cloud, covering the Huangquan, and the layers of black ice condensed around the Huangquan. The ground turned gray and white, and all the vitality was absorbed, and the range was quickly spreading to the surroundings.


The Shenji treasure ship docked in a sufficiently safe area. The old man Peng and the old man with a smile met stood on the deck and looked at the ruins of Dongguo City. They clearly saw the killing between Xiao Chen and Wei Sha.

"Hundred beast seals, this is the magical power that Master Wei Zheng personally chose when he destroyed the Beast Sect? It seems that Master Wei Zheng has arrested many powerful wild beasts himself in recent years." The old man sighed.

The old man with a smile smiled and nodded. "The sword of great sorrow was also obtained by Master Wei Zheng when he hunted down the Zongmen traitor."

"Jiuyou Huangquan is the secret of Jiuyouzong's non-biography. It was said that Wei Sha saw this magical power at that time, but then the matter was gone. The old man thought that Jiuyouzong had escaped from it. It seems that Master Wei Zheng still shot. Now. "Old Peng's voice gradually lowered.

"Master Wei Zheng acts ruthlessly and ruthlessly, but to the only brother, he has done as much as a brother can do."


The two kept silent, but they already understood a little. Today, if Wei Sha is okay, they are afraid that they would not want to escape the blame of Master Wei Zheng. Thinking of this, the two laughed at the same time.

After all, Master Wei Zheng does not like to reason, I just hope that Wei Sha will be fine today.

But somehow, the two old immortal eyes looked at the figure of the blue robe. His calm and cold eyes let them gradually develop an unpleasant premonition in their hearts.


"go with!"

Wei shouted, stretched out a finger, and above the ground, that piece of Huangquan suddenly rose up, rolled a wave of Huangquan against the sky, and went straight to Xiao Chen. In the wave, countless ghosts are roaring in excitement, seemingly waiting for the prey to be pulled into them, tearing apart and eating!

Every ghost in Huangquan water is a monk beheaded by Wei Sha!

Jiuyou Huangquan, the magical power of the town of Jiuyouzong, belongs to the killing sacrifice together! Cultivate this technique, the heavier the monk kills, the stronger the Huangquan magical power!

The clouds are entwined, Huang Quan is surging, and the breath is cold and brutal!

Xiao Chen frowned, looking up at the nine quiet Huangquan, his eyes calm as the ancient well in the mountain, without a wave.

He raised his hands, his left hand was bright, and his right hand was dark. He divided his entire body along the nose and nose of the eyebrows perfectly.

The sky behind him, with his body changing, was divided into two parts with his body as the boundary, half of which was filled with light and half of which was bathed in darkness.

Raised his hands, snapped in front of him, and blasted forward.

Big waves in black and white, big waves scouring the sand!

The perfect fusion of white and black, in the black and white water waves, the hot vitality and the cold and decaying force have completed the complementation of two opposing forces at this moment! The ups and downs of Fu Hao Hao Tang Tang swept forward, destroying all obstacles!

Huangquan waves and **** and white waves, the atmosphere between the two is completely different! The former is the ultimate cold and cold destruction that cuts off all vitality, while the black and white waves are a fusion of two forces, showing a neutral and gentle attribute. Zhongzhengping and Zhengda are bright.

The two utterly collided in the void, and an amazing power wave burst instantly! Extinction corrodes all the water of Huangquan, the wanton releaser erodes the power of destruction, and the rolling ghosts devour everything that can be touched.

However, the encounter between these supernatural powers is that Wei Sha has the upper hand, and the black and white waves are losing ground under the impact of the Huangquan wave.

Wei Sha sneered, his eyes showing sorrow.

Xiao Chen's face was still calm. He waited slightly for a moment, and suddenly spoke lightly. "It should be enough to swallow so much." The voice had not yet dropped, he reached forward and held a cold word in his mouth.


Wei Sha's face changed greatly, but at this moment he didn't give him any reaction time. One ghost in Huang Quan's tide suddenly stiffened, and his face showed pain. Powers of black and white emerged from their bodies, fierce collisions in circulation, bursting out the power to destroy everything!

Black and white attract each other, black and white counteract, change is only in one thought! Since these powers are given to you to devour, there will naturally be a time when you can take back the benefits together!


A ghost can't bear the power released by the black and **** in the body when it hits, and it is directly broken and dissipated. And this is just the beginning. Within a short period of time, dense muffled sounds came out quickly. In the Huangquan wave, all ghosts collapsed and dissipated!


[Codeword good card ... There are two chapters. Eat something to continue the codeword. If you Daoyou go to bed early, you can see it tomorrow. Sorry, bow down. 】

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