Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 812: Floret and white

I don't know how long, the crisp bell sound came from far away. A tiger was sturdy and sturdy. The tiger's foot was two feet in size, and his hair was pure white and snowy. He leaned close to it now. A young girl, wearing colorful clothes, with crisp jade arms and half perfect calves, was bare. Bayi Middle School [文 W? W] W]. } 8} 1> ZW. Com

The white tiger smelled a **** scream, and a growl uttered in his mouth, and his eyes were gradually exposed. The girl reached out and patted her big head, and the white tiger suddenly quieted down and fell to the ground obediently.

The girl turned to the ground and walked to Xiao Chen, her eyes full of surprise. She had already seen the deep pit on the distant **** and several ancient woods that had been broken by birth, and she could not think of how strong his body was.

"Xiao Bai, if it's you, I'm afraid I've been smashed into a meatloaf, right?" The girl looked at Bai Hu and whispered.

Bai Hu roared, as if expressing dissatisfaction with the girl's words.

"Okay, okay, I know Xiaobai is the best at my family. I have always bullied others and never been bullied." The girl's face burst into a smile, but she quickly frowned. "He is still alive, we You can't help but see him, take him home first. "

"Xiaobai, come here and get down."

The girl beckoned, Bai Hu yelled unwillingly, still twitched in her eyes and lay on the ground. The girl lifted Xiao Chen up hard and let him lie on the back of Bai Hu. After wiping the sweat on her forehead, the girl's face was slightly white. She climbed up to the white tiger and reached out to help Xiao Chen. "Go home, take a steady road, don't push him down."

Bai Hu roared slowly in his mouth, slowly got up, his powerful limbs suddenly slammed, his body rushed out directly, and a white shadow whistled away into the dense forest.


Abandoned cultivation star.

The blood crystals on the inner wall of the horrible deep pit formed by the impact of the grimace shimmered with blood light, and a ray of cold chill flew out of it, spreading to the surrounding area, and all vitality wherever it was destroyed! From Yunxiao's point of view, this grimace-shaped crater can now be seen as the center, and there is a dead silence within 100,000 miles.

At this moment, a ray of light came from the stars, and it was extremely far away at first, but in a short time, it was almost in sight. Lu Guang converged, revealing one of the monks. The visitor is Wei Zheng. He looked at the deep pit of horror, his face gradually becoming gloomy!

He did not hesitate to kill hundreds of millions of souls, summoned his face and shot him, but did not kill him! Looking at the bottom of the deep pit, the traces of blood crystals that were smashed, Wei Zheng's eyes grew colder. He lifted up horribly, and the horror **** broke through his body, and turned into a shocking consciousness tide that extended madly in all directions! Even if he hadn't died, Xiao Chen did not even think about retreating under the attack of a ghost slave. He never escaped! The horror consciousness swept a circle on the Xiuzhen star, but nothing appeared. Wei Zheng turned around and stepped forward. The figure shot into the star field, and the consciousness swept continuously.

No matter what, Xiao Chen must die!


Xiao Chen was lying on a rattan bed, his blood had been washed, his clothes were replaced with a newly woven burlap shirt, his face was still pale, but his nose had gradually calmed down.

Suddenly, his fingers moved slightly, his eyes trembled slightly, and he slowly opened after a few breaths. After a brief confusion, Xiao Chen's eyes instantly regained consciousness, revealing the color of alertness. But his glance around him made him understand that he should be saved.

The simple wooden house was very clean. A row of wooden shelves were filled with many small and large bottles and jars of unknown use. Perhaps because of long-term soaking of liquids, these bottles and jars were permeated and dyed colorful.

Xiao Chen was low and saw the storage ring and the left eyebrow dojo on the low table beside the bed. He was slightly loose in his heart and reached out to take them. Now that there is no one in the room, he is not in a hurry to go out, slightly closing his eyes to sense the injuries in his body. After a moment he slowly opened his eyes, his face was slightly gloomy, and this time he suffered more serious injuries than he expected. This has nothing to do with the fact that he did not take the time to heal after the injury, and that he fled hurriedly to make the injury worse.

Fortunately, at the end of the day, his life has been saved. It is a great misfortune to be able to do this with a monk comparable to a step by step!

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the red blood talisman in the palm, and now its color has been dimmed a lot. The denser the golden lines around the blood talisman, the tighter it is wrapped in. Looking at the current state of the blood talisman, Xiao Chen felt slightly relaxed. Obviously, the last time the blood talisman broke through the fortress and consumed a lot of power, the current state should not be able to continue to reveal his position. In this way, the threat from Wei Zheng can be eliminated temporarily, and he also has time to recuperate his injuries.

After completing these things, and seeing no one return, he stepped out of bed and walked outside.

Pushing out the door, there was a small fenced courtyard outside, an ancient tree was in the courtyard, and a wooden table, wooden benches, and a few ridges in the corner were planted with some of the edible trees. Fruits and vegetables are on the side of the drying racks, with some unknown herbs.

As Xiao Chen watched the courtyard, a ringtone suddenly came. Hearing the bell, he felt a little familiar, and seemed to have heard it faintly after he was unconscious. Xiao Chen looked up at the direction of the ringtone, and saw a tiger walking towards the courtyard. A purple bell the size of a walnut was tied to its neck. I do n’t know what material it was made of, and the ringtone was clear and pleasant. . There was a young girl sitting on this white tiger, carrying a medicine basket behind her, humming some unknown tune in her mouth.

When Xiao Chen looked at them, Bai Hu and the girl also saw Xiao Chen standing in the courtyard. There was a little joy on the girl's face, but before she spoke, Bai Hu's hair suddenly jumped up, her eyes staring at Xiao Chen, and a threatening roar came out of her mouth. In Xiao Chen's body, he sensed a strong dangerous breath, making it like a strong enemy.

The girl was surprised, and then she reached out and patted Bai Hu's head, and said, "Xiao Bai, you are confused. He is the one we rescued. It will definitely hurt us, so please rest assured." She looked at Xiao Chen during the conversation. A simple smile appeared on his face. "You wake up, what do you think?"

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "The injuries on his body have not healed yet, but there is no danger of his life. Xiaomou would like to thank the girl for help!"

"When I brought you back, you were seriously injured and unconscious. After washing the wound, you applied ointment. It was only two days before you actually woke up." The girl suddenly remembered the matter of changing clothes for Xiao Chen, and her face suddenly gave birth to a few Dividing Hongxia, but soon her face appeared doubtful, "I watched you fall from the sky and smashed the ground into a large pit, and you broke a few thick and thick ancient trees. Now, you can still be fine, Brother Xiao, are you a monk who flies around the sky in the legend? "

Xiao Chen looked at the ruddy face of the girl, and naturally no embarrassment was caused by his state of mind, and nodded with a smile, "Yes, I am a monk."

The girl's face suddenly showed envy, "Brother Xiao is really powerful, in fact, my family is also very powerful, running as fast as the wind, but it still can't fly." After speaking, she was a little helpless.

Bai Hu whimpered and looked back at the girl. Her eyes were full of grievances, but she giggled. "Oh, patronize and talk to Brother Xiao. The medicine in the medicine basket has to be aired, or it will be put away. broken."

The girl patted Bai Hu's head. The vicious big guy lay down quietly, and she hurriedly walked towards the drying rack with the medicine basket on her back. After taking two steps, she suddenly stopped and turned to look at Xiao Chen, with a bit of shame on her face. "Forgot to tell Brother Xiao Chen, my name is Xiaohua. You can sit and wait for me for a while, wait for the sun to dry. I'll cook after the herbs. "

Xiao Chen looked at her back, without a faint smile on her face. He hadn't seen him for a long time. Turning back and sitting on a wooden chair, enjoying the mountain breeze blowing on his face, his mind slowly calmed down.

Xiaobai was lying in the courtyard honestly, his eyes dropped slowly and fell on Xiao Chen from time to time, but he showed a low eyebrow and didn't dare to be a little bit presumptuous.

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