Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 822: Tiger into the flock

"Sister, the big thing is bad, someone is coming to seal our star ship!"

Wu Min pushed out the door in a hasty voice, looked at a sister and girl in front of her, and whispered, "What's the matter, take me to see what's going on!" She was anxious but couldn't reveal anything, the teacher wasn't there. She has the highest status on the Pingxing ship, and if something goes wrong, she must also stand up. Eight [One [中 ?? <文 W] W] W ?. 8) 1) YW. Com

On the deck, watching the large number of monks from Dongchenzong blocked by the prohibition, Wu Min jumped fiercely, and suddenly a panic emerged, congregating and saluting, saying: "My teacher is not in the boat, I will take charge of the affairs for the time being, I do not know What happened? "

Zhang He heard that Lin Zimu mentioned that a disciple of Fang Shihai was extremely beautiful, and at a glance, he knew that he was talking about Wu Min. His eyes fluttered and he felt very satisfied.

Wu Min frowned in his naked eyes, but after all he said nothing. Before the situation is unknown, it is better to be careful.

Zhang Cheng received Zhang He's eyes and immediately understood that he stepped forward and said in a loud voice, "Fang Shihai is the owner of this star ship?"

"Yes, Fang Shihai is my teacher." Wu Min replied carefully.

"Then there is nothing wrong! Today Fang Shihai engaged in conflicts with people in my sky star, seriously violating the rules of my Dong Chenzong, and has now been arrested and put into the prison. Now I am going to seize this ship Starship, wait until you stop Starship's restraint, and if you dare to resist, kill them all! "

Wu Minqiao's face changed. "Is this Taoist mistaken? My teacher always takes care of himself and never does this kind of adventure. Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Do not misunderstand if I misunderstood. I do n’t count on specific things. Of course, Dongchen Zong will have a monk's investigation to get the results." Zhang Cheng coldly said.

Wu Min was pale, bit his lips slightly, and nodded suddenly after half a ring, and said, "Stop the ban." On the star ship, the only remaining part of the basic security was gradually banned. The caravan monk stood on the deck, eyes It was all disturbing.

Zhang Cheng waved and said, "Get on board and take everyone down!"

Wu Min Shen chanted: "Don't resist, keep yourself safe." She talked slightly, and glanced outside Master Liuyun's cabin. Now, only Master Liuyun can help the caravan get out of trouble. But up to this moment, Master Liuyun has not appeared, does he not want to be involved in this matter? Because of them, there is really no adventure zone and Dong Chenzong dilemma, this choice of Master Liu Yun is not wrong. Thinking of this, Wu Minqiao's face suddenly became dim.

Monk Dong Chenzong uniformed the caravan as much as possible, and Zhang He stepped onto the deck beside the monk, and his eyes fell on Wu Min.

Zhang Cheng saw the mind of the young master at a glance. He came to him respectfully, "Master, what should these people do? I also ask you to order it."

Zhang He gave a slight cough, and was very satisfied with Zhang Cheng's practice. He underlined his status, and said lightly: "Give me this woman to take away the interrogation. Wait for Zongmen to dispose of it. "He pretended to be calm, but the scorching heat in Wu Min's eyes revealed his mind.

Wu Minqiao's face was white. From the eyes of Zhang He before, she could sense what he was thinking. She reluctantly converged. "I want to be with the caravan monk. If you want to be interrogated, you should go to my master. . "

"The young master asked you to go with him, you just obediently go, maybe you can still get rid of the guilt on your body, you have to be ignorant." Zhang Chenghan said, "Come, send her to the young master's house."

"I won't go! Don't come over!" Wu Min wanted to resist, but she had been imprisoned. There was no way for a while, her face turned pale. Thinking of the possible end, she suddenly turned to look at the ship building, "Master Liuyun, please save me! Save me!"

Zhang He's face changed slightly. He stepped back two steps and fell into the protection of the surrounding monks. His eyes suddenly became gloomy. "Are there any monks on the ship that have not been taken down?"

Zhang Cheng naturally felt the dissatisfaction of the young master, but his Yuanshen had sensed on the starship ship, it should not have fallen. But at this moment he naturally did not dare to delay, waved his hands, and several monks from Dongchenzong went straight to the cabin where Wu Min was looking.

"Obviously obey Master Ben, I'll keep you safe, otherwise you don't blame me for not knowing compassion and cherishing jade." Zhang He slowly said, his face full of threatening meaning, "No matter who is on the boat today, I can save you! "

His voice only dropped, and a loud noise "banged", the monk sent by Zhang Cheng was beaten flying, his body broke through the ship building and fell on the deck, one by one, his mouth and nose were sobbing, and he didn't know how to die.

"This seat is for you to see. Who can you take a person from the star ship today?"

In a faint voice, Xiao Chen stepped out from the damaged part of the ship building, his face was calm, and his eyes turned to Monk Dongchenzong, but he looked cold.

"Dare to hurt my monk Dongchenzong, no matter who you are, you must bear the anger of my Dongchenzong!" Zhang Cheng stepped back and stopped behind Zhang He, waved his hand suddenly, "Go ahead and kill this person directly!"

Nearly a thousand monks from the East Chenzong should drink, and the aura of light flashed out of the body, suddenly forming some kind of combined battle, and directly siege Xiao Chen inside!


The monk Dongchenzong drank aloud, and the magical powers shot one after another. The strong mana waves collided with each other to release a terrifying horror. The magical powers of various colors rushed across the space.

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes, and his eyes flashed sharply. He punched out with a wave of invisible force of destruction, spreading to the surrounding area with his falling punch as the core, and all the magical powers in his life were wiped out and disappeared!

He stepped forward and saw a flash of people's shadow before him. Monk Dongchenzong hadn't seen his figure clearly yet. Xiao Chen had already entered the tiger like a tiger.




The sound of the fist bombarding the flesh was thick and low, accompanied by the creepy bone cracking. Any monk Dong Chenzong is not an enemy of Xiao Chen Yihe. His punches and kicks are as fast as lightning. Nearly a thousand monks of Dong Chenzong were hit by flying birds in a short period of time, and they fell far away on the ground. Life and death.

Zhang Cheng was pale, watching Xiao Chen like a tiger flock, and he yelled, "Escort the young master away immediately!"

Zhang He's face was pale, and under the clergy of the surrounding monks, the party turned and fled, but they didn't go far and were stopped by a figure that suddenly appeared in front of them!

Xiao Chenyi looked at several people, and slowly said, "I haven't let you go, no one wants to leave." His eyes glanced, Monk Dongchenzong suddenly became stiff, and a chill rose in his heart uncontrollably. .

"Who the **** are you?" Zhang He stiffened and said, "I advise you not to mess around, otherwise you can't remember or leave today!"

"It doesn't matter who I am. Some questions ask you. I ask you to answer. If you are not satisfied, you will be very sad." Xiao Chen ignored his threat and began to take care of himself. "What is going on with Fang Shihai?" ? "

"Why should I tell you!"

Xiao Chen shook his head, "It seems you didn't take my words to heart." He stepped forward, waved his sleeves, and Zhang Cheng and others had been struck by a vigorous student as soon as he wanted to resist. He reached out and caught Zhang He's The collar lifted him directly, "said."

Zhang He was slightly stiff and silent for a few moments. He said, "He caused trouble in the star, and was arrested by me and sent to Zong prison."


His voice just dropped, Xiao Chen slapped his palm on his face, and five clear blood palm prints appeared at once, and two teeth crossed a parabola and fell far away.

Xiao Chen's face was calm. "I want to be honest."

"You dare to kill! I want you to die! I want you to die!" Zhang He struggled fiercely, and a roar uttered in his mouth, but all his powers were sealed off, and he could not threaten Xiao Chen at all.


Xiao Chen's backhand was another slap in the face, and said lightly, "Don't challenge my patience."

Zhang He was still struggling fiercely. The two slaps down had completely swelled his two faces, and the blood-red palms were extremely dazzling.

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