Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 924: Nine Thunders blocking the road ahead

The nine reds are like a blood thunder, running down like a galaxy in the heavens, and when the sky is hanging, the thunder light flashes, and a loud bang is naturally made, like a nine thunder dragon, dives down in the roar, runs through the world, with momentum Amazing! The violent thunderous atmosphere of domineering, domineering, masculine, violent, filled the whole space, naturally exuding a horrifying breath of horror, a little tremor, and then dreaded. (? Eight <[[a novel ((Internet W? W) W & gt ;.) 8] 1 & gt; Z? W). ) C] OM

Between heaven and earth, Jiu Lei is the lock!

If you want to continue to explore the depths of the ancient immortal shards, you must break through this thunder town!

Xiao Chen took a slow breath and broke away from the shock brought by the scene in front of her, but her face was still dignified. These nine terrifying thunders are bound to be the guardian forces left over from the ancient fairyland era. The power of the Nine Road Thunder, even he felt tremor!

"The thunderous power of thunder!" Wang Xiaoyue whispered, his face full of shock. He has a thunder bead in his hand, and he is more sensitive to the power of Thunder, and has a little more awe in his heart.

"Let's go, let's go and see. Now Jiu Lei is blocking the road ahead, presumably a lot of monks have been stopped." Xiao Chen said lightly. Thunder blocked. "

Xiao Yue Wang's eyes brightened, showing a little joy, and directly put Yu Leizhu into his hands.

The two had a flash of aura outside their body, and drove Yuguang whistling to the Thunder Lock. With the continuous shortening of the distance, the impact of the horror thunder that connects the nine heavens and the earth is getting stronger and stronger, and the powerful and mighty pressure that comes from the face has also increased, making it difficult for Guangguang to fly Life on the ground!

Xiao Yue Wang gave a cold hum, and his body broke out suddenly, shattering the crushing power directly, and his face had a sense of cold and arrogance! The monk of the creation of the strongest realm is the rare peak in this world. His status is extremely respected. Naturally, there is a high pride in his bones. No matter how strong this thunderous power is, it is just a dead object, and he is also trying to suppress him!

But at this moment, he suddenly whispered in his ear, "King Xiaoyue be careful!"

The next moment, the terrifying coercion that escaped from the nine thunders, like being provoked, suddenly converged, and a **** thunder of nearly a hundred feet condensed in the void, heading straight for the king of Xiaoyue!

Before the thunder came, the violent breath escaping from it had fallen.

King Xiaoyue's body suddenly tightened, his pupils contracted slightly, and it was hard to hide the fear in his anger! Under the shroud of **** thunder, he felt a chill in his heart, even though he had the feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake. Instantly he understood that the power of the thunder could not be countered, and the next moment he was afraid it would be hit hard! King Xiaoyue-When shocked by the thunder of the nine thunder forces, he was secretly regretful, and should not provoke this thunder force.

But now it's too late.

King Xiaoyue gritted his teeth suddenly, and the yellow light at his fingertips flashed, so he had to fight against this thunderous power! Even if you know you can't resist it, you must resist it with all your strength, otherwise you will suffer more. But at this moment, a faint humming came from his ear, and saw Xiao Chen step forward, greet the **** thunder, and grasped forward with one hand!


The tremor of the void suddenly turned into a twist. In the blur, I saw the **** thunder like a dragon that fell into the net. It was frantically struggling in the roar, but it couldn't escape the suppression and binding of the surrounding forces!

Xiao Chen threw it at will, and the Scarlet Thunder fell directly to the ground during his power suppression. A loud bang made the ground tremble, and the Thunder force blasted out a bottomless pit with blackened edges. There is still a trace of **** thunder power on it.

King Xiaoyue's heart was tight, if the thunder fell on him ... With that in mind, his back was already covered with cold sweat, and he hurriedly turned to Xiao Chen to salute him, "Thank you to King Dongyan for his help." Although he has not changed his title , But the respect of the voice is almost a courtesy.

Xiao Chen nodded and said nothing, looking forward without expression.

The three blue rainbows rose from the ground, and they were extremely fast, and they were close to the front in a few breaths, and Guangguang converged to reveal three of them. This is an old man in a wooden robe with a lot of color on his face. "King Xiaoyue is okay?"

King Xiaoyue smiled and arched his hand: "Thank you King Aoki for your concern, my King is fine."

This old man is King Aoki Aoki, a powerful man in the eight empires of the Great Thousand Realms. He felt ashamed at the moment when he heard his words, "My King did not notice for a moment, but it was too late when he spoke. Fortunately, King Xiaoyue is okay. Behind this king is King Qi Qinan and King Qingquan. Presumably this Daoist should be King Dayan and Dongyan? "

Xiao Chen arched his hands faintly and said, "My King has met King Aoki."

"Haha! The king has heard of it for a long time. The king Dongyan's combat power is amazing, and it is also the strongest among the great creations of the great swallows. Today, it really deserves its name, and the king admires it!" Aoki smiled.

Xiao Chen frowned secretly in his heart, but the surface never showed the slightest sign, "The King of Qingmu speaks heavily."

The Creation Xeon has a strong breath, and naturally feels inductive when they approach each other. This King Qi Qingmu will not sense the arrival of the two of them. If you want to speak to remind you why wait until King Xiaoyue has shot, then do more. And this time, it seemed that he had much compliment to him, but he had a sense of soliciting alienation, which made Xiao Chen's heart more unhappy. If Dayan and Daqi had always moved forward and retreated together, they were quite close to each other in the Eight Kingdoms, and at the moment they were in the fragments of the ancient fairyland. Even if they did not help each other, there would be too many enemies, otherwise he would have turned his face. However, although it has not been done yet, the performance is quite indifferent.

King Aoki still managed to look the same, but his two sons, Onan King and Qingquan Palace Master, had become gloomy, and the atmosphere was slightly dignified for a while.

Seeing this, King Xiaoyue hurriedly opened the field and said, "My King and Dong Yan King have just arrived. If they want to check out these nine Thunders, they will leave with three Tao friends for the time being."

"Okay, the two Taoist friends have been away since." King Aoki laughed, turned and led the two of King Lunan and the master of Qingquan away.

Xiao Chen said lightly: "Since we have found this excuse, let's go closer and see how we can crack these nine thunder blockades."

King Xiaoyue followed, and whispered until he went far away: "Why is Dongyan King incompatible with King Aoki and others? My big Yan and Daqi have always been close countries. Now in the fragment of ancient fairyland, I should It is mutual support. "

"Dayan and Daqi both came for national weapons, and they are destined to fight for benefits. It is difficult for you and me to be afraid of each other. Where there is mutual support," Xiao Chen flashed a coldness in his eyes, "The King of Aoki may not have good intentions for you and me. King Xiaoyue is more cautious."

Wang Xiaoyue heard a moment in his heart. He was not a stupid person. He heard Xiao Chen open his mouth and thought of the talent before. He had a taste in his heart. He could not help but frowned slightly. It was inadvertent. "

"It's best to have no intention. If he dares to distort his mind, he will never show mercy!"

Several figures appeared in the sight ahead, and the two stopped talking, looking at several people. At the foot is the depth of the ancient fairy shards. The monks who can appear here at this moment are bound to be the pinnacle of the eight empires.

The three men who first came into view were wearing red robes, and the flames of the clan flames were burning fiercely, and the whole body was filled with horrible hotness.

These three are the monks of the Dawei Huo ethnic group!

The eyes of Xiao Chen and Xiaoyue King fell, and the three of them instantly sensed. They directly looked up and looked at each other in the void.

The crimson color flashed in the eyes of Shenhuo Wang, and they greeted him directly with the two behind him, "Dayan Dongyan King, Xiao Chen?" Between this person's mouth, breath, breath, and horror were released. So that the surrounding space is almost burning.

King Xiaoyue's expression changed slightly, and his eyes showed dread, and the prestigious name of the Great Wei Shenhuo, naturally he had heard it!

Xiao Chen looked blankly at the three men in front of him. In the realm of the world, a scene on Starfield 6 flashed in his mind, and a sudden violent and disgusted mind suddenly appeared in his heart. Kill all three! But he finally suppressed this mood swing.

With the help of four Huang Jiaxianwei in his hand, and Xiao Chen's own strength, it was not difficult to kill the three fire gods. But Xiao Chen could kill the three great fire gods of Wei, and naturally he could wipe out the strong in other countries. He did not want to shoot, but was not sure that after killing the three, he could retreat from the monks in various countries. Even before he succeeded, the powerful men of various countries would intervene! So he chose to endure for the time being, now it is in the ancient fairy shards, and he will naturally have a shot in the future.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Yes." His expression was calm, without any unnecessary emotional fluctuations.

The God of Fire's eyes glanced at him, his eyes flashed a bit strange, "My King is very curious, what is the support of a soaring monk, you can grow up to today in just over a hundred years? ? "

"My king knows you are curious, but even if you are curious to die, my king won't tell you anything."

"If the king really wants to know, you don't need to tell, just hold you, and you will naturally get everything you want to know."

"God of Fire can try."

In the dull answer between the two, it is already a killer!

The **** of fire suddenly said: "Although you are disguised well, the king knows that you hate me extremely, or hate my entire fire clan, because you have risen from that place. The king is really interested in you In fact, you can also appear as a character in the various circles. In fact, according to the king's intentions, the small circle of the kingdom should be directly destroyed that year and the roots should be cut to eliminate the evil. What does Dongyan think? "

Xiao Chen slowly raised his eyes, looking calmly at the King of Fire, but it was cold and without any temperature. "Since you know that the King hates Dawei Huo, you should not try to anger me, because it is not useful, it only Make my king want to kill you more. And my king has decided to kill you. "What you want to kill is to show the hatred in your heart, and to kill, it is the self-confidence of your own power. This is essential. the difference.

"Want to kill the King?" Yang Huowang laughed, his voice was like thunder, and the more intense the hot air that permeated his body, the more the roasting space would be distorted. After a few breaths, his laughter suddenly converged, and the red fire in his eyes flashed and stared at Xiao Chen. "If the national treasure is not out, the king will burn you to ashes now."

Xiao Chen shook his head without saying a word, and walked away from the three people of the God of Fire directly. As he said, it has been decided to kill them, so why waste time.

After all, talking to the dead is meaningless.


[Dao friends are rewarding buns with a monthly ticket, haha, then come a bit more violently, maybe you'll be excited tonight and stay a little late, it's another 10,000 words update. Update a chapter first, eat something to continue coding. 】

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