Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 928: Forbidden World

Xiao Chen waved his sleeves and pulled him directly, laughing: "Little blood, you finally woke up!"

"I would have slept for some time, but the corpse of the wild beast sent by the host provided me with great strength so that I could wake up in advance. [八? 一 中文 << W) W] W].] 8] 1 "ZW.COM" Lei Long respectfully said, his eyes glanced around while talking, and there was a flash of hot color.

Xiao Chen hadn't noticed yet. When he heard the words sweeping over him, he was a little surprised. "Creation of the Realm of Kingship!" When he was in the dojo before, the little blood was just the creation. Now, in just a few months, Even though the dojo is only about ten years old, his cultivation has produced such an astonishing improvement.

"Back to the master, the dragon emperor has the complete heritage of the blood of the dragon emperor. Now it has been absorbed by me. The realm is enough, but it lacks sufficient power. So after getting the barbarian corpse you gave, it absorbed their power. Only then can Xiuwei skyrocket, "Lei Long explained.

"That's it." Xiao Chen nodded, and his heart faded in surprise. Then he noticed that Xiaoxue looked at the surrounding thunder and the desire in his eyes. He watched the force of thunder drop with his own eyes and was swallowed directly by him. The little blood is created by a ray of thunder dragon origin. After mastering the origin of fire, the fusion of thunder and fire origin allows him to achieve the body of heaven. Although this **** thunder power is strong, it cannot hurt him at all!

"Little blood, can you absorb the power of this thunder?"

"Yes Master Xiao Chen, I can sense that there is an extremely powerful thunder force here, and there is a source of will to control them. If there is nothing to swallow this source of will, not only can the strength rise, but also it can master this. All the power of Thunder. "

Xiao Chen's face changed slightly. "Master all the power of Thunder? Can you take them away from here?"

Thunder Dragon shook his head, and a shame appeared on the cold face. "Sorry Master, although I can control the Thunder power here, they seem to be connected to a more powerful energy body. I can move them within this energy body. But you cannot leave the scope of the energy body, otherwise it will cause the entire energy body to backfire. "

Xiao Chen frowned and mourned. The Nine Road Thunder was a manifestation of the strength of the ancient fairy shards. According to the meaning of the little blood, although he could not take the power of Thunder away, he could move within the ancient fairy shards. And this is already amazing enough! If the little blood succeeds and moves the power of Nine Thunders, then no one will be its rival on this ancient fairyland fragment! Snatching the national treasure is naturally coming.

The key is, can he succeed? Xiao Chen thought of this, and directly asked his concerns.

Lei Long said: "Master Xiao Chen is assured that although I am weak now, but after mastering the entire Dragon Emperor's heritage, I have thoroughly understood the origin of Thunder and Fire, and the realm is comparable to the Creator Xeon! Although the will to control Thunder here is strong, But the realm has never been stronger than me, I have the confidence to devour it! "

"Can I help you?"

"I don't need a labor master, I'm enough." His cold face was full of confidence.

Xiao Chen nodded. As Xiao Xue said so, apparently confident, he didn't say much. Slightly groaned, suddenly nodded all the way, and dropped his brows. Thunder Dragon was slightly low and did not make any resistance at all.

With his fingertips falling down, Xiao Chen was directly imprinted into his mind about the situation at hand.

"Little blood, since you can complete the devour independently, then I will not stay here for a long time. After you finish, I will drive Thunder directly to the depths of the ancient fairy shards to find me."

"Yes, master." Lei Long said, turning suddenly and stepping on the next step, the figure whistled out. The next moment, I only heard a horrifying roar from Thunder Realm. Thunder Dragon has directly manifested the body. The body stretches for thousands of miles, and the sight is endless.

In the thunder field, the crimson cloud on the sky suddenly shocked, and the flashing thunder light dissipated directly at this moment, and the violent crimson thunder disappeared. Countless thunder beasts trembled trembling, trembling on the ground, and dared not make any sound.

With a roar, the whole Thunder World screamed!

Xiao Chen looked at the mighty blood, completely relieved his heart, waved and took away the Xianwei around him, flashed out of the body, and went straight to the exit of the Thunder World. As he stepped into the exit, the clouds over the minefield violently surged, and a powerful coercion came down ...


The aura of light flashed out of the thunder, converging to reveal Xiao Chen's figure. He looked back and saw that the nine thunders suddenly became chaotic behind him, just like the old tree with a fork, and a slightly thin red thunder Suddenly burst, pierce into the void like a spear!

It seems that the battle between the little blood and the will to control the Thunder World has begun.

Xiao Chen didn't stop again, looked up to the depths of the ancient fairyland fragments, took the next step, and the figure turned into a panic and whistled away.


Breaking through the nine thunder blockade, the eight powerful nations parted ways, each looking for national treasures by chance, but they clearly underestimated the hidden crisis in this ancient fairyland fragment.

Soon after, monks from all over the world met again, staying in front of a stone monument.

The monument is high, and the text on the letter is unique to the ancient fairyland. It seems to be just some simple symbols, but when the eyes fall, it makes people understand the meaning directly: the forbidden fairyland!

Standing in front of the stone monument, looking far away, everything is normal after the stone monument, and you can't detect the slightest fluctuation in the breath. One step out, across the front line of the stele, and instantly moved into stardom, directly into the prohibition, and a half-walking error is wrong, which will lead to the power of the prohibition to attack.

The Great Wei God Fire King and the Red Goose King disdain the restraining force and broke into it alone. After three days, the God Fire King went out alone, but the Red Goose King remained in it forever. The death of King Chiyan suddenly shocked the monks of various countries and did not dare to venture into it.

After a brief discussion, monks from various countries had no choice but to break in together, but because of the Thunder World, it was naturally impossible to join forces, and they had to fight against each other and fight against the force of the ban in order to break through.

However, the scope of the immortal ban was wide, but they were somewhat unexpected. In the two months or so, the party has been deeply banned, but they have not seen the end of the ban. In the process, three people have already been banned. The monks ridiculed successively. It was the King of Tang Dynasty Wucheng, the master of Daqi Qingquan, and the king of Wei Wei Tian Yao.

The heavy casualties made the monks of various countries extremely depressed, and they were extremely careful during the march and did not dare to take any chances.

The prohibition of immortal realm is extremely delicate. The prohibition methods used are all from the ancient immortal period. Compared with the current forbidden path, there are many changes. Although some of the strong in various countries are proficient in the prohibition, there are still accidents that often provoke the power of the prohibition.

Therefore, every time the prohibition is cracked, a monk must first explore the road, and after the safety is determined, the talents will pass. But in this way, the pathfinder monk naturally has to take great risks. Once an accident occurs, it will be severely damaged, and it will seriously endanger his life.

The person who explores the road is naturally the weaker one in the line, and turns forward to see how it all depends on luck.

King Xiaoyue was naturally promoted by King Aoki to become the person who replaced Da Qi's party to explore the road.

"Well, if there is nothing wrong, the prohibition in front should have been lifted, but how exactly it needs to be detected before you can know." Yinyue Wang said lightly, she repaired as a medium among the strong in all countries, but on the way to the forbidden road With a high level of accomplishment, it is for this reason that we can get rid of the fate of becoming a pathfinder monk.

The King of God's Fire was somber, with horrible and hot breath fluctuations all over his body. Obviously, his mood was very bad, and he whispered: "Who should go to explore the road this time, and do some exploration, so as not to delay the time of the King!"

Obviously, King Aoki was unwilling to touch his mold at this time, and when he heard the words, he turned to King Xiaoyue, "There are friends of Taoism."

King Xiaoyue's face was pale, his eyes were dim, and his body was quite weak. He touched the prohibition during a previous exploration. Although he fortunately saved his life, his injuries were not minor and he has never recovered. At this moment, when he heard the words, he uttered a severe curse in his heart, but Pathfinder decided that the monks of all countries would reach it together. If he didn't follow it, he would be cut off in an instant, and naturally he did not dare to show a slight rejection. He nodded expressionlessly, stepped forward, and raised his twelve points of caution in his heart, while secretly praying for the peace.

Stepping into the ban, there were no accidents. King Xiaoyue's mind was slightly relaxed. In this case, in general, no accidents will occur. He continued to move forward, seeing that he could step out of the confines of the prohibition, and the monks in the countries behind also showed joy. But at this moment, King Xiaoyue's body suddenly froze, his face suddenly turned pale, there was no trace of blood, screaming a flash of external light, just as he was about to retreat, a wave of destruction had burst at this moment!

"Rewind!" The Lord of the Fire and Fire roared without any hesitation, and the figure whistled away.

The monks in the surrounding countries also dared not stay for a while and turned around and left.

After the prohibition is triggered, it will often trigger a wider range of prohibitions. Only by leaving a sufficient distance to ensure security, otherwise it may be involved. The reason why Da Zhaotian Demon King's ridicule is here.

Despair appeared in the eyes of King Xiaoyue. If there was only one restraint explosion, he might still have a chance to survive, but this time there were three restraint fluctuations at the same time, indicating that he had touched three restraints at the same time!

The superimposed terrorist power is enough to kill him directly!

The strong men in various countries who have already retreated obviously think so, they show a little sorrow in their eyes, but they are not sad because King Xiaoyue is about to fall. They just think that they may end up like this in the future, and they feel sad. Feeling.

However, when the restraining force exploded and the King Xiaoyue was about to be overwhelmed, the face of King Xu Yi suddenly changed. He suddenly turned around and saw a figure stepping out of the restraint from the left and rear and appeared directly in his sight.

"Xiao Chen!"

In whispering, his face changed greatly, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't look at them for the slightest. His eyes fell on King Xiaoyue, his face changed slightly, and he suddenly raised his palm to shoot forward.


[Today is really a card. There are only two chapters. More than 6,000 words are missing. I will try to make it up tomorrow. Please forgive me for your understanding ...]

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