Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 933: Intruder

A terrifying rainbow whistled forward in the wilderness, and the strong wind stirred the bended grass that was several feet deep on the ground, but at this moment, the light suddenly converged, revealing one of the blue robe monks. It was Xiao Chen . Eight. 〕 8) 1> ZW. Com

He looked forward, his brows frowning, his gaze showing solemnity.

In this area, the power of chaos has a great influence on the monk's consciousness. Even with the power of Xiao Chen's golden primordial god, he cannot counter the chaotic power released by the chaotic flow of time and space. But at this moment, his Yuanshen was faintly agitated, and the source of this anxiety came from the front. However, the uneasy breath from Yuanshen was not strong, and apparently there was not much threat to him. Xiao Chen was slightly hesitant and did not choose to avoid, but chose to wait in place.

He wanted to see what it was that made him feel uneasy.

A few moments later, Xiao Chen knew the reason that made him feel a little uneasy. Without the tranquility after the brightening, his face became gloomy.

The visitors are a large number of monks left over from the fairyland! For the powerful breath permeating the four people, they are at the level of the creation Xeon, and behind them, there are nearly a hundred creation monks! This force cannot be underestimated even in the Great Thousand Realms!

Did they happen to meet today, or did these people come for him?

The next moment, Xiao Chen's puzzlement was explained.

Malu stared at the intruder in front of him with a hissing growl, "take down the intruder!" Perhaps because of his excitement, his voice became extremely sharp and harsh. .

But the monk who was next to him ignored them, and yelled, "The intruder, catch it!"

Xiao Chen's face suddenly gloomed. From the title of these monks in the immortal world, he could not feel any kindness, and listening to their meaning, he even knew that he had broken into the ancient immortal world from the outside world.

The point is, how do they know this?

But soon he suppressed the thoughts in his heart. It was not difficult to know these things. He took down the monk on the opposite side and naturally he could get everything he wanted.

In the low hum, Xiao Chen stepped on the ground fiercely next, and in the crack of the earth, the figure burst out like a sharp arrow, without any pause, and rushed away. Based on his cultivation, even if there are four Creation Xeons opposite, there is no fear!

"court death!"

Seeing Xiao Chen alone, he dared to come and scream. One of the four immortal kings roared, and his figure rushed out. He raised his hand to Xiao Chen and pointed out, "definitely!" His word exited in the void. Suddenly a certain force came, and they wanted to include Xiao Chen in the town! This immortal king shot, but the magical power is similar to the spell used by King Aoki. As long as he is under his power, he cannot escape the suppression of his will, and can use his finger to hold the opponent directly at his mercy. But he chose to use this super power to attack Xiao Chen, and he was doomed to a tragic end.

Facing the immortal magic, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted it and yelled: "Zhu Xianxian, also tried to seal the king of the town with the power of magic, I don't know if he lives or die!" With the toughness and hegemony of Zhanzijue, he pointed out that the sky spear directly pierced and shattered the will of the immortal monarch that enveloped him.

When the will collapses, the supernatural powers naturally break! With a terrible sigh, Xianjun shot a spit of blood directly, her face pale! The magical power was broken, and the counter-phasing power burst, and this immortal monk was hit hard! This person's pupils contracted violently, and his eyes were frightened. He never thought that the intruder was so horrible that he broke his fixation in an instant!

At this time, Xiao Chenpao held out a single palm in his sleeve and shook it directly at him! These surviving monks of the fairyland were malicious to him, and they shot directly when they met. Naturally, he would not show mercy to his men. Under this grasp, the mind had already moved!

It was at this moment that the shot of the immortal Jun suffered a backlash of magical powers, and the power of fixation actually acted on his own body. In the face of Xiao Chen's shot, he was unable to resist at all, and his eyes suddenly showed despair.


The void suddenly trembled, the terrorist forces swept out, and suddenly smashed, and then they were directly shattered into a puff of blood and mist, and the Yuan God was wiped out by the terrorist forces!

The immortal king was shot by Xiao Chen at the moment!

This scene fell in the eyes of the three immortals around them, and suddenly made their hearts jump fiercely, a chill rose from their hearts and spread to the flesh and blood of their whole body, allowing their blood to almost condense into ice, and their faces were pale. The power of the intruders was far beyond their expectations. Now it seems that even if the three of them join forces together with the power of nearly a hundred immortals behind him, he may not be able to capture him, or even be slaughtered by this person!

The status of the prey and the hunter seems to have changed at the moment when they meet.

But at this moment, two li Xiao came suddenly, far from the beginning, but in the moment, they felt close to their ears. Xiao Chen's footsteps stopped, and a sudden jealousy was born in his heart, sensing the two breaths approaching in a hurry, with a dignified color in his eyes. He hasn't seen the enemy yet, but he can be scared by the sense of breath alone. Obviously, he is not an unusual person. He doesn't dare to be indifferent to him.



The two shocking rainbows came at once, and Guangguang converged, revealing two monks, all tall and ordinary, wearing orange battle armor, eyes staring at Xiao Chen, and the meaning of ice cold was not concealed! The two of them hurried non-stop from the palace. They didn't want to be one step behind and let an immortal be killed by the intruder in the face!

The frightened monk, who was originally panicked, suddenly settled down after seeing the person. He saluted, saying, "I will see the commander of the imperial palace!"

"No need to be polite, get up." Xiling Xianjun waved his hand, his eyes never looked away from Xiao Chen, and he chuckled: "The invaders of the fairy realm dare to kill me, the fairy realm, you **** it!"

Li Huoxianjun frowned when he heard the words, reminding him: "Xiling Lingjun is angry, you and I are here to catch this person, not to kill."

Xiling Xianjun took a deep breath and nodded: "Relax from Huoxian Jun, there is still a sense of mind in this Jun, and he will never be impulsively wrong." Xiao Chen said: "Intruders, if you do n’t want to If you suffer, you will be arrested. You must work for the two men! ”The two of them said, they seemed to have treated Xiao Chen as a thing in their hands, and they were confident in their words!

Xiao Chen shook his head slowly, reached out and pointed his finger at the ground soaked with blood, and said lightly, "He once said that he would let the king be captured, but now he has been killed by the king. I'd like to see, with your two Huang Jiaxianwei , How to hold my king, otherwise he will be beheaded and killed here like his. "

Xiling Xianjun's face became gloomy for a moment, his eyes flashed sharply, and he whispered, "Leaving the Fire Fairy!" The two were very acquainted with each other. When his voice fell, he shot at the same time and reached out to Xiao Chen. Shoot down.



Xiling Xianjun and Lihuo Xianjun, one person and one word, seem to have touched some magical power between heaven and earth, and the sounds of echoes echo in the space at a very fast frequency.

At the same time, Xiao Chen's face suddenly changed!

As the two people's voices passed into their ears, an invisible force suddenly penetrated into him, closing his Yuanshen directly and suppressing his physical body directly!

In just two words, it has such a terrifying power that it is impossible to resist!

No wonder the two are so confident that they have mastered such a supernatural power in their hands!

At the time of crisis, in the space of Yuanshen, the golden Yuanshen burst into golden light suddenly, revealing a few faint colorful colors, slightly resisting the power of the town's Yuanshen, and fighting for Xiao Chen's breath! Although it was a short while, it was very important to him at the moment!

The storage of Xiao Chen's hands flashed aura, and four Huangjia Xianwei appeared directly, with a roar in their mouths at the same time.

The sword is like a waterfall, and it is always going forward. In the tragic situation, the killing is soaring!


[Ps1: I got a job in January. Foreign trade companies go out to work from 8:30 to 17:30 from Monday to Friday, and sometimes overtime on Saturdays and weekends. After work, I usually code the word first, and try to update the chapter before eating something. When I have time, I will order a takeaway. If I do n’t have time, I will make a bag of noodles and a piece of ham. Insufficient sleep, it is really a bit tired to go to work during the day, so the code words at night are even more tiring, the thought will feel some cards, the code word degree is not fast. I feel that I have worked very hard now, and I will try to write more when I am in a good state or when I have a lot of time, so that everyone can read comfortably. But please also be considerate of me, don't think that I am intentionally late, delayed, or what is the principle of hungry marketing ... If the code can be updated during the day, the fool will stay up late at night to update. Staying up at night, going to work during the day, and not getting enough sleep, so I'm tired day after day. To say so much is not spitting, nor is it embarrassment, but I hope we can get everyone's understanding, thank you! . ps2: No accidents in the future and strive to maintain 7,000 to 8,000 words a day, and the 10,000 words are updated once or twice a week. This is really the result of my hard work. Really ... Finally, the word count in this part is not included in the charge. Good night, everyone. 】

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