Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 935: King of Heaven

Pale gold beads floated up, exuding a layer of golden light, and instantly enveloped the four yellow armor immortals. Eight. 〕 8) 1> ZW. COM was in this golden light, and the movements of the four Huang Jiaxian Wei were all abruptly, and the pain and struggle appeared on their faces.

Xiao Chen's face suddenly gloomed. As the Lord of Xianwei, he could clearly sense that this golden light contained this will. He wanted to erase the trace of God's knowledge left in Xianwei and rob him of the right to control. !!

Although this will is weak, it is extremely powerful, revealing the noble and vast potential, Xiao Chen's divine thought was directly suppressed in the downside, and he could not compete with it!

And from the fairy monk's mouth, this ball seems to be derived from a fairy king!

But no matter what, Xiao Chen is here at this moment. Naturally, he won't just watch his God's thoughts be destroyed, Xian Wei is deprived by this mysterious will! He stepped forward, looking coldly at the golden ball, and yelled, "Break me!"

The roar was almost roaring, the sound of waves rolling out, his powerful will broke out instantly, turned into an invisible spear, and stabbed at the pale golden ball!


The confrontation of will seemed to be silent, but a terrible loud noise came out in the Primordial induction, like two fast-moving mountains, and they utterly collided without warning, shaking for a while. , The sound is soaring.

Malu felt that his Yuanshen was severely smashed by a man holding a sledgehammer. He buzzed at Venus, and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, nose, and eyes.

Xiao Chen's face was white, and in the snorting, a bleed of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, but the force of the shock of the current will to the bump, never stepped back.

At this moment, the floating golden gold beads suddenly heard a "click", and a crack appeared directly on it. Then, in a short breath, dense cracks appeared quickly and spread throughout the ball. Eventually, with the sound of the "pop", the object broke apart directly. In the void, there seemed to be a faint anger roar, but it soon disappeared, making people almost mistaken for it. illusion.

Xiao Chen's face became extremely dignified. Because of this roar, he suddenly shrank his mind, and felt a strong threat instantly. Although it was only momentarily, it made him have 12 points of fear.

He urgently wanted to know, what exactly is the so-called fairy king? How did the monk who appeared in the past and the two powerful Huang Jiaxian Wei know where he is? All of this must be known from the mouth of the monk in front of the fairyland. Based on this person's previous performance, coupled with holding light gold beads, his identity should be extraordinary, perhaps he can give him a satisfactory answer, otherwise Xiao Chen will never mind letting him suffer enough!

The four Huangjia Xianwei have returned to normal after the golden bead collapsed. They continued Xiao Chen's order and fell down to the ground in Malu.

Xiao Chen's face was dignified, he fluttered his sleeves, and a burst of force emerged from the void. A "snap" fan hit his face, swollen his half face, and slowly recovered from the impact of the will on the bump. Come to God.

"Intruder! Don't kneel down and ask for forgiveness from the great immortal king, otherwise waiting for you will be the endless suffering of the immortal king's fall!" Maru barely saw the person in front of him, and seemed to have not soberly realized his present The situation, roaring in struggle.

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, slowly: "I don't think you seem to understand your situation, but the king has no time to waste with you. Now, tell me all the things you want to know, otherwise you will regret it. "

"First question, how do you know where I am and where I am?"

"You dare not hurt me, you can't hurt me, the great fairy king will shelter his godly servants from any harm! Damn intruders, you don't want to know anything from my mouth!"

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "This is not the answer that the king wants." The voice dropped, and he suddenly reached out and held Malu's neck, and forced his hand to make his face flushed red instantly, slowly approaching him, "believe I, if you dare not answer my question, my king will really kill you! Now, tell me the answer to the first question. "

He loosely spoke, and Malu opened his mouth to gasp. When Xiao Chen grabbed my neck, he prayed to the fairy king countless times in his heart, but he didn't get any response at all, watching Xiao Chen's calm eyes reveal Morin's murderousness made him cold. That was a real killing intention, which made him understand instantly. If he refused to answer, the palm of his hand would immediately break his neck and crush the Yuanshen together.

The dark death threat cooled his enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and he became absolutely confident in the immortal king. At this moment, he began to doubt, he swallowed, and yelled, "The golden bead given by the immortal king is ... Where is ...? "

Xiao Chen frowned, but didn't do it, said lightly: "Broken."

Malu was struck by lightning, his face paled instantly, there was no trace of blood, his body gradually began to tremble, and then became heavier and heavier. He was sent to Fengxian Temple from the beginning to serve the King of the Immortal. All that he knew was the power and majesty of the King of the Immortal. All beings in the world could not compete with the power of the Lord of the Immortals. Shivering. Therefore, after receiving the order of Lord Fairy King, his confidence expanded infinitely. He did not look at the intruders at all. With the power of Fairy King, he wanted to subdue him, only in the backhand. Therefore, when the three immortals and others escaped, he did not follow them away, holding the golden beads given by the immortal king in his arms. He thought that even if only one of them was left, with the power of the immortal king, he could The intruder took it.

But things don't seem to be the same as he imagined. The bead from the great fairy king was broken! You know, in this bead, he felt the will of the fairy king, and this was the root of his strong self-confidence. But now it is still destroyed, which represents the weakness of the fairy king? Or is the intruder powerful? But no matter what, it shows that the intruder has the power to kill him, but the fairy king cannot help him.

"I ... I said."

Often devout believers will have a strong rebound after the collapse of their beliefs, and the contrast before and after is even the opposite, just like the current Malu. After realizing his situation, he began to answer all the questions of Xiao Chen, with only one condition. After Xiao Chen got everything he wanted to know, he needed to take him into the palace because he wanted to see with his own eyes. See how the immortal king who devoted himself to his life faithfully lived.

Xiao Chen agreed to his request. After learning the answer he wanted, his face became more gloomy.

Fairy King Fairy!

He did not expect that in the fragments of the ancient fairyland, there was still such an unknown existence, which could sense his arrival, and mobilized the surviving monks in the fairyland to siege him, and almost, his calculations would be successful. . The feudal power released by the Xiling Xianjun and the Lihuo Xianjun together, Xiao Chen now wants to come, and he is also extremely jealous. If his golden Yuanshen is very different from ordinary people and has enough powerful power, the consequences are already beyond conceivable.

"Quan, what kind of realm did the immortal king in the ancient immortal period?"

Quan's consciousness wave quickly spread, "The immortal king is equal to the monk who stepped on the sky."

Xiao Chen's heart sank, and with his current strength, he had not yet competed with Tian Tianjing, and his face became gloomy. In addition, he did not know the power level of this immortal king. It must be noted that there are three steps to step on the heavens, and each step has a huge power gap.

"You don't have to worry too much, even if the fairy king is strong, but he hasn't shot directly at you, it means that he has something wrong now, no matter which one is good for you. As long as the fairy king doesn't take the shot , Be careful, no one in the shards of ancient fairyland can threaten you. "

"Yes, if the King of the Immortal truly maintained the strength of the victory, he could take the opportunity to directly break out the fragments of the ancient immortal domain and return to the Great Thousand Realms. Why should he be trapped here? There must be some hidden feelings in this. Ann, look up to Malu and say, "As an elder of Fengxian Temple, you must be quite clear about the fairy king, and tell the king everything you know."

Maru obeyed, and began to reverently recount, and Xiao Chen gradually confirmed his guess from what he said. In this ancient fairyland shard, there may be a hidden fairy king, but he must have suffered a terrible injury during the catastrophe of the fairy kingdom, so he will disappear in the long years, until today he noticed the outside monk After entering, he lowered his will again, and directed His Majesty the monk to capture him.

But why did this fairy king catch him? Now that he knows the content of Xianyu, the glory of Xianwang comes down again, apparently, after catching him, he can use it to get out of trouble. What is the reason for this?

But these things, Maru also did not know.

Xiao Chen groaned for a while and said, "Malu, tell me, where is the fairy king palace?"

Maru gritted his teeth, his face showing firmness, "I'll take an adult!"


"What happened to Lixianxianjun? Why did you end up so embarrassed, where is Xilingxianxun now?" The host Xianxian looked at Lixianxian who was rushing to the palace without stopping, and his face suddenly changed.

Li Huoxianjun was weak in breath, and heard a bitter smile, dared not have any concealment, and informed the completion of the incident.

"The power of the intruder is far beyond what you and I expected, and the magical power used is actually my fairyland. Its cultivation is unfathomable, and it has four yellow armor immortal guards. Xiling Xianjun was beheaded and killed on the spot. Seeing that the situation was not so good, Ben-Jun took a step forward, fearing that he could not escape. Now it seems that the intruders will come to the palace in the near future. Ben-Jun rushed back to warn him in advance. You and I want to Come up with a solution as soon as possible. "

Dongdao Xianjun's face was dignified, but his face calmed down after a moment of silence. His eyes flickered for a moment, and he chuckled, "You and I were meant to bring the intruder back to the palace. If he comes by himself, the result is the same!"

"Does the host fairy mean?"

"The intruder is self-sustaining and powerful. Since he knows the existence of the immortal king and the palace, would he not let go of the opportunity to search for treasures, as long as you and I make good use of it and lead him to the place where the king is trapped, naturally he will be obedient. , Crack the power of time and space in Kaifeng Zhenxian! "

Li Huoxianjun's eyes lightened, "Xianjun said, the treasure in the king's hands?"

"Yes!" The Tao Xianjun flashed sharply in his eyes. "This person doesn't know the truth of the matter. How could he give up when seeing the treasure in front of him! If he wants to collect the treasure, he will rescue the fairy king unconsciously. The immortal king is out of trouble. With the power of the king, the intruder will surely die! "

Slightly groaning from the fire fairy, and then showed a fierce face, nodded: "Okay! So, you and I will be ready to wait for this person to enter the game!"


[Updated after 12:00. 】

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