Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 938: Intimidate King Mi

A brief silence, Quan Dan said, "Although it has decayed here, it still retains some mysterious power. Within the range of the palace, my sensing ability is suppressed, and you can only rely on yourself to find the fairy." Bayi? << 小 [<说 [(

"Okay! After the four yellow armor fairy guards devour the fairy crystals, you and I will go to the warehouse first."

The powerful strength of the four Huangjia Xianwei made Xiao Chen extremely fascinated, and Quan happened to have the ability to refine the Xianwei. As long as he could find the Xianjing, other materials would not be a problem. In this way, perhaps soon, His Majesty will be able to have a strong team of Xianwei, even if it is only the weakest Qingjia Xianwei, put into the Great Thousand Realms, the power he possesses is already amazing enough! If the scale is formed, it will be enough to become a powerful weapon for all attacks and any obstacles. As for the national weapon, even if it really exists in the royal palace, it can't be found for a while. Naturally, we must take the fairy crystal first. And in this process, you can also search for the location of the national weapon.

It is not difficult to make a choice if you think about it.

When the four Huang Jiaxianwei devoured the fairy crystals, Xiao Chen cultivated with his eyes closed, but he never entered the deep state of fixation. Yuan Shen has been sensing the surroundings, and once he notices any abnormalities, he can shoot directly!

In Yuanshen Space, a stream of pure and powerful power emerged from the golden seal, which was directly integrated into his body, quickly adding to the loss of mana. At present, the strength of the mang dragon in the gold seal is exhausted, and there are still the dead souls of Wei Zheng, King Aoki, and Junan for refining, and there is no worry about strength replenishment in a short time. And with the increase in the number of refining souls, the golden seal obviously has obtained great benefits. Although the volume has not increased, the more solid the golden body, the denser the layers of luxurious and delicate texture, making it look a little more. Dignified breath, obviously the power has been greatly restored.

An hour later, when the four Huang Jiaxianwei returned, Xiao Chen's eyes slowly opened, a spit of spit in his mouth, a flash of fluorescence flashed on his face, his face was restored to rosy, and his internal strength was replenished. Possessing the power of the Golden Seal to refine the strength of the soul, in terms of mana recovery, it is indeed against the sky. This is also the point where Xiao Chen dares to cast the "broken element" at will, and repeatedly uses this ancient cultivation method as a hole card. The main reason.

"See master."

Xiao Chen got up and glanced at the four Huangjia Xianwei, nodding his head slightly, showing a little joy in his eyes. After the four Huangjia Xianwei devoured a lot of fairy crystals, the fragmentation of the armor was fully recovered, and a hint of gold light was faintly revealed. The breath was improved by a few points before it, and it must have been strengthened. In this way, his desire for fairy crystals became a little heavier. Even if he could not refine the fairy guards to support the four yellow armor fairy guards, if they could successfully advance to the golden armor fairy guards, it would be equivalent to having more hands. With four combat powers and loyalty, he will never violate any of his orders.

"Quan, where should I go?"

"On the left, through the front of the palace, if you see a lake wave, go straight along the lake ..."

Xiao Chen stepped forward, followed by four Huang Jiaxianwei, and continued to move deep into the palace.


In the secret room, looking at the back of the image that was gradually distant, the host Tao Xianjun waved slightly, and the image immediately dissipated. He frowned slightly, his thoughts apparently turning fast.

Standing side by side, two Huang Jiaxianwei respectfully whispered.

At this time, the black narcissus stepped in from the back of the house and walked directly in front of the fairy prince of the Tao. Shen said, "The fairy prince of the Tao, why did you stop me from taking the shot, otherwise now, maybe my prince has taken the intruder Down! "The man's face sank like water, and his breath was more gloomy.

The host fairy has n’t spoken yet, sitting opposite him, his pale face from Lihuoxian has already spoken, "Hey, the black fairy does not want to be angry, the host fairy is blocking you from doing it, it ’s for your sake, and you do n’t want to be impulsive. It ’s dangerous. The intruder is so unpredictable that he has four amazing Huang Jiaxian Weis around him. How easy is it to deal with it. "

"Even if he is strong, Ben Jun may not be afraid of the intruders. Besides, he has already suffered severe mana loss at that time. If Ben Jun took Huang Jiaxian Wei around, he would not be able to hold him down! I see that this is why Lixian Jun People are so scared that they have soared others' power and destroyed their ambitions! "Said the black narcissus sneer.

In the eyes of Lixian Jun, an instant of anger arose, and the case started.

"Enough!" The host Tao Xianjun drank, his eyes sternly glanced at the two of them. "Hey Shui Xianjun, how do you think you cultivate to be Xiling Xianjun? On the same day, Xiling and Lihuo took the intruders to capture the intruders, but The Xiling slumped, and the fire was severely wounded and ended. The invader was terrible in immortal means. You have never seen it today! He must have hidden his own power, and even Ben Jun suspected that he had sensed it in the palace. The dangerous atmosphere, the previous state of weakness, is most likely to seduce you and me to take a shot! If this gentleman does not stop you, maybe you have been killed by him on the spot! "

Lihuo and Heishui both went quiet at the same time, no matter what their hearts were, at least on the surface, they didn't dare to compete with the East Immortal.

"The king was only one step away from the crowning of the emperor, but was wounded during the catastrophe, and was sealed down in the power of time and space. You and I are the people who depend on the king, and hesitate to give up their flesh and become this. People look like ghosts and ghosts, so as to protect the king, and to spare everything to save the king! Now that the intruders arrive, the king does not hesitate to lose strength to lower the fairy, this opportunity we must not miss , Or even if you and I can still insist, the King can't wait any longer. "The prince of the Taoist Fairy growled in a low voice, the terror breath burst out of the body, and filled the whole hall, making people scared!

"Everything is going according to plan, Ben Jun will never allow any accidents. If you dare to act privately, you will not forgive me!"



The Forbidden World.

There was a sudden ripple in the void, and a monk stepped out one after another, feeling the excitement of the forbidden wave that had finally disappeared, and the pale face was full of excitement.

Finally came out!

These monks are the powerful nations who broke into the ban of the fairyland. However, during the ban on the immortal world, the powerful men of various countries suffered heavy losses. Now only the King of King Chu Chu, the King of Silver Moon, the King of Korean Bingce, King of the Great Tang Li Guang, King of the Great Zhao Mitian, King of the Great Fire of Wei, and King of the Dead Seven people, the rest have been ridiculed.

The ancient fairyland has been opened in the past. Although there are precedents for the creation of the Xeon, none of them has been as heavy as it is now. Nearly 20 founding Xeons in the Eight Kingdoms entered the ancient fairyland fragments. Even if you counted Xiao Chen and King Xiaoyue, only nine were alive and more than 50% died!

The surprise receded a little, and the powerful men who broke the ban of the immortal realm soon realized that there was something wrong with them. Looking at the colorful color on the sky, after a moment's stay, their faces gradually became gloomy, in their eyes. , But there is unbelievable fear.

Time flies!

They actually entered this Jedi!

For a while, everyone was silent, their eyes flickered in different colors, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

After a while, the silence was broken by the king of corpses, and the corpse said in a deep voice: "Dear friends, you must have understood what you and I are in today. The fragments of the ancient fairyland have fallen into the Thousand Realms, but some remain. Time and space are turbulent, and you and I have broken into it now. Regarding the danger of time turbulence, there should be no need for the king to say anything. Therefore, the king proposed that you and I act together for the time being, not together, but only when encountering danger, You can join hands to resist, and if the situation is irresistible, you can also retreat at any time depending on the situation. What do you think?

The God of Fire said lightly: "My King has no objection."

King Li Guang and King Bingce agreed.

The eyes of the four gathered on the King of Heaven and King of Xu, and in the turbulent space and time, their power can undoubtedly play more roles, and even avoid danger in advance.

King Xu Yan groaned, nodded a little, and said, "My King agrees."

The remaining King Mi Tian, ​​who gritted his teeth, said, "My King wants to act alone, and he will not be with you friends." After stepping out of the immortal realm, he has sensed the breath of the power of several chaotic times. It is very likely that there is a sand of time. In this way, he naturally does not want to go forward with everyone.

There was a sneer on the corner of Shenhuo Wang's mouth, saying: "King of Heaven, the shards of the ancient fairyland are extremely dangerous. If you walk alone, you may encounter danger, but you should leave the road with the king and others."

"What does God Fire Lord say? Is he threatening his king?"

"The threat doesn't count, but today we have invited King Mi Tian to join us. We must make it difficult for the king and others." The corpse king said lightly.

There was a hint of coldness on the faces of King Li Guang and King Bingce. Although they did not speak, the looming airlock was already showing their attitude.

King Tiantian looked extremely gloomy. After a long silence, he nodded coldly and said, "Since the Dao friends are warmly invited, the King is not too rejected, so let's go forward with everyone." By the way, he It was cold and no longer say a word.

"Okay! Now that you don't have any objections, you and I will be on the road." The **** of fire and fire fell on both King of Heaven and King Xu, "This time, please ask two Taoists to lead the way, Yinyue Wang Xiu is lower, and there may be danger here, so I will leave it behind for me to take care of. My king and others will protect her without incident. I wonder what I need to do to the king? "

The face of King Xu Yan changed, and he stepped forward to stop the Silver Moon King, and said coldly: "Since the King has promised to stay, he will not easily go back and forth, I hope that the God of Fire will not be too aggressive, otherwise everyone will slap. . "During the conversation, the attitude was extremely firm, and obviously there was no room for manoeuvre.

"God of Fire is also a good intention. Since the King of Xun is unwilling, he will bring the King of the Silver Moon, and the matter will be decided like this, you and I will leave." The king of corpses said.

The God of Fire hummed and did not continue to talk about the matter.

The King of Heaven, the King of King Xu, and the King of Silver Moon came first, the King of Fire, the King of Corpses, the King of Li Guang, and the King of Bingce came behind. After a little identification of the direction, the lights flashed outside and turned into frightening whistling!


[One more chapter, and there will be updates later. 】

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