Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 947: Fairy king

King Xu Yan's face was pale. He stretched out his hand, and the space in front of him suddenly twisted, stopping the force of the chaotic time and space running in front of him. He wrapped the silver moon king with a wave of his sleeve and yelled, "Follow me!"

At his neck, a purple sand pendant became hot at the moment, like a soldering iron, and the burning sensation seemed to penetrate the flesh and directly act on the Yuanshen, making his face paler. ?

But at this moment, not everyone chose to retreat.

After the vortex collapsed, the golden square seal completely appeared in the sight of everyone. At a glance, the gold mang circulation was similar to the golden seal in Xiao Chen's hand. It was about the size of an adult fist and had a delicate pattern on it. Exuding a powerful breath, scattered golden light isolated the chaotic time and space power, so suspended in the void in such a quiet way.

The King of Scorpions, King of Fire, King of Li Guang, King of Bingce and the King of Tragedy at the same time screamed at the same time, and the aura of light flashed out of the body, heading straight for the golden seal. And just then, a low hum came suddenly, the sound was not loud, but fell into the ears of a few people, but it sounded like a thunder, making their bodies suddenly stiff, and the external aura of light was almost scattered. The King of Heaven was a stuffy chest, spitting blood on his back, his face was completely white!

A few people looked up in horror and saw the depths of the vortex. As the power of the chaotic time collapsed, a figure gradually appeared. Although it was just a vague figure, their eyes fell, but they violently contracted the hearts of a few people. A strong sense of vitality came to their hearts instantly, leaving them with no idea of ​​resistance at all!


I don't know who is roaring, the King of Corpses, the God of Fire, and others suddenly turned around and drove away in a frantic panic. His face was full of fear. Thinking of the reminding and stopping before Xiao Chen, they couldn't help regret.

But now it's too late to regret it!

When Xiao Chen walked to the front of the palace, he heard a low hum in the back, which made his blood twitch in his body, and he was shocked in his heart, but there was no pause at all, and he hurried to the outside of the palace along the way!

The national instruments in the palace are probably a conspiracy from the beginning, in order to attract monks to break through the power of chaos, and release the captive fairy king! And once you get out, with its cultivation, there is no enemy in the world! Now, if he wants to survive, he can only escape the fragments of the ancient fairyland as soon as possible, otherwise Xiao Chen would not think that he would be grateful to them to rescue him from the predicament once he was caught up by the escaped fairy king!

And at this moment, a breath of terrible horror appeared in the depths of the palace, and the mighty majesty rose into the sky! Under this coercion, the space gradually becomes distorted, and the black space cracks constantly appear to tear the sky, and there are colorful and chaotic time and space forces overflowing from it! The ground was shaking violently, and the sound of "Booming", the ground cracked a huge gully, and the decaying palace of the royal palace collapsed, arousing the dust of the sky.

A sense of destruction gradually permeated the entire space!

Xiao Chen's face instantly became extremely ugly!

The fragments of ancient fairyland can not bear the power of stepping on the heavens and above. Once it comes out, it will cause complete collapse! And once the fairy shards collapse, they will be directly swallowed by the chaos of time and space, and then there is no need for the fairy king to shoot, they will be dead!

Outside the palace, the countless mutants that came together seemed to sense the coming of the crisis, frightened and roared and fled in all directions.

King Xu Yan's face paled with Silver Moon King, but he was not badly affected, and was greatly affected. Now he can barely keep up behind Xiao Chen to follow him. The two also noticed the change at this moment. There was fear in his eyes.

After the three of them, the King of Corpses, the King of Fire, the King of Heaven, the King of Li Guang, and the King of Bingce, the five sensed the horror breath behind them, and they were pale and pale.

Eight people marched in echelon and escaped frantically outside the ancient fairyland fragments!

Once the entire palace was completely destroyed, a figure slowly lifted off from the ruins. His body was as thin as a corpse, and he was wrapped in a large and luxurious robe. It looked more and more gloomy, and his body was very weak. He blows down, but it gives birth to an extremely dangerous feeling, like a beast that has woke up from a long sleep, cowardly but not tolerated. At this moment, his eyes opened, and there was a faint golden gleam. His eyes seemed to contain the power of supernatural powers, sweeping all the fluctuations were imprisoned, the space of collapse, the fragmented earth, the dust of the sky, all stagnation!

The man dries out his palm slowly, and he seems to be suppressed for a long time. His whole body cracks in the action. Every sound is like the collision of dry branches, and it will break in the next moment. The knuckles are slightly curved, and a faint golden light appears between the five fingers.

The next moment, a golden light appeared in the sight, the golden square seal whistled, and fell directly into his hands. A touch of golden light quickly merged into this person. In the process, the dried flesh and blood of his whole body became full with naked eyes. After a few breaths of time, a horrible corpse turned into a middle-aged monk, with a beautiful appearance, a majestic appearance between the eyebrows and eyebrows, standing in the void so quietly, naturally there was a monstrous power.

"The immortal realm did not kill the king after all." The immortal king said lightly, but his voice blew like a thunder, and the waves rolled in the void, breaking all the solidification and everything, and the ancient fairyland fragments at his feet completely collapsed. !! Time and space flowed from the sky, and his hand was exuding a golden light from the Chinese wares, so as to isolate all the destroying powers.

The immortal king's eyes flashed coldly, "If my king had been voluntarily blocked to avoid the calamity, how could the power of time and space turbulence seal me! Break my king!" The voice fell, and the whole body of gold stabbed like a sharp sword, The forces that have swept through the chaotic space-time have torn apart.

He looked up towards Xiao Chen and others and fled in the direction of the next step. Like a walk in the court, the figure whistled forward. "You will save the King. As a thank you, the King will give you the supremacy of the shards of fairyland." glory!"

The immortal king walked forward in the golden light, where the sky was broken and the earth collapsed!

The monks who survived the ancient fairy shards felt the advent of the immortal king at the same time, their faces showed excitement at the same time, and they all kneeled to the ground, kneeling towards his palace, their hearts were full of ecstasy!

The fairy kings are resurrected, and they will also be rescued, leaving this place full of death and destruction to be reborn!

When the golden light illuminated the sky and approached the city, the worship of monks on the ground resounded through the sky. But from the beginning to the end, Jin Guang did not pause for a moment, and crossed the city, not bringing hope, but the end and death of everything.

The monk on the ground turned pale instantly, despairing and screaming in his mouth, the next moment the world collapsed, and the power of chaotic time and space swept over them, erasing them as much as possible.

The immortal king's eyes glanced down, as if looking at ants, indifferent.


[Sorry guys, there are too many things today, so there are so many updates, and we will try to update more tomorrow. 】

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