Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 956: Bring back Qian

Dayan Holy Land, the mysterious six-pointed star hidden in layers of overlapping space, an old man in a white robe suddenly opened his eyes, he suddenly lifted his eyes, his eyes were bright and the stars seemed to see through all the obstacles directly to the essence of the world !!

But the next moment, a sudden snoring in his mouth, his face became gloomy, the dazzling light in his eyes slowly dissipated, Shi's exploration of magical powers was actually interrupted by some force at this moment!

Exactly who is shooting, even he can't follow him clearly. Eight W. 81ZW. Com

"Sin Star Domain ... Is it the old man of Chu, who has gained something from the queen of immortals?" The old man in the white robe murmured, his eyes tight and solemn.


Daqin Jiuyou Di Palace!

A decaying, seemingly buried in a coffin that has been buried in the ground for countless years, suddenly a frivolous noise came at the moment, "The evil star domain was transformed into the treasure of the immortal world, and now someone can touch it. With the faint fairy king, it should not Doing this, is there a hidden immortality in Daqian Realm? "


Great Wei, Skyfire Palace!

The temple suspended in the octagonal sky fire is like the residence of Vulcan. At this moment, a powerful coercion diffused from it, and a roar came from it, full of unwillingness.


Da Chu, Nanli Mountain!

An old man wearing a burlap robe climbed to the top of the mountain, his eyes shot into the void like an electric mang, and he slowly recovered after a long time, whispering: "Sinning Sphere ..."


At this moment, in the eight empires, the undead old undead opened their eyes one after another, but because of their cultivation, they could not see any content at all. It seemed that everything was born was hidden by an invisible force!

On this day, Putian shook!

The entrance to the evil star domain that has endless years in the world disappears completely. The black beam of light rising from the sky, the powerful power scattered into the heavens and the earth, shows that something important has happened in the dark.

But it is destined to be a permanent secret in the heart of the world!


The space before Xiao Chen suddenly fluctuated violently, and a palm-sized ancient blue temple emerged from the fluctuation and fell into his hands. At this moment, his whole body shivered suddenly, as if exhausting all his strength, and collapsed silently and disappeared into the sky.

Looking at the temple in his hand, with the mutual induction, Xiao Chen can be sure that this object is an ancient temple. Or, it can also be called the evil star field, because the entire evil star field exists in the vast space in the temple!

"Now, when you enter the temple, you will be brought out by those you use. Otherwise, the space of the temple will be completely destroyed, and the evil star domain will no longer exist." Quan's consciousness came, and he was extremely weak. It soon disappeared again.

Xiao Chen felt guilty. If he had not completed the integration of time and space to capture time, Quan would not have been so embarrassed. He took a breath to calm his mind and stepped into the figure to enter the temple directly.

The terrible coercion that filled the world slowly dissipated, and the army generals who were paralyzed struggling under the influence of strict military discipline, looked at the forbidden ground in the army, and showed deep awe in their eyes. They didn't know what had happened, but the coercion they had just had was deeply imprinted in their hearts.

The ancestor took a deep look at the direction of the forbidden area and preached: "Military generals at all levels appease His Majesty, and strictly observe that all parties must not slacken, and no one should be near the forbidden area, otherwise there will be no pardon!"

The deeper and unpredictable Wang Shang's cultivation is now, the more powerful he is just now, far beyond his imagination. This power, even in the great realm, is probably the most pinnacle of existence! Since the king commanded that no one be allowed to come near anyway, he obeyed, and the king's words must have his truth.



Xiao Chen's figure appeared in the fluctuations. When he looked away, he appeared in the main square of the temple.

call out!

call out!

call out!

In the roar of the roar, three figures screamed. It was the terminator of the three-headed temple who was a cold man. He knelt down in front of Xiao Chen, "Welcome the master."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly and said, "Get up." Yu Luo swipe away, he turned to the main hall of the temple.

When he enters the evil star domain, or a more accurate description of the temple's self-proclaimed star domain space, both the magic machine and the magic city will feel instinctively. It does not need to naturally come to the temple for a long time. He only needs to wait Yes.

Two days later, Xiao Chengao sat on the blood lotus in the temple and reached his forehead with his hands.

The ruthless man walked into the hall on his knees, kneeling on one knee, and bowed down, "Master, magic machine, magic city."

Xiao Chen's eyes slowly opened, and he waved his hand slightly, saying, "Let them come in."


The cold-hearted man got up and stepped back a few steps before he strode away. Soon afterwards, God Machine and Magic City came quickly and salutingly. However, I couldn't help but feel a little shock in my heart, but in a short time, the breath of the adults has actually been improved compared to the original. How amazing the improvement is, making the two of them feel a little more awe.

Xiao Chen waved his sleeves and motioned for the two to get up, and said directly: "The king is here to take all of His Majesty's shadows away from the Sinister Starfield and return to the world of thousands. You have two months to prepare everything and bring everyone to Devourer. Beyond the abyss, unified into the mustard world. Remember, after leaving this time, the evil star domain will be destroyed, take away all the resources you can take away, go ahead and prepare. "

Shenjizi and Mocheng were shocked. Seeing that Xiao Chen didn't explain it, they didn't ask much. After saluting, they didn't make any delay, and turned and hurried away. For two months, they were nervous enough.

The dark part of the evil mobilized urgently, summoned all monks, and assembled to the Abyss of the Yuan. The news that the Lord of the Evil Shadows will lead everyone to leave the evil star domain has also spread, causing countless monks to weep.

The entire evil star domain has been completely unified after the establishment of the evil dark part. This transfer is almost equivalent to bringing all the evil star domain monks together, and it is naturally powerful! Fortunately, there is a staggering number of star ships in the dark part of the evil to be able to barely accomplish this.

"Arrange your team, enter the mustard world, and converge yourself!"

"Don't panic, enter one by one, everyone can leave smoothly!"


After a tense busy, the last group of evil shadow monks entered the mustard world. The magic machine and the magic city entered the temple to return to life, and here only the three Xiao Chen and the three-headed temple terminator were left.

Xiao Chen took the mustard world in his hands. These evil star domain monks will become his Majesty's hidden strength in the future. He will arrange them to show up in the wild star domain to avoid being noticed by the Emperor Yan. "After the origin of the temple space is extracted, the internal star space will be destroyed, but the temple itself will not be damaged, and you will remain in it and continue to guard the temple."

The terminator of the three-headed temple loosened his heart while kneeling to the ground, respectfully.

Although Shenjizi and Mocheng tried to keep calm, they couldn't help showing excitement in their eyes.

After all, Daqianjie is their true hometown!

Xiao Chen turned to look at the two, and said lightly, "Let's go, the King will take you away!" Yu Luo fluttered his sleeves, the light flashed, and the three figures disappeared.


"See King!" Renzu respectfully saluted, his eyes glanced behind Xiao Chen, his eyes a little confused. When was Wang beside him? But he was extremely intelligent and didn't ask much about it.

Xiao Chen said: "You don't need to be polite. These two are God Machine and Magic City, and are the monks of His Majesty, who are in charge of the evil shadow. The domain is that other matters are arranged by them. "

Speaking of this, he paused slightly and said: "After today, the King will be closed for a period of time, if in the meantime something cannot be resolved, go to them for help."

Ancestors respectfully should be.

Xiao Chen turned around and handed over the mustard field containing the evil star monk to the hands of the **** machine. "My king has arranged everything. What will happen in the future depends on you."

"The king is assured, the two of them will live up to the high expectations!" God machine, the magic city saluting salute, has automatically changed the title. They have surrendered to His Majesty Xiao Chen. No matter where they are, they must not repent, otherwise they will endure the power of the temple to fight back.

Xiao Chen nodded, "My king takes a step first." The words fell, he waved torn the space, stepped into it and the figure disappeared.


[Today ’s update is complete. Goodbye everyone, tomorrow. 】

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