Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 968: Divine Treasure

The matter of the ancestors of the Li family came to an end. Xiao Chen returned to the capital of the king with everyone. He had already established the kingdom of God as the leader of a country, and naturally he could no longer live a life like a wild crane. Eight [. ? C) O? M]

After learning about Li Qian, Quan was quite interested, so he asked Xiao Chen to ask him away. After Xiao Chen determined that he would not harm Li Qian, he let him go. Using Quan's method may help him restore his memory earlier. For some reason, since the ancestor of the Li family reminded him, Xiao Chen had a clear intuition in his mind. There must be a close relationship between Li Qian and him. If he can restore his memory, it may be extremely important for him. Great help.

In the decades that followed, Quan took away two items from Xiao Chen. One was the fairy crystal collected from the fragments of the ancient fairyland. This can be guessed by Xiao Chen, apparently for the purpose of refining Xianwei. prepare for. But another thing made him quite puzzled.

Because the second item is the Huangquan Grinding Disc! This thing is between the real and the real, but it was created by Xiao Chen's practice of silence, which refers to the supernatural power, when he reaches a certain extreme state. Into the ancient monuments of Wuyuan, the soul of the unicorn soul and beast was reunited, and Huangquan's great grinding disc regenerated and mutated. In the ultimate death, a vitality was born!

It was only after the ascension of the Great Thousand Realms that the ascension was astonishing. Various supernatural powers skyrocketed, so that the Huangquan Grinding Disk was gradually sealed off. Today, however, Quan calls for it. Even at the expense of himself, even after exhausting the power of a hundred pieces of fairy crystals, he successfully performed the fairy art, stabilized the Huangquan Grinding Disc, and sealed it away in a strange black crystal.

Xiao Chen asked him about the intention of this move, but Quan didn't answer. He just said that if everything went well, he would naturally know in the future.


"Chen Daoxian, see King." Daoxian respectfully bowed down in the study.

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and said, "Before the king came out of the customs, what are you eager to see?"

"The Barbaric Starfield, the Lord of the Evil Shadow Secret has entered the Kingdu three times in secret, only to say that there is an important matter to go to the King. He visited the Capital City for the last time one month ago, and has now returned to the Barbaric Starfield. "

"Divine machine?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly, asking for three times in a row, so why did not even Dao Xian have been informed, apparently involving secrets. Since he did not wait in the capital of the capital but chose to return to the wild star field, it shows that things are not urgent.

He figured out that these decisions had been made in his heart, and nodded: "This matter will be dealt with by the king." When Dao Xian left, he returned to the harem first. Zi Yan and Yue Wu learned that Xiao Chen was waiting in the palace. Xiao Xiao Yi and Qingmei have reached a critical juncture because of Xiu Wei's breakthrough and are still in retreat.

Xiao Chen inquired and determined that there was nothing wrong with the two women. After talking to Zi Yan and Yue Wu for a while, he left after having lunch together. Out of the harem, the space in front of him fluctuated slightly, and the space-time avatar appeared, and the figure merged directly into him. Xiao Chen made a slight induction. In these more than a hundred years, the time and space cultivation has obviously improved, and he nodded with satisfaction at the moment, took the next step, and disappeared into the space silently.


Savage Starfield, evil shadow.

When the evil star domain exists, it is a place of exile monks from all countries in the world, and most of them who can qualify to enter it are mostly good. Therefore, in the dark part of sin, there are a lot of strong men, which is the strongest force of His Majesty Xiao Chen!

In the centuries, the territories left in the wild starfields that were left behind have been expanded by dozens of times under the leadership of Shenji and Mocheng. The obedient is preserved, the rebels are killed! Only this cruel and **** method can deter many savage tribes in the wild star field and the forces that are intertwined with the dog teeth. If this part of the territory is directly merged into Dongyan, it will be enough to double its territory again!

A large amount of material from Dongyan was continuously input into the wild star field, and the unique things in the wild star field were also collected and sent to Dongyan. With the support of Dong Yan, the evil dark part can achieve crazy expansion, and the wealth and massive materials converged by the evil dark part in the war also allowed Dong Yan to develop quickly.

Dark stars, located in the depths of the wild star field, are rare and have strong celestial powers, which are almost comparable to those of medium-caliber stars. The Aboriginal monks were not weak, but they were also destroyed in the shortest time under the control of Shenqizi and Magic City. They were also moved directly here.

On this day, outside the dark star, a figure emerged from the space silently and silently, and his face came to Qingpao Xiao Xiao. After the integration of time and space, the long journey across the star field was not difficult for him.

He sensed a little, and already found the God machine at this moment, stepped forward, and the figure disappeared again.

On the dark star, Shenji Zi was shocked in the mind, only then he faintly sensed the breath of the adult, but the next moment it dissipated directly, making him almost think it was his illusion. But the next moment, in the space in front of him, Xiao Chen had stepped forward.

Shenjizi violently trembled in his heart, he hurriedly lowered, respectfully said: "Subordinates see adults!" At this moment, all that remained in his heart was absolute awe!

The moment before Xiao Chen's appearance, he didn't capture his breath at all, even though he is now standing in front of him, he still feels uncertain and difficult to grasp! But the keen sense of the monk who stepped on the heavens, when Xiao Chen appeared, let the body of the **** machine directly tighten! An invisible coercion suddenly fell on him, letting him have no doubt. If Xiao Chen shot and killed him, he would have no power to counter it!

Although rumors have been heard for a long time, Lord Xiao Chen has the power to compete with Hongmeng and thus be able to protect Dongyan, but Shenjizi does not believe it. But today, with his own eyes, there is no doubt in his heart! It's just a few hundred years since the last time I met. Adults can actually soar! If it were not for the first time, God machine would not believe it!

Xiao Chen was able to sense his shock and awe, but didn't say much. He said lightly, "After the king went out of the customs, I heard that you had sought to see the king three times. Why?"

There was a little hesitation in the heart of Shenjizi, but there was no hesitation at this moment! He Shen said: "The matter is confidential, and the court can only face the king. He also asked the king to block the space here to prevent it from being known."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, waved his sleeves, and the space of ten square feet was suddenly distorted, and even the time flow was temporarily changed. In this way, even Monk Hongmeng didn't want to listen here silently.

"Say it."

Shenji was slightly silent, and said, "Dare to ask the king, but now you are preparing to make the immortal fairy?"

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed in different colors, but he did not conceal it. "Yes, but Wang is very curious. This matter is confidential. Only the two masters and the state master know. Where do you know?"

Shenjizi showed his excitement and took a deep breath: "The king does not have to worry. The news of this matter has not been leaked. The reason why the minister knows it is because the number of members of the National Normal University has continuously allowed the evil shadow to collect some from the wild starfield. Special materials, and the ancestors of the officials happened to have mastered the art of refining Xianwei, knowing one or two of the materials they needed. In addition, the king had a gold armored fairy guard around him, so the minister dared to guess!

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, Shenji Zong in the Sin Sin Domain was famous for making all kinds of powerful treasures. It was natural that the **** ancestors had contact with Xianwei during the immortal period. But why is Shenji eager to see after he notices this? Could it be ... He moved in his heart and said, "Presumably you are anxious to see the King, isn't it simply trying to solve the mystery in happiness?"

"When the king felt something, the minister no longer concealed it. During the period of ancient immortals, my **** machine made a name for himself with organs, and there were many masters of high-end refining equipment, even with independent refining ancient immortals. The qualification of Wei! When the immortal world collapsed and the world was in chaos, my veins of God Machine also had the idea of ​​earning money with the heroes of the world. But then there was rebellion inside the veins of God Machine, and the clan was surrounded by all parties without protection. There are countless deaths and injuries of the strong. Huge amounts of wealth have been hoarded in previous generations. They have been divided up and exhausted. Only the minority people have escaped and entered the evil star domain to preserve the blood lineage. But these wealthy people who divide up my God machine will never know. The most precious treasure has long been hidden in an absolutely safe place by the stern line! And this place can only be found by the children of the sacred line.

"You know where the treasure is?"


Xiao Chen jumped in his heart and hurriedly said, "What is hidden in the treasure?"

The face of Shenjizi rose slightly and said: "Xianjing and all the materials for refining Xianwei! There are a lot of them! If there were no accidents in that year, the strength of my Godicraft's pulse will be enough to change the current pattern of the world!"

Xiao Chen's heart shook, but his expression remained calm. He groaned for a moment and said, "The treasures left by the vein of the magic machine have passed for an endless number of years. Can you guarantee that the treasure has not yet been revealed?"

"The king is assured. When the treasure was hidden in the past, would the ancestors go all out without defense? Without the help of a monk from my God machine, it would never be opened!" The face of God machine is full of pride, "But please Wang Shang forgive me to hide The sin was never stated before, just because I do n’t know whether the king really has the qualifications to become a leader of the party. Now the minister has no doubt at all and is willing to give everything out of the treasure. The magic of Xianwei complements the shortcomings in the heritage of my magic machine! "

Xiao Chen nodded and Shen said: "If what you say is true, in addition to what you ask, the king will definitely give you a reward, and keep your magical machine in the same vein forever!" Whispering his words, the power of space Wrapped in the God machine, tearing away directly from the space. The matter was urgent. Even if he cultivated in his state of mind, it was difficult to keep calm and he did not want to delay for a moment! If this time can successfully harvest the treasure of the magic machine, Quan can start to make Xianwei, which can make Dongyan's national strength soar in a short time!

If the number of immortal guards is enough, it can even give him the power to compete positively with the eight empires!

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